Curriculum Guide K-12 Italian Language Resources For the Classroom Please note that the following is a partial listing of possible resources for the Italian classroom, originally compiled in the year 2000 and partially updated in October 2013. You are invited to notify us about materials that are no longer available. Teachers are also invited to send other suggested resources to: Professor Joseph A. Tursi, Center for Italian Studies, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3358 or to CyberItalian <editors at> so that a more complete listing can be made available online. PUBLISHERS, VIDEOS Tel./Fax: 800-261-0833 USA/Canada _________________________________________________ _ GUERNICA EDITIONS INC. P.O. Box 117, Station P ADETTO PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Totonto, Ontario M5S256 Canada 127 Fairfax Road Rochester, NY 14609 GUERRA EDIZIONI Via A. Manna 25/27 ALMA EDIZIONI 06132 Perugia, Italy Piazza Baldinucci 8/R Tel.: +39 075 5289090 50129 Firenze, Italia Fax: +39 075 5288244 Tel./Fax: +39-055-476644 E-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] Web: http.// JEAN FARINELLLI APPLAUSE LEARNING RESOURCES 85 Fernwood Lane a4a17c3803883570199c68d6173fefef11.pdf Roslyn, NY 11576 Tel.: 800-253-5351 JOSEPH G. TURSI Fax: 631-365-7484 57 Sutton Place Islandia, NY 11722 BILINGUAL BOOKS, INC. E-mail:
[email protected] 1719 West Nickerson Seattle, WA 98119 MVM PUBLISHERS Tel.: 800-488-5068 707 Summer Avenue Syracuse, NY 13210 CERTOSA S.A. Tel./Fax: 315-475-0398 Solomou 34 10683 Athens, Greece NORTH-SOUTH BOOKS, INC.