#Mexico Our World Tuesday, December 9, 2014 MEXICO Reforms impact the nation This supplement to USA TODAY was produced by United World Ltd., Suite 179, 34 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0RH – Tel: +44 20 7305 5678 –
[email protected] – www.unitedworld-usa.com The newly unified government agenda has removed barriers to Mexico’s socioeconomic progress and created increased freedom of investment in a variety of key sectors that is expected to see GDP more than double this year and a seismic shift in some of its most vital industries n less than two years, been recorded in the last 30 and our exports will grow are outstanding civil engineering ing impact of the govern- over the next two years, with Mexico has succeeded in years, an average rate of 2.6%. quite optimistic,” President feats, such as the $2.2 billion ment’s far-reaching reforms 80% connected to wind pow- unifying its government And yes, it is positive, these Peña Nieto acknowledges. Durango-Mazatlán Highway, in 11 key sectors – including er generation, 15% to solar around a set of far-reach- are positive figures, but it’s “We’re going to reach that designed to enable safe, the historic Energy Reform – and 5% dealing with biomass ing reforms that are boosting quite evident that we need goal; the forecast for next year speedy transit of commerce have created unprecedented or hydroelectric projects. Iits economy and spurring ac- to increase this rate more, is 3.7%, based on all of the across the Sierra Madre and optimism for Mexico’s fu- Ignacio Galán, Chairman tivity across North America, to have more social devel- groundwork prepared for that Mexico’s northern states.