Sample file

The Rage Within An Iron Arbiters Adventure

Version 1

Page and Map Background: Darrin Scott (inspired by Dungeons & Dragons products) (Color level and saturation adjustments made)

Cartography: Jeff C. Stevens

Cover & Internal Art: Dean Spencer Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.

Editor: Maria RePass, Ken Carcas

Iron Arbiters Sigil: Jay Africa

Layouts: Jeff C. Stevens

Special Thanks: Al Spader

Written by: Jeff C. Stevens @jcorvinstevens

Playtesting: Mason Anderson, Jimtu Hogue, Jesse Peterson

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

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All other original material in this work is copyright [2020] by Jeff C. Stevens and published under the Community Content SampleAgreement for Dungeon Masters Guild file

2 | The Rage Within

Unless otherwise noted, all NPCs have the stats of Introduction a commoner. Welcome to The Rage Within, a two- to four-hour adventure for 5th edition. Average Party Level This adventure is designed for three to seven The Average Party Level (APL) can be used to 1st–6th level characters and is optimized for five calculate the appropriate challenge level for your characters with an average party level (APL) of 3. party. To calculate the APL, add the total levels of all characters and divide the sum by the number Iron Arbiter Skull has a mission for the of characters (rounding up for .5 or greater). adventurers—investigate a strange occurrence in the hamlet of Hipswitch. Four friends entered the Skill Checks and Saving Throws forest, yet only one, who can’t recall the events of Specific DCs are written for each of the the night, returned. Two bodies were found encounters. You may wish to change these DCs without their hearts, and another of the group is based on the APL of the adventuring party. We missing. The Iron Arbiter fears something evil has suggest the following range: manifested in or around the hamlet, and the heroes are tasked with investigating. APL Check / Save DC 1st thru 3rd 11 Placing the Adventure 4th thru 6th 13 Though written in the Forgotten Realms, the village of Hipswitch is a generic location created In addition, if you feel a skill check or saving throw for this adventure, allowing it to be easily placed DC is too low or too high, feel free to adjust the in other fantasy settings. DC as you wish.

While writing, I imagined the adventure occurring Maps in autumn, with the leaves in full color and the air Unless otherwise noted, for all maps: crisp and cool. 1 square = 5 feet.

Liars’ Night: If you are running this adventure as a Halloween or Liars’ Night one-shot, you may add You Are Empowered carved pumpkins and gourds resting on the stoops As mentioned above, you do not have to run of the houses and buildings of the village. In these encounters as written. You (as the DM) are addition, several of the merchants may have empowered to make changes as you wish – bowls of candy sitting out, free for anyone adjusting the encounters as the game is played, if wanting a piece. you like.

Using this Supplement Locations in this adventure may be changed as needed to fit your campaign.

Text in these yellow boxes is to be read to players.

Text in these boxes is for the DM only and should notSample be read to players. file

3 | The Rage Within

consumes the eight humanoid hearts that will Adventure Primer allow Galerbrash to fully restore himself to the Just remember, you can do anything you set your realm. mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears. Location and NPC Summary - Gillian Anderson - The following NPCs and locations feature prominently in this adventure: Hipswitch. A small hamlet west of Hillsfar. Adventure Background Administrator Skull (C/G). A human woman in her mid- Ages ago, before the hamlet of Hipswitch had thirties with green eyes and red hair. She has a jovial been settled, Galerbrash the werewolf roamed demeanor but doesn’t deviate from her task. She meets with this forest, attacking travelers during the night. the adventurers in the White Elk Inn, where she gives them the details of their assignment. She wears a silver cloak and a Rumors of his existence spread, and many black metal mask. sellswords were hired to hunt down and destroy Jovas Kindle (L/G). A 21-year-old man who the party the beast. meets when they enter Hipswitch. He shares bits of information with the adventurers when they first arrive at Galerbrash had several followers—humans who Hipswitch. Kelly (L/N). A 23-year-old, slender human with brown hair saw him as a god, following him and offering him and brown eyes. She’s the only survivor of the events at the sacrifices of livestock and humanoids. When ruins. She’s traumatized by the events and can’t recall what Galerbrash learned of the sellswords, he happened. commissioned one of his arcane followers to Jean (L/N). Kelly’s very protective mother. She’s in her create a ring that would trap his soul and give him mid-forties and dresses conservatively, wearing brown leather pants and a blue top. the opportunity to rise again should a humanoid Bale (L/N). A red-headed, 22-year-old dwarf. Bale is still don the ring. missing, though his body will be found below the altar in the forest. His parents, Dorn and Suza, are beside themselves and In addition to wearing the ring, the humanoid plead to the adventurers to find their son. transforms into the werewolf form of Galerbrash Marvin (L/G). A brown-haired, 21-year-old human. Marvin, along with Hagrid, were attacked and died at the ruin in the at night, searching for humanoids to kill and forest. His parents, Biff and Bunny, believe Kelly murdered hearts to consume. To fully return to this realm, the boys. They can’t believe there’s any other reason for Galerbrash must consume eight humanoid hearts. Marvin’s death. Once he does, his soul and power is released from Hagrid (N/G). A blonde-haired, blue-eyed young human the ring and overcomes the wearer, whose soul man who turned 24 the night he was murdered. Hagrid stumbled and hit his head on the altar in the forest, causing changes places with Galerbrash and itself the secret entrance to open. Moments later, he was attacked becoming trapped within the ring. by Galerbrash. Hagrid’s father, Eb, constantly weeps and is of no use to the adventurers. However, he doesn’t believe Kelly A few of the sellswords infiltrated Galerbrash’s committed the murders. She’s always been kind, gentle, and followers and learned of the ring. After the friendly. Talbot the Barkeep (N/G). A human man in his late fifties, ceremony which trapped Galerbrash’s power and with greying brown hair, a friendly demeanor, a beard and a soul in the ring, the sellswords stole the ring and moustache that hangs over his top lip, hiding his mouth when hid it in a cave under a stone patio. The ring, its he speaks. location, and Galerbrash’s soul would be Ike Hillsgard (N/E in human form. C/E in werewolf form). imprisoned for eternity, safely hidden under the Ike is a lonely trapper who sells his pelts to the surrounding cities. Ike found a ring hidden under a stone patio in the stone altar. forest. Ike is responsible for the killings and is keeping a low profile until the memorial service for the boys. A trapper named Ike Hillsgard happened upon the Galerbrash (C/E). An ancient werewolf who had his power secret chamber, found the ring, and placed it on and soul trapped in a magical ring. The wearer of the ring— Ike—is slowly trading places with Galerbrash in the ring. his Samplefinger. Now, Ike is becoming Galerbrash as he file

4 | The Rage Within

The Iron Arbiters The Iron Arbiters are psychic projections from the The Iron Arbiters are a mysterious organization of NPCs future. These projections are clearly trying to stop dreamed up by fellow creator Al Spader. You may see more a major catastrophic event from happening. As adventures featuring other Iron Arbiters soon. such, the Arbiters try not to give away too much information, instead focusing on the specific task Who are the Iron Arbiters? at hand. As the seasons progress, more and more of this information will be given to the players. (Player Information) Since the dawn of recorded history, strange The future that the Iron Arbiters reside in is full of arcane events have occurred across Faerun. Even turmoil and war. In this future, the very fabric of in a world of magic and dragons, these bizarre The Weave has been consumed by an enemy of happenings have left wizards, philosophers, and unprecedented evil. These creatures, known as artists baffled. Over the last twenty years, Mananites grow and reproduce rapidly as they mysterious cloaked figures wearing iron helmets consume arcane energies. have been gathering heroes to investigate these strange occurrences. The Iron Arbiters have tracked the birth of the Mananites to the current Faerunian timeline. As Most characters have heard tale of the Iron such, they are trying to stop magical Arbiters and rumors of their existence. Recently, abnormalities from creating a breeding ground for the stories have sprung up more and more across the creatures. the land. Strange tales of powerful wizards, who disappear in a blink and leave their payments in Mananites resemble . On their own, they strange locations, arise in most of the inns, are weak. As they mature, they grow in strength. leading many adventurers to wonder who these Primarily though, the mananites prefer swarm elusive individuals are. tactics.

Several adventurers who claim to have worked for The Goal the Arbiters report unemotional individuals who The Iron Arbiters series is designed to feel like an refer to themselves as administrators. The episodic television show. The stories will be told in administrators rarely interact or answer the format of seasons, with the potential for questions. In fact, other people who weren’t cliffhanger endings. The individual episodes may chosen for a mission report that they don’t even touch upon the overarching story or might be a see the Arbiter, only the party talking to thin air. self-contained story.

There is no apparent way to contact the Iron The Iron Arbiters series will be best when played Arbiters. For unknown reasons, they contact you. in order however, most of the stories are When you succeed at completing a mission for designed to be “one shot” adventures and can be them, the reward is always made available to you, played in any order. The “season finales” should hidden somewhere. It almost seems like the Iron be played last as they reveal spoilers for the Arbiters are always watching you. season.

Who are the Iron Arbiters? It is our writers’ humble request that the DMs running these stories keep the secrets a secret. (DM Information) When a table of players buy in to the story, the This information should NEVER be made available expressions on their faces are priceless as the to theSample players (unless it is written into a module). surprises are slowly revealed. file

5 | The Rage Within

Adventure Overview Adventure Hooks The adventure is broken down into three parts: Each of the adventurers receives a magical letter. Reading the letter directs them to the White Elk Part 1. Mission Assignment—15 minutes. The Inn located in Hillsfar. adventurers meet with Administrator Skull and are given the task of investigating some strange Read or summarize the following: events in the hamlet of Hipswitch. Part 2. Traveling to Hipswitch— 30 minutes. A scrolled letter on fancy parchment arrives via a The adventurers travel to Hipswitch, encountering local courier who, once delivered, doesn’t wait for a pack of and the village hunter named Ike a reply. Hillsgard. Part 3. Entering Hipswitch—75 minutes. The Hand each player a copy of Player Handout 1 (see adventurers arrive in Hipswitch, exploring for Appendix B. Player Handout; below is a copy of clues and asking questions of the villagers. the handout for your reference): Part 4. Conclusion—30 minutes. If they haven’t already determined the problem, the source of (Breaking the wax seal causes this letter to slowly the killings is revealed and, hopefully, dealt with dissipate into a small cloud of crème colored accordingly. particles which forms into a small skull. The skull hovers a few inches above the table, rotating Who Did it? slowly, and begins to speak …) The adventure is written with the village trapper “The Iron Arbiters have a mission for you. Meet Ike Hillsgard being the murdered. However, I’ve included suggestions on how to change the with Administrator Skull two days from now, at 8 adventure if you would like to have one of the in the morning in Hillsfar at the White Elk Inn. Sit other village NPCs be the murderer (see Appendix at the table along the back wall of the Inn and A). This allows you to run the adventure multiple place the ivory token on the table. The Iron times and have different endings. Arbiter will join you after all invitees have

arrived.” If you use a different NPC, you need to adjust where the adventure reward is placed. My (The skull begins to break apart into small ivory- suggestion is to rephrase Administrator Skull’s colored particles. A small vortex forms, whirling speech to: and twirling about until a shape begins to appear—a coin-sized ivory token embossed with “If you wish to be rewarded for your efforts, dig the image of a skull.) under the fire once you have proof of your findings. There you’ll find a small metal chest. Place your proof in the chest, close the lid, and then bury the chest. Once you do this, go to the village’s entrance. You’ll find your reward tacked to the signpost.”

Sample file

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The figure arrives at your table, pulls out a chair

Part 1. Mission Assignment and sits. It draws back the hood, revealing a young Estimated Duration: 15 minutes human woman with green eyes. Wisps of her red

hair extend past the base of her iron helm which The adventure starts around 8am, as the adventurers arrive and find seats at the White Elk is fashioned in the shape of a human skull. Inn. Once all the characters have arrived, Iron “Greetings,” she says happily. “I am Iron Arbiter Skull enters and gives them their assignment. Administrator Skull. You’ve been handpicked for a special mission.” Arriving at the Inn Hillsfar is a busy place, and many come to the The Meeting White Elk Inn in the morning for a quick bite to Read or summarize the following: eat. The Inn is known for its biscuits and elk “It pleases me that each of you have responded to sausage gravy, poached eggs, and hearty breakfast mead. A serving of all three can be had the letter”, comes the soft, melodic voice of the for 8 sp. Iron Arbiter.

The table mentioned in the message is available. “We are concerned about recent events in the The characters enter at different times which hamlet of Hipswitch. A group of friends entered makes this a good opportunity for introductions. the forest near the hamlet. Two were found dead with their hearts torn from their bodies, another Arrival of Administrator Skull is missing, with the only survivor having no After all adventurers have arrived and have had memory of the events that occurred in the time to settle and introduce themselves, Administrator Skull enters the inn through the forest.” main door. “We ask that you investigate the hamlet, the events, and put an end to the unexplained Administrator Skull events.” She is an astral projection but can move a few things about with magic. She can only be seen and heard by those who received an ivory token. “If you wish to be rewarded for your efforts, dig under the fire once you have proof of your Read or summarize the following: findings. There you’ll find a small metal chest. Place your proof in the chest, close the lid, and A slender figure wearing a silver cloak with the then bury the chest. Once you do this, Talbot the hood drawn enters through the main door. As it Innkeeper in Hipswitch will have a similar chest gracefully glides across the floor, the figure flips a for you, but you’ll need to ask him for it.” platinum coin in the air when it passes the barkeep. The coin lands with a ping on the bar, The Proof spins a few times, and then flops down in front of Unbeknownst to the adventurers, the source of the barkeep. The barkeep looks about the tavern the evil in Hipswitch is a gold ring with the head of with a perplexed look on his face as he slips his a and two small ruby chips for its eyes. This hand over the coin and pockets it. ring holds the soul and power of Galerbrash the werewolf. ContinuedSample next column… file

7 | The Rage Within

The Patrons Oil of Minor Magic Weapon As the meeting continues, the patrons are Wondrous item (oil), uncommon unaware of the Iron Arbiter’s presence. She can only be seen by, and interact with, the A thick, red oil contained in a clear vial corked with a stopper. adventurers who received one of the skull tokens. The vial has three applications, which you can use to coat up to three weapons, giving them the magical property for 12 The Gift hours. The weapon has a dim purple glow for the duration. After the meeting and assignment, the Iron Arbiter stands to leave, pausing to tell the The potion radiates as magical if the detect magic spell is cast adventurers of a gift they’ve received. upon it. A successful DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check or an identify spell reveals the oil, when applied to a common weapon, gives the weapon the magical property, but Read or summarize the following: provides no other bonuses or effects.

“A gift has been left in ______’s backpack. Tavern Knowledge You may find this advantageous during your If directly asked, any customer or employee in the investigation.” tavern knows the following. In addition, a creature succeeding on a DC 10 Wisdom “Good luck”, she says as she stands and turns. She (Perception) check also overhears one of the darts around several patrons and then pauses. following. You may randomize what is heard by rolling a d8: “Eight,” she yells from across the room. “Remember the number eight!” 1. Hipswitch is only a two-hour walk from here. … and then she’s gone. 2. The poor village recently lost several people. A vial containing an oil manifests magically in a 3. Two villagers have been found dead, random character’s backpack chosen by you. whilst one remains missing. 4. Pets and farm animals have also been The character finds a new item resting at the top found dead. of their backpack’s contents—a clear vial 5. I’ve heard the two bodies of the villagers containing a thick, red oil and stopped with a cork. were mutilated.

6. The two bodies they found with their A parchment note (Player Handout 2) tied to the hearts brutally removed from their bodies. vial reads: 7. I’ve heard four people walked into the

woods, but only one returned. Apply this oil to up to three weapons. Use it 8. I’ll not be traveling to Hipswitch anytime carefully, the magical effect has a duration of 24 soon…and certainly not at night. hours.

Developments The adventurers travel to Hipswitch to begin their investigation.

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Part 2. Traveling to Hipswitch Tactics Estimated Duration: 30 minutes These creatures use their movement to spread out and surround the party but attack the adventurers in pairs to The adventurers have an encounter or two on make use of their pack tactics ability. their journey to Hipswitch. Once they lose half their pack, the remaining wolves retreat into the forest. General Features of the Road The journey to Hipswitch has the following general features: Terrain. The road is well-worn by foot passage and small wagons. Weather. The weather is cool but pleasant. Light. Sunlight or moonlight slips through the trees, provides ample light during the day, or dim light at night. Smells and Sounds. Birds chirp and the occasional scampering of small animals is heard in the forest.

Encounter One: This encounter occurs halfway through the journey to Hipswitch.

A rustling is heard a few moments before a large elk bursts from the tree line along the road. It stops in the middle of the road, quickly glances at the party, and then continues running across the road and into the forest.

As it does, a pack of wolves breaks the tree line, see the adventurers, and attacks. One wolf is noticeably larger than the others.

Setting up the Encounter In all cases, all creatures are described as wolves, with one wolf being larger than the others.

APL 1: Two mastiffs, each with AC 12, 5 hp, Init +2 Two wolves, each with AC 13, 11 hp, Init +2 APL 2: Three mastiffs, each with AC 12, 5 hp, Init +2 Three wolves, each with AC 13, 11 hp, Init +2 APL 3: One with AC 12, 26 hp, Init +2 Five wolves, each with AC 13, 18 hp, Init +2 APL 4: One lion with AC 12, 44 hp, Init +2 Eight wolves, each with AC 13, 18 hp, Init +2 APL 5: One lion with AC 12, 44 hp, Init +2 Ten wolves, each with AC 13, 18 hp, Init +2 APL 6: One lion with AC 12, 44 hp, Init +2 Twelve wolves, each with AC 13, 18 hp, Init +2 Sample file

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Encounter Two: Meeting Ike Ike and the Wolves The wolves are drawn to Ike and the ring. Ever since he Hillsgard donned the ring, he’s felt their presence, and felt more of This encounter occurs when the party are nearing them in the area. Hipswitch, roughly two miles from the village The wolves intend to protect Ike. If that means one or more entrance. of them must be sacrificed in order to secure his deception, so be it. Ike Hillsgard, a seasoned hunter (N/E; use veteran: CR 3; MM, p 350) carrying three traps on his hip, stumbles out of the forest and crosses the road in front of the adventures. If questioned, Ike states he is out checking his traps. He prefers using bear traps for wolves and has set many traps along the perimeter of the village to protect against wolves and other dangerous creatures. The village is very thankful for this, especially after the recent events.

Roleplaying Ike Hillsgard

Ike’s an odd fellow. He has the look of a seasoned hunter and has a disheveled appearance. He twitches when he talks and often stares past the adventurers, into the forest.

Ike’s the bad guy but he doesn’t want to let others know this just yet. He’s determined to let the ring transform him into Galerbrash and has advantage on all Charisma checks while talking to the adventurers. During their conversation, distant wolf howls are heard from within the forest. Ike’s response to If Ike is attacked, four wolves leap from the forest and attack these howls is: the party. Ike helps the adventurers defend themselves against the wolves. He hopes his actions persuade the adventurers that he’s on their side. “Listen to ‘em. They’re gettin’ braver.”

Ike uses the following statistics: What Ike Knows APL 1-2: spy (CR 1; MM, p 349) Ike has the following details about the recent APL 3-4: veteran (CR 3; MM, p 350) APL 5-6: gladiator (CR 5: MM, p 346) events. In addition, he can state information about the village found in Part 3: Entering Hipswitch. Ike Wears a Ring Ike wears a platinum ring on his right hand. If asked about • It’s a darn shame what happened to them the ring, Ike states: youngsters. • Tore up real good, they are. My daddy gave me this ring. Was his daddy’s ring, and his daddy daddy’s ring. • The two boys, their bodies are held up in You could say it’s been in the family a long time. my shed. So as kin can view them. • I weren’t around, don’t know much else. Later in the adventure, if the characters try to recall if Ike was I’m out hunting and trapping, mostly. wearing a ring, they must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check. • More wolves keep showing up. It’s like Samplesomethings drawing file them here.

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C: Marva’s Bakery Part 3. Entering Hipswitch A small bakery owned by a gnome named Marva. She’s a pleasant, middle-aged woman who knows Estimated Duration: 75 minutes general information about the events. She sells The adventurers enter the village of Hipswitch and bread and other baked goods for the price of 2 cp begin their investigation. each.

D: Store General Features Byron, a middle-aged dwarf, owns and operates Hipswitch has the following general features: Store, a place where adventurers can purchase Terrain. The village is nestled in a small clearing items found in the PHB priced at 4 gold pieces or surrounded by tall trees. Weather. The weather is cool but pleasant. less. He’s a stingy man and doesn’t take to Light. Sunlight or moonlight slips through the trees, haggling. He knows general information about the provides ample light during the day, or dim light at night. events. Smells and Sounds. The village is quiet, with very few villagers out and about. E: Weava’s Weavery A combination of hair salon and weaver’s store

filled with the smell of lavender.

Weava, a young halfling with sparkling gold- colored eyes, learned the art of weaving from her grandmother, but she loves cutting hair. For 1 sp, an adventurer can get any type of haircut they wish, a clean shave, or hair coloring. She also sells baskets for 3 cp and has 1 spare set of weavers’ tools on hand, which she will sell for 1 gp. Weava knows general information about the events.

Weava Wears a Ring In the event the adventurers have picked up on the ring clue, and if they ask if Weava wears any rings:

Weava wears an interesting ring on her right hand – three gold bands looped together, worn on her index finger. If asked about the ring, Weava states that she won it two years

ago, taking first prize in a basket weaving contest held in Map Legend: Waterdeep. A: The entrance Where the party meets Jovas.

B: The BellyUp Duck A small inn and tavern with two comfortable rooms for rent at the price of 8 sp each. Each room is large enough to comfortably accommodateSample two medium-sized creatures. file

11 | The Rage Within

Lavender Oil Welcome to Hipswitch! Weava has several vials of lavender oil in her shop, which she As the party enters, read or summarize the uses to perfume her baskets and condition hair. following:

Ike came in for a haircut the day the boys were murdered The thin road opens to a large clearing, and a and was treated to a lavender oil conditioning. small village can be seen just ahead. The scent of lavender noticed in Part 4 may lead the adventurers to interrogate Weava. If they do, she states that A lanky man with long blonde hair stands in front she uses the oil to condition hair and scent her baskets. If the party ask if she conditioned anyone’s hair recently, she tells of a sign with his back to you. Although he blocks them that Ike and Jean (Kelly’s mother) were her most recent some of the letters, you believe the sign reads, customers. ‘The Village of Hipswitch’.

• Ike received a haircut and bread trim, complete with an oil treatment The man draws a small hammer from his robe, • Jean had her hair trimmed and oil conditioned places a piece of paper to the sign, and begins tacking the paper to the sign. He takes a step Both of these occurred a few days ago, which was the day of the murders, but Weavea doesn’t realize this or come to the back, looks at his work, and begins walking into conclusion. the village.

F: Trail to the Ruins The Parchment Sign The ruins are 2 miles away in an easterly direction The parchment sign reads: from Hipswitch. NOTICE G: Trail to Jean and Kelly’s Due to recent events, the villagers of Hipswitch Jean and Kelly live half a mile from the hamlet. suggest you stay indoors at night.

H: Trail to Ike’s Ike lives roughly a mile and a half from the hamlet.

X: Location of the Memorial Service (This is not available until the final scene of the adventure)

When the adventurers first arrive, this location (the village square) is empty and open.

In the evening, this location is used for the memorial service for the boys (see If asked about the bodies below) and is changed as follows:

• A large bonfire is set in the middle of the square. • Just south of the bonfire, a table is set up— holding the head of a recently killed Giant Wolf. Sample file

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The Man If asked about the BellyUp Duck Tavern This is Jovas Kindle. He’s lived in the village his • It’s where most people go to celebrate entire life and he knew all of the young folk special occasions, grab a meal when they involved. don’t have time to cook, or just to have a Jovas has the following information to share: good time. • The barkeep Talbot might have more • Kelly, Marvin, Bale, and Hagrid all entered information. the forest about a week ago. • Talbot’s new here. He bought the inn two • The four grew up together and are in their months ago. 20’s. • The original owner became too old. He • Before they entered the forest, they had sold the inn and moved in with his been at the local tavern, celebrating daughter’s family in Hillsfar. Hagrid’s 24th birthday. • I saw them stumble out of the tavern just If asked about the bodies before they entered the forest. • There’s going to be a memorial service for • The bodies of Marvin and Hagrid were them tomorrow night here in the square. found at an old stone ruin in the forest, They’ll then be buried. east of the village. • They are being kept in Ike Hillsgard’s cold • Both were violently missing their hearts. cellar. • Bale is still missing. I hope he’s not dead • Ike lives about a mile and a half west of too. the village. • Kelly stumbled out of the forest the next • He’s a local trapper. morning—nearly naked, bruised, and bloody. Developments Jovas’s information should lead the adventurers If asked about Kelly to one of the following adventure locations: • I don’t want to believe she’s the killer. • She’s such a sweet girl. • The BellyUp Duck Tavern. • The bodies were severely mutilated with • Ike Hillsgard’s Residence. deep cuts across their bodies, and their • The Ruin in the Forest. hearts had been brutally extracted. • Visiting Kelly. • It just doesn’t make sense. Why would she do it? What the Animals Know • Kelly lives with her mom Jean in a small In the event a character wishes to use the speak cottage about a half-mile north. with animals spell, the creatures in the forest and around the village have the following information If asked about the Ruins to share: • Those ruins have been around forever. • A hairy beast lurks in the forest at night. • That’s where the bodies of Marvin and • It has a long snout and sharp teeth! Hagrid were found. • It’s tall. Very tall. • People have been visiting those ruins for a long time now, but nothing like this has ever happened. • They can be found just east of town, about Samplea two-mile walk. file

13 | The Rage Within

1. The BellyUp Duck Tavern Talbot’s Staff The tavern sits at the east edge of the village. It’s Weapon (staff), uncommon (requires attunement) a quaint-looking tavern with two rooms available, An ironwood staff with a large ruby fastened to the top. for a 8 sp fee, for the occasional passing-through traveler. While wielding this magical weapon, your attacks ignore resistance to bludgeoning damage. If a creature has immunity to bludgeoning damage, it has resistance to General Features bludgeoning damage instead. The BellyUp Duck Tavern has the following general features: Decor. The village is nestled in a small clearing surrounded While wielding this magical weapon you may utter a by tall trees. command word to cause the ruby to radiate bright red light Layout. Five tables rest in front of a long bar tended to by in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. an older, graying brown-haired man. Customers. When the party first enter, a total of 3 patrons Talbot is placing two dinners at a table when the sit around two of the tables, each enjoying a meal of grilled heroes enter. He pays them little mind until he elk, fried potato slices, and pickled beets. returns to his post behind the bar. Light. At night the tavern is lit by candles and oil lamps, but ample light slips through the glass windows during the day. Talbot is new to the area, having purchased the Smells and Sounds. The smell of freshly grilled and inn from the original owner who retired and seasoned elk floats on the air. moved to Hillsfar.

Talbot the Barkeep Talbot’s Knowledge Talbot is a human man in his late fifties, with Talbot doesn’t believe Kelly had anything to do greying brown hair and a friendly demeanor. He with the murders or Bale’s disappearance. She’s has a beard and a moustache, which hangs over always been a lovely and friendly young lady. In his top lip, hiding his mouth when he speaks. He addition to the information Jovas shared with the also walks with a staff embellished with a ruby. party, Talbot also has the following to share:

The staff was a gift from his adventurer sister • It’s so sad what happened to them. Brita. • They’d been celebrating Hagrid’s birthday! They came in here around mid-day. • They laughed and ate as they drank mead and ale. • I remember hearing Bale slurring out ‘Hey! Let’s go to the ruins!’ • That’s when they got up and settled their tab. I gave them a bit of a discount since it was for a birthday. • I told them to be careful as they walked…err….rather stumbled out. • Kelly meandered out of the forest the next morning—stripped down to her undergarments—bruised, scratched, and splashed with blood. Poor girl can’t remember anything. Sample file

14 | The Rage Within

End of Adventure Reward Treasure As the Iron Arbiter mentioned, Talbot will have a chest for A creature searching Ike’s home and succeeding the adventurers if they complete their mission. He has no on a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds knowledge of this now and won’t until the adventurers ask a small pouch of 12 gp hidden under Ike’s bed. him again the night of the service. At this point he’ll say, “Why yes, I believe I do. I found it on the counter this afternoon.” B: Ike’s Tanning Shed Ike is particularly fond of his tanning equipment and knives, so he keeps the entrance to the shed Customer Knowledge trapped. Most villagers know this, but they don’t The customers of the BellyUp Duck share the tell the adventurers. Why would they need to same knowledge as Talbot and Jovis. know?

A couple of the customers think Kelly might have something to do with the murders and the missing Bale. It’s just too odd that she’s the only one to come out of the forest.

2. Ike Hillsgard’s Residence Ike has a small house, shed, and ground cellar. When the adventurers near Ike’s home, read or summarize the following:

A rickety wooden shack adorned with antlers and various animal hides stands before you.

A shed, also adorned with hides and horns, can be seen near the shack; a wooden door appears to lead into the earth.

Capping off the little homestead is a small A Locked Door outhouse in the northeast section of the lot. The door is locked and requires a successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to open. The A: Ike’s Not Home door can also be forced open with a successful DC Ike Hillsgard isn’t home. He’s out trapping but has 12 Strength check. left several similar notes on the buildings. The note on the house reads: B: Entering Ike’s Tanning Shed

A bear trap covered by a ‘welcome’ mat is placed Out trappin’. Be back tomorrow. in a recessed section of the floor. The first

creature to enter the shed must succeed on a DC Entering Ike’s Home 15 Wisdom (Perception) check or trigger the trap Ike’s home isn’t trapped, but the door is locked. A as they enter the shed—stepping on the successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’ ‘welcome’ mat and triggering the trap. tools unlocks the door. The door can also be forced open with a successful DC 12 Strength check. Sample file

15 | The Rage Within