South Scanner Satellite Services Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 11 - Issue # 1 Copyright (C) 1991-2002 September 29, 2002 =============================================================================== The South Scanner Satellite Services Chart (SSSSC) is Copyrighted (C) 1991-2002 by Robert Smathers, Albuquerque, New Mexico USA. Based on an idea by Gary Bourgois, the SSSSC has been designed to keep the home dish owner up to date with the many changes in the satellite television hobby. Many hours of personal observations and contributor reports have been compiled into this chart. Errors are bound to happen, especially since services can change quickly. Care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information. The publisher, Robert Smathers, is not responsible for any errors. Corrections, new additions, or comments should be mailed to one of the following electronic mail addresses: Internet:
[email protected] World Wide Web: If a piece of information is used in the chart, credit will be given in the special thanks section. This chart may be freely distributed following my "no nonsense" distribution rules: - The chart is distributed together. - The chart is distributed in WHOLE - The chart is not changed in copy or content; no deletions or additions or format re-arrangement - No individual, desirable parts of this chart may be posted as a message, as a file, or on a web page. This chart must remain with every section together and not chopped up and used in a message, file or web page. - The "Special Thanks" section must remain intact. The latest issue of the South Scanner Satellite Services Chart can always be found on the Robert Smathers Satellite TV web page: (and go to "Robert's Infofiles" section) The latest ZIPped and UUENCODED South Scanner Satellite Services Chart can also be obtained by email.