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016678184 Philatelicrecord In Volume 1 INDEX. Ail Advertisement, 17 Griqualand, 72 Antigua, 120 Guatemala, 121 Antioquia, 81 Argentine, 3, 28, 105 Hamburg, 12 Azores, 28, 48, 71 Heligoland, 39, 49, 73, 122 Helsingfors, 28 Bavaria, 10, 19, 48, 120 Holland, 39 Baton-Rouge, 38 Hong Kong, 94, 107 Bhopal, 3, 100 Bolivar, 3, 120 Iceland, 107 Bolivia, 3, 59 India, 5, 20, 28, 60, 82, 95 Bosnia, 49, 71, 121 Italy, 20, 39, 73 Brazil, 3, 10, 38 British Guiana, 19, 59, 80 Japan, 20, 39, 73, 83, 108, 122 British Honduras, 81, 120 Johore, 74 Bulgaria, 48, 82 Labuan, 39 Canada, 92, 106 Lagos, 95 Cape of Good Hope, 106 Levant, 40, 95, 122 Cashmere, 28, 38, 92 Luxemburg, 40, 83 Ceylon, 4, 92 Luzon, 5, 12, 21, 83, 115, 122 Confirmation Wanted, 125 Correspondence, 42, 54, 55, 66, 79, Madeira, 12, 50, 74, 84 80, 87, 89, 98, 99, 111 Mauritius, 12, 29, 50, 74, 95, 98 Corrientes, 121 ' Mexico, 21, 30, 40, 84 Cuba, 10, 114 Modern Swindles, 78 Curiosity in Postage Stamps, A, 85 Monte Video, 5, 13, 21, 31, 41, 62, Cyprus, 10 85, 124 Montserrat, 123 Danish West Indies, 19, 93 Deccan, 4, 10, 72 Nandode, 20, 84 Denmark, 4, 19, 82, 94, 106 Natal, 5, 31, 51, 61, 62, 75 Dominica, 82, 106, 121 Newfoundland, 51 Dutch West Indies, 11, 94, 107 New Granada, 123 Nevis, 61, 123 Ecuador, 94, 121 Norway, 41, 84, 87 Egypt, 4, 11, 19, 28, 38 Notes and Queries, 6, 15, 23, 34, Falkland Islands, 121 45, 57, 68, 80, 90,101, 117, 126 Fiji, 11 Finland, 4, 39, 60 Panama, 22 France, 4, 19, 38, 49, 72, 107 Paraguay, 61, 84 Frauds on the French Post Office, 78 Pemberton, E. L., The late, 2 Peru, 22, 31 Germany, 69, 99 Philatelic Society’s Proceedings, 33, Gold Coast, 107 43, 57, 68, 89, 100, 112 Great Britain, 6, 11, 14, 19, 54, 94, Philippines (see Luzon) 121 Porto Rico, 5, 114 1 2 8 INDEX. Portugal, 5, 8, 31, 51 Straits Settlements, 42, 108 Sweden, 61, 123 Queensland, 51, 85, 95 ! Tasmania, 14, 97, 109, 124 Rajpeepla (see Nandode), 90 Tobago, 75, 109 Recent Falsifications, 65 Transvaal, 5, 52, 76, 85, 89, 109, Registration Envelopes, 54 123, 125 Routnania, 31, 41, 42, 75, 96, 111 Trinidad, 42, 75 Russia, 13 Turk’s Island, 97 i Turkey, 62 St. Christopher, 108 St. Domingo, 75, 96, 123 United States, 109, 124 St. Helena, 110 United States Locals, 97 St. Vincent, 5, 13, 22, 109 Uruguay (see Monte Video), 124 Samoa, 5 San Salvador, 32, 41, 52, 61 Venezuela, 85, 110 Sirmore, 52, 75 Victoria, 22, 33, 97 Sir Rowland Hill, 71 Shanghai, 75, 86, 98, 123 ■Watermarked Stamps, 65 Small Plate Numbers, 14 Wenden, 5 South Australia, 85, 97 West Australia, 14, 42, 53 Spain, 14, 32, 41, 108, 113 Wurtcml)crg, 22, 55, 66, 125 Volume 2 INDEX. Antigua, 14 Antioquio, 160 Fernando Poo, 44 Argentine Republic, 25, 116 Fiji, 56, 118, 133, 162 Assail, 116 Forgeries, 75 Austria, 61, 76, 100, 161 France, 14, 27, 62, 76, 133 Azores, 26, 128 French Colonies, 14, 87, 101 French Society and theirCatalogues, Bavaria, 26, 68, 81, 93 70 Belgium, 131 Bermuda, 43, 117, 161 Gambia, 87, 101, 118 Bhopal, 100, 145 Germany, 28, 44, 52, 63, 1Q1, 118, Bhore, 133 196 145 Bibliography of the Stamps of Gold Coast, 4, 15 Mauritius, 127 Great Britain, 4, 15, 21, 35, 54, 70, Bibliotheque des Timbrophiles, 1, 101, 115, 118, 145 41, 131 Grenada, 87 “ Blcute par la Gomme,” 94, 114, Guinea, 101 141, 153, 167 Hawaiian Islands, 95 Bolivar, 100, 100 Heligoland, 153, 167 Brazil, 161 Holland, 44 British Guiana, 76 Hong Kong, 27, 44, 63, 76, 88, 119, British Honduras, 87 133, 143, 146, 152, 162 Buenos Ayres, 87, 117 Bulgaria, 26 Hungary, 63 Iceland, 119 Cahul, 111 India, 4, 45, 88, 101, 107, 111 Cape of Good Hope, 3, 26, 61, 100, Ionian Islands, 126 118 Cashmere, 14, 76, 87 Japan, 22 Ceylon, 26, 61, 87 Java, 15, 71, 82 Chili, 118, 133, 145 Christiansund, 3 Labuan, 119, 133, 162 Congri-s International des Timbro­ Liberia, 133, 146, 162 philes, 99 List of Members of the Philatelic Correspondence, 35, 54, 55. 70, 82, Society, 74 94, 111, 112, 114, 125, 141, Livonia, 133 153, 167 Luxemburg, 76 Cuba, 4, 44, 133 Luzon, 28, 45, 77 Cyprus, 44, 61, 145 Madeira, 4, 45, 77, 88,127,134, 146 Danish West Indies, 14, 118 Mauritius, 6, 15, 17, 28, 31, 45, 48, Deccan, 76, 111, 145 64, 70, 78, 89, 102, 107, 119, 122, 127, 134, 136, 149, 164 Ecuador, 162 Mexico, 63, 88, 162 Egypt, 41 Montserrat, 15 Envelopes, Cut and Uncut, 112, 126 Mount Athos. (See Turkey, 89.) 172 INDEX. Natal, 134, 146 Samoa, 83 Newfoundland, 5, 28, 46, 77 Snrawak, 84 New Granada, 134, 162 Scandal, A Philatelic, 59 Newspaper Stamps of Great Britain, Servia, 47 168 Shanghai, 103 New South Wales, 29, 46, 63, 102 Sirmoor, 77 Nevis, 77 South Australia, 16, 63, 155, 169 Nicaragua, 102 Spain, 47, 104 ‘ Notes and Queries, 12, 23, 40, 58, St. Domingo, 147, 163 74, 84, 98, 114, 129, 142, 158, St. Vincent, 77, 89, 135 170 Stamp Journals and Dealers, 13 Nowannugger, 134 Straits Settlements, 16, 29, 48, 104, 163 Paraguay, 119 Surinam, 48 l’ersin, 5, 15, 34 Switzerland, 48 Peru, 16 Porto Rico, 5, 30, 119, 134 Tasmania, 9, 164 Portugal, 5, 46, 77, 88, 135, 140 Thurn and Taxis, 1 Portuguese Indies, 120 To our Readers, 159 Postage of Printed Matter, 85 Toliina, 135, 148 Postmasters, A Word to, 143 Transvaal, 36, 48, 63, 105, 120,136, Proeeedingsof the PhilatelicSociety, 148 9, 23, 36, 40, 55, 71, 83, 95, Trinidad, 64 129, 142, 153, 167 Turkey, 6, 89 Pskotf, 135 Turk’s Isles, 64 Queensland, 46, 88, 102, 120, 162 Uruguay, 104, 121, 148, 164 Rajpcepla, 135, 146 Venezuela, 6, 16, 29, 48, 105, 121, Rawal Pindi, 46, 102, 112 136, 164 Roumania, 29, 47, 102, 120 Virgin Isles, 30, 121 Roumelia, 16, 29, 88, 102, 162 Russia, 55, 88, 103, 135, 147 Wurtcmburg, 17 Volume 3 INDEX. A Silly Person, 1 Curap>a, 237 An Advertisement, 87 Cyprus, 23, 39, 58, 81, 104, 123 An Unchronicled Stamp, 95 Aalesund, 2, 22 Danville Confederate Local, 202 Angola, 2 Deccan (see Hyderabad) Antioquia, 103, 225 Denmark, 81, 98 Antofagasta, 57 Devilled Post Cards, 98 Argentine Republic, 3, 180 Duro's Catalogue of Spanish Stamps, Assab, 180 63 Austria, 80, 204 Azores, 57, 80 Ecuador, 39, 58, 227 Egypt, 3, 164 Bahamas, 38 Envelopes and Cards, How to Barbadoes, 163, 204, 225 mount, 27 Barranquillo, 22 Bavaria, 80, 205 Fiji, 227 Belgium, 80, 123 Finland, 3, 46, 65, 119, 136, 164 Bhopal, 180, 226 France, 4, 89, 81 Bhore, 23 French Colonies, 40, 68, 81, 143, Bibliotheque des Timbrophiles, 101 181, 205, 227 “ Bleut^ par la Gomme,” 17 French Society, The, and Dr. Bolivar, 181 Legrand, 77, 96, 96, 118, 161, Bosnia, 181 179, 187, 216 Brazil, 143, 181 British Guiana, 57, 108, 226 German Empire, 143, 164 Bulgaria, 23, 58, 80, 103, 123 Great Britain, 4, 19, 24, 40, 58, 82, 104, 123, 144, 181, 206 Cabul, 163, 226 Great Britain, The Postage and Canada, 123, 143, 205, 227 Telegraph Stamps of, 141 Cape de Verde Isles, 80 Greece, 82, 123, 164 Cape of Good Hope, 143, 227 Greenville Confederate Local, 116, Cashmere, 181 130, 201 “ Caution to Collectors,’’ 115, 130, Grenada, 59, 106,124,104, 206,227 159 Griazowetz, 146 Chili, 3, 28, 39, 80, 103, 163, 181 Guatemala, 144, 104, 182, 205, 228 Concerning the Spanish 2 reales of Guadalajaras, 8, 27 1851, 233 Confederate Locals, 87, 116, 180, Hawaiian Islands, 206, 228 181, 201, 202 Hayti, 124, 164 Copenhagen, 89 Hill, Mr. Pearson, on English Corea, 205 Essays, 190 Correspondence, 17, 30, 71, 93,118, Holland, 24, 40, 69, 161, 100,171, 138, 169, 177, 187, 216, 238 178, 208 Costa Rica, 23, 39, 103 Honduras, 206, 228 Cuba, 3, 58, 164, 181 Hong Kong, 24, 228 240 INDEX. Hungary, 41, GO Portugal, 25, 42, 61, 146, 167 Hyderabad, 24, 60 Portuguese Indies, 5, 25, 105, 126, 146, 167, 184, 207, 231 India, 24, 41, 82, 105, 124, 165,229 Prussian Envelopes, 177 Italy, 60, 82, 144, 229 Queensland, 5, 84, 127, 146, 167 Jamaica, 41, 60 Java, 41, 60, 82, 182, 206, 214, 229 Roumania, 61, 84, 89 Jegoriewsk, 208 Rouniclia, 42, 84, 105 Russia,42,61, 106, 146,168,184,208 Labuan, 61, 125, 182 Russian Local Mongers, 203 Liberia, 4, 24, 165 Luzon (see Philippines) Samoa, 25 Scrvia, 6, 25, 42, 86 Macao, 206, 238 Shanghai, 169 Madeira, 165 Sierra Leone, 43, 62 Malay Peninsula, 6, 147, 165, 182 Sir Henry Bessemer, 21 Mauritius, 28, 44, 49, 68, 93 South Australia, 169, 231 Mexico, 88, 125, 138, 206, 229 Spain, 53, 86, 95, 127, 130, 146, More Bogies, 98 153,169,172,185,209,231, 233 Moschkau, One for, 139 St. Domingo, 6, 25, 42, 62, 106, 147 Mt. Athos (see Turkey) St. Lucia, 168, 185 St. Salvador, 231 Nepaul, 182 St. Vincent, 25, 169, 208, 231 Nevis, 207 Staraja Roussu, 146 New Caledonia, 143, 181, 205, 227 Straits Settlements, 6, 147, 208 New Granada, 4, 41, 61, 125, 144, Surinam, 237 165, 182, 207, 229 Sweden, 62 New South Wales, 61, 183 Switzerland, 43, 87, 232 New Zealand, 50, 73, 183 Newspaper Stamps of Great Britain, Tasmania, 87, 106 19 The Combined Postage and Receipt Norway, 4, 25, 83, 126 Stamp, 21 Notes and Queries, 20, 36, 52, 76, Tichvin, 168 100, 120, 140, 160, 178, 202, Tobago, 43, 87, 128, 169, 185 222, 228 Tolima, 62, 128 Transvaal, 106, 169, 202 Objectionable Practices, 37 Tromsiie, 26, 232 Opinions Differ, 30 Turk’s Islands, 26, 44, 64, 87, 129, Orange Free State, 83, 145, 177,183 148, 170, 185, 208, 232 Our Contemporaries, 77 Turkey, 7, 26, 43, 63, 71, 107, 128, 147, 185 Paraguay, 166, 183, 207, 230 Turkish Surcharges, 71 Perak, 126, 145 Perealaw, 146 United States, 64, 148, 149, 171, Persia, 83, 105, 145, 167, 183, 207, 208, 232 231 Unknown Essays, 179, 190 Peru, 42, 167, 183 Uruguay, 43, 64, 171, 186, 222 Philatelic Anatomy, 96 Philatelic Gains of 1880, 9 Venezuela, 7, 65 Philatelic Society, Proceedings of, Victoria, 7, 26, 107, 129, 149, 171, 19, 32, 48, 72, 99, 119, 190, 221 186, 232 Philatelic Society, Members of, 75 Vienna Philatelic Exhibition, 234 Philippines, 4, 25, 41, 61, 84, 184, Viner, Dr, C.
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