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Bulletin071314 2 St. Anthony de Padua Catholic Church PO Box 299 – 1523 Main Street, Danbury, TX 77534 Archdiocese of Galveston – Houston 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 13 2014 Mass Schedule : WeekendMasses:Saturday5:30pm Sunday8:00am,10:30am WeekdayMasses:Mon,Wed:6:00pm Tues,Thurs:9:00am Friday:NoMass ***SpecialMass:FirstFridayMass:9:00am WithAdorationtofollow9:30am—9:30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00—5:00 pm Or by appointment call 979-922-1240 Devotions in the Church Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday, from 5:00 — 6:00 pm First Friday 9:30 am — 9:30 pm Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion: Saturdays, at 5:15 pm Rosary: Sunday, at 7:30 am and 10:00 am Pastor Continuing Christian Education Fr. Joseph Phiet-The-Nguyen Classes: K to 5th grade: Wednesday, 4 to 5:30 pm (979)922-1253 (Residence) (713)501-3020 (Mobile) 6th to 12th grade: Wednesday, 7:00 to 8:30 pm Email: [email protected] Sacrament of Baptism Parish Administrator Contact either Father Joseph Nguyen or Deacon Gerald Peltier to Deacon Gerald Peltier make arrangements. Preparation classes are required. (979)922-1247 (Office) (979)922-1156 (Residence) Email: [email protected] Marriage Preparation Office (979)922-1240 Fax (979)922-8643 Diocesan regulations require that pre-marital preparation must begin at least six months before the tentative marriage date. Contact Father Secretary Imelda Jez (979)922-1240 [email protected] Joseph Nguyen or Deacon Gerald Peltier to make arrangements. Bookkeeper Jan Saman (979)922-1211 [email protected] Annulments C.R.E . Monica Sebesta (979)922-1241 [email protected] Contact either Father Joseph Nguyen or Deacon Gerald Peltier. Youth Ministry Daryl Peltier (979)922-8106 Communion and Anointing of the Sick Altar Servers Deacon Gerald Peltier (979)922-1156 Anyone who is ill or who is homebound and would like to receive Bazaar Gwen Fief – Chairperson (979)922-1141 the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact the parish office. Hospital and Gene Roberts — Co-Chairperson (979)849-4240 Nursing Home visits can also be arranged. If you know of someone in the Ladies Club Linda Piper (979)922-8122 Hospital or Nursing Home and would like Fr. Joseph to visit them, please Out for the summer. contact the Parish Office at 979-922-1240. Women of Worship Amy Cook (979)824-2437 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) or Children (RCIC) Meets 2nd Tuesday of Month, 7:00 pm in the St. Anthony Center. Contact Deacon Gerald or Monica Sebesta to make arrangements Legion of Mary Ana Mercado (979)922-1127 or for more information. Meets on Tuesday, 7:00 pm in Parish Office. Music Ministry Evelyn Boeker (979)849-4727 Prayer Group: Every Thursday a prayer group meets in the church at 7 pm Meets every Sunday, 9:00 – 10:00 am in the Church to say the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet & read the latest message from Pastoral Council Pat Stahl (979)922-8144 Medjugorje. All are invited! Next meeting will be announced. Meeting begin at 6:30 pm. Finance Council Scott Hairston, Chair (281)704-1213 Meets on the 1st Thursday, every Three Months. Liturgy Committee Marianne Vrazel (979)922-1413 Cemetery Committee Anne Starr (979)922-8562 Pro Life Coordinator Peggy Keillor (979)922-1248 Disaster Committee Deacon Gerald Peltier (979)922-1247 Samaritan Ministry ( Parish Office) (979)922-1240 V.I.P. (Senior Ministry) Francis & Betty Fief (979)922-1496 Meets last Thursday of month, 10:00 am in the St Anthony Center. Knights of Columbus Robert Fief, Grand Knight (979)922-1629 Albert Priselac, Deputy Grand Knight (281)733-7963 Meets every third Tuesday, 7:00 pm in the St Anthony Center. Look for St Anthony’s on: www.saopdtx.org / Facebook Mass Times for Travel: masstimes.org Message from the desk of the Pastor My dear people of God, It would be worthwhile for us to take time and reflect on the familiar parable of the sower from today’s Gospel. Jesus gives us this parable as he sits in a boat by the sea. Matthew tells us that Jesus had to get into a boat to deliver his message while the people stood on the shore to lis- ten. To deepen our understanding of this parable, let us ask ourselves, where did the seeds of my faith fall? Is my faith planted on solid ground so I can bear great fruit for God, or did it fall on shallow ground, unable to mature and be a blessing to God? Maybe my faith starts out strong, but as soon as any heat comes my way, it withers for lack of roots . We all hope, of course, that our faith is like the seed planted in rich soil that will produce great fruit. Let us remember that Christ is always there to call us back to himself. We do not have to wither and die because of having no roots. Our Catholic faith teaches us that Christ gives us his grace, his presence and like rain, it returns having produced an effect. If we truly love Jesus, we accept him and everything he teaches. Our Lord encourages us to be like that seed that falls on good earth and grows to fruition. It begins with a deep and abiding faith in our Lord, and everything else will follow. What we believe is important. May each of us protect, nourish and give thanks to our heavenly Father for the gift of our Catholic faith. May we always recognize that our faith is a free gift of God and will increase as we live and teach our faith to others. May God bless you. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Joseph PICTURE DIRECTORY : Anyone who will be providing their own Appreciate Others: Spend time to remember and appreciate the picture for the Directory needs to have it turned into the office by this people in your life who, despite it all, kept you hopeful as you Wednesday, July 16th . The picture can be hand delivered or emailed. encountered situations of evil, suffering, and sadness. See, too, the love and grace that touches all our lives in these situations. Activity Pages in the Directory : If anyone has pictures that were taken at different events during the year and would like to share them in the FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT …….. Here at the Saint Anthony directory, please bring them by the office or email them to the office. Center, this Wednesday, July 16th. See flyer! The office can scan your pictures also. Need them ASAP. Thank you! Café Catholica 2014 - CatholiCon “Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it.” Attention Young Adults (18-30’s) ~ come join 600 fellow young Sometimes, as much as we love each other it seems like the thorns of life Catholics for dinner & great talks! Café Catholica is a dinner- are choking our marriage and family. Take time to kill the thorns by tak- lecture series for young adults, featuring dynamic speakers. The Cafe is held over four Mondays at St. Michael Catholic Church in ing time for your Sacramental marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage the Uptown/Galleria area (1801 Sage Road, Houston TX 77056). Encounter weekends are October 10-12 or November 7-9. Register early We begin each evening with Confessions at 5:15 p.m., Mass at to reserve a spot. Contact Brian & Tina Little at 281-773-4014 for more 6:15, Dinner at 7:15, speaker at 8:15 p.m., table exhibits, and so- information. Or go on-line to houstonme.org. cializing. Come for all or part of the evening! About 600 people attend each night. Donations are appreciated. July 14: Msgr. Frank Rossi The Importance of Human Dignity: “With Great Power Comes CCE Registration for the 2014-2015 Year is now open!!! Great Responsibility” Registration forms are in this Bulletin. Extra forms are July 21: Panel of Speakers available at the front of the Church. Deadline for regis- Social Justice in Houston. Moderator: Dcn. Sam Dunning “Social tering is July 18 to enable the ordering of textbook . Justice League” July 28: John Michael Talbot The Beauty of the Mass: “May the Force be with you…and with FIRST COMMUNION : If you have a student entering the 1st Grade, your Spirit” he/she must be enrolled in CCE to complete the 2-year formation require- Check us out online at www.CafeCatholica.com Join the Café Ca- ment for First Communion in 2016. tholica group on Facebook! Café Catholica is sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry. For Archdiocesan Choir Auditions : Are you interested in becoming a more information, call 713-741-8778. member of the Archdiocesan Choir? 2014 Audition dates: July 20 and July 27, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at St. Dominic Center – Morkovsky Hall, 2403 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX. To schedule your appointment please In today’s Gospel, we hear the story of the sower and we email your name, phone number, and several options for auditions times know that “some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a to [email protected]. You will be contacted with your scheduled audi- hundred or sixty or thirty fold.” This week by placing a gift tion time. You may also phone Dr. Rick Lopez at 713-741-8764. in the St. Vincent de Paul’s Annual Black Bag Collection , together we will produce fruit a hundred fold. Two snails went to an auto race. There were twenty six cars, so instead of numbers the cars were identified by letters from A to Z.
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