Fen Drayton Villa Investigations
Fen Drayton Villa Investigations Excavation Report No. 2 CAMBRIDGE ARCHAEOLOGICAL UNIT OUSE WASHLAND ARCHAEOLOGY Fen Drayton Villa Investigations (Excavation Report No. 2) Leanne Robinson Zeki, MPhil With contributions by Emma Beadsmoore, Chris Boulton, Vicki Herring, Andrew Hall, Francesca Mazzilli, Vida Rajkovaca, Val Fryer, Simon Timberlake Illustrations by Jon Moller and Andy Hall Principal photography by Dave Webb ©CAMBRIDGE ARCHAEOLOGICAL UNIT UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE March 2016/ Report No. 1333 HER Event Number: ECB4702 PROJECT SUMMARY An archaeological excavation was undertaken by volunteers and the Cambridge Archaeological Unit as a part of the Ouse Washes Landscape Partnership at the site of a possible Roman Villa at the RSPB’s Fen Drayton Lakes reserve, near Cambridge. The fieldwork comprised two 5m x 10m trenches, which were targeted to expose the northern extent of the proposed Roman Villa and southern extent of a potential bathhouse. Excavations revealed additional evidence of Roman occupation, indications of small industry and high-status artefacts. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The project was funded by the Ouse Washes Landscape Partnership Project via the Heritage Lottery Fund, for which particular thanks are conveyed to Mark Nokkert of Cambridge Acre. Permission to excavate on the land was provided by the land owner, the RSPB, which was principally overseen by Robin Standring, and the tenant farmer, Chris Wissen. The volunteering was coordinated by Rachael Brown of Cambridgeshire Acre with Grahame Appleby of the CAU. Dr Keith Haylock, University of Aberystwyth undertook the pXRF measurements. Figure 3’s photographs were produced by Emma Harper. Christopher Evans (CAU) was the Project Manager and work on site was completed by volunteers supervised by Jonathan Tabor, Leanne Robinson Zeki and Francesca Mazzilli of the CAU.
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