With a Saucepan Over the Sea Blank Page with a Saucepan Over the Sea Blank Page with a Saucepan Over the Sea
Blank Page Blank Page Blank Page With a Saucepan Over the Sea Blank Page With a Saucepan Over the Sea Blank Page With a Saucepan Over the Sea Quaint and Delicious Recipes from the Kitchens of Foreign Countries SELECTED AND COMPILED BY ADELAIDE KEEN WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Boston Little, Brown, and Company 1910 Copyright, 1902, By Little, Brown, and Company. All rights reserved Printers S. J. PARKHILL & Co., BOSTON, U. S. A. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction........................................................................... xiii CHAPTER ONE Soups................................................................................. I The oldest broth known. French soups, quaint and mod ern. A soup for a queen. Shell-fish soups. Nourishing provincial broths. Soups of game, giblets, and veal. Ele gant Parisian purees and consommes. Peasant broths. Vegetable soups of France, Italy, and Germany. Strength ening ones peculiar to different countries : Hungary, Russia, Greece, Prussia. Fruit soups of German origin. CHAPTER TWO Fish, Eggs, and Sauces................................................. 33 French and English ways with shrimps and lobster. Bouillabaisse and kindred ancient recipes, for holidays. Cod and mackerel of Provence and of Germany. Scotch and Cornish recipes. Fish braised and in salad. Sole, as cooked for Marie de Medici. Crabs in new and old fashions. Oysters and eels. Fish pies and cutlets. Piquant and wholesome sauces. Old English recipes for cullis and essence. Harmless coloring for soups and desserts. Jewish, English, and other methods of frying fish. Sea soning and vinegar for flavoring soups and salads. Eggs of many towns and countries. Omelettes, Spanish, French, and German. V CHAPTER THREE PAGE Meats and Entrees.......................................................67 Roast lamb and mutton in northern and southern France.
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