Community Magazine Fleet, Gedney, St. Marks & Holbeach Hurn 2020

1 No. 435 APRIL 2020 Parish Contacts

The Rural Dean

Revd. Rosamund Seal 01406 424989 [email protected] Authorised Lay Ministers

Mr. David Smith 01406 363388

Deanery administrator – Caz Dennis – 01406 423460 [email protected] (Office hours Monday– Thursday 9.00-1.00) For all enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and funerals Churchwardens:


Peter Graper 01406 423803 [email protected] Geoff De Roux 07826 843611 [email protected]

Holbeach Hurn

Mr. David Baker 01406 362420 Mrs. Kay Jenkinson 01406 424428


Mr. William Webb 01406 363673 Mrs. Jill Duffey 01406 365586

Holbeach St. Marks

Doris Johnson 01406 701250 Nick Worth 01406 701459 2 Useful Community Contacts

The Pilgrim Hospital ………………………….. 01205 364 801 Queen Elizabeth Hospital …………………… 01553 613 613 Holbeach Hospital ……………………………… 01406 422 283 Johnson Community Hospital Spalding.. 01775 652 000 Peterborough City Hospital…………………. 01733 678000 Long Sutton Medical Centre ………………..01406 362 081 Boots Chemist Long Sutton ………………… 01406 362 331 Samaritans ………………………………………… 08457 90 90 90 National Rail Enquiries ………………………. 0845 748 495 Registrar Long Sutton ………………………… 01522 782 244 M. P. John Hayes ………………………………… 01775 711 534 NHS Direct …………………………………………..0845 46 47 Cllr Nick Worth …………………………………….07866 415688

South Holland Parish Volunteer Car Service (Mon - Fri 09:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 16:30) Call Sharon: 01406 366820 or 07834 634336

3 MAGAZINE EDITOR: MARK ELSOM [email protected] Copy for the magazine should be with Mark by 18th of the previous month, marked Mid Elloe Magazine.

ADVERTISING EDITOR: GILL GRAPER [email protected] 01406 423803

SEE US ON THE WEB The Magazine and details of services will be put on the new church website every month so please do check there for details of what is going on in your Parish and in the Benefice. Fleet: Gedney: Holbeach Hurn: Holbeach St Marks:

For all enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please con- tact the Deanery Administrator, Caz Dennis, on 01406 423460 (office hours Mon- Thurs 9.00-1.00) For urgent pastoral issues please contact the Rural Dean – Rosamund Seal – 01406 424989 For all other enquiries please contact the churchwardens - details are in the Mid Elloe Community magazine. 4 It is hoped to produce a magazine each month which will go on the website and be emailed to as many people as possible. We hope you will under- stand that in these difficult times it may not always appear at the begin- ning of a month and the content will be reduced. People who wish to sub- mit items should still do so by 18th of the previous month.


It is with great sadness, but also with total understanding of the situation, that the Church- wardens, PCC members and the regular congregations in the Mid Elloe Benefice are follow- ing the Government’s announcement concerning all the restrictions on movement that have to be put in place at the present time.

The following statements have been taken from letters sent from the Archbishops and Bishops to priests and church officials, and more fully explain the importance of all the measures tak- en in recent days:

“Our church buildings are now closed not only for public worship, but for private prayer as well and this includes the priest or lay person offering prayer in church on their own. We must also do all that we can to provide resources and support for those who are isolated, fearful and vulnerable. But we have to do this from our homes. A number of national online resources ( including weekly streamed services and daily audio, as well as additional worship provision on the BBC are there to help us, and more are on their way. Please do all that you can to point people to this content.

It is also imperative that as the Church of Jesus Christ, called to offer hope and light in the darkness of this world’s ills, we maintain a praying presence for our community, though from today onwards this must happen from our hearts and from our homes.

Our Church buildings are closed but the Church must continue to support and encourage our communities making use of telephones and other forms of technology to keep in touch with people and ensure pastoral care is maintained, and as shepherds of Christ’s flock we are com- mitted to making this happen.

Emergency baptisms can take place in hospital or at home, though subject to strict hygienic precautions and physical distancing as far as possible.

There can be no weddings in church buildings until further notice.

Funerals can only happen at the Crematorium or at the graveside. Only immediate family members can attend (if the crematorium allows) – that is, spouse or partner, parents and chil- dren, keeping their distance in the prescribed way.”

As it says the church building may be closed, but the church of God is always open and we hope that we can continue to bring comfort and strength to our local communities through our prayers, thoughts and practical help 5 CHILDREN’S COLOURING

A LITTLE LIGHT HUMOUR IN THESE DARK TIMES! The following are misprints that have been taken from church magazines over many years: Thursday night – pot luck supper. Prayer and medication to follow This being Easter Sunday – the Rector will come forward and lay an egg at the al- tar The ladies of the church have cast off clothing and they may be seen in the church basement on Friday At the Evening Service tonight the topic will be “What is hell?” Come early and lis- ten to our choir practice Weight watchers will meet at 7.00 p.m. at the church hall. Please use the large double door at the side entrance New choir robes are currently needed, due to the addition of several new members and the deterioration of some of the older ones The Rector is on holiday; massages can be given to the church secretary. For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery at the church 6 Belfry News

An afternoon at St Lawrence

Saturday afternoon, February 1st and we were at Surfleet for the Annual Meeting of the Elloe District, Diocesan Guild of Ringers. A most enjoyable afternoon in a well kept and interesting church. However what we see today is mainly due to the efforts of Reverend Henry Law-James, vicar from 1898 to 1932. This is the story.

Gosberton church is very high Surfleet church is all awry

Pinchbeck church is in a hole And Spalding church is big with foal.

North prints this local doggerel in his 1882 book and, in describing the situation at Surfleet goes on to say, " all and belfry in very dirty state and seldom used" adding that "No 3 bell cracked". Well, if one looks at the spire, some six feet out of the vertical at it's highest point, "awry" is a perfect description. Like Pisa, Surfleet has it's own leaning tower.

In 1897 the Bishop of Lincoln was looking for a successor to Rev. Hubert Parry who had been vicar for 50 years. The post was offered to Rev. H Law-James who, on seeing the state of the church initially refused but was later persuaded to accept at a stipend of £120 per annum-no vicarage provided and the church in a terrible mess. The rest is history for in the following 34 years the building was transformed with new seating, choir stalls, a rood screen and in 1907 a new or- gan being a few of his achievements.

The bells were not forgotten, indeed not at all as Law-James was a first class bell ringer with a mathematical brain,and a very clever man. The original five bells were increased to six, eight and by 1913 to ten, the 1913 work being paid for by Law-James himself. On his death in 1932 the bells were augmented to twelve by the addition of two smaller trebles, added as a commemoration of his life's work and all remain in use today. Unusually one descends rather than ascends to the ground floor ringing room some four feet below the floor of the nave. This was to allow use of the west door, presumably partially buried because of the leaning tower. An artistic design of four wide circular steps the general impression is of the entrance to a miniature Roman Arena.

Law-James died in February 1932 at the early age of 63 years and is buried close to the chancel, his headstone inscription hidden by growths of lichen but his life's work lives on for all to see and appreciate. Long may that continue.

John Bennett


Many thanks to everyone who has signed up for this year. To date 137 numbers are in the pot!

Fleet Church 50/50 Club

March Winners 1. Ann Balls No. 127 £25 2. Kian Chapman No. 38 £15 3. Sam Wray No. 18 £5 Thank you to all the people who support this method of raising funds for the church


This was due to take place on WEDNESDAY, 29th APRIL, at 7.00 p.m. in the Church. The formal notice giving details of this meeting is on display on the Church noticeboard in the Porch. The accounts which would have been presented at the meeting have been audited


We are delighted to learn that one of the charities that will benefit from the Bags for Help initiative, organised by Tesco, will be St Mary Magdalene Church, Fleet.

The rules for being adopted for this scheme are quite specific and a funding applica- tion had to be submitted a while ago. The title for our project is “ENJOY AND EX- PLORE YOUR LOCAL CHURCH” with the hope that we will be able to provide all generations with opportunities to visit the church and enjoy a variety of activities.

Tesco has informed us that the scheme will restart at a later date when we are assured of our 3 month slot.

8 FLEET SELF ISOLATION GROUP At a time of national crisis it has been heart- warming to see on the Friends of Fleet Facebook page how many people are thinking of the elderly, lonely and vulnerable in the Parish and devising ways of helping these people.

The WhatsApp group that has been created, where volunteers may offer their services, support and help for those in need, has had a wonderful response. The majority of the PCC and the Churchwardens of St Mary Magdalene Church are sadly in the group of people who for health or age reasons are unable to give practical help, but please be assured that our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the village of Fleet at this difficult time. PRAYERS Keep us, good Lord Under the shadow of your mercy. Sustain and support the anxious, Be with those who care for the sick, And lift up all who are brought low; That we may find comfort Knowing that nothing can separate us from your love In Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen God of healing and hope, in Jesus you meet us in our places of pain and fear. Look with mercy on those who have contracted the new virus, on any who are vulnerable, and on all who feel in danger. Through this time of global concern, by your Holy Spirit bring out the best not the worst in us. Make us more aware of our interdependence on each other, and of the strength that comes from being one body.


6th—12th April

Friday, 10th April

Easter Day—12th April



Chicken pie, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots followed by rice pudding were served to the diners at the March lunch. Several comments were received about it being a delicious meal. It is with heavy hearts that we have taken the decision to cancel the April lunch because of the Coronavirus threat and the advice giv- en by the Government.

The lunches will resume as soon as we are told it is safe.



Owing to the Coronavirus the following events have been either cancelled or postponed-:

The Church of has directed that all Church Services are cancelled except weddings and funerals

Wednesday 8th April – Annual Church Meeting and Annual Vestry Meeting. Postponed pending further advice.

Friday 10th April – Coffee Morning at Cardon House. This has been post- poned. It is hoped to re-arrange the morning for later in the year.

Thursday 30th April – Fashion Show by Elaine Tiller of Sheila Tiller’s. This has also been postponed to a later date.

HOWEVER, the Church will remain open, as always, for private prayer.

Please look out for and look after your neighbours, particularly the lonely, and let them know who to contact if there is anything they need.


We are already making preparation for our Flower Festival in 2020 in the hope that it will take place. Volunteers have been busy taking plant cuttings ready for the spring. Do you have any 8 inch plastic flower pots which are surplus to requirements? If so we would be very pleased to receive them. They can be left in the church porch.


Thursday 23rd July to Sunday 26th July (HOPEFULLY) – The Annual Church Flower Festival.


Pastor: Ross A Dean. Phone: 01406 424556

'You are my defender and protector. You are my God. In you I trust.’ Psalm 91 v.2.

How quickly the world's fortune's have been turned upside down with the coronavirus that is sweeping the globe. It's a strong re- minder of how fragile and uncertain life systems can be. Every possible resource and means of research is now being tapped to find a solution to the problem and we are thankful to all the sci- entists involved in this important endeavour. To their efforts we should add our own prayers for God's enabling in the task, for it's His wisdom that will ultimately make the difference.

Following government announcements on restriction of social contacts, our usual gatherings for Sunday worship and other events, including the planned Flower Festival for May, have been suspended until further notice.

Please remember in your prayers our whole nation at this time and especially those working at the front line in health care.


St Luke's Church, Holbeach Hurn.

Due to the Corona Virus , all church services have been suspend- ed until further notice.

Likewise, the AGM & PCC meetings have been cancelled.

However, as far as possible ,St. Luke's Church will remain open during the day , usually between approximately 10 am until 4 pm . Anyone is welcome to go into the church during these times.

Wishing everyone good health and fortitude in these unusual and difficult times



St. Mary’s Church Sutterton. Flower Festival. Scarecrows visit . Sat. 25th April to Sun 3rd May 2020. 10.30am to 5.30pm daily. Refreshments lunches plants Bric a Brac flowers etc. Indoor toilet and toilet for the disabled. Contact Janice Des- picht 01205 460590 or [email protected]


Adaptable Counselling 07904 075063 [email protected] ABOUT US As the name suggests this is counselling but adaptable to suit your individual needs. It is suita- ble for all ages, one on one, couples, families and is held in a calm and safe environment. You can make an appointment at a time to suit you, to fit in around work and family commitments as evening and weekend appointments are also available. For anyone who is unable to travel to an appointment I also offer a telephone, on line and video calling service. Hourly sessions include CBT by a fully qualified counsellor. DBS checked and registered with Lincolnshire County Council as undergone an Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service check. Fully Insured. HELP WITH Adaptable Counselling is your gateway to finding help for anxiety, stress, depression, panic attacks, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress, bereavement, anger management, eating disorders and anything else you may feel you need to talk about and need help with. CBT actually stands for Cognetive Behaviourial Therapy. By using this method you are able to learn new ways of thinking and seeing things from another perspective. Once this has been learnt you can use it in all aspects of your life and can open up so many more options for lead- ing a more positive life. I am also able to show you various coping strategies that you can use between sessions and once learnt can use them any time a situation may call for them. The first and most important are breathing exercises that can be used anywhere and under any circumstances, such as panic attacks, phobias, anger management and many more, the aim being to slow down your breathing which in turn will relax and calm your body and mind. There are practical strategies too that I can show you or explain such as fidget cubes, colour therapy and mindfulness. A healthy diet, exercise and regular sleep patterns are also things we will work on. You can also find us on Face Book using the following link:


Monday. Rehab 10.00-12.00 contact

Jack/Rosemary on 01406 424831

Keep fit. From 6.30 contact Karen on 07957440333

Thursday. Keep fit 9.30-10.25 contact Karen on 07957440333

Rehab 1.30-3.30 contact Jack/Rosemary on 01406 424831

Friday. M&A Auction. Viewing from 4.00 Auction starts at 6.00 contact Annette/Michelle on 01406 371024 or 07936109884.

Any other questions please e mail me. Regards Chris


Home visits - Regulated & Insured - Fixed fees No VAT Face to face professional advice For a sympathetic service telephone 01406 709944 Lincolnshire Will Company


EXCELLENT VENUE FOR - Wedding receptions, Parties, Meetings, Clubs etc.

For more information

Phone: Chris Pearson on 07715872464 (located just off the A17 Gedney roundabout )


Roofing Contractor ~~~

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Please donate your unwanted furniture to help local elderly Unit 6 Flaxmill building Unit 33 Flaxmill Lane Fleet Road Ind. Estate Pinchbeck Holbeach PE11 3XN PE12 8LA

• Prompt free Local Pickup & Delivery

• OPEN MON TO FRI 9.30 to 3.30

• • Everyone welcome

PHONE RICHARD: 07946837133 FOR FURTHER DETAILS 23 Counselling in Defibrillators in Fleet & Holbeach Gedney There are now two defibrillators in Natalie Blanchflower Fleet. Integrative Christian counsellor The first is on the outside of the Rose working with a range of issues: and Crown, Fleet Hargate, and the sec- depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, ond is at the Branches Lane side of the Fleet Road Garage. loss, trauma, relationships difficulties etc. A defibrillator now exists outside Vic- tory Hall, Gedney. Contact me via email for more They also exist at the Co-Op food information: stores of Holbeach, [email protected] Long Sutton and .

24 25

Secker Welding - Holbeach Domestic Oil-Fired Boiler Servicing and Repair

Local engineer with 35 years of experience providing efficient and friendly service at extremely competitive prices.

Call Linden on 07811 919 596 or 01406 423424

26 27 28

We are local, accessible and experienced providers of legal services including: -

Buying and selling property Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney

Estate administration Divorce and family problems Employment advice Disputes Commercial Law

Find us at:

10 Spalding Road, Holbeach PE12 7LP Tel: 01406 422651 and 30 Market Place, Long Sutton PE12 9JH Tel: 01406 363212

Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number (SRA Number 52592)

29 Domestic Cleaner Wanted

Gedney Broadgate Preferably 8 hours per week over 2 days. Normal household tasks to be undertaken. Please call Claire on 01406 365763 0r 07879 841364



Could you do with a little extra help?

Washing & ironing. Vacuuming or mop- ping floors. Gardening.

What about getting out and about? PANDORAS BOX Shopping, Dentist, Doctor’s or hospital. JEWELLRY & GIFTWARE

CALL SHEILA ON 07796457723 Silver and fashion jewellery to suit all tastes; range of gifts; scarves and Covered by updated DBS check and in- purses. surance. FREE POST, LOCAL DELIVERY

31 South Lincolnshire Registered Charity Blind Society Number 1182486

JOIN OUR CAMPAIGN TO END LONELINESS AND SOCAL ISOLATION South Lincolnshire Blind Society provides support and advice to help visually impaired people, improving their independence and increas- ing their quality of life. We have people living with sight loss who have been waiting for 6 months or more in your area!! Do you have a few hours to spare and enjoy making new friends?? Why not become a Volunteer?? We are looking for Volunteers to join our Home Befriending service within the Spalding area. If you are friendly, outgoing, have a good listening ear and a bit of time to spare then please call us today… Together we can end Loneliness. Call: 01476 592775 or e-mail: [email protected] visit our website: Open Tuesday to Friday 9am – 5pm