The Mid-Elloe Villager

The Free Community Magazine for Fleet, Gedney, St. Marks & 2020

1 No.442 NOVEMBER 2020 Parish Contacts

The Rural Dean

Revd. Rosamund Seal 01406 424989 [email protected] Authorised Lay Ministers

Mr. David Smith 01406 363388

Deanery administrator – Caz Dennis – 01406 423460 [email protected] (Office hours Monday – Thursday 9.00-1.00) For all enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and funerals Churchwardens:


For any enquiries contact: PCC Secretary, Gill Graper 01406 423803

Holbeach Hurn

Mr. David Baker 01406 362420 Mrs. Kay Jenkinson 01406 424428


Mr. William Webb 01406 363673 Mrs. Jill Duffey 01406 365586

Holbeach St. Marks

Doris Johnson 01406 701250 Nick Worth 01406 701459

2 Useful Community Contacts

The Pilgrim Hospital 01205 364 801 Queen Elizabeth Hospital 01553 613 613 Holbeach Hospital 01406 422 283 Johnson Community Hospital Spalding.. 01775 652 000 Peterborough City Hospital 01733 678000 Long Sutton Medical Centre 01406 362 081 Boots Chemist Long Sutton 01406 362 331 Samaritans 116 123 National Rail Enquiries 0845 748 495 Registrar Long Sutton 01522 782 244 Sir John Hayes 01775 711 534 NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Cllr Nick Worth 07866 415688

South Holland Parish Volunteer Car Service (Mon - Fri 09:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 16:30) Call Sharon: 01406 366820 or 07834 634336

3 It is hoped to produce a magazine MAGAZINE EDITOR: MARK ELSOM each month which will go on the [email protected] website and be emailed to as many people as possible. We Copy for the magazine should be with Mark hope you will understand that in by 18th of the previous month, marked Mid Elloe Magazine. these difficult times it may not always appear at the beginning of ADVERTISING EDITOR: GILL GRAPER a month and the content will be reduced. People who wish to [email protected] submit items should still do so by 01406 423803 18th of the previous month.

For all enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please con- tact the Deanery Administrator, Caz Dennis, on 01406 423460 (office hours Mon- Thurs 9.00-1.00) For urgent pastoral issues please contact the Rural Dean – Rosamund Seal – 01406 424989 For all other enquiries please contact the churchwardens - details are in the Mid Elloe Community magazine.


The Magazine and details of services will be put on the new church website every month so please do check there for details of what is going on in your Parish and in the Benefice.


Gedney: Holbeach Hurn: :

4 5 Belfry News

Renaissance at Fulney Fulney was a hamlet, north east of Spalding, a few houses, a hall, corn mill and little else when in 1877 Miss Charlotte Charington (1801-1880) gave some £30,000, a massive sum in those days, to fund the building of St Pauls church. She laid its foundation stone on Octo- ber 18, 1877 and the church was dedicated on October 27, 1880. Designed by Sir George Gibert Scott, it is an impressive red brick building with a fine tower and spire. However , the choice of T C Lewis of Brixton to cast its eight bells was, I think, somewhat unusual, as this firm was better known as an organ builder rather than a bell founder. Cast in 1880 none of these eight “maiden” bells were tuned and there must have been problems with the treble and number two as these were recast by Taylors .


The frame was installed by John Taylor & Co in 1889 and is of composite construction com- prising massive oak trusses supporting cast iron “A” frames from which No’s 2 to 8 are hung. The treble has its own cast iron frame above the others, all having wooden head- stocks and plain bearings. There is written evidence suggesting an earlier frame perhaps dating to 1880 apparently installed by a John Wright of Spalding . Canon Felsteads records show 57 peals rung here, the first Bob Major on February 2nd, 1902 and the last, Yorkshire Major on December 8th, 2008. These were spread fairly evenly over the years apart from a 17 year silence between 1937 and 1954 when Taylors did some remedial work commemo- rated by a peal board recording 5056 Bob Major rung on October 4, 1954.

A dusty old notebook found on a window ledge in the ringing room tells us much concern- ing practice and service ringing during the years 1971 to 1973 when pupils from Spalding Grammar School were active in the tower. Jim Benner ex Spalding Grammar,who now rings at Bourne said he was taught at Fulney by the late Ron Noon. “Yes I recall those times very well”, Jim reminisced, “Ron wouldn’t allow us to visit St Mary and St Nicholas until we could consecutively set our bells ten times hand and backstroke-but I stuck it!” ( that’s the way to teach ‘em) After these years there appears to have been a lapse in activity though the bells were rung for services during the 1980’s and 90’s. The final en- tries in the notebook dated September 7th and September 21st 2007 are reports of ring- ing for weddings. After 2008 all ringing ceased, the bells catalogued as “Unringeable.”

This was the situation when on the evening of July 21st, Tony Walker, Luke Tobin and my- self,having received permission , went into the tower which was in an appalling mess. Jack- daws had nested there for –well-I suspect many years. There followed 14 evenings work culminating on August 21st when we were able to try the bells. The first three evenings were spent clearing the huge piles of twigs, dead birds, absolutely awful. Well masked not against Covid, but rather the dust which at times in the clock room assumed the density of a winter fog, truly a labour of love. We carried away two trailer loads.Luckily the composite bell frame of 1889 was in good condition though there were problems with the wheels, headstock bolts, clappers, clock hammer which have all been resolved.

A representative from the Taylor Foundry visited on October 10th and produced a favoura- ble report. Yes there are additional requirements, but nothing preventing the ringing of these bells. Well I guess the “unringable” description can be deleted from the record and yes indeed it was a labour of love, but Miss Charington, were you still alive I am sure you would have been delighted.

John Bennett


50/50Club Winners October 1. Malcolm Edwards 43 £25

2. Norma Bell 64 £15

3. Clive Waterson 55 £5

Subscription renewals for 50/50 Club will be due at the end of the year. Letters will be sent to all our present subscribers very soon. It has been decided to charge £10 for each number purchased, but also to raise the prizes to £30, £20 and £10 every month. There will also be a proforma for any new subscribers in the December magazine. We are most grateful to everyone who supports the church in this way, particu- larly following this very difficult year where we have suffered a huge decline in income, having been unable to organise a Flower Festival or Arts and Crafts Festival.

REROOFING UPDATE Many will have noticed that the scaffolding went up and the work has started to reroof the area that was stolen at the beginning of the year. Whilst insurance will pay for much of the work that has to be done, the builders have found a few extra problems not related to the roof tiles being taken and this will have to be paid out of our church finances, as well as the temporary security alarm that is in place.

As a result of the theft it has become imperative that a security alarm is in place permanently at the church. We are very grateful that the Mary Bass Charity has agreed to pay for this to be installed.

Once the reroofing is complete a deep clean of the church will be or- ganised, so that the reopening of the church may once again become a reality, if only for Private Prayer.



A Christmas Raffle is being organised by the Friends of Fleet group for Fleet Church. Amongst some of the many wonderful prizes are a SMART TELEVISION, an ALEXA and a £50 voucher. Tickets are available from Eileen Gilliatt, PCC members and many other people in the village. The Draw will take place at the Rose and Crown on Saturday, 12th December. PLEASE DO SUPPORT US.

WE NEED YOU In 1921 an organization was formed and is still going today. In 2021 this or- ganization will be having its centenary. There will be lots of activities through- out the country. Fleet & District Branch is hoping to be part of this. We have some ideas which will be fun and involve the communities, to allow this to happen we need you. Would you like to go on outings, meals outing and events which are part of a national organisation? We need you to join the local branch to keep it open. You don’t have to be ex-services and you can join at the age of 12yrs for free until 18yrs old. The organization helps veterans and their families from the world wars & other engagements like the Falklands, Iraq and Afghanistan to name a few. As well as its members of course. The Fleet & District branch covers Fleet parish, The Gedneys (excluding ), Holbeach Hurn and . Please contact either 01406 6550396 or 01406 490045 for more information. FLEET & DISTRICT BRANCH ROYAL BRITISH LEGION NEED YOU



Our Harvest Festival Service with communion was held on Sunday 11th October. It was lovely to see some harvest flower arrangements in Church. Hopefully they cheered us up and helped to compensate for not being able to sing all our favourite harvest hymns. It was also lovely to hear the organ again. The water damage has been repaired along with some general ‘wear and tear’. Our thanks to Peter for playing the organ and to the ladies who arranged the flowers for the service. It was agreed that after the service we took the arrangements home as the church only has limited opening at the moment.

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 8TH NOVEMBER 2019 – 10.50 Please note the earlier start time.

This year’s Remembrance tribute will have to be a little different. Hopeful- ly we will find a way to display the knitted poppies and the two ‘There But Not There’ figures to help mark the occasion.

This service will start a few minutes earlier than normal in order to ac- commodate the Act of Remembrance at 11.00.


Tabletalk Lunches are cancelled until further notice but we do hope you all stay safe and keep well. We look forward to welcoming you all back once this worrying time is past. Please let us know of anyone who might be feeling isolated and appreciate a phone call.

You can contact us either by phone or email on-: Jane Webb – 01406 363673 [email protected] Jill Duffey – 01406 365586 [email protected]


GEDNEY CHURCH CHRISTMAS CARDS As mentioned in previous years, packs of Christmas cards showing Gedney Church are available. There are now only a few packs left. The picture is a photo taken by Dave Gentle showing the chancel by candlelight during the Carol Service. Please bear this in mind as the nights pull in and thoughts turn to the Festive Season. There are five cards in a pack at £2.50 per pack. Some contain a Christmas Greeting and others have been left blank for your own message. Please contact me on 01406 363673 if you would like more details or to see a sample. Jane Webb

TRAVELLING NATIVITIES Because of Health and Safety, the Travelling Nativities will have to stay in hiberna- tion this year but I’m sure they will be eager to reappear in 2021.


Hopefully you are reading this before 1st November.

Every year at All Souls Tide we have a service where we remember those of our loved ones who have gone before us. The names of all whose funerals have been held in the last year will be read out. There will be an opportunity to light a candle in their memory.

Owing to the current restrictions on social distancing it will be necessary for those wish- ing to attend to inform the Deanery Administrator, Caz Dennis, in advance of their inten- tions. Two services are planned in order to accommodate the expected numbers, one at 4pm and one at 6pm. All the names will be read at both services. The contact details for the Deanery Administrator are-:

Telephone Number – 01406 423460 Monday – Thursday 09.00 – 13.00

Email address - [email protected]


Mid Elloe Villager Fleet Baptist Church November 2020 Pastor: Ross A Dean. Phone: 424556. ‘Sing praise to the Lord, all his faithful people! Remember what the Holy One has done and give him thanks!’ Psalm 30 v.4. If October is associated with harvest and thankfulness, November has become associated with Remembrance, particularly of all servicemen and women who have died in conflicts over the generations. Whatever kinds of events are organised this year, the fallen will surely be remembered once again. And it seems appropriate, too, to pause and give thought to all the families and individuals who have been directly affected by the present pandemic, which has already claimed more than 43,000 lives in the UK. With prayerful thanksgiving for their lives, we remember them all. We continue to hold our time of reflective worship each Sunday from 2.30 to 3.30pm. following current government guidelines. This time of worship is open to all. All other meetings and events are currently suspended.


StLuke's Church, Holbeach Hurn

Following the Joint PCC meeting on Sept. 23rd. at Gedney church, as reported in last month's magazine, Holbeach Hurn PCC will meet again separately on Oct.22nd. at 7.30 at Holbeach Hurn village hall.

There are many concerns about the future of the church and decisions to be reached regarding how best and safely to provide a caring practical service to everyone.

All Souls' Day is marked on 2nd November (or the 3rd if the 2nd is a Sunday), directly following All Saints' Day, and is an opportunity for Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholic churches to commemorate the faithful departed. They remember and pray for the souls of people who are in Purgatory - the place (or state) in which those who have died atone for their less grave sins before being granted the vision of God in Heaven (called Beatific vision). Reasoning behind this stems from the notion that when a soul leaves the body, it is not en- tirely cleansed from venial (minor) sins. However, through the power of prayer and self- denial, the faithful left on earth may be able to help these souls gain the Beatific Vision they seek, bringing the soul eternal sublime happiness. Nowadays, there are special services held where the bereaved find comfort in remembering their loved ones and candles are lit in their memory. Other rituals include the offering of Req- uiem Mass for the dead, visiting family graves and reflecting on lost loved ones. In Mexico, on el dia de los muertos (Day of the Dead), people take picnics to their family graves and leave food out for their dead relatives.



All Saints' Day (also known as All Hallows' Day or Hallowmas) is the day after All Hallows' Eve (Hallowe'en). It is a feast day cele- brated on 1st November by Anglicans and Roman Catholics.

It is an opportunity for believers to remember all saints and martyrs, known and un- known, throughout Christian history. As part of this day of obligation, believers are required to attend church and try not to do any servile work. In many countries it is a Bank Holiday, so that people are not expected to work.

Remembering saints and martyrs and dedicating a specific day to them each year has been a Christian tradition since the 4th century AD, but it wasn't until 609AD that Pope Boniface IV decided to remember all martyrs. Originally 13th May was desig- nated as the Feast of All Holy Martyrs. Later, in 837AD, Pope Gregory IV extended the festival to remember all the saints, changed its name to Feast of All Saints and changed the date to 1st November.


Is there anyone in any of the Mid Elloe parishes who would be prepared to take on this role?

 You do not have to be a church member  You do have to have some computer literacy skills and be able to send emails  The main part of the job has to be done in November, December and January when fees for the following year are due  You will be supported and helped by the current Advertising Editor, who has eve- rything stored on computer  You will also liaise with Peter Bush, Treasurer for Fleet and Mark our Editor  You will have the satisfaction of playing a vital role in ensuring our Magazine can continue to be produced Please contact Gill Graper if you are interested and would like to find out more details: 01406 423803 or [email protected]

15 16




Monday. Rehab 10.00-12.00 contact Jack/Rosemary on 01406 424831 Keep fit. From 6.30 contact Karen on 07957440333 Thursday. Keep fit 9.30-10.25 contact Karen on 07957440333 Rehab 1.30-3.30 contact Jack/Rosemary on 01406 424831 Friday. M&A Auction. Viewing from 4.00 Auction starts at 6.00 contact Annette/Michelle on 01406 371024 or 07936109884. Any other questions please e mail me. Regards Chris


Adaptable Counselling 07904 075063 [email protected] ABOUT US As the name suggests this is counselling but adaptable to suit your individual needs. It is suita- ble for all ages, one on one, couples, families and is held in a calm and safe environment. You can make an appointment at a time to suit you, to fit in around work and family commitments as evening and weekend appointments are also available. For anyone who is unable to travel to an appointment I also offer a telephone, on line and video calling service. Hourly sessions include CBT by a fully qualified counsellor. DBS checked and registered with County Council as undergone an Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service check. Fully Insured. HELP WITH Adaptable Counselling is your gateway to finding help for anxiety, stress, depression, panic attacks, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress, bereavement, anger management, eating disorders and anything else you may feel you need to talk about and need help with. CBT actually stands for Cognetive Behaviourial Therapy. By using this method you are able to learn new ways of thinking and seeing things from another perspective. Once this has been learnt you can use it in all aspects of your life and can open up so many more options for lead- ing a more positive life. I am also able to show you various coping strategies that you can use between sessions and once learnt can use them any time a situation may call for them. The first and most important are breathing exercises that can be used anywhere and under any circumstances, such as panic attacks, phobias, anger management and many more, the aim being to slow down your breathing which in turn will relax and calm your body and mind. There are practical strategies too that I can show you or explain such as fidget cubes, colour therapy and mindfulness. A healthy diet, exercise and regular sleep patterns are also things we will work on. You can also find us on Face Book using the following link:


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Please donate your unwanted furniture to help local elderly Unit 6 Flaxmill building Unit 33 Flaxmill Lane Fleet Road Ind. Estate Pinchbeck Holbeach PE11 3XN PE12 8LA

• Prompt free Local Pickup & Delivery

• OPEN MON TO FRI 9.30 to 3.30


• Everyone welcome

PHONE RICHARD: 07946837133 FOR FURTHER DETAILS 28 29 South Lincolnshire Registered Charity Blind Society

Number 1182486

JOIN OUR CAMPAIGN TO END LONELINESS AND SOCAL ISOLATION South Lincolnshire Blind Society provides support and advice to help visually impaired people, improving their independence and increas- ing their quality of life. We have people living with sight loss who have been waiting for 6 months or more in your area!! Do you have a few hours to spare and enjoy making new friends?? Why not become a Volunteer?? We are looking for Volunteers to join our Home Befriending service within the Spalding area. If you are friendly, outgoing, have a good listening ear and a bit of time to spare then please call us today… Together we can end Loneliness. Call: 01476 592775 or e-mail: [email protected] visit our website: Open Tuesday to Friday 9am – 5pm

30 Defibrillators in Fleet & Counselling in Gedney There are now two defibrillators in Holbeach Fleet. Natalie Blanchflower The first is on the outside of the Rose and Crown, , and the sec- Integrative Christian counsellor ond is at the Branches Lane side of the working with a range of issues: Fleet Road Garage. depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, A defibrillator now exists outside Victo- loss, trauma, relationships difficulties ry Hall, Gedney. etc. They also exist at the Co-Op food stores Contact me via email for more of Holbeach, information: Long Sutton and . [email protected]


Secker Welding - Holbeach Domestic Oil-Fired Boiler Servicing and Repair

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33 34 35

PANDORAS BOX JEWELLRY & GIFTWARE Silver and fashion jewellery to suit all tastes; range of gifts; scarves and purses. FREE POST, LOCAL DELIVERY