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The Annual Report of the Bradford Ornithological Group 2018 1 The Bradford Ornithological Group 2018 Report Report Production Editor: Paul King Author: Keith Moir Records Collation: Keith Allen with assistance from Shaun Radcliffe and Paul King Photographs Front Cover: Brian Vickers Others: As individually credited Editorial This, the 32nd Annual Report, was composed from the 17,500 records submitted by over 100 birders. Without such dedication and attention to detail, we would not be able to record satisfactorily the presence of birds in our recording area. To everyone that supported our efforts, I give my thanks. Probably the year’s outstanding visitor was an Iberian Chiffchaff, a first for West Yorkshire, which spent three weeks trying to attract a mate at Norwood Edge. Other birds making a welcome, if infrequent, appearance included Red-throated Diver, Curlew Sandpiper, Glaucous Gull, White-fronted Goose, Brent Goose and Sandwich Tern. A total of over 16,000 Pink-footed Geese and an exceptional 19 Ospreys, crossed the region on their spring and autumn journeys. At Tong Park, Baildon, the build-up of Gadwall reached an impressive 23 in November, and amazingly, Barn Owl has progressed from no sightings in 2006, to be our most recorded owl! Water levels were severely affected during a long hot summer, and as a consequence, waders were more frequently seen, with Ruff, Sanderling, Turnstone and the aforementioned Curlew Sandpiper, being the pick. Herring Gull numbers have increased four-fold in just three years, but a strong showing is not the case with Pochard, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Yellowhammer and Twite, which are just about hanging-on. New features on our website (, include a searchable database of 2017 records, details of the 263 species identified in the area, monthly reports, articles by local birders and much, much more. Paul King 2 MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor Common resident breeder. The only sizeable gathering was 25 at Yeadon Tarn in April, and the other sightings again included a few colour-ringed birds. Breeding reports were well down on 2017, with only 15 young across six locations. WHOOPER SWAN Cygnus cygnus Uncommon but regular passage visitor. Significant counts were limited to the first winter period, when the highest reservoir totals were 57 at March Ghyll, 40 at John o’ Gaunt’s, and 22 at Lindley Wood. Additionally, flocks of 20 and 26 were seen over Marley and Saltaire. Smaller double-figures were located at Silsden, and Chelker and Ogden Reservoirs. The annual total was 262, about 10% down on 2017. PINK-FOOTED GOOSE Anser brachyrhynchus Seen regularly overflying on passage, and occasionally as a winter visitor. By far the most records related to arriving birds in autumn, and produced over 80% of the considerable annual total of 16,085. These included four day-counts of four-figures, and 31 three-figure totals. Observation at Oxenhope Watchpoint accounted for 6,211 birds, but, for once, Caldene Fields led the way with a total of 6,566. WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE Anser albifrons Scarce autumn/winter visitor A species not much recorded since 2000, a bird of the nominate race A.a.albifrons was resting with Greylag and Pink-footed Geese near Hoodstorth on 24th October (KM). GREYLAG GOOSE Anser anser Common resident breeder, and passage visitor. Three-figure gatherings numbered 18, and were well up on 2017. The most notable comprised around 350 at Otley Wetland Nature Reserve and Lindley Wood Reservoir, and 425 near Hoodstorth. Though the seven breeding locations were slightly fewer, 150 juveniles was significantly more. CANADA GOOSE Branta canadensis Common resident breeder. The 12 larger counts comprising between 114 and 294 were much in line, but the 126 juveniles recorded across six sites represented a much better breeding picture. 3 BARNACLE GOOSE Branta leucopsis Probable escapee and uncommon passage/winter visitor. All the records came from fairly adjacent locations in the west of the area, and might have involved no more than two birds. Singles were seen in January and February, with two at Warley Moor Reservoir in the latter month and in May and August. BRENT GOOSE Branta bernicla Scarce passage visitor. Only the fifth record in the past 19 years, a dark-bellied bird of the race B.b.bernicla was with Canada and Greylag Geese near Oxenhope between 2nd and 20th December (BV, KM, RP). EGYPTIAN GOOSE Alopochen aegyptiacus Scarce visitor/possible escapee Two were at Knotford Nook on 27th June. SHELDUCK Tadorna tadorna Passage/winter visitor and occasional breeder. Birds were reported from 12 sites, in line with 2017, usually in low single figures, but with a few counts of five birds, one of seven, and nine at Cononley Ings in January. There were no breeding reports this year. MANDARIN DUCK Aix galericulata Increasingly common winter visitor and breeder. As expected, the biggest counts came from Strid Wood, where there were 85 in October, but almost as many spent several days at Lindley Wood Reservoir, where between 57 and 83 were seen in September. Smaller numbers were observed at a few other increasingly widespread sites. Breeding was proved at six locations in Airedale and Wharfedale, and 28 young were seen. WIGEON Anas penelope Regular passage migrant and winter visitor. The exponential increase of other recent years was contained, and the biggest parties at Cononley Ings were no more than 240 in March, and 310 in December. Smaller three- figure flocks were also recorded here, and at Otley Wetland and Knotford Nook. GADWALL Anas strepera Uncommon but regular winter visitor. The Group’s previous record was well-surpassed in 2018, with counts at Tong Park Reservoir of 21 on 23rd November (RW) and 23 on 28th (AJ). Otherwise, the more 4 expected pairs were seen at Esholt, Cononley, Menston, Otley Wetland, Park Dam and (unusually) Keighley Moor Reservoir. TEAL Anas crecca Common passage and winter visitor and occasional breeder. A rather poor year, with around 100 birds at Cononley Ings in January the only three-figure count, and between 30 and 45 birds at three sites the best of the remainder. There were no indications of breeding. MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos Common resident breeder; passage/winter visitor. Though again well-reported, there were only three counts over 100 birds, with the maximum 150 at Redcar Tarn in January. In contrast, specific breeding records were well up on last year, and a minimum of 125 young were seen. PINTAIL Anas acuta Regular passage and occasional winter visitor, usually in small numbers. A similar picture to 2018, as only five birds were seen, all in September, and comprising one at Warley Moor Reservoir between the 9th and 15th (BS, BV), three at Thornton Moor Reservoir on the 29th (CJK, NP), and another at Doe Park on the same date (NP). A bird at Redcar Tarn in September superficially resembled a female Pintail, but was considered a hybrid. SHOVELER Anas clypeata Passage/winter visitor in small numbers; has bred. Ten widespread locations produced a total of 43 birds, with a maximum count of eight at Silsden Ings in March. An unusually long-staying drake was present at Yeadon Tarn from early March until the end of May. POCHARD Aythya ferina Increasingly uncommon winter visitor. The dearth of records continues, and most of these came from Yeadon Tarn, which had up to five birds in the first winter period. Otherwise, there were just singles: at Otley Wetland between January and March, and Harold Park in April. TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula Passage/winter visitor and increasing breeding resident. There were reasonable counts between 21 and 61 from nine locations, the maximum being at Silsden Reservoir in February. Smaller numbers were noted at five other sites. Apparently a better breeding picture than 2017, with a total of 29 young seen at Warley Moor Reservoir, Lister Park and Keighley Moor Reservoir. The latter was notable as being 5 the probable first breeding record there, and puzzling, as the parents and seven non-flying ducklings disappeared. COMMON SCOTER Melanitta nigra Uncommon, but regular passage visitor. Once again, most sightings were in the south, and comprised four birds at Warley Moor Reservoir on 19th June, and singles the following day and 21st July (BS), and from Keighley Moor Reservoir a bird on 18th August, and three on 26th September (IH). Elsewhere, one was at Otley Wetland on 27th and 28th March (WNS, AJ). GOLDENEYE Bucephala clangula Common winter visitor. The only double-figure gatherings were 23 at Knotford Nook in March and December, and 21 at Otley Wetland in March. Smaller numbers were recorded at six other sites. Whilst birds have occasionally summered, a bird at Otley Wetland on 12th May was late, and another on 16th July exceptionally so. GOOSANDER Mergus merganser Common resident breeder and winter visitor. The species is now widespread but there were only four double-figure counts, though the one of 85 birds at Thornton Moor on 15th September is the highest since 2005. Proven breeding at five sites produced 46 young, and other such records were unspecific. RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE Alectoris rufa Resident, probably all from introduced stock. Though no doubt widespread in introduction areas, there were few records, and only two counts approaching 30 birds. Six juveniles were seen ay Slippery Ford. RED GROUSE Lagopus lagopus Resident breeder. Little or no shooting took place this year, which probably accounts for the many good counts of moorland birds, the best of which was 95 on Barden Moor in December. Family groups were seen on Keighley Moor, where shooting took place, and which apparently had one of its best years. GREY PARTRIDGE Perdix perdix Resident breeder.