TUESDAY THURSDAY 2nd Sep Medium–Easy Leaders D Goode/K Gregory 4th Sep Short–Moderate Leaders V G & J Edy 8 miles, 4hrs 9:00 start Garsdale to Dent Dale 6 miles 9:27 train from Skipton Map ref SE 265 417 Golden Acre Park CP * Country Way * Train to Gardale Station (Map OL30 SD788918) * Grouse Hall * Eccup Reservoir * Eccup Whin * Golden Acre Park Dendra Garth * Dockra Farm * Dent for 15:18 train to Skipton Some walking on minor roads. If weather is good can extend Meet at Skipton station in time to get your ticket or get the train another 2 miles round 'Paul's Pond', named after William Paul en-route 9th Sep Long–Strenuous Leaders A & C Heald 11th Sep Medium–Easy Leaders PJ & M Watson The Tarns of Whernside 10 miles 8:30 start Foulridge and Admergill Water 8 miles 9:30 start Map OL 2 GR 765793 Ribblehead * Ivescar * Whernside (steep Map OL21 887424 Station Road * Foulridge * Fanny Grey Inn ascent) * Whernside tarns * Boot of the Wold * Slack Hill * (former) * Admergill Water * Blacko Foot * Foulridge Lower Ribblehead Reservoir 16th Sep Short–Easy/Mod Leaders N & M Jarvis 18rd Sep Long–Strenuous Leaders C Heald/D Liggett Feizor 7 miles 9:30 start Bowscale Fell and Blencathra 10 miles 8.30 start Map OL41/OL2 Feizor Elaine’s cafe CP 780 676 * Giggleswick Map OL 5 GR 359316 Bowscale * Bowscale tarn and Fell * Scar * Stackhouse * Ribble Way * Stainforth Force * Feizor Blencathra * Souther Fell * Mungrisdale * Bowscale. A strenuous and high Lakes walk with a rough ascent from Bowscale tarn. Total ascent of 850 metres 23rd Sep Medium–Moderate Leaders E Tiffany/J Allison 25th–26th Sep Short/Medium–Strenuous Leaders VG & J Edy and Barden Reservoirs 9 miles 9:00 start Walks in Snowdonia Meet at Coach St 14:00 on Wednesday 24th Map OL2 012541 Embsay church car park * Eastby * Halton East Thursday: Glyders, 10 am start at Idwal Cottage (OL17 SH649604) * lower Barden reservoir, * upper Barden reservoir * Eastby gate Friday: Moel Siabod, 10 am start at Capel Curig (OL17 SH720582) Vic Edy has already circulated details to participants 25th Sep Short–Easy Leaders G Swallow/A Clarke Wycoller 6 miles 9:30 start Map OL2 933391 Wycoller * Higher Stunstead * New Laith Beaver * Bronte/Pendle Way * Wycoller 30th Sep Long–Moderate Leaders T Smith/D Smith 2nd Oct Medium–Moderate Leaders: N & M Jarvis Crummack Dale 11 miles 8:30 Start Staveley Circular Map OL7 9 miles 8:30 start Map OL2 Clapham CP GR745692 * Clapham Wood * Crummack Wilf’s Café CP GR471986 * Elf Howe * Brunt Knott Farm * Netter * Thieves Moss * Suber Nick * Wharfe * Austwick * Clapham House Farm * Garnet Bridge * East View * Birk Rigg * Potter Tarn * Nominal Payment into Clapham Wood Birk Field * Littlewood Farm * Wilf’s Café CP 7th Oct Short–Easy Leaders K Gregory /S Desgranges 9th Oct Long–Moderate Leaders R & J Martin Gisburne Park & Paythorne 5 ¾ miles 9:30 start Garsdale to Kirkby Stephen 11 miles 9:27 train from Skipton Map OL130 GR 832 489 Gisburn * Gisburne Park * Castle Haugh Train to Gardale Station (Map OL30 SD788918) * The Highway * * Paythorne * Windy Pike Farm * Gisburn Bridge Hell Gill * Mallerstang * following the Upper R. Eden to Kirkby Stephen for cafe! Then 17:14 train to Skipton (18:23) NB K Stephen station is 1.5 m outside the town. Take everything you need for a glorious, wild & possibly windy walk. Meet at Skipton station in time to get your ticket or get the train en-route. Cost about £15 return. 1hr train journey. Long day, great walk! 14th Oct Medium–Strenuous Leaders T Canfer/S Desgranges 16th–17th Oct Long & Short Leaders T Canfer/N & M Jarvis Buckden Pike 9 miles 9:30 start A Lake District over-nighter 8:30 start (Skipton) Map OL30 Buckden CP * Starbotton * Buckden lead mine * Fairfield horseshoe, the "other way round". Polish war memorial * Buckden Pike * Buckden. Also some less stressful lakes walks, maybe around the lake at A small sample of the fell rescue team 3 peaks challenge, the Keswick then hop on a launch back to Keswick for tea & cakes! easy way! Details to be announced later 16th Oct Short–Moderate Leaders A Clarke/G Swallow 6 miles 9:30 start Map OL2 Thruscross Reservoir Car Park * Hood Spring * Holme Filed Head * Dukes Hill * West End * Thruscross CP Note: involves a steep flight of steps

Walking Group Coordinator: Programme Secretary: Treasurer: Dave Smith: Keith Berrington: Keith Waddington: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CRAVEN U3A WALKING GROUP PROGRAMME – Autumn 2014 2 of 4

21th Oct Long–Moderate Leaders S Ely 23rd Oct Medium–Moderate Leaders J Pattison Open Access walk above Hebden 11 miles 8:30 start Linear Walk Ilkley to Saltaire 8 miles 9:45 start at bus station Map OL2 SE02663 Hebden * Hebden Ghyll * Bolton Gill * Blea Map OS27/288. Bus from Skipton Bus Station to Ilkley * Dales Way Beck * Bycliffe Hill * Kelber * Yarnbury * Hebden Link via Ilkley Moor and Shipley Glen * return to Skipton by train A bit rough underfoot in places! from Saltaire (Trains every 15 mins). A Grand Day Out! 28th Oct Short–Easy Leaders A Botherway/S Desgranges 30th Oct Long–Moderate Leaders A Horner/D House The Chevin and Danefield Forest 7 miles 9:30 start Kirkby Lonsdale 10 miles 8:00 start Map EXP297 199441 Yorkgate Car Park on the Chevin * Dales Map OL2 Park at Devil's Bridge Kirkby Lonsdale * Old Town * Fleet Way * Pool Bank Quarries * return through Chevin Forest Park * Kirkby Lonsdale 4th Nov Medium–Moderate Leaders A Bancroft/C Peel 6th Nov Short–Moderate Leaders K & W Berrington Brimham Rocks 9 miles 9:30 start Elbolton reef-knoll 6 miles 9:30 start Map OS298 157655 Pateley Bridge CP * Panarama Walk * Map OL2 997628 Linton village green * Threaplands * Thorpe Blazefield * White Houses * High North Pasture Farm * Brimham Lane * Elbolton summit (348m) * Thorpe * Linton Rocks * Smelthouses * Low Laithe * Glasshouses * River Nidd * Pateley Bridge CP Friday 7th Nov Cheese and Wine with Travellers Tales Embsay Village Hall 7.30 pm 11th Nov Long–Moderate Leaders K & D Waddington 13th Nov Medium–Moderate Leaders S Curtis/J Smith Wharfe circular 10 miles 8:30 start Hetton from Gargrave 9 miles 9:30 start Map OL2 003643 Grassington town hall CP (top of Main Street) Map OL2 Gargrave CP GR932543 * Gambers Wood * Friar’s Head * *Threshfield*Quarry*Kilnsey*Conistone*Dales Way*Grassington Owslin Laithe * Moor Lane * Hetton Beck * Flasby * Gargrave CP 18th Nov Short–Moderate Leaders P Sugden 20th Nov Long–Moderate Leaders S Ely Nidderdales industrial landscape 6 miles 9:30 start Bolton Abbey to Grassington linear 11 miles 8:20 start Map EXP298 Coldstones Cut Car Park SE128643 * Coldstones * Map OL2 Grassington YDNP carpark and 9am bus to Ilkley & get off Greenhow-Bewerley * Gillbeck Farm * Coldstones at Bolton Abbey * Halton Height * Upper Barden Reservoir * Thorpe Fell * Thorpe * Grassington 25th Nov Medium–Moderate Leaders B Procter/F Fisk 27th Nov Short Leaders: A Volunteer & A N Other Helwith Bridge 8 miles 8:30 start A Mystery Walk 5 to 7 miles 9:30 start Map OL2 Helwith Bridge CP GR811695 * Long Lane * Pennine Meet at Coach Street car park as usual. Way * Brackenbottom * Horton * Ribble Way * Helwith Bridge 2nd Dec Long–Moderate Leaders B & L D Ashton 4th Dec Medium–Moderate Leaders V G & J Edy Rombalds Moor 12 miles 1800 ft ascent 8:30 start Ling Gill 8 miles 8:30 start Map EXP104 SE117471 Darwin Gardens Ilkley * Shepherd’s Hill * Map OL2 SD764791 Ribblehead * Gearstones * Cam End * Ling Gill Ousel Hole * Thimble Stones * Return by Dales Way Bridge*Dismal Hill*Nether Lodge*Ribblehead House * Ribblehead Tea, coffee, cakes, pork pies and beer available at the Station Inn Friday 5th Dec Spring Walk Planning and Members Meeting: Soroptimist Rooms, Skipton at 14:00 9th Dec Short–Moderate Leaders K Gregory/S Desgranges 11th Dec Long–Moderate D House/A Horner Bordely 7 ½ miles 9:30 start Eastburn to Skipton 11 miles 9.10 Bus to Eastburn Map OL98 SD 955 619 Boss Moor * Bordley Hall * Mastiles Lane Map OL21 Meet at Bus Station * Eastburn* Various footpaths * * Threshfield Moor Skipton 16th Dec Medium–Easy Leaders P Sugden 18th Dec Short–Moderate Leaders D Goode/K Berrington Gargrave-Airton circular 8 miles 9:00 start Sharp Haw/Flasby 6 miles (10 km) 9:30 start Map OL2 Gargrave carpark SD932543 * Gargrave * Pennine Way Map OL2 Bog Lane (GR 975 539) * Sharp Haw * Flasby * Crag * Airton * Kirk Syke * Bell Busk * Gargrave Wood * Tarn House Farm * Bog Lane 23rd Dec Long–Moderate Leaders K Berrington/D Smith 25th Dec Merry Christmas! NO WALK Mossdale Scar from Grassington 9 miles 9:00 start Map OL2 003643 Grassington Town Hall CP (top of main street) * Dales Way * Bycliffe Road * Mossdale Scar * Bare House * Grassington. A Winter walk using good upland tracks Advance notice: the Walking Group Annual Lunch will be held on 13 January 2015 at the Clarendon Hotel in Hebden

Walking Group Coordinator: Programme Secretary: Treasurer: Dave Smith: Keith Berrington: Keith Waddington: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CRAVEN U3A WALKING GROUP PROGRAMME – Autumn 2014 3 of 4

Welcome to the U3A walking group 2014 Autumn programme.

Meeting Point – COACH STREET CAR PARK, Skipton, at the back right corner, adjacent to Gargrave Road.

Programme Updates – please avoid changing start times I am always happy to receive corrections or additional walks to fill the gaps which I can then email to the membership and the website. But please don't change start times except in an emergency. Changing start times can be worse than changing the destination. We can’t be sure that everyone is using the latest version of the programme.

Digitally Enabled Buddies For expediency and to minimise distribution costs, I send the updates out as a new version of the programme within a covering email which lists what has changed. For those of you who are not digitally enabled, could I ask that you choose a digitally enabled “buddy” in the walking group who can keep you informed of any updates to the programme. It is not perfect but it should enable greater coverage than just those that I can contact by email. If you are unsure of the latest programme, you or a helpful friend can always find it at (go to Classes, Classes T-Z, Walking Group, then click on Walk Programme for the pdf file)

Cotswold Outdoor Skipton will give members a 15% discount, on production of their U3A membership. Please be discreet when claiming the discounts.

Social evening: Cheese and Wine with Travellers Tales, Embsay Village Hall, 7.30 pm on Friday 7th November.

Next Planning and Members Meeting: 5th Dec at 2pm, Soroptimists Rooms, Otley St, Skipton.

Walk Details When submitting walks, please try to follow the preferred format of 11th Oct Short-Easy Leaders: A&N Other Austwick & Wharfe 6.5 Miles 09:30 start Map OL2 GR769682 Austwick Bridge*Oxenber/Wharfe woods*Wharfe*Lower Crummackdale*Austwick Bridge Gentle Limestone country, short climb near start (or some suitable one line ditty) Plain text is fine as long as all the details are there. I expect to fix formatting and font issues, but not to look up maps, guess start times or chase down names.

Additional Walk Leaders Needed We always welcome new walks with new leaders to lead them which takes the load off some of our ‘old stalwarts’ and introduces us to new areas. Don’t be afraid to volunteer to be a leader or a back marker for a leader, there is always lots of advice available especially where a choice of routes is involved. We can also provide a person to help recce a route if you want to lead a walk but are unsure of some of the finer details of the route.

Walking Group Coordinator: Programme Secretary: Treasurer: Dave Smith: Keith Berrington: Keith Waddington: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CRAVEN U3A WALKING GROUP PROGRAMME – Summer 2014 4 of 4


We only have three specific rules : (1) No Dogs, (2) No muddy boots or wet outerwear in transport, (3) Your comfort and safety are your own responsibility. If the leader considers that you are inadequately equipped then he/she can refuse to take you on the walk.

Meeting Point and Car Sharing We meet in the Coach Street Car Park, in the back right corner, along Gargrave Road. Just turn up 5-10 minutes before the stated time. Our objective is to use the minimum number of cars by car sharing. We prefer that cars are filled at Skipton and leaders will arrange car sharing on the day as required. Passengers pay the driver 7 pence per mile. Excess cars can be left free of charge at the Auction Mart site. Please note: if you wish to go directly to the start of the walk, you should telephone the leader the night before to ensure that the parking venue or trip details have not changed and that there will be enough room for your car.

Group Walking Please note that the term “Walk Leader” does not imply that this person has any formal training in leading walks, mountain craft or first aid. In fact most of the U3A walk leaders do not have any such training. The U3A is a self-help group and each individual walker is responsible for their own safety and welfare. The Walk Leader will have carried out a recce of the walk and a description of the walk will be given in the Walk Programme. If a member has any doubts with regard to the suitability or any other aspect of the walk they should contact the Walk Leader either the day before or in the car park prior to the commencement of the walk. Remember that the leader sets the pace based on the capability of the party as a whole. Please do not make their task more difficult by moving too far in front. If large gaps occur in the group then communication between the leader and back marker becomes a problem. The pace of the walk overall is likely to be around 2 miles an hour including stops. Guidance on ‘Good Practice’ for Walk Leaders and Group Members can be found in the ‘Craven U3A Walking Group-Emergency Procedures’ (Jan 14). It is strongly recommended that all members of the walking group read this document together with the notes on Basic First Aid. These documents can be found on the U3A website

Emergency Signals In the event of a problem, e.g. an injury or the group becomes too extended; the most effective means of communication to the leader is a whistle. If you hear a whistle, indicate that you have heard it and ensure that the information is being relayed to the leader at the front. One blast means STOP. Two blasts means COME BACK Multiple blasts means URGENT HELP is needed.

Sustenance, Clothing & Sticks  Take sufficient food and drink along. There will be refreshment stops.  Suitable clothing, waterproofs & footwear are essential. Even on Medium walks some paths may be rough and stony. It is almost certain that there will be stiles, so if you are carrying walking poles then please ensure that the pointed ends do not hit anyone whilst climbing over the stile.

Guest Walkers We are happy for group members to bring the occasional guest along. If guests want to become regular walkers they will need to join Craven U3A and register for the Walking Group.

Members Meetings and Planning Future Walks Three Members Meetings are held each year to plan the next walk programme. Meetings also provide all members with an opportunity to put forward ideas for discussion about ways in which we might improve our activities. The three programmes run from January to April, May to August, and September to December.

Future Programmes by e-mail or post Most of our members now get their walk programme by e-mail, along with any last minute amendments and additional events. If you want to be on the e-mail list, and are not already on it, just e-mail Dave Smith or Keith Berrington. If you are not on e-mail then each term's programme will be posted to you; if you do not receive it, please contact Dave (phone 748945) or Keith (752907).

Walking Group Coordinator: Programme Secretary: Treasurer: Dave Smith: Keith Berrington: Keith Waddington: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]