The Veda Indian Culture
THE VEDA AND INDIAN CULTURE Kircet Joshi Rashtriya Veda Vidya Pratishthan , THE VEDA AND INDIAN CULTURE , The Veda and Indian Culture An Introductory Essay KlREETJOSHI MOTILAL BANARSIDASS PUBLISHERS PRIVATE LIMITED • DELHI FirstPublished 1991 Reprint:Delhi, 1992, 1994, 2003 C Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Veda Vidya Pratishlhan All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, or by any means without written permission of the publisher. Publishedon behalfof MAHARSHI SANDIPANI RASHTRIYA VEDA VIDYA PRATISHTHAN U.IJAIN-456 010 (M.P.) ISBN: 81-208--0889-4 Also availabl.e at: MOTILAL BANARSIDASS 41 U.A. Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi 110 007 8 Mahalaxmi Chamber, 22 Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai 400026 236, 9th Main III Block, Jayanagar, .Bangalore 560 011 120 Royapettah High Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004 Sanas Plaza, 1302 Baji Rao Road, Pune 411 002 8 Camac Street, Kolkata 700 017 Ashok Rajpath, Patna 800 004 Chowk, Varanasi 221 001 , Distributors in India : MIRAADITI CENTRE 62 'Sriranga', 2nd Main 1" Cross, T. K. Layout Saraswatipuram MYSORE- 570 009 India INSTITUT DE RECHERCHES EVOLUTIVES, CANADA CP 41 CHAMBLY QC J3L 4Bl CANADA Printed in lnilia BY JAINENDRA PRAKASH JAIN AT SHRI JAINENDRA PRESS, A-45 NARAINA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI 110 028 AND PUBLISHED BY NARENDRA PRAKASHJAIN FOR MOTILAL BANARSIDASS PUBLISHERS PRIVATE LIMITED, BUNGALOW ROAD, DELHI 110 007 Preface This brief book consists of a few reflections for begirmers who are eager to understand the basic roots of Indian Culture and to explore •the fundamental task of spiritual regeneration of contemporary India. This is an introductory essay, and it might serve as a stimulus to a growing number of youths who want to think seriously about our most ancient book of wi�om and its relevance to the present cultural needs.
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