Indications and Implications of Copper Artifacts from Navinal, a Harappan

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Indications and Implications of Copper Artifacts from Navinal, a Harappan ȱ Indicationsȱ andȱ Implicationsȱ ofȱ Copperȱ Artifactsȱ fromȱ Navinal,ȱ Aȱ Harappanȱ Siteȱ inȱ Kachchh,ȱ Gujarat,ȱ Westernȱ Indiaȱ ȱ Ambikaȱ Patel1,ȱ Rajeshȱ S.V.2,ȱ Bradȱ Chase3,ȱ Saleemȱ Shaikh4,ȱ Y.S.ȱ Rawat5,ȱ Abhayanȱ G.S.2,ȱ Ajitȱ Kumar2,ȱ Haseenȱ Rajaȱ R.2,ȱ Charusmitaȱ Gadekar6,ȱ Akinoriȱ Uesugi7,ȱ P.ȱ Ajithprasad6,ȱPrabhinȱSukumaran8ȱandȱRenjinimolȱM.N.2ȱ ȱ 1.ȱȱ DepartmentȱofȱMuseology,ȱTheȱMaharajaȱSayajiraoȱUniversityȱofȱBaroda,ȱVadodara,ȱ Gujaratȱ(Email:ȱ[email protected])ȱ 2.ȱ Departmentȱ ofȱ Archaeology,ȱ Universityȱ ofȱ Kerala,ȱ Kariavattomȱ Campus,ȱ Thiruvananthapuram,ȱKeralaȱ–ȱ695581ȱ(Email:ȱ[email protected];ȱabhayangs@ȱ;ȱ[email protected][email protected];ȱrenjinirenju50@ȱȱ 3.ȱ DepartmentȱofȱAnthropologyȱandȱSociology,ȱAlbionȱCollege,ȱMichigan,ȱUSAȱ(Email:ȱ [email protected])ȱ 4.ȱ Departmentȱ ofȱ Archaeology,ȱ Krantiguruȱ Shyamjiȱ Krishnaȱ Vermaȱ Kachchhȱ University,ȱKachchh,ȱGujaratȱ(Email:ȱ[email protected])ȱ 5.ȱ Gujaratȱ Stateȱ Archaeologyȱ Department,ȱ Gandhinagar,ȱ Gujaratȱ (Email:ȱ [email protected])ȱ 6.ȱ Departmentȱ ofȱ Archaeologyȱ andȱ Ancientȱ History,ȱ Theȱ Maharajaȱ Sayajiraoȱ Universityȱ ofȱ Baroda,ȱ Vadodara,ȱ Gujaratȱ (Email:ȱ [email protected][email protected])ȱ 7.ȱ Kansaiȱ University,ȱ 3Ȭ3Ȭ35ȱ YamateȬcho,ȱ Suita,ȱ Osakaȱ 564Ȭ8680ȱ Japanȱ (Email:ȱȱ [email protected])ȱ 8.ȱ Departmentȱ ofȱ Civilȱ Engineering,ȱ Chandubhaiȱ S.ȱ Patelȱ Instituteȱ ofȱ Technology,ȱ Charotarȱ Universityȱ ofȱ Scienceȱ andȱ Technology,ȱ Changa,ȱ Anand,ȱ Gujaratȱ (Email:ȱ [email protected])ȱ ȱ ȱ Received:ȱ30ȱSeptemberȱ2014;ȱAccepted:ȱ24ȱOctoberȱ2014;ȱRevised:ȱ15ȱNovemberȱ2014ȱ Heritage:ȱJournalȱofȱMultidisciplinaryȱStudiesȱinȱArchaeologyȱ2ȱ(2014):ȱ545Ȭ592ȱ ȱ ȱ Abstract:ȱGujaratȱhasȱyieldedȱvarietyȱofȱcopperȱartifactsȱfallingȱintoȱtheȱIndusȱrealm.ȱInȱtheȱabsenceȱofȱ problemȱorientedȱstudiesȱonȱcopperȱinȱGujaratȱtillȱdate,ȱitȱisȱnecessaryȱtoȱexamineȱtheȱcopperȱobjectsȱfromȱ theȱexcavatedȱandȱexploredȱHarappanȱsitesȱtoȱenhanceȱourȱunderstandingȱofȱtypology,ȱtheirȱtechnologyȱ andȱuse,ȱtheȱtrajectoryȱofȱdevelopmentȱofȱcopperȱmetallurgyȱandȱitsȱchangeȱduringȱtheȱaforesaidȱperiod.ȱ Anȱendeavorȱofȱtypologicalȱandȱcompositionalȱanalysesȱwillȱenableȱusȱinȱansweringȱmanyȱquestionsȱaboutȱ Harappanȱcopperȱtechnology.ȱTheȱpresentȱpaperȱisȱaȱpreliminaryȱstudyȱofȱtheȱcopperȱartifactsȱfromȱtheȱ surfaceȱcollectionȱofȱtheȱsiteȱNavinal,ȱKachchh,ȱGujarat.ȱTypological,ȱchemicalȱcompositionalȱandȱmicroȱ structuralȱ studiesȱ wereȱ undertakenȱ duringȱ thisȱ work.ȱ Theȱ majorȱ objectsȱ identifiedȱ areȱ beads,ȱ chisel/bar/ingot,ȱ hook,ȱ knifeȱ blade,ȱ nail,ȱ ring,ȱ sheet,ȱ spatula,ȱ foldedȱ stripsȱ (tube),ȱ wireȱ andȱ prills.ȱ CompositionȱanalysisȱrevealedȱCuȬSn;ȱCuȬZn;ȱandȱCuȬSnȬZnȱalloys.ȱTheȱmicrostructuresȱrevealedȱheatȱ treatmentsȱappliedȱwhileȱfabricationȱforȱincreasingȱitsȱhardnessȱandȱtensileȱstrength.ȱȱ ȱȱ ȱ ISSNȱ2347ȱ–ȱ5463ȱHeritage:ȱJournalȱofȱMultidisciplinaryȱStudiesȱinȱArchaeologyȱ2:ȱ2014 ȱ Keywords: Navinal,ȱ Copper,ȱ Indusȱ Civilization,ȱ Typology,ȱ Metallography,ȱ Scanningȱ ElectronȱMicroscope,ȱEnergyȱDispersiveȱXȬrayȱ ȱ ȱ Introductionȱ TheȱIndusȱCivilizationȱisȱwellȱknownȱforȱitsȱimpressiveȱarrayȱofȱartifactsȱmadeȱoutȱofȱaȱ wideȱrangeȱofȱrawȱmaterialsȱnamelyȱstone,ȱmetal,ȱclay,ȱshellȱandȱbone.ȱAmongȱthemȱ copperȱ mightȱ haveȱ beenȱ theȱ mostȱ extensivelyȱ usedȱ rawȱ materialȱ toȱ produceȱ diverseȱ forms.ȱ Copperȱ objectsȱ haveȱ beenȱ unearthedȱ fromȱ eachȱ ofȱ theȱ Indusȱ citiesȱ (Marshallȱ 1931;ȱMackayȱ1938,ȱ1943;ȱVatsȱ1940;ȱRaoȱ1979,ȱ1985;ȱBishtȱ1997;ȱKenoyerȱ1998;ȱLalȱ1985)ȱ asȱwellȱasȱsmallerȱsitesȱ(Shafferȱ1982;ȱHedgeȱetȱal.ȱ1988;ȱAgrawalȱ1999;ȱSonawaneȱetȱal.ȱ 2003;ȱ Bhanȱ etȱ al.ȱ 2004).ȱ Theȱ earlyȱ excavationȱ reportsȱ fromȱ MohenjoȬDaroȱ (Marshallȱ 1931;ȱ Mackayȱ 1938)ȱ provideȱ basicȱ /ȱ generalȱ typologicalȱ descriptionsȱ ofȱ Indusȱ copperȱ tools,ȱ weapons,ȱ vesselsȱ andȱ personalȱ ornaments.ȱ Thisȱ typologicalȱ terminologyȱ wasȱ subsequentlyȱusedȱwithoutȱmuchȱchangeȱforȱaȱmajorityȱofȱtheȱlaterȱexcavationȱreportsȱ andȱresearchȱworksȱofȱIndusȱsitesȱ(Vatsȱ1940;ȱMackayȱ1943,ȱRaoȱ1979;ȱJoshiȱ1990;ȱLalȱ 1985).Evidenceȱ suchȱ asȱ seals,ȱ humanȱ andȱ animalȱ figurines;ȱ mirrors;ȱ toolsȱ suchȱ asȱ knives,ȱ blades,ȱ saws;ȱ weaponsȱ suchȱ asȱ spearsȱ andȱ arrowȱ heads;ȱ ornamentsȱ suchȱ asȱ beads,ȱringsȱandȱbangles;ȱhouseholdȱmaterialsȱsuchȱasȱdishes,ȱpotsȱandȱotherȱvessels;ȱ objectsȱofȱreligiousȱimportanceȱsuchȱasȱparasu/razorȱandȱitemsȱofȱeconomicȱsignificanceȱ suchȱasȱscaleȱpans,ȱtabletsȱetc.ȱfromȱvariousȱexcavatedȱandȱexploredȱsitesȱindicateȱthatȱ copperȱ andȱ copperȱ alloysȱ wereȱ usedȱ toȱ makeȱ varietyȱ ofȱ artifactsȱ byȱ theȱ Harappan/Chalcolithicȱ craftsȱ peopleȱ (Marshallȱ 1931;ȱ Mackayȱ 1938;ȱ Kenoyerȱ 1998;ȱ Vidaleȱ2000;ȱVidaleȱandȱMillerȱ2000).ȱAlthoughȱtheȱartifactȱarrayȱofȱcopper/bronzeȱinȱ theȱ Harappanȱ contextȱ isȱ highȱ inȱ numberȱ andȱ variety,ȱ theyȱ stillȱ doȱ notȱ receiveȱ dueȱ researchȱattentionȱfromȱresearchersȱandȱremainȱasȱaȱpoorlyȱstudiedȱartifactȱclass.ȱ ȱ Gujaratȱhasȱyieldedȱarchaeologicalȱremainsȱdemonstratingȱaȱhighȱdegreeȱofȱvariabilityȱ amongȱ theȱ culturalȱ traditionsȱ presentȱ duringȱ theȱ fourthȱ throughȱ secondȱ millenniumȱ BC.ȱMaterialȱcultureȱandȱsubsistenceȱpatternȱstudiesȱindicateȱthatȱChalcolithicȱGujaratȱ wasȱ populatedȱ byȱ diverseȱ communitiesȱ duringȱ theȱ Regionalization,ȱ Integrationȱ andȱ LocalizationȱErasȱrepresentedȱbyȱChalcolithicȱsettlementsȱcharacterizedȱbyȱtheȱpresenceȱ ofȱceramicȱtraditionsȱsuchȱasȱAnarta,ȱPreȬPrabhas,ȱBlackȱandȱRedȱWare,ȱReservedȱSlipȱ Ware,ȱ Preȱ Urbanȱ Harappanȱ Sindhȱ Typeȱ Pottery,ȱ Micaceousȱ Redȱ Ware,ȱ Classicalȱ Harappan,ȱ Sorathȱ Harappan,ȱ Prabhasȱ Ware,ȱ Lateȱ Sorathȱ Harappan,ȱ Lustrousȱ Redȱ Ware,ȱMalwaȱWare,ȱJorweȱWareȱasȱwellȱasȱaceramicȱsettlementsȱofȱhunterȬgatherers.ȱ AllȱofȱtheȱexcavatedȱHarappanȱsitesȱ(thoseȱwhichȱshowȱstrongȱpresenceȱofȱHarappanȱ materialȱculture)ȱandȱHarappanȱaffiliatedȱChalcolithicȱsitesȱinȱGujaratȱnamelyȱLothal,ȱ Dholavira,ȱ Surkotada,ȱ Shikarpur,ȱ Kanmer,ȱ Bagasra,ȱ Kuntasi,ȱ Padri,ȱ Nagwada,ȱ Loteshwar,ȱ Motipipli,ȱ Datrana,ȱ Padriȱ etc.ȱ (fig.ȱ 1)ȱ togetherȱ withȱ theȱ largeȱ numberȱ ofȱ exploredȱsitesȱ(aroundȱ750ȱsites)ȱfromȱGujaratȱhaveȱyieldedȱaȱwideȱvarietyȱofȱcopperȱ artifacts.ȱInȱtheȱabsenceȱofȱproblemȱorientedȱstudiesȱonȱcopperȱinȱGujaratȱtoȱdate,ȱitȱisȱ necessaryȱ toȱ examineȱ theȱ copperȱ objectsȱ fromȱ theȱ excavatedȱ andȱ exploredȱ sitesȱ toȱ 546ȱ Patelȱetȱal.ȱ2014:ȱ545Ȭ592 enhanceȱ ourȱ understandingȱ ofȱ theȱ copperȱ artifacts,ȱ theirȱ technologyȱ andȱ use,ȱ theȱ trajectoryȱ ofȱ developmentȱ ofȱ copperȱ metallurgyȱ andȱ itsȱ changeȱ duringȱ theȱ aforesaidȱ eras.ȱȱ ȱ ȱ Figureȱ1:ȱLocationȱMapȱofȱallȱtheȱexcavatedȱsitesȱinȱGujaratȱandȱNavinalȱ ȱ Theȱ useȱ ofȱ analyticalȱ approachesȱ enhancesȱ theȱ understandingȱ ofȱ metalȱ artifacts,ȱ especiallyȱ copperȱ andȱ itsȱ alloysȱ andȱ canȱ provideȱ aȱ wayȱ toȱ understandȱ theȱ growth,ȱ developmentȱandȱchangesȱinȱtechnologicalȱtraditionsȱ(ifȱany)ȱinȱtheȱHarappanȱcontextȱ inȱ Gujarat.ȱ Anȱ endeavorȱ ofȱ detailedȱ typologicalȱ analysisȱ andȱ compositionalȱ analysesȱ directedȱ atȱ trackingȱ theȱ compositionȱ ofȱ artifactȱ typesȱ willȱ enableȱ usȱ toȱ answerȱ importantȱ questionsȱ aboutȱ Harappanȱ copperȱ metallurgyȱ suchȱ as,ȱ whetherȱ theȱ useȱ ofȱ alloysȱareȱrestrictedȱtoȱcertainȱtypesȱorȱproductionȱtechniques?ȱWhatȱareȱtheȱreasonsȱforȱ theȱ developmentȱ ofȱ special/specificȱ craftȱ specialization?ȱ Whatȱ wouldȱ haveȱ beenȱ theȱ impactȱofȱtheȱintroductionȱofȱnewȱtechnologiesȱonȱtheȱerstwhileȱsociety?ȱWasȱthereȱanyȱ interȬregionalȱinteractionȱnetwork?ȱWhatȱwasȱtheȱdegreeȱofȱinteractionȱbetween/withinȱ theȱHarappanȱsites/regions?ȱTheȱpresentȱpaperȱisȱanȱattemptȱtowardsȱansweringȱsomeȱ ofȱtheȱaforesaidȱproblemsȱbyȱstudyingȱtheȱtypologyȱandȱcompositionȱofȱcopperȱartifactsȱ fromȱtheȱsiteȱofȱNavinalȱinȱGujarat.ȱ ȱ Locatedȱ onȱ theȱ marginȱ ofȱ Gulfȱ ofȱ Kachchhȱ inȱ Mundraȱ talukaȱ ofȱ Kachchhȱ District,ȱ Navinalȱ (22qȱ 49’ȱ 17.5”ȱ N,ȱ 69qȱ 35’ȱ 49.9”ȱ E)ȱ isȱ aȱ siteȱ showingȱ culturalȱ remainsȱ ofȱ theȱ IntegrationȱandȱLocalizationȱerasȱofȱIndusȱCivilization.ȱTheȱsiteȱ(fig.ȱ1)ȱwasȱdiscoveredȱ inȱ 1950sȱ byȱ P.P.ȱ Pandyaȱ ofȱ Departmentȱ ofȱ Archaeology,ȱ Saurashtra.ȱ Itȱ wasȱ firstȱ 547ȱ ISSNȱ2347ȱ–ȱ5463ȱHeritage:ȱJournalȱofȱMultidisciplinaryȱStudiesȱinȱArchaeologyȱ2:ȱ2014 reportedȱbyȱS.R.ȱRaoȱinȱ1963ȱandȱwasȱassignedȱRangpurȱIIBȱphaseȱofȱHarappanȱcultureȱ ofȱ Gujarat.ȱ Laterȱ inȱ 2011,ȱ theȱ siteȱ wasȱ exploredȱ byȱ P.ȱ Ajithprasadȱ ofȱ theȱ Maharajaȱ Sayajiraoȱ Universityȱ ofȱ Barodaȱ andȱ inȱ 2012ȱ byȱ A.S.ȱ Gaurȱ ofȱ Nationalȱ Instituteȱ ofȱ Oceanography.ȱInȱ2013,ȱtheȱsiteȱlocatedȱinȱtheȱforestȱlandȱ(LandȱSurveyȱNumberȱ223/5)ȱ wasȱ exploredȱ byȱ aȱ jointȱ teamȱ fromȱ theȱ Universityȱ ofȱ Kerala,ȱ Kachchhȱ University,ȱ AlbionȱCollegeȱ–ȱUSA,ȱGujaratȱStateȱArchaeologyȱDepartmentȱandȱM.ȱS.ȱUniversityȱofȱ Barodaȱ toȱ understandȱ itsȱ archaeologicalȱ potentials.ȱ Aȱ longȱ termȱ multidisciplinaryȱ internationalȱ researchȱ projectȱ entitledȱ ‘Archaeologicalȱ Excavationȱ atȱ Navinalȱ inȱ Mundraȱ Taluka,ȱ Districtȱ Kachchhȱ andȱ Explorationȱ inȱ Kachchhȱ District,ȱ Gujarat’ȱ hasȱ beenȱlaunchedȱwithȱfinancialȱsupportȱfromȱUniversityȱofȱKeralaȱandȱtheȱArchaeologicalȱ ResearchȱandȱConservationȱProgram:ȱIndiaȱandȱPakistanȱ(ARCPIP).ȱTheȱobjectivesȱofȱ thisȱ projectȱ areȱ toȱ understandȱ theȱ levelȱ ofȱ integrationȱ whichȱ existedȱ amongȱ theȱ Regionalȱ Chalcolithicȱ Culturesȱ andȱ Classicalȱ Harappansȱ foundȱ atȱ theȱ siteȱ andȱ toȱ understandȱ theȱ economicȱ productionȱ andȱ interȱ regionalȱ
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