Manuscript submitted to International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction Autonomous Taxi Service Design and User Experience Sangwon Kim1, Jennifer Jah Eun Chang1, Hyun Ho Park1, Seon Uk Song1, Chang Bae Cha1, Ji Won Kim1, Namwoo Kang2,* 1Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea 2Sookmyung Women’s University, Korea * Corresponding author:
[email protected] ABSTRACT As autonomous-vehicle technologies advance, conventional taxi and car sharing services are being combined into a shared autonomous vehicle service, and through this, it is expected that the transition to a new paradigm of shared mobility will begin. However, before the full development of technology, it is necessary to accurately identify the needs of the service’s users and prepare customer-oriented design guidelines accordingly. This study is concerned with the following problems: (1) How should an autonomous taxi service be designed and field- tested if the self-driving technology is imperfect? (2) How can imperfect self-driving technology be supplemented by using service flexibility? This study implements an autonomous taxi service prototype through a Wizard of Oz method. Moreover, by conducting field tests with scenarios involving an actual taxi, this study examines customer pain points, and provides a user-experience-based design solutions for resolving them. Keywords: Autonomous Taxi, Car Sharing, Service Design, User Experience, Wizard of OZ 1. INTRODUCTION Similar to conventional automobile companies and IT companies, car-sharing service providers such as Uber and Lyft are accelerating the commercialization of autonomous vehicles (TechWorld, 2018). Although there are some differences, most companies are aiming to create autonomous vehicles of level 4 or higher based on the standard of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) by 2020 (Business Insider, 2016).