n”,”»)>) GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS ccc -Ca A Photograph of the Bronze Plaque That Has Been Placed in the Entry of the Review and Herald Office in Commemoration of the Centenary VOL. 126, NO. 19 MAY 12, 1949 ONE of the biggest booms in Protestant church building is now in progress in the United States, Dr. Elbert M. Conover, In This Issue director of the Interdenominational Bureau of Church Archi- tecture, told the annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio, of the FRONT PAGE - - Centenary Bronze Plaque International Council of Religious Education. A total of $65,- EDITORIAL - - - - - Page 3 000,000 in church building is under way, and construction A Question Answered on Palestine and the Jews, Part I— amounting to $700,000,000 is scheduled to start soon. The Way We Do Things—Gospel Workers Surprised ¶ DR. STANLEY I. STUBER, public relations director for Church GENERAL ARTICLES - - Page 6 World Service, called upon the churches in New York to "revolutionize" the missionary movement from top to bottom. The Physician of Galilee—More About the Recently Dis- Speaking before the annual meeting of the Missions Public covered Scroll of Isaiah—The Bible a Divine Mosaic—Re- Relations Office, Dr. Stuber warned that the world is fast view and Herald Centenary Celebration "becoming dissatisfied with the traditional type of mission THE ADVENTIST HOME CIRCLE - - - Page 13 program." "In spite of our over-all missionary machinery," he Nature Study, No. 1—Help Them Grow Up—Measure- said, "we are not advancing together. There is still a marked ments tendency to stress denominationalism, and all too much of our basic teaching and practice is on a purely sectarian basis." REPORTS FROM ALL LANDS - - • - - Page 15 Impressions of India—Africa, the Land of Tomorrow— ¶ AMERICAN churches "cannot and will not" decline to mix in Evangelistic Center, Saint Louis, Missouri—Publishing the politics, Charles P.