PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID TAMPA FL Carrollwood Civic Association PERMIT #3513 Carrollwood Recreation District 3515 McFarland Road Tampa, Florida 33618 Residents welcome to attend. to welcome Residents Carrollwood Rec Center - 3515 McFarland Road Road McFarland 3515 - Center Rec Carrollwood CRD Meeting: 6:30 p.m. • CCA: 7 p.m. 7 CCA: • p.m. 6:30 Meeting: CRD Monday, June 8, 2020 8, June Monday, Notice of Board Meetings Meetings Board of Notice Graduations Galore! Galore! Graduations Graduations See our OC graduates on Pages 10-15. Pages on graduates OC our See A Monthly Publication of the Carrollwood Civic Association Civic Carrollwood the of Publication Monthly A June 2020 June COVID-19 STAY INFORMED. STAY HEALTHY. ________________________________ by Jim Powell, CCA President e held our second conference call Board CDC meeting this month. We are glad to announce thatW we have a new Board member, Mickey Jaap. He will be taking over the position of Standards Florida Department of Health Enforcement chair from Josh Shaffer. Welcome Mickey! Thanks so much Josh for doing a great job! COVID-19 Call Center (24/7) Josh has moved to Crimewatch and also working with 1-866-779-6121 Jerrod on social events. Our Treasurer, Jamie Sheer, email:
[email protected] regaled us with an excellent financial report and we appreciate his efforts. Bryan Huls updated us on a conditions/COVID-19/ grant program that he and Josh are looking into for the lake management efforts. Josh discovered this County program's availability and we are most grateful.