Relationality and Masculinity in Superhero Narratives Kevin Lee Chiat Bachelor of Arts (Communication Studies) with Second Class Honours
i Being a Superhero is Amazing, Everyone Should Try It: Relationality and Masculinity in Superhero Narratives Kevin Lee Chiat Bachelor of Arts (Communication Studies) with Second Class Honours This thesis is presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The University of Western Australia School of Humanities 2021 ii THESIS DECLARATION I, Kevin Chiat, certify that: This thesis has been substantially accomplished during enrolment in this degree. This thesis does not contain material which has been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma in my name, in any university or other tertiary institution. In the future, no part of this thesis will be used in a submission in my name, for any other degree or diploma in any university or other tertiary institution without the prior approval of The University of Western Australia and where applicable, any partner institution responsible for the joint-award of this degree. This thesis does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference has been made in the text. This thesis does not violate or infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, or other rights whatsoever of any person. This thesis does not contain work that I have published, nor work under review for publication. Signature Date: 17/12/2020 ii iii ABSTRACT Since the development of the superhero genre in the late 1930s it has been a contentious area of cultural discourse, particularly concerning its depictions of gender politics. A major critique of the genre is that it simply represents an adolescent male power fantasy; and presents a world view that valorises masculinist individualism.
The Empowering Squirrel Girl Jayme Horne Submitted for History of Art 390 Feminism and History of Art Professor Ellen Shortell M
The Empowering Squirrel Girl Jayme Horne Submitted for History of Art 390 Feminism and History of Art Professor Ellen Shortell Massachusetts College of Art and Design All the strength of a squirrel multiplied to the size of a girl? That must be the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (fig. 1)! This paper will explore Marvel’s Squirrel Girl character, from her introduction as a joke character to her 2015 The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl comic series which is being harold as being extremely empowering. This paper aims to understand why a hero like Squirrel Girl would be harold and celebrated by fans, while other female heroes with feminist qualities like Captain Marvel or the New Almighty Thor might be receiving not as much praise. Squirrel Girl was created by Will Murray and artist Steve Ditko. Despite both of them having both worked for Marvel and DC, and having written stories about fan favorites like Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, and others, they are most known for creating Squirrel Girl, also known as Doreen Green. Her powers include superhuman strength, a furry, prehensile tail (roughly 3-4 feet long), squirrel-like buck teeth, squirrel-like retractable knuckle claws, as well as being able to communicate with squirrels and summon a squirrel army. She was first introduced in 1991, where she ambushed Iron Man in attempt to impress him and convince him to make her an Avenger. That’s when they were attacked one of Marvel’s most infamous and deadly villains, Doctor Doom. After Doctor Doom has defeated Iron Man, Squirrel Girl jumps in with her squirrel army and saves Iron Man1 (fig.
PRIVILEGED ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED LICENSE AGREEMENT (“SPIDER-MAN”) CREATIVE ISSUES This memo summarizes certain terms of the Second Amended and Restated License Agreement (“Spider-Man”) between SPE and Marvel, effective September 15, 2011 (the “Agreement”). 1. CHARACTERS AND OTHER CREATIVE ELEMENTS: a. Exclusive to SPE: . The “Spider-Man” character, “Peter Parker” and essentially all existing and future alternate versions, iterations, and alter egos of the “Spider- Man” character. All fictional characters, places structures, businesses, groups, or other entities or elements (collectively, “Creative Elements”) that are listed on the attached Schedule 6. All existing (as of 9/15/11) characters and other Creative Elements that are “Primarily Associated With” Spider-Man but were “Inadvertently Omitted” from Schedule 6. The Agreement contains detailed definitions of these terms, but they basically conform to common-sense meanings. If SPE and Marvel cannot agree as to whether a character or other creative element is Primarily Associated With Spider-Man and/or were Inadvertently Omitted, the matter will be determined by expedited arbitration. All newly created (after 9/15/11) characters and other Creative Elements that first appear in a work that is titled or branded with “Spider-Man” or in which “Spider-Man” is the main protagonist (but not including any team- up work featuring both Spider-Man and another major Marvel character that isn’t part of the Spider-Man Property). The origin story, secret identities, alter egos, powers, costumes, equipment, and other elements of, or associated with, Spider-Man and the other Creative Elements covered above. The story lines of individual Marvel comic books and other works in which Spider-Man or other characters granted to SPE appear, subject to Marvel confirming ownership.
SPIDER-MAN: BIRTH OF VENOM PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Jim Shooter,Louise Simonson,Tom DeFalco,David Michelinie,Mike Zeck,Ron Frenz,Rick Leonardi,John Byrne,Greg Larocque | 352 pages | 04 Apr 2007 | Marvel Comics | 9780785124986 | English | New York, United States Spider-Man: Birth of Venom PDF Book Puma lunges at Spider-Man and they both fall over the side. Brock agreed to bond with it, not only gaining the symbiotes abilities, but also learning everything it knew about Peter Parker. However, before he listens to the Hobgoblin's proposal, he is determined to prove if this is really the Hobgoblin, as he had heard that he had been killed. Jun 05, David Rhodes rated it really liked it. That's not a knock on the graphic novel, but more so on the quality of comic writing that created Venom in the first place. This leads to the Chapel scene And Eddie Brock. Feb 18, Paige rated it it was ok. Jul 22, Logan rated it it was amazing. Fireheart accepts the Rose's job to eliminate Spider-Man, looking forward to testing his powers against one of New York City's famous superheroes. We do eventually get Venom, but his reveal comes as more of a twist to readers than it does an expected development. Jim Shooter Text. It's disappointing really, because a major part of the Spider-Man universe is its character development, and the symbiote is the only one we really have background and development with. He reminds himself that he should have Reed Richards examine the costume as soon as possible.
Avengers Dissemble! Transmedia Superhero Franchises and Cultic Management
Taylor 1 Avengers dissemble! Transmedia superhero franchises and cultic management Aaron Taylor, University of Lethbridge Abstract Through a case study of The Avengers (2012) and other recently adapted Marvel Entertainment properties, it will be demonstrated that the reimagined, rebooted and serialized intermedial text is fundamentally fan oriented: a deliberately structured and marketed invitation to certain niche audiences to engage in comparative activities. That is, its preferred spectators are often those opinionated and outspoken fan cultures whose familiarity with the texts is addressed and whose influence within a more dispersed film- going community is acknowledged, courted and potentially colonized. These superhero franchises – neither remakes nor adaptations in the familiar sense – are also paradigmatic byproducts of an adaptive management system that is possible through the appropriation of the economics of continuity and the co-option of online cultic networking. In short, blockbuster intermediality is not only indicative of the economics of post-literary adaptation, but it also exemplifies a corporate strategy that aims for the strategic co- option of potentially unruly niche audiences. Keywords Marvel Comics superheroes post-cinematic adaptations Taylor 2 fandom transmedia cult cinema It is possible to identify a number of recent corporate trends that represent a paradigmatic shift in Hollywood’s attitudes towards and manufacturing of big budget adaptations. These contemporary blockbusters exemplify the new industrial logic of transmedia franchises – serially produced films with a shared diegetic universe that can extend within and beyond the cinematic medium into correlated media texts. Consequently, the narrative comprehension of single entries within such franchises requires an increasing degree of media literacy or at least a residual awareness of the intended interrelations between correlated media products.
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Biographical Information Report Covering Fiscal Year 2011
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Biographical Information Report Covering Fiscal Year 2011 Submitted as part of the MTA 2011 Annual Report Pursuant to New York State Public Authorities Law Section 2800(1)(a)(5-a) MTA BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION FISCAL YEAR 2011 Agency First Name Last Name Title Education/Degree Employment Univ of Benin(Nigeria)/Bachelor of Law(BL); Nigerian Law School/BL; Howard CCC John Abili Dep General Counsel Univ/Master/Laws MTA, Goldberg & Connolly CCC Yunes Abu-Mulaweh Dir Estimating Manhattan College/BE; Manhattan College/ME MTA Univ of Ill/BS, Stevens Inst of Tech/Master's CCC Rajee Alexander Design Manager Certificate MTA, Booz Allen Hamilton CCC Barbara Borges Sr Dir Pol & Cnt Admin-ESA SUNY at Oneonta/BS Bus. Economics MTA, BRW, Inc. CCC David Cannon Sr Dir Chief Procur Officer St. John’s Univ/AS; St. John's Univ/BS MTA Gauhati Univ./BS Civil Eng;Ranchi Univ./MS CCC Sankar Chakraborty Dep Chief Engineer Civil Eng;CUNY/MS Civil Eng. MTA CCC Joseph Christen Jr. VP & Dep Program Exec NJ Inst of Tech/BSME MTA Harvard Univ/Master of City and Reg.l Plng; St. CCC Anthony D'Amico VP Chief Financial Officer Joseph’s Univ/BA MTA CCC Michael Daniels Sr Proj Mgr-ESA Constr Coord SUNY Farmingdale/AAS, Pratt Institute/BSME MTA John E Osborn P.C; Kossoff & Unger; NY CCC Zoe Davidson Asst Gen Counsel Univ. of WA/BA Sociology;Boston Univ/JD Law School; NYC Law Dept. CCC Mark DeBernardo Dir Planning & Construct Hunter College/BA; Univ Tenn/MS MTA CCC Anthony Di Fiore Program Manager I Univ.
6 NOV 2017 Guest Starring Mr. Frump! 0 Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends! In this issue, we explore the fun world of This is a semi-complete list of inhabitants of Earth-8107! Many remember waking up on Earth-8107: Saturday morning to watch the cartoons – The Incredible Hulk, Spider-Woman, and Spider-man Heroes: and his Amazing Friends! Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Firestar (Angelica Jones) EARTH-8107 Iceman (Bobby Drake) Lightwave (Aurora Dante) Not much is really known about the parallel world S.H.I.E.L.D. known as Earth-8107. In general it seems, in Hiawatha Smith many ways, to mimic Earth-616, the mainstream Captain America (Steve Rogers) universe and in other ways it is completely Iron Man (Tony Stark) different. Thor (Donald Blake) Hulk (Bruce Banner) While there are heroes and villains on this Earth, She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) little is known about their individual histories. Professor X (Charles Xavier) There is a Captain America, but there is no Cyclops (Scott Summers) mention of him having fought in World War II. Angel (Warren Worthington III) There is a Red Skull, who was the right hand man Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) of Adolf Hitler and who fought the allies during Beast (Hank McCoy) WW2, but there is no mention of him ever having Wolverine (Logan) fought or encountered Captain America. Storm (Ororo Munroe) Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) Furthermore there are the individual members of Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) the Avengers, but there is only a brief mention of Thunderbird (John Proudstar) Captain America being the 'Star Spangled Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida) Avenger' with no further mention of the group at Sprite (Kitty Pryde) all.
MARVEL POP ART PRODUCTIONS the Classic Marvel Comics Group—Set in the Modern Day
MARVEL POP ART PRODUCTIONS The Classic Marvel Comics Group—Set in the Modern Day A Proposal by Carlton J Donaghe This is a proposal for a line of giant, magazine-sized Marvel Comics, published for an all-ages, general market under the banner ‘Marvel Pop Art Productions.’ This line doesn’t replace any imprint currently published by Marvel. Instead, this self- contained set of 12 monthly titles will present a modernized version of the original Marvel Comics Group (with some later characters thrown in) packaged into an easily- accessible product designed for the general distribution market. The depiction of Marvel’s most recognizable characters in their well-known original costumes and settings will both benefit from and promote the continued use of the classic comics in merchandise and licensing. Format Each issue of every title will contain three 20-page comics, each comic with its own interior cover page and two-page spread of introductions and recaps using art from previous issues. In addition, every issue will contain a set of features, called the FOOM (Friends Of Ol’ Marvel) Pages—all in a single format, pulling the entire line together, making every one of the twelve titles an individual part of a single, sprawling epic. The front cover of each title will be a modernized version of the classic Marvel Comics Group format from the mid-1960’s, decorated with captions and blurbs in boxes, circles and arrows, and an action-oriented cover, drawn by a regular rotation of the three interior artists, depicting an exciting scene from their own story in the moment it is happening.
Spider-Man #15 Erik Larsen Partners Webhead with Beast to Discover What Might Happen If Spidey and MJ Laid Eggs, As the Duo Discuss ‘The Mutant Factor’ by Jim Gibbons
spider-man #15 Erik Larsen partners Webhead with Beast to discover what might happen if Spidey and MJ laid eggs, as the duo discuss ‘The Mutant Factor’ By Jim GIbbons ou’re born, you grow up, you get Ymarried and That’s the natural order of things, right? It’s not so simple for our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Having children is a big life choice that many people face. So how do comic book heroes handle the prospect of potential progeny? That’s the question guest writer- artist Erik Larsen addressed with this single issue of Spider-Man. When boiled down, the prevailing theme of Peter Parker’s life in comics is an everyman moral: “With great power comes great responsibility.” And there’s rarely a more serious conversation about responsibility in a man’s life than the numerous and harrowing warnings about not getting a girl knocked up. Naturally, as Peter Parker and his then-wife Mary Jane reached a time in their marriage where relatives had begun prodding for a litter of little Parkers, it was time for the couple to weigh their options. After a well-crafted conversation about the couple’s personal priorities—including MJ’s acting career and Pete’s busy schedule as photographer and superhero—the real question in this tangled web of parenthood hits, as the book’s cover provocatively asks: “What is...the Mutant Factor?!” The physical defects of any two parents can sometimes be enough to make willing procreators hesitant—heck, I’m nowhere close to using my babymaking organ for it’s babymaking function, and I’m still terrified of endowing a little Gibbons with my poor eyesight, When acrobatic heroes combine, it’s always important to remember asthma and deadly peanut allergy—and when one half of the couple has radioactive spider bite- your villain-engaging etiquette.
?! ?! ER RK vs. PETER PA 3 LGY#804 SPENCER OTTLEY RATHBURN MARTIN RATED T $3.99US 0 0 3 1 1 7 5 9 6 0 6 0 8 9 3 6 9 BONUS DIGITAL EDITION – DETAILS INSIDE! PETER PARKER was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained the proportional speed, strength and agility of a SPIDER, adhesive fingertips and toes, and the unique precognitive awareness of danger called “SPIDER-SENSE”! After the tragic death of his Uncle Ben, Peter understood that with great power there must also come great responsibility. He became the crimefighting super hero called… BACK TO BASICS Part Three The Parker Luck is in full effect! Stripped of his doctorate after anti-plagiarism software found his dissertation was written by Otto Octavius (who’d stolen Pete’s body at the time, but explain THAT to an academic committee), Peter lost his post at the Daily Bugle. Empire State University professor Dr. Curt Connors (A.K.A. the Lizard) offered Peter the chance to make up the work, but Peter’s wary. Maybe rightfully so, as the last class meeting was interrupted by an attempted robbery/science mishap, from which Peter Parker needed to be rescued by…Spider-Man? What? How? Also, what? You’ll notice Pete’s still in good humor, though--rekindling a relationship with the love of one’s life can have that effect. NICK SPENCER | writer RYAN OTTLEY | penciler CLIFF RATHBURN | inker LAURA MARTIN | colorist SPIDER-MAN created by VC’S JOE CARAMAGNA | letterer RYAN OTTLEY and LAURA MARTIN | cover artists STAN LEE STEVE EPTING | FANTASTIC FOUR variant cover artist and special thanks to ANTONIO RUIZ STEVE DITKO ANTHONY GAMBINO | designer KATHLEEN WISNESKI | assistant editor NICK LOWE | editor C.B.
Marvel Villains [Villains & Vigilantes RPG] 1 GREEN GOBLIN Real Name: Norman Osborn Occupation: Professional criminal, owner and president of Osborn Industries, Inc. Identity: Secret Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record Other Aliases: Overlord, the Goblin, the Goblin-Lord, "Gobby" Place of Birth: Hartford, Connecticut Marital Status: Widowed Group Affiliation: Former partner of the first Crime- Master Base of Operations: New York City First Appearance: As Norman Osborn (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #14) Level: 12th Experience: 82,500 STR 28 2.2 Hit Points 59 END 22 2.2 Power 100 AGL 15 1.6 Accuracy +2* INT 35 1.9 Damage Mod. +5* CHA 25 (14.136) HTH Damage 2d8 * See Training Bonuses Sex: Male Age: Adult Training: +1 Damage with Pumpkin Bombs Height: 5' 11" Weight: 185 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Reddish-Brown POWERS: 1. Armour (Type B): Technological. ADR 75. The Green Goblins gloves are interwoven with micro-circuit conducting filaments capable of channeling pulsed discharges of 10,000 volts: 2d8 Damage (attacks as Lightning Control) within 1" Range. 20 Charges (hidden in cuffs and costume tunic). 2. Heightened Charisma A +12 3. Heightened Intelligence A +12 4. Chemical Power ("Goblin Formula"): An experimental strength-enhancing formula turned the power hungry Norman Osborn into his insane alter-ego, the Green Goblin. a. Heightened Endurance A +12 (unusual amount of adrenaline) b. Heightened Intelligence A +8 (increased insane genius) c. Heightened Strength A +18 (superhuman strength – Uses full weight for determining Carrying Capacity and Basic HTH Damage) Marvel Villains [Villains & Vigilantes RPG] 2 d. Regeneration: The Green Goblin can heal his Healing Rate per Turn at the cost of one action.