Extraordinary Thanksgiving- Ay Sale It
and Telephone Orders receive prompt attention. Tel. 71. Addressed Postals Free—Ask for them. EXTRAORDINARY THANKSGIVING- AY SALE IT in Staple and Holiday Groceries and Provisions of the fruit of Table Delicacies from every part world, every description from the sunny slopes of California and the Orange groves of Florida, in fact the products of almost every country on the face of the earth And all as have been gathered on our shelves for your selection. these well as our complete line of Staple Groceries are offered at prices so low, that even the most economical housekeepers can’t help but want [Maileven the slenderest of can afford them. We sell at save all on them, purses importers prices, you middlemen’s profits. These prices will prevail Friday 23, Saturday 24, Monday 26, Tuesday 27, Wednesday 28. “ Each and every article advertised is a good illustration of the saving that can be effected by trading with Seheuer. Orange & Cranberries Citron Lemon Lemons dark red large Cods Choicest Extra new Fancy Cape imported Leghorn New and fancy sugared Peel, the large Messina Lemons and selected Jersey Berries, the kind Citron, and flav- large highly choicest in the market, elsewhere tbin skinned and very juicy, reg. you pay 12 or 13c for in other stores ored, and worth 25c,very spec- a dozen a 18c, very a lb 23c, very special very special quart. ial per lb. special ■ / The Butter market has advanced sharply, never- theless we offer for this sale only, the famous srtfs Fox River Creamery Butter, positively the finest DHIPTIIIP nnDlf stars blitter made, worth 35c very special lb KUfloMNu rUKIV — _ 11 Mixed Nuts Chestnuts Raisins Currants All new and sound, Extra new Italian in large Span- Fancy fruit, Carefully picked, seed- 4 ft New fruit, very care- gM 4% contains different kinds ish \ 5 uts, very choice, ueat pound baskets ed and packed, full lb I M fully cleaned, full pound I B ■ pkgs,-worth 15c.
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