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ADVERTISING HERE Kowie Geldenhuys Paulo Coutinho www.macaudailytimes.com.mo +853 287 160 81 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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China’s trade with the United States is falling as the two sides prepare for negotiations with no signs of progress toward ending a tariff war that threatens global economic growth. More on p12 FIRST HOMEGROWN A moderate earthquake struck China’s mountainous southwest yesterday, killing at least one person and injuring 63. DOCTORS START STUDIES P2 AP PHOTO

South Korea One of the most powerful typhoons to ever hit the Korean Peninsula has left five people dead and three injured in North Korea, state media reported yesterday, in its first public announcement of casualties since the storm made landfall in the country a day earlier. More on p13 AP PHOTO

Iran The government defended its decision to use faster centrifuges prohibited by its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, officials said yesterday, while underscoring that time was running out for Europe to save the unraveling accord. AP PHOTO

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman replaced the country’s energy minister with one of his own sons yesterday, naming Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman (pictured) to one of the most important AP PHOTO positions in the country as oil prices remain below what is needed to keep up with government spending.

Turkey-US Turkish and U.S. troops conducted their first joint ground patrol in northeastern Syria yesterday as part of a planned so-called “safe zone” that Ankara has been pressing for in the volatile region. calls Trump for help SE Asia pinched by slowing tourism More on backpage P8 P10 page 2 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo MACAU 澳聞 09.09.2019 mon


Faculty of Specialist Medicine are in a co-supplementary position. MUST Medical School welcomes The Faculty of Specialist Medici- ne will be backed by the former, which will supply them with me- inaugural student cohort dical school graduates interested in further specialist training. ANTHONY LAM As part of the ceremony, MUST also signed a Memoranda of Un- HE Faculty of Medicine of the derstanding with the faculties of TMacau University of Science medicine from the University of and Technology (MUST) will be- Lisbon and the University of Por- gin teaching its Bachelor of Medi- to, as well as Peking University cine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) People’s Hospital. degree this academic year, be- National health officials pre- coming the first local institution sent at the ceremony encouraged to offer such a medical degree in the faculties and students to grab Macau. the opportunities available in the Nearly 50 students, as well as Greater Bay Area and the Closer university management, teaching Economic Partnership Arrange- and administrative staff, and re- ment. The future of medical edu- presentatives from the govern- cation and medicine is bright, the ment and foreign universities at- officials emphasized. tended an opening ceremony for The officials also pledged that the course last Friday. the mainland would offer the uni- The dean of the new Faculty versity every support in terms of of Medicine, Manson Fok, welco- teaching and research. med the students at the ceremony MUST’s Faculty of Medicine and remarked that as pioneers of currently offers programs in pu- Macau’s first MBBS program, the blic health (PhD and masters le- white coats worn by the students vel), nursing (masters level), me- have a profound meaning. dicine and surgery, and food and He said that the white coats nutritional sciences (both bache- they were wearing symbolized Incoming MUST medical students take their oaths during the opening ceremony lor level). professionalism, integrity, purity Inaugurated in 2000 as the and perfection, adding that they talent, the university decided to provided by Harvard Medical bring essential medical concepts Faculty of Health Sciences, the also symbolize the trust of patien- allocate nearly 80% of spots to lo- School. to life. faculty was renamed the Faculty ts in doctors. Under the supervi- cal students. As Macau is a relatively small The HMX fundamentals series of Medicine on March 1, 2019 to sion of Fok, the student cohort The university studied existing city in both population and area, covers foundation topics in medi- account for its pioneering of me- participated in an oath-taking program structures from Hong it is disadvantaged by the lack of cine, including physiology, gene- dical education in Macau. ceremony to uphold these virtues. Kong, the U.K. and the U.S. befo- cases for research and teaching. tics, biochemistry, pharmacology The Faculty of Medicine is also A total of 494 applications were re making the program available. MUST’s partnership with Harvard and immunology. affiliated with the School of Phar- received by the university, of whi- The faculty also made an agree- is likely to ease this, as access to To cope with the development macy. The University Hospital will ch 48 were accepted. With the aim ment with Harvard University, Harvard HMX courses will be pro- of the medical structure in Macau, be a key internship facility for stu- of focusing on nurturing local allowing MUST to use materials vided to students. These courses the Faculty of Medicine and the dents from the faculty.

ASK THE VET by Dr Ruan Du Toit Bester ght. A pet treadmill can also be a good solution for your cat. Alternatively, initiate some games with a thread and paper. The cat will enjoy these Canine Distemper Virus and will exercise at the same time. Make sure the games are varied, so that she won’t get bored. ELINE weight loss is essential for obese and talking to the vet. The cat should consume more energy that she Foverweight cats. An overweight cat presents eats in order to lose weight. numerous health risks, including heart disease, Wet food diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure and a shor- Wet food contains more water and less calories. Step by step weight loss program ter lifespan. Switch to wet food and you will notice some wei- Avoid crash diets and exhausting exercises star- ght loss soon. ting from the first day of the weight loss program. Body Condition Score (BCS) Your pet needs time to lose weight and her body If you would like to know if your cat is obese or Light pet food needs to adjust to be able to work out. normal, you can verify his body condition score. You can choose light cat food. The cat will eat the Start with a low intensity program, with 10 to 15 The body condition score is from 1 to 5, 1 being same amounts of food, but less calories. Consult minutes of exercise once or twice per day. Pro- you may keep up the exercise program to keep emaciated and 5 being obese. Cats that score 4 or your vet to make sure the light food is nutritional gressively increase the level of intensity and the your cat’s weight under control. 5 should start a weight loss program. If the ribs enough for your cat. exercise time. are not palpable, your cat is more likely overwei- Hope this info helps ght and you will also notice fat deposits and no Fewer treats Prevention diet Till next week waist or abdominal tuck. Reduce the number of treats you give your cat. Spaying or neutering may result in weight gain. Dr Ruan Bester A normal weight feline, with a BCS of 3 should The treats contain carbs and contribute to weight Neutered cats are less active and should eat accor- have palpable ribs, no excessive fat and a tucked gain. When you want to reward her, use praising dingly. The diet of a neutered cat should contain up abdomen when viewed from the side. words instead of treats. about half of the calorie intake of her diet prior to spaying. This should prevent the weight gain. Ask the Vet: Reduce the calorie intake Exercises and games for cats Weight loss will make your cat fit and she will re- Royal Veterinary Centre In a weight loss program, the calorie intake of the The exercise options for cats are limited, as cats gain her health, good balance and good muscle Tel: +853 28501099, +853 28523678 cat should be reduced, so that she consumes more won’t jog outside or run along your bike. Howe- tone. A fit cat is less prone to depression and in- Emergency: +853 62662268 energy than she eats, and will also burn some fat. ver, engaging the cat in stimulating activities will somnia. Email: [email protected] Don’t cut down on your pet’s food intake without make her consume energy and she will lose wei- When she reaches a normal body condition score,

www.macaudailytimes.com.mo EDITOR-IN-CHIEF (DIRECTOR)_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Daniel Beitler [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Emilie Tran, Irene Sam, Ivo Carneiro OFFICE MANAGER Juliana Cheang [email protected] PER MONTH de Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Julie Zhu, Juliet Risdon, ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Linda Kennedy, Lynzy Valles, Paulo Cordeiro de Sousa, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Viviana Seguí MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 DESIGNERS_Eva Bucho, Miguel Bandeira | ASSOCIATE CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MdME Lawyers, Advertisement [email protected] Thank You! PokerStars, Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +13,000 like us on facebook.com/mdtimes SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] send newsworthy information and press releases to: [email protected] website: www.macaudailytimes.com.mo www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 3 mon 09.09.2019 澳聞 MACAU


PJ officer arrested for leaking information RENATO MARQUES RENATO A chief investigator at the Judiciary Police (PJ) has been arrested and charged with accepting bribes and leaking confidential police information, the PJ revealed. The 36-year-old, who started serving at the PJ in 2008, is suspected of accessing police information without authorization from his superior at least 23 times. The information was leaked to a former PJ officer, who had been arrested earlier due to his involvement in usury cases. In return, the usury group offered the chief investigator free food and other entertainment. The PJ officer was detained on September 5 while he was on duty. He has been charged with bribery and the leaking of information, and has been forwarded to the prosecution authority.

Majority of UM recommended students from Education and Youth Affairs Bureau director Lou Pak Sang mainland

More than half of this year’s new students from the University of Macau’s (UM) Principals’ Recommended Admission Education authority wants to program are from mainland China, according to statistics released by UM. This year, 348 local high school graduates and 351 mainland students nurture critical thinking in schools were admitted to UM through RENATO MARQUES word protests.” cording to the official, is being ding to Lou, the SMG is prepa- the Principals’ Recommended “If students have doubts and taught to students in all schools. ring to change the regulations on Admission program. UM received HE Education and You- present questions to teachers Questioned on the expected this topic. more than 13,000 applications for th Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) in the classroom, the teachers outcomes of the measures, the Additionally, pedagogical ma- bachelor’s degree courses this aims to develop “criti- should present the facts in a fair director said, “we believe that terials for the subject “Education year, representing an approximate cal thinking” in local and impartial manner,” the di- the environment of harmony [in for Security,” which began being 30% increase compared to 2018, Tschools and is against the idea rector added. schools] will improve. For the taught last year, were enforced marking a new high. A 46% increase of teachers bringing any “ideo- The DSEJ director said that the next assessment results, we hope this school year. in the number of applicants from logy” into schools, DSEJ director instructions were aimed at avoi- to have an improvement, but if According to Lou, the new up- cities in the Greater Bay Area Lou Pak Sang told media late last ding clashes, exchanges or argu- we don’t see one, we will study dates come as a result of studies has been recorded. In total, UM week at a gathering organized by ments between students, which more new measures to improve and visits done by DSEJ staff to accepted 2,041 students for the bureau. could escalate and result in more the happiness of students.” the mainland and Japan, with bachelor’s degree courses. In the bureau’s reply to a ques- cases of bullying. “We want the the latter being particularly rele- tion about local schools discus- students to be able to express NEW RAINSTORM SIGNALS vant. “We know that Japan is im- CEM issues 250 sing the situation in Hong Kong, their views in a safe manner,” TO BE ENFORCED portant because it’s a country af- safety notices Lou said, “we want to develop the Lou concluded. Another of the new measu- fected by many natural disasters, in three years critical thinking [in schools]. Our res DSEJ presented during their and also because due to their idea is that teachers would tea- BULLYING REMEDIED meeting with the press was the system, there is a low incidence Over the past three years, the ch students to think in different WITH KARAOKE SONGS new rainstorm warning system. of need for rescue operations in city’s electricity supplier, CEM, ways and not just follow the tea- Questioned by the Times on According to Lou, a new sys- most of the cases, as the citizens has issued a total of 250 safety cher’s ideology.” school bullying and the results tem with three levels will replace are well aware, and they are tau- notices concerning meter rooms “We don’t want the teachers of the latest assessment by the the current system, which con- ght how to secure themselves with potential safety hazards. to teach any particular political Programme for International sists of one level only. It is hoped and also help others,” said Lou. Last week, a CEM representative position or view to the students Student Assessment (PISA), the that the new system will improve The study materials for this and representatives of the [but instead] all topics should be director of the DSEJ said that the the accuracy of information and subject have already reached Office for the Development of addressed and analyzed.” bureau had been working on this the measures to follow. schools and are available in three the Energy Sector (GDSE) met Lou also noted that the gui- topic and that the outcomes of The move is a return to the old languages, with the DSEJ director with the advisory committee of delines the DSEJ had distributed the PISA assessment placed Ma- system, which was replaced by noting that the DSEJ will proceed the central district to discuss the to schools before the school year cau with the fourth highest in- the current signal in 2004. The with an annual review regarding management and maintenance of public electricity facilities. started were not specifically re- cidence of school bullying worl- current signal is enforced whe- further updates. Citing CEM representatives’ lated to the current situation in dwide. never rainfall over Macau is ex- One of the upcoming updates, statistics, the committee reported Hong Kong, but instead applied According to Lou, the DSEJ pected to be 50mm or more two which will probably be announ- that on average, CEM receives to all situations in a broader sen- has created a task force to ad- hours after the signal is hoisted. ced next year, is the inclusion of approximately 4,000 applications se, mentioning, “schools have dress the problem and provi- The new system includes procedures on how to act in case per year to increase electrical power. pedagogical autonomy.” de teachers with the necessary warnings for 20mm, 50mm and an intruder intent on harming After receiving the applications, When questioned by the me- training to combat bullying in 80mm. students, teachers or staff mem- CEM tested the relevant electricity dia about the content of the gui- schools. The Meteorological and bers enters the school. meter rooms, and then issued 250 delines, Lou said, “we did not re- “We have focused mostly on Geophysical Bureau (SMG) pro- This is related to several recent notices. GDSE representatives also quest [that] the principals to stop teaching the teachers how to deal vided schools with a demons- attacks in schools worldwide, in- said that the office will discuss with any kind of protests, but we did with cases [of bullying],” Lou ex- tration of the 20mm warning cluding China. Only last Monday, CEM how the height of new building note that students should avoid plained. last week in preparation for the a man with a knife entered a Chi- substations in low-lying areas will going to crowded places for sa- The DSEJ had also created a school year. Although this will act nese primary school and killed be determined, to prevent the fety reasons. We never noted the specific karaoke song which, ac- as a notification for now, accor- eight children. substations from being flooded. page 4 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo MACAU 澳聞 09.09.2019 mon


AVIATION Macau route approved for new Taiwan airline

TARLUX Airlines, a new airline based in STaiwan, has received the green light to ope- rate flights between Macau and the island. Its maiden flight is expected to be on January 23 next year, while ticket sales are anticipated to begin a month earlier. According to reports by Taiwanese media, the airline will start its operations with flights from Taiwan to Macau, Da Nang, and Pe- The Malaysia team’s show on Saturday night during the 30th Macao International Fireworks Display Contest nang, Malaysia. It has long been anticipated that Macau would be in the first group of destinations laun- Helena de Senna Fernandes ched by the airline. Taiwan’s United Daily News said that the budget for this reported that as services to Macau have been year had increased slightly to approved, the city could be the destination for MOP24 million, explaining Starlux’s maiden flight. Fireworks Carnival lit that the increase is due to the Starlux is aiming to focus on the elite market, increase in the number of par- prioritizing the quality of products and services. ticipating teams this year. The airline’s website states that it will provide Saturday night sky The director of the MGTO “superior safety, comfort and convenience.” also noted that it partnered The airline will rely on its three A321neo’s to HE Fireworks Car- Running until October 15, will compete. with Macau Cruise this year, begin with. However, it has planned to purchase nival and the fourth there are light installations at Meanwhile, in terms of ou- allowing residents and visitors 17 A350XWBs, including 12 of the 1000 and five Macau Internatio- Anim’Arte Nam Van, the Wa- treach programs, besides the to watch the fireworks while of the 900 variant, which will enable the airline nal Lantern Festival terfront Promenade of One photo contest and student on a cruise. to start services to Europe and the Americas. Tkicked off on Saturday, along Central Macau and Wynn Ma- drawing contest, two new con- Senna Fernandes hinted This purchase will make Starlux the largest Air- with the 30th Macao Interna- cau. tests for video production and that the concept was suppo- bus aircraft operator in Taiwan. tional Fireworks Display Con- The fireworks competition poster design were launched sed to be presented last year, Recently, Starlux’s competitor, EVA Air, has test themed “Duo Celebra- began on Saturday, with teams this year. Cultural and creative however there was not enough been trying to encourage travelers from Macau tions for Macau.” from Malaysia and the Phi- elements were also added to time. to use its transit services in Taipei en route to the The Fireworks Carnival had lippines, and will go on until the fireworks contest, by way To accompany the fireworks Americas. a booth game themed “fun October 1. of several workshops and boo- competition, the MGTO will Currently, only three airlines provide flights puzzles of fireworks on night The pyrotechnic teams th games, the MGTO noted in also organize a seminar about between Taiwan and Macau: Air Macau, and sky” and a DIY workshop, fea- choreographed 18-minute a statement. fireworks at the Macao Con- Taiwan’s EVA Air and Tigerair Taiwan. turing firework-themed t-shirt firework shows, including a “The MGTO hopes to foster temporary Art Centre – Navy On normal days, the three airlines provide painting for parents and kids. show to the song “Light Your the blending of tourism pro- Yard No.2. A representative more than 12 two-way flights per day. During The top two entries in last Fire” by Mathew Lam Chun ducts with culture and creati- from the pyrotechnic consul- peak seasons, they have the liberty of adding year’s songwriting contest will Yat, who won the bureau’s son- vity, steering the local cultural tancy assigned this year will be flights or expanding capacity, as the cities have also be presented on stage gwriting contest last year. and creative industry to move invited to talk about the pro- agreed on the “Open Sky” policy. during the Fireworks Carni- A total of 12 firework dis- forward,” the bureau said in a cess of firework production, Starlux is not planning to stop exploring new val, according to a statement plays are in the competi- statement. on-site installations and sa- destinations, however. Currently, it is applying issued by the Macao Govern- tion. On Friday, teams from During a press conferen- fety concerns for the contest, for routes to Bangkok, Thailand and in the ment Tourism Office (MGTO). Portugal and South Korea ce yesterday, MGTO director among other topics. LV . AL

COURTS ‘Y Show’ returns to Regency Art Hotel Decision on domestic violence for fourth year case expected next month RGANIZED by the Chiu nue, including product design OYeng Cultural and Creative pieces, spatial design and ar- HE Court of First Instance’s reached the final stages in court In the court session held on Industry Association, the four- chitecture pieces, visual com- T(TJB) decision on the case last Friday, with the prosecu- Friday, the defense lawyer tried th “Y Show” held its opening munication design pieces and of Lao Mong Ieng, a woman tion calling for severe punish- to refute some of the accusa- ceremony at Regency Art Hotel digital media design pieces. who was severely injured by ment of the defendant. tions, such as intent and preme- on Friday. The Outstanding Award was her husband during a domes- According to the report, Lao’s ditation of the act, noting that if The Y Show took place at Re- presented once again, whe- tic dispute, will be made known lawyer noted that besides the it had been done as revenge for gency Art Hotel from Septem- re the winners were given the during a court session schedu- attack itself, which he deemed Lao asking for a divorce, Wong ber 5 to 8. Five local universities opportunity to be paired with led for October 10, TDM Radio “planned and cruel,” Wong did would have had many opportu- and institutes participated in an enterprise and produce a reported. not help Lao in any way and has nities to do so, since, according this year’s exhibition. commercial product. The case began July 12, 2018, not expressed remorse for the to him, the couple had already Overseas participants, in- This year, the Y Show Design when Lao’s husband, Wong Chi consequences of his actions. agreed to separate in December cluding the Federation of Hong Forum was also held, with de- Kit, spilled boiling oil and cor- If proven guilty of all charges, 2017, seven months prior to the Kong Industries, the Design signers from Macau and other rosive liquids on her during a offense to physical integrity is attack. Council of Hong Kong, Natio- regions participating. domestic dispute, resulting in punishable by imprisonment The session also addressed nal Taiwan Normal University Some of the award-winning severe burns to 40% of her body from two to 10 years. In some the victim’s request for com- and Berlin University of the pieces, which were collabora- and blindness. aggravating situations however, pensation for the damage and Arts also participated in this tions with Sociedade de Jogos The case, considered one of it can be increased up to one- permanent disabilities caused, year’s Y Show. de Macau, S.A., were displayed the most severe domestic vio- -third, meaning Wong may face though the amount requested In total, more than 80 pieces at the Grand Lisboa Hotel as lence cases to occur in Macau, up to 13 years in jail. was not disclosed. RM of art were showcased at the ve- well. JZ www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 5 mon 09.09.2019 廣告 ADVERTISEMENT

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MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 7 mon 09.09.2019 澳聞 MACAU

MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER Pansy Ho expected to defend Hong Kong at UN LYNZY VALLES AMFAR ACAU tycoon Pansy Ho will deliver a spee- ch tomorrow at the United Nations (UN), Mdefending the way the Hong Kong SAR has handled the protests. Ho, who will represent the Hong Kong Federation of Women, said in a statement that protesters are continuing to undermine the go- vernment of Hong Kong and that they do not represent the views of other Hong Kongers. Secretary Leong “The systematic and calcula- ted violent acts of this group have never been condoned by all Hong highlights economic Kongers,” she will say, according to a copy of the speech circulated online. opportunities with In her statement, Ho defends the extradition bill, saying it was “well intended” and that the proposed Guangxi, Sichuan bill was a mechanism to seek justi- ce for one of Hong Kong’s citizens. She will also defend authorities’ and livelihood of other citizens.” ECRETARY for Economy contribute to Macau’s efforts “Unfortunately, radical protes- use of tear gas and rubber bullets. Ho will conclude her speech by Sand Finance Lionel Leong to diversify its economy away ters hijacked the well-intended bill “Tear gas and rubber bullets are noting that HKSAR residents “res- was in Guangxi Zhuang Auto- from its reliance on casinos. and used it to spread fear among tools used by police forces arou- pect their motherland China’s so- nomous Region last week to Leong also suggested that Hong Kongers, and as propaganda nd the world, and are not unique vereignty over Hong Kong.” meet with officials from the Macau could utilize its clo- to undermine the Hong Kong go- to the Hong Kong police,” Ho will Additionally, Annie Wu, daugh- region and their counterparts se links with Portuguese- vernment’s authority to protect the say. ter of Maxim’s founder James Tak from Sichuan province, in a speaking countries in order right of one of its citizens, even in “Used according to law enfor- Wu, will also speak at the UN to- bid to bolster economic coo- to bridge trade and invest- her death,” Ho says in the speech. cement procedures, tear gas and morrow. peration. ment between these coun- Ho was referring to a Hong Kong rubber bullets are an effective way It is unclear if their speeches to During a meeting with Lu tries and provinces in main- citizen who was murdered by her to create distance between the po- the UN have been endorsed by Bei- Xinshe, Secretary of the Com- land China. boyfriend in Taipei. lice and the protesters, and to avoid jing. munist Party of China Guan- He said that an example of According to the businesswo- close physical confrontation and Hong Kong’s Chief Executive gxi Zhuang Autonomous Macau’s role as a facilitator man, the protesters have “con- resulting injuries.” Carrie Lam announced last week Region Committee, Leong was a traditional Chinese me- tinue[d] to make blanket state- The CEO and director of Shun that she would withdraw the con- proposed that Guangxi and dicine production company ment[s] about police brutality Tak Holdings also notes that the de- troversial bill. However, protesters Macau could broaden their that had completed registra- against protesters” over the past monstrators are “violating the basic are showing no signs of halting cooperation in fields such as tion of a product in Mozam- two months. human rights of expression, safety their demonstrations. traditional Chinese medicine bique with assistance from and specialized financial ser- the Traditional Chinese Me- vices. The secretary said that dicine Science and Technolo- these areas in particular cou- gy Industrial Park of Coope- that Macau currently ld complement Guangxi’s ef- ration between Guangdong DSAMA suggests new waters has no suitable place for forts in economic reform and and Macau. building another reser- play into Macau’s strengths in Leong led the government be used for household supply voir. helping extend overseas con- delegation to Nanning in On the sidelines of nections. Guangxi for the 2019 Pan- HE Marine and Wa- pply, an option that the ld have to refer to other the program, Wong was On his part, Lu said he be- Pearl River Delta Regional Tter Bureau (DSAMA) bureau will consider. regions that have expe- asked about the free lieved Macau-Guangxi ties Cooperation Chief Executive is hoping to find a good Citing research, Wong rience installing water yacht scheme between would be extended and that Joint Conference. use for the 85 square noted that Macau hou- purifying facilities. Macau and Guangdong. each would play a larger role Launched in 2004, the kilometers of maritime seholds use 20 to 30% of Wong stated that fur- Wong remarked that in the others’ development. Joint Conference is a plat- area now placed under their water for flushing ther studies are needed the free yacht scheme is The mainland official spoke form for regional cooperation Macau’s jurisdiction, ac- toilets. in regards to the installa- currently unpopular for highly of Macau’s engage- between the nine provin- cording to Susana Wong, The city’s guidelines tion of such facilities in multiple reasons, inclu- ment in regional cooperation ces (Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, director of the bureau. for new public housing old buildings and local ding high taxes. She said and especially of the exper- Guangdong, Guangxi, Hai- Previously, several suggests that water-sa- communities. She also that no progress has tise it shared in sectors such nan, Sichuan, Guizhou and possibilities for the ex- ving devices should to remarked that some ho- been made, despite the as tourism, healthcare, MICE Yunnan) and the two special ploitation of Macau’s be installed in faucets, tels in Macau are alrea- fact that the bureau has (meetings, incentives, confe- administrative regions (Ma- newly-granted maritime showers and toilets. dy reusing wash basin been in regular commu- rences and exhibitions), and cau and Hong Kong), collecti- area have been raised by Previously, Chief Exe- water to water plants. nication with the main- the creative and cultural in- vely known as the “9+2.” lawmakers and public cutive-elect Ho Iat Seng According to Wong, land government. dustries. Macau’s delegation inclu- servants, but others in had proposed purifying the cost of water for 2019 Recently, the bureau In a separate meeting with ded the deputy director of the government say the used domestic water for has increased to nearly 8 launched a public ten- the Governor of Sichuan Pro- the Government Informa- options are severely li- flushing toilets. patacas per cubic meter, der for the construction vince, Yin Li, Leong said Si- tion Bureau, Wong Lok I; the mited by the unfavorab- In response to Ho’s and the water price may and design of the tem- chuan-Macau cooperation deputy director of the Policy le geography of the area. proposal, Wong said be adjusted next year. porary ferry terminal at would encourage both sides’ Research and Regional De- On Friday, during a that because Macau’s One of the program’s Barra. participation in the “Belt and velopment Bureau, Lin Yuan; TDM radio program, building density is ra- listeners questioned Wong expects the fer- Road” initiative, and would and the deputy director of Wong suggested that the ther high, in order to Wong on why Macau ry terminal to be built also create opportunities re- the Protocol, Public Relations waters could be utilized install water purifying has not built a new re- within a year once its garding investment and tra- and External Affairs Office, for household water su- systems, the city wou- servoir. Wong explained construction starts. JZ de. Leong said this would also Isabel Lam. DB page 8 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo GREATER BAY 大灣區 09.09.2019 mon


Joshua Wong confirms arrest AP PHOTO at airport

Prominent Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong was arrested at the city’s airport for breaching bail conditions, he said in a statement through his legal representative. Wong said he was being held in custody and that he expected to be released after a hearing today. His detention was earlier reported by Hong Kong-based Chinese- language Apple Daily. Wong was among several Hong Kong activists arrested in late August in a crackdown on protest leaders, and was released on bail shortly after his detention. Wong traveled to Taiwan last week to meet with President Tsai Ing-wen’s ruling party. A spokesman for the Hong Kong police said he cannot comment immediately.

Li Keqiang supports efforts to end unrest

Premier Li Keqiang said the Chinese government supports Hong Kong’s leaders to bring violent protests to an end, its highest-level official to comment on the city’s political crisis. Li, the No. 2 official in China’s ruling Communist Party, made the comments during a news conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel. For her part, Merkel urged China to protect the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents and find a peaceful solution to the unrest. “People should believe that Chinese people have the ability and wisdom to Marchers ask Trump to ‘liberate’ manage its own affairs,” the Chinese premier said, adding that Beijing supported the government to end the violence to “safeguard Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and Hong Kong, as clashes erupt would have allowed criminal cials found to suppress demo- ve. They also searched dozens of stability.” Merkel said she supported EILEEN NG, ALICE FUNG Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie suspects to be sent to mainland cracy and human rights in the young people on the street and HOUSANDS of de- Lam’s efforts to start a dialogue with China for trial. Many saw the ex- city, and could also affect Hong inside subway stations. the public. She called Lam’s decision monstrators in Hong tradition bill as a glaring exam- Kong’s preferential trade status The U.S. State Department last week to withdraw the extradition Kong urged President ple of the erosion of civil liber- with the U.S. said in a travel advisory Friday bill an important signal. Donald Trump to “li- ties and rights promised under A group of protesters sang that Beijing has undertaken a Tberate” the semiautonomous a “one country, two systems” “The Star-Spangled Banner” be- propaganda campaign “falsely Chinese territory during a pea- framework when the former Bri- fore handing over an appeal le- accusing the United States of fo- Top gov’t adviser ceful march to the U.S. Consula- tish colony returned to Chinese tter to a U.S. Consulate official. menting unrest in Hong Kong.” says martial law te yesterday, but violence broke rule in 1997. Just before the rally ended, It said U.S. citizens and embas- not considered out later in the business and Hong Kong’s government violence broke out after riot sy staff were targeted and urged retail district as police fired tear promised this past week to for- police detained several people them to exercise increased cau- A top adviser to Hong Kong’s Chief gas after protesters vandalized mally withdraw the bill, but that and chased a crowd out of the tion. Executive Carrie Lam said the subway stations, set fires and failed to appease the demons- nearby Central subway station. Some American legislators government has no plans to use blocked traffic. trators, who have widened their Angry protesters smashed glass are pressing Trump to take a a colonial-era statute that gives Demonstrators flooded a demands to include calls for windows and sprayed graffiti at tougher stand on Hong Kong. authorities broad powers similar park in central Hong Kong, to martial law. Bernard Chan, the direct elections for the city’s lea- the station’s exits. But the president has sugges- chanting “Resist Beijing, Libera- convener of the city’s Executive ders and an independent pro- Protesters burned cardboard ted that it’s a matter for China to Council, said in an interview that te Hong Kong” and “Stand with be into alleged police brutality boxes and other debris to start a handle, though he also has said speculation that Lam could invoke Hong Kong, fight for freedom.” against protesters. fire at one of the exits. They also no violence should be used. Po- the Emergency Regulations Many of them, clad in black The unrest has become the set fire at a nearby street, but fi- litical analysts suggest Trump’s Ordinance has spiraled out of shirts and wearing masks, wa- biggest challenge to Beijing’s refighters quickly snuffed it out. response has been muted be- control since she said last week that ved American flags and carried rule since Hong Kong’s return The government said protes- cause he doesn’t want to disrupt all options are on the table. Chinese posters that read “President from Britain. Beijing and the ters also blocked traffic at a ma- talks with China over their tariff officials said last week that the law, Trump, please liberate Hong entirely state-controlled media jor thoroughfare near City Hall war. introduced by the British in 1922 for Kong” as they marched to the have portrayed the protests as in the area, paralyzing traffic. In The Senate majority lea- use in case of emergency or public U.S. Consulate nearby. an effort by criminals to split the the type of cat-and-mouse ba- der, Mitch McConnell, said last danger and last used to quell riots in “Hong Kong is at the forefront territory from China, backed by ttle that has characterized the week that he would recommend the 1960s, could be implemented if of the battle against the totalita- hostile foreigners. summer-long protests, riot po- Trump take “more forceful ac- needed. The law’s provisions include rian regime of China,” said Pan- Protesters yesterday ur- lice pursued groups of protes- tion” if Chinese authorities allowing arrests, property seizures, zer Chan, one of the organizers ged Washington to pass a bill, ters down streets, but they kept crush the demonstrations. The deportation, control of the ports of the march. “Please support us known as the Hong Kong De- regrouping. protests are an embarrassment and the power to restrict means in our fight.” mocratic and Human Rights Police fired multiple rounds to China’s ruling Communist of communication. In an extreme Hong Kong has been ro- Act, to support their cause. The of tear gas in the Causeway Bay Party ahead of the Oct. 1 cele- scenario, the government could cked by three months of unrest bill proposes sanctions against shopping area after protesters bration of its 70th anniversary even cut off access to the Internet. sparked by a proposed law that Hong Kong and Chinese offi- heckled them and refused to lea- in power. AP www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 9 mon 09.09.2019 大灣區 GREATER BAY


advertorial HONG KONG Airport’s plea to protesters: spare our passengers ONG Kong’s airport used a The train connecting the city Hnewspaper advertisement center and the airport was pre- to appeal to protesters, asking vented from stopping at three them not to target the transport other stations - Kowloon, Tsing hub ahead of another weekend Yi and AsiaWorld-Expo - from of anti-China demonstrations 9 a.m. to control flows into and in the city. out of the airport. Groups of protesters sta- Hong Kong’s Civil Aviation ged sit-ins at malls near train Department urged the public stations over the weekend but not to fly drones near the air- the civil action failed to match port, saying that it had seen on- the mass demonstration of last line posts discussing the possi- weekend that halted traffic to bility. and from the airport. Last weekend saw some of “Spare our passengers fur- the most violent confrontations ther disruption,” read a half-pa- since the unrest broke out in ge ad from the Airport Authority Hong Kong three months ago. Hong Kong in the South China Protesters, who oppose China’s Morning Post, the territory’s tightening grip on the former most well-known English-s- British colony, vandalized tur- peaking newspaper. In the ad, nstiles at train stations to the the authority urged demonstra- airport and the high-speed rail tors “not to disrupt the journey link to the terminal was suspen- of tens of thousands of travelers ded. who use our airport every day.” Turnstiles and ticket ma- Riot police and uniformed chines at a subway station officers were out in large num- were vandalized on Wednes- bers, making their presence felt day night, spurring the ope- at stations and at the airport rator, MTR Corp., to “strongly building. One man, who would condemn” attacks on staff and only identify himself as Wong, destruction of their facilities. was ejected from the bus termi- The railway network has been nus at the airport where he had a key target of the demonstra- been sitting on a bench. Court tors, with several lines closed bailiffs, a lawyer and Airport Au- last weekend amid heightened thority Hong Kong officials read tensions. Footage showed po- him an injunction preventing lice swinging batons at protes- obstructions or operations at ters as they clung to each other the airport. in subway cars. DB/AGENCIES

Fitch downgrades HK for first time since 1995

ITCH Ratings Inc. downgra- flict and violence are testing Fded Hong Kong as an issuer the perimeters and pliability of of long-term, foreign curren- the ‘one country, two systems’ cy debt for the first time since framework that governs Hong 1995, saying that the territory’s Kong’s relationship with the recent political turmoil raises mainland,” Fitch said in a sta- doubts about its governance. tement. The rating was lowered to “The gradual rise in Hong AA from AA+ with a negative Kong’s economic, financial, outlook, the company said in and socio-political linkages an emailed statement. The last with the mainland implies its Fitch downgrade of Hong Kong continued integration into Chi- took place before the return na’s national governance sys- of the former British colony to tem, which will present greater China. institutional and regulatory Large-scale protests and un- challenges over time.” rest in the city have unnerved Hong Kong Chief Executi- investors and raised the pros- ve Carrie Lam disagreed with pect of capital outflows from Fitch’s downgrade, as the “one the financial hub, long seen country, two systems” fra- as a safe haven. Almost three mework and the city’s spirit of months of protests in the city rule of law haven’t been weake- have weakened an economy ned by the months of turmoil. that had already been hit hard The downgrade had little by the ongoing trade war be- impact on the city’s financial tween the U.S. and China, the markets, with the MSCI Hong city’s two biggest trading part- Kong Index trading 0.7% higher ners. and the local dollar little chan- “Months of persistent con- ged. DB/AGENCIES page 10 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo BUSINESS 分析 09.09.2019 mon


Chinese visitors watch the flyboard show by the beach of Hon Tam Resort in Nha Trang, Vietnam (left), while tourists visit the Dutch Square in Malacca city, Malaysia (right)

To be sure, not every coun- try is facing a sustained decline. Bali beaches, Thai temples go Malaysia’s number of Chinese tourists grew 6.2% in the first half of the year to 1.55 million, quiet as Chinese stay at home according to official data. In the Philippines, tourism infrastruc- SIRAPHOB THANTHONG- “Southeast Asia is usually the ment, while Hilton will manage over a fifth of their GDP - twice ture and facilities are relatively KNIGHT, HARRY SUHARTONO first destination for Chinese tra- two hotels due for 2022 opening. the global average. under-developed, so it’s not & NGUYEN XUAN QUYNH velers when they opt for farther On Phuket island, a favorite for seeing any pull back in hospita- destinations,” said the report. beachfront weddings and scuba BOOM DISSIPATED lity projects, said Richard Lane- ROM quiet beaches in Bali to McKinsey’s 2017 China Outbou- diving, there will be 18% more The boom dissipated in the da, gaming and property analyst Fempty rooms in Hanoi’s ho- nd Traveler Survey had shown hotel rooms by 2024, according to first half of this year as China’s at COL Financial Group Inc. tels, pangs from China’s economic that the highest number of pa- consultancy C9 Hotelworks Ltd. economy slowed, its yuan weake- Still, the slowdown in tourism malaise and weakening yuan are ckage trips were booked to Sou- International arrivals in Thailand ned to historically low levels, and weakens another growth pi- being felt across Southeast Asia’s theast Asia. this year so far have grown only an ongoing U.S.-China trade war llar for Southeast Asia at a time vacation belt. 2%, data from Thai tourism mi- weighed on consumer confiden- when exports are taking a knock A boom in Chinese outbound THE CHINA FACTOR nistry show. ce. The decline is also affecting from the trade war. The Interna- travel in recent years that stoked Mandarin-speaking tours, Chi- “The supply was based on peo- China’s economy at home, as bi- tional Monetary Fund in its July tourism across Southeast Asia is nese eateries and Chinese mobile ple’s unrealistic expectations,” g-ticket purchases like cars and outlook pared back its forecast now in reverse gear. The abrupt payment services mushroomed said C9’S managing director Bill luxury goods slow. for growth in the region’s top decline of Chinese travelers is from Danang to Yogyakarta, these Barnett. The Thai baht has strengthe- five economies to 5% from 5.1% becoming a painful lesson for travelers thronged to Southeast In Singapore, casino operators ned the most against the yuan in its April report, signaling a nations such as Thailand and In- Asian hotspots, lured by their Las Vegas Sands Corp. and Gen- this year among emerging-market further slowdown. donesia that had become overly proximity and familiar cuisines. ting Singapore Ltd. announced currencies, making travel more Countries are now trying to dependent on Asia’s top economy. The pullback now threatens a $9 billion expansion of their expensive for Chinese tourists. A diversify their outreach efforts “The slump in Chinese arrivals the tourism industry with pockets resorts earlier this year after the boat accident last year that killed to lure visitors from other na- and tourism spending is being of overcapacity, after companies country’s skyline was beamed 47 Chinese tourists off the island tions. felt throughout the region,” said and local governments doub- across cineplexes as the setting of Phuket also damaged confi- Thailand waived visa fees for Kampon Adireksombat, Ban- led down and poured millions of of the Hollywood hit “Crazy Rich dence. Indian tourists earlier this year gkok-based head of economic dollars into expanding resorts, Asians.” In Bali, the tourism promotion and airline and hotel operators and financial market research at hotels and travel facilities. Marriott International Inc. has board’s deputy chairman, Ngu- are trying to boost connections Siam Commercial Bank Pcl. “The- The decline is already showing 140 hotels in the pipeline across rah Wijaya, sees the hotspot as a between the two countries. re’s always a concentration risk up in some hotel operators’ re- the region, with plans to more victim of its own success. “Inter- Vietnam, where Chinese tou- when relying on one market, and sults. Thailand’s Central Plaza than triple its portfolio by 2023 nal problems like traffic jams are rists accounted for a third of 15 many countries may not be able Hotel Pcl reported a softening of in the Philippines, whose whi- among the main causes of the million foreign visitors last year, to find a replacement for growth its hotel business in the second te-sand beaches and turquoise decline of Chinese tourists,” he is setting up tourism promotion fast enough.” quarter due to decreasing Chi- waters are such a draw that the said, adding that those who are offices in the U.K. and Australia, The slump is expected to con- nese demand, Ronnachit Mahat- island of Boracay had to close last still coming are staying fewer days while direct flights between In- tinue in 2020 if the trade war con- tanapruet, the company’s senior year for upgrades to its sewage and spending less. “It also seems dia and Vietnam are being plan- tinues to weigh down the Chinese vice president, said at an investor system. like they have started to get bored ned for October. economy, he said. briefing last month. Occupancy Enamored with the sights with Bali.” But in the short to medium Rising incomes over the past in its Thai properties dropped 7% made famous in hit movies such term at least, the hole left decade fueled the wanderlust of in the quarter, and the Bangkok- as Summer Holiday - a 2000 Chi- CHINESE SHIP behind by Chinese travelers middle-class Chinese consumers, -based operator has 2,040 rooms nese romantic comedy film set on Bilateral tensions after a Chine- seems too large to fill. making them the world’s largest in the pipeline to add to its exis- Malaysia’s palm-fringed Redang se ship surveyed underwater oil- “Chinese tourists are the lar- outbound travel market, accor- ting portfolio of 6,678 rooms. Island - Chinese travelers became -and-gas blocks claimed by Viet- gest group of visitors by num- ding to a McKinsey report, with the biggest group of visitors to the nam in July may have contributed bers,” said the Bali Promotion the total number of outbound ‘UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS’ region, adding $403.7 billion to its to the decline in tourists from Board’s Wijaya. “Even the rise trips more than doubling from 57 The Thai capital is also expec- gross domestic product in 2019. China, said Vietnamtourism-Vi- in holiday makers from other million trips in 2010 to 131 million ting a new Ritz Carlton by 2023 In Thailand and the Philippi- tours’ deputy general director Le countries cannot compensate trips in 2017. as part of a $3.9 billion develop- nes, tourism grew to account for Tan Thanh Tung. for their absence.” BLOOMBERG www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 11 mon 09.09.2019 中國 CHINA


Wolfgang Ischinger at the Munich Security Conference

government’s aims. In January, Germany’s industry lobby BDI announced a turnaround in its Merkel has made a U-turn on China strategy, labeling China a “systemic competitor” and ar- guing that “German industry must prepare itself for this new China but it may be too late reality,” while the system of open markets in Europe “must be made BIRGIT JENNEN, PATRICK na this week with a delegation of plus her sheer political longevity, te, making Merkel’s government more resilient.” DONAHUE & ARNE DELFS German company executives: gives Merkel clout that eludes her keen to see a willingness in Beijing Germany’s dilemma is shar- maintaining that hard line on Bei- European partners: she is making to reach a deal, the official said. pened by China’s moves to divide OLFGANG Ischin- jing while urging a resolution of the 12th trip to the Asian giant of How Europe’s exporting giant the European Union, both throu- ger had unique the trade war and continuing to her almost 14 years in office. Ger- went from a key China proponent gh the so-called 16+1 forum with insight into Ger- press for reciprocal access to Chi- many is also one of few western to the leading advocate of a more eastern European states and by many’s friendly na’s lucrative market. countries to run a trade surplus defiant European stance is both a signing up individual EU mem- approachW to Beijing. According to a Chinese official with China, with automakers reflection of Beijing’s rising global bers including Malta and Italy “Our China policy had one who asked not to be identified such as VW and BMW now more power and an indication of how to President Xi Jinping’s Belt and key component: how can we sell commenting on policy, Trump’s dependent on Chinese sales than it is wielding that clout. Germany Road infrastructure program. The the largest possible number of attempts to lobby European lea- those in the U.S. Still, that reliance has been a target of China’s ambi- upshot is that while all 27 mem- German automobiles in China,” ders such as Merkel appear to is viewed in Berlin as a potential tion, as a focus of Chinese moves ber states have stood together on Ischinger, who now chairs the an- have worked in the short term. liability as well as an achievement. to buy up strategic companies Brexit, the EU struggles to speak nual Munich Security Conference, Trump has provided a as well as at the apex with one voice on China policy. recalled in an interview in Berlin. model for world leaders to of concerns including Still, alongside German legis- Since Ischinger’s time in office be globalist in their words There is little cyber security. lation to protect companies, the at the turn of the century, Ger- and protectionist in their A turning point was EU has acted to tighten up invest- many’s view of China has been actions, the person said. evidence that the public and political ment scrutiny, brought in instru- turned upside down. The idea Indicative of that ba- Germany’s position backlash over the takeo- ments to tackle dumping of steel that Beijing would adopt more lancing act is Merkel’s ver of German robot and measures to shield IT. China western values and democratic approach to the unrest in toward China has maker Kuka AG by Chi- policy is not about to soften under practices proved to be complete- Hong Kong. While de- na’s Midea Group Co. the incoming commission, accor- ly wrong, he said. If anything, “it’s clining an invitation to relaxed as the risk of in 2016. Germany lear- ding to a senior EU official with going in the opposite direction,” meet with protesters, recession has grown ned from losing one of knowledge of trade issues. he added. she adopted a more its industrial pearls and China is angry about the mea- With governments from Japan forceful tone after dis- last August for the first sures, but the EU will hold to its to Canada and Australia taking cussing Hong Kong with Chine- As yet, however, there is little time vetoed a potential Chinese stance even as the economy sta- a harder line on China as Presi- se leaders in Beijing on Friday. evidence that Germany’s position takeover, of German machine tool ggers because it sees a risk China dent Donald Trump steps up his “I advocated for the peaceful toward China has relaxed as the maker Leifeld Metal Spinning AG, could ramp up exports subsidies trade war, Germany too is tou- resolution of conflicts and said risk of recession has grown. Ger- angering Beijing in the process. even more, the official said. ghening its policy toward China that, in my view, anything else many sees a risk that Chinese pro- German Economy Minis- For Ischinger, the German on matters such as investment or would be a catastrophe,” Merkel tectionist sentiment could prevail ter Peter Altmaier has pushed an diplomat, the priority is develo- intellectual property. But it’s an told reporters during a stop in during the trade war and end what industrial policy of encouraging ping a more coherent, long-term especially high-risk strategy for Wuhan on Saturday. “I was liste- limited reforms have taken place, European champions to better approach to China. Berlin at a time when its expor- ned to, and that is important, just said a senior government official compete against Chinese giants, “It’s one of the biggest challen- t-dependent economy is flirting as it’s important to keep talking.” who asked not to be named dis- even though a proposed merger ges for the EU as a whole – and for with recession. Germany is China’s biggest Eu- cussing strategy. At the same time, of Siemens and Alstom train units Germany as a country that now Chancellor Angela Merkel fa- ropean trading partner by a long Germany’s short-term economic was blocked in Brussels. depends as much on China as it ced a particularly delicate set of way, with bilateral sales worth fortunes hinge on China and the There are signs that German used to on the United States,” he policy goals when she visited Chi- some $195 billion last year. That, U.S. resolving their trade dispu- industry is in lockstep with the said. BLOOMBERG page 12 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo CHINA 中國 09.09.2019 mon


ther $160 billion on Dec. 15. That TRADE would extend penalties to almost everything the United States buys from China. China’s trade with US shrinks Beijing responded by imposing duties of 10% and 5% on a range of American imports. More increases as tariff war worsens are due on Dec. 15 in line with the JOE MCDONALD, BEIJING up 1.7% at $180 billion. For the first U.S. penalties. eight months of 2019, exports were U.S. tariffs of 25% imposed pre- HINA’S trade with the United AP PHOTO off 1% from a year earlier and im- viously on $250 billion of Chinese CStates is falling as the two sides ports were down 5.6%. goods are due to rise to 30% on prepare for negotiations with no China’s global trade surplus Oct. 1. signs of progress toward ending a rose 25% from a year earlier to China has imposed or annou- tariff war that threatens global eco- $34.8 billion. nced penalties on an estimated nomic growth. Exports to the European Union $120 billion of U.S. imports. Some Imports of American goods rose 3% from a year earlier to $38.3 have been hit with increases more tumbled 22% in August from a year billion. than once, while about $50 billion earlier to $10.3 billion, customs U.S.-Chinese negotiations of U.S. goods is unaffected, pos- data showed yesterday. Exports broke down in May over how to sibly to avoid disrupting Chinese to the United States, China’s big- enforce any agreement. Beijing industries. gest market, sank 16% to USD44.4 says Trump’s punitive tariffs must Beijing also has retaliated by billion. be lifted once an agreement takes canceling purchases of soybeans, Both sides have raised tariffs on effect. Washington says some must the biggest single U.S. export to billions of dollars of each other’s stay to ensure Beijing carries out China. imports in the fight over complain- any promises it makes. The Chinese government has ts about Beijing’s trade surplus and increase Oct. 15. demand for China’s exports.” Trump and Chinese President agreed to narrow its trade surplus technology development plans. Chinese exporters also face The conflict has disrupted trade Xi Jinping agreed in June to resu- with the U.S. but is reluctant to The United States, Europe, Japan pressure from weakening global in goods from soybeans to medi- me negotiations, though neither give up development strategies it and other trading partners say tho- consumer demand. That hurts ef- cal equipment, battered traders side shifted its position. Talks in sees as a path to prosperity and se violate Chinese market-opening forts to find markets to replace the on both sides and fueled fears in Shanghai in July ended with no in- global influence. commitments. United States. financial markets of a global eco- dication of progress. Some analysts suggest Beijing U.S. and Chinese negotiators “The tit-for-tat escalation shows nomic slowdown. The governments agreed to is holding out in hopes Trump will are preparing for talks in October. how unlikely a trade deal and de- China’s politically sensitive tra- meet again in September but that feel pressure to make a more favo- Despite that, the two governments -escalation have become,” said de surplus with the U.S. narrowed was postponed to October. They rable deal as his campaign for the escalated their fight on Sept. 1, im- Louis Kuijs of Oxford Economics to $31.3 billion in August from $27 have yet to announce a date. 2020 presidential election picks posing or increasing penalties on in a report. “Meanwhile, the global billion a year earlier. Washington imposed 15% tarif- up. Trump has warned that if he billions of dollars of goods. Presi- trade weakness looks set to linger, China’s global exports fell 3% to fs on Sept. 1 on $112 billion of Chi- is reelected, China will face a tou- dent Donald Trump plans another which will continue to weigh on $214.8 billion, while imports were nese imports and plans to hit ano- gher U.S. negotiating stance. AP ad www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 13 mon 09.09.2019 亞太版 ASIA PACIFIC


investigation presented to a Nis- san oversight committee on Sept. 4, the people said. The findings Nissan’s chief investigator will be reported to the board of di- rectors when they meet on Sept. 9., the company said. Nissan is considering abo- into CEO’s pay is resigning lishing the payment system, whi- ch was first introduced in 2003 as MA JIE & MASATSUGU HORIE an incentive for managers, Asahi reported Saturday, without saying

HE senior manager at AP PHOTO where it got the information. Nissan Motor Co. who Ghosn, who deepened Nis- led the probe into excess san’s alliance with Renault SA and compensation for Chief drove the company’s strategy for TExecutive Officer Hiroto Saikawa decades, was arrested for finan- and other executives is resig- cial crimes in November and is ning, people with knowledge of awaiting trial in Tokyo. Nada used the matter said, the latest sign of to be the head of Nissan’s CEO chaos engulfing the Japanese au- office, and struck a plea-bargain tomaker’s top ranks. deal with prosecutors ahead of Christina Murray, Nissan’s vice Ghosn’s arrest, according to the president in charge of audit and former chairman’s lawyer, Juni- compliance, will leave the car- chiro Hironaka. maker as soon as Sept. 10, said the Ghosn has denied the charges people, who asked not to be iden- against him, which include that tified because the information he under-reported his own com- isn’t public. She began the investi- pensation from Nissan. Murray gation into overpayments in June, also oversaw Nissan’s internal in- when former executive Greg Kelly vestigation into Ghosn. said in a magazine interview that scrutiny, forcing the automaker to on Thursday that he and several who became CEO in 2017, said he Saikawa’s comments on Thur- Saikawa had improperly received bring in more independent direc- other Nissan executives recei- didn’t know specific details about sday delayed the pricing of a 250 47 million yen (USD439,000) in tors and establish oversight com- ved excess compensation. They the payments back in 2013 and billion yen bond issuance the 2013. mittees. include Hari Nada, a central figu- would return any overpaid com- same day, a rare occurrence in the The latest sign of discord in the Murray, who has been at Nis- re in Ghosn’s downfall, as well as pensation. The company is not yen bond market. The carmaker upper echelons is another heada- san since joining the company’s Executive Vice President Asako asking Saikawa to resign as the is also grappling with a plunge in che for the automaker following U.S. operations in 2006, didn’t im- Hoshino, people with knowledge internal probe found he wasn’t in- earnings and the ongoing fallout the arrest of Carlos Ghosn, char- mediately return requests seeking of the matter have said. tentional and there is no illegality, from Ghosn’s arrest. Nissan’s sha- ged with financial crimes along comment. Koji Okuda, a spokes- Any overpayment was arran- the people said. res have slumped 23% this year, with Kelly in November. Since man for Yokohama-based Nissan, ged by an office headed by Kelly at Revelations that executives re- on track for its worst annual per- then, Nissan’s corporate gover- declined to comment. the time, Saikawa has said, accor- ceived excess pay via stock appre- formance since a 74% decline in nance has come under intense Saikawa told reporters in Japan ding to two of the people. Saikawa, ciation rights followed an internal 2008. BLOOMBERG

casualties and damage. According to a pre- US-North Korea nuclear Typhoon kills 5 in North vious KCNA dispatch, leader Kim Jong Un “ur- talks still stalled, gently convened” an Trump’s envoy says Korea, 3 in South Korea emergency meeting on Friday to discuss disas- NICK WADHAMS detailed negotiations by the HYUNG-JIN KIM, ter prevention efforts middle of July, a time frame SEOUL and scolded government HE U.S. envoy for North that has been pushed back AP PHOTO officials who he descri- TKorea said the Trump ad- repeatedly. NE of the most bed as “helpless against ministration is ready to nego- In the weeks since, accor- Opowerful typhoons the typhoon, unaware of tiate whenever Kim Jong Un’s ding to U.S. officials, Pyon- to ever hit the Korean Pe- its seriousness and sei- regime is ready, effectively gyang has all but ignored ninsula has left five peo- zed with easygoing sen- confirming that months of U.S. entreaties to negotiate. ple dead and three inju- timent.” American efforts to bring the North Korea has complained red in North Korea, state South Korean wea- two sides back to denucleari- about U.S.-South Korean mi- media reported Sunday, ther officials said the zation talks have stalled. litary exercises, conducted in its first public annou- typhoon had weakened “We have made clear to numerous tests of short-ran- ncement of casualties when it moved through North Korea we are prepared ge missiles and warned that since the storm made North Korea. They said to engage as soon as we hear it could reconsider its freeze landfall in the country a the storm was moving from them,” Stephen Biegun, on more significant weapons day earlier. near Russia’s Vladivostok the special representative for tests. Before reaching North as of Sunday morning. North Korea talks, said in a Biegun sought in his spee- Korea, Typhoon Lingling South Korea’s inte- speech Friday at the Univer- ch to underscore that the hit South Korea, killing rior ministry said ear- sity of Michigan. “We are rea- U.S. was ready to help Nor- three people and inju- lier Sunday that it was dy, but we cannot do this by th Korea’s economy once a ring 13 others, though reviewing the damage ourselves.” deal is reached. And he said the country appears to from the typhoon and Biegun’s remarks highli- the U.S. was prepared to talk have escaped wides- engaging in recovery ghted that almost no pro- about steps it could take to pread damage. mland were buried or said rainstorms could be work. The storm dama- gress has been made toward pull relations between the The North’s official inundated. a catastrophe in North ged buildings and kno- an agreement on North Ko- two countries away from de- Korean Central News KCNA said the Korea because of poor cked out power to about rea’s nuclear program des- cades of conflict, though he Agency, or KCNA, said typhoon hit North Korea drainage, deforestation 161,640 homes in South pite three meetings between didn’t detail what those mo- the typhoon left 460 from 2 p.m. Saturday to and decrepit infrastruc- Korea. President Donald Trump and ves might be. houses and 15 public midnight Sunday. Reco- ture in the impoverished Typhoons that made Kim, most recently on the “We still have time to re- buildings destroyed, very work was underway country. South Korean a landfall in South Ko- border between North Korea solve these issues and I’m damaged or inundated in typhoon-afflicted media said North Korea rea in past years cau- and South Korea on June 30. confident we can do it,” Bie- in the country. It said areas, it said. could eventually report sed greater damage and After that meeting, the U.S. gun said, though he added: 46,200 hectares of far- Outside observers more typhoon-related more casualties. AP said Kim had agreed to begin “We’ve got to get going.” AP page 14 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo WORLD 分析 09.09.2019 mon


USA cklers as part of a deal that wou- ld have Purdue into a “structured bankruptcy.” A Purdue bankruptcy would Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, who has been part of the negotiations, said the attor- make opioids cases even messier neys general did not believe the deal would have been worth that GEOFF MULVIHILL ciated Press, and representatives much. of the family have not returned According to the email sent Sa-

TATE and local governments AP PHOTO messages. turday, the company rejected pro- Shave sought billions of dollars Purdue has said for months posals from the states that could from Purdue Pharma as a way to that it wants to reach a deal that have been worth less money but hold the company and the family would settle all state and local came with greater assurances that that owns it accountable for the government claims against it, but the Sacklers would deliver $4.5 nation’s opioid epidemic, a poten- it also has threatened to file for billion. tial payout that is now clouded in bankruptcy protection. Bankrup- If the company files for uncertainty after state attorneys tcy would mark a major shift in bankruptcy, the Sacklers cou- general said settlement talks had the multidistrict litigation being ld still be exposed to lawsuits. At broken down. overseen by a federal judge in Cle- least 17 states have sued one or The attorneys general directly veland. It would likely take Purdue more family member, and Shapi- involved in the negotiations with out of the first federal trial over the ro said he intends to join them. the maker of OxyContin and opioid crisis, scheduled to start But that could be a legally te- the Sackler family said they an- Oct. 21. nuous option for two reasons. ticipated Purdue filing soon for A bankruptcy judge would “One big problem is it may be bankruptcy protection. have a lot of say over how to divide very difficult for states to convin- “It seems that there will be litt- Purdue’s assets. ce judges to rule that family mem- le money for plaintiffs, if Purdue The value of the private com- bers are personally liable,” Tobias takes bankruptcy and the Sacklers pany, already relatively low, cou- said. “And even if that happens, are not kicking in any money for ts cast Stamford, Connecticut-ba- negotiations with the company ld continue dropping, leaving plaintiffs may have problems le- settlement,” said Carl Tobias, a sed Purdue as a particular villain, — Tennessee Republican Herbert little to split among thousands vying on the Sacklers’ assets, if professor at the University of Ri- saying the company’s marketing Slatery and North Carolina Demo- of plaintiffs. The company also they are offshore.” chmond School of Law. of its drugs downplayed addic- crat Josh Stein — sent an email to could go out of business. That’s a Forbes magazine estimated in Nearly every state and about tion risks and led to more wides- their colleagues saying talks were big change from settlement pro- 2016 that the Sacklers had asse- 2,000 local governments have pread opioid prescribing, even at an impasse and that they “ex- posals that would have kept the ts of more than $13 billion. New sued companies in the drug in- though only a sliver of the opioid pect Purdue to file for bankruptcy company operating in some form. York’s attorney general has issued dustry over the toll of opioids, painkillers sold in the U.S. were its protection imminently.” Under one proposal, governmen- subpoenas for financial records of which have been linked to more products. A Purdue spokeswoman de- ts could have seen USD10 billion Sackler-connected entities in an than 400,000 deaths in the U.S. On Saturday, two state attor- clined to comment on the email, to $12 billion over time, including effort to find how the family mo- over the last two decades. The sui- neys general leading settlement which was obtained by The Asso- at least $3 billion from the Sa- ved money overseas. AP ad www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 15 mon 09.09.2019 廣告 ADVERTISEMENT


Many in the Afghan government, which has been sidelined from the U.S.-Taliban talks, and among the Trump calls off secret meeting Afghan people have been skeptical of the negotiations, fearing there was little if nothing in the deal to stop the Taliban from continuing with Taliban, Afghan leaders its attacks against civilians. The two JONATHAN LEMIRE & DEB vice detonated near his vehicle. He shattering Taliban car bombings in RIECHMANN, WASHINGTON was the fourth U.S. service member Kabul in the past week, which the

AP PHOTO killed in the past two weeks in Af- insurgent group said targeted fo- RESIDENT Donald Trump ghanistan. reigners but killed far more civilians, said Saturday he canceled “What kind of people would kill renewed those fears. a secret weekend meeting so many in order to seemingly stren- Longtime Afghanistan watchers, at Camp David with Tali- gthen their bargaining position? including former U.S. officials, Pban and Afghanistan leaders after a They didn’t, they only made it wor- apparently didn’t see this twist co- bombing in the past week in Kabul se!” Trump tweeted. “If they cannot ming. After word emerged that a that killed 12 people, including an agree to a ceasefire during these very Washington visit by Afghan Presi- American soldier, and has called off important peace talks, and would dent Ashraf Ghani had been pos- peace negotiations with the insur- even kill 12 innocent people, then tponed, some assumed Ghani had gent group. they probably don’t have the power been trying to make a last-minute Trump’s tweet was surprising to the Taliban leaders for months, ted States tonight. Unfortunately, to negotiate a meaningful agree- effort to meet Trump to express because it would mean that the pre- has said recently that he was on the in order to build false leverage, they ment anyway. How many more de- concerns about the nearing deal. sident was ready to host members “threshold” of an agreement with admitted to an attack in Kabul that cades are they willing to fight?” “Whatever was the reason for in- of the Taliban at the presidential the Taliban aimed at ending Ame- killed one of our great great soldiers, It remains unclear if the U.S.-Ta- viting Taliban leaders to Camp Da- retreat in Maryland just days before rica’s longest war. The president, and 11 other people. I immediately liban talks are over or only paused. vid and whatever the real reason for the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 however, has been under pressure cancelled the meeting and called off Trump said he called off the peace pulling the plug, the peace process attacks. More than 2,400 U.S. troops from the Afghan government and peace negotiations,” he wrote. negotiations after the bombing, but has been disrupted at least for the have been killed since the U.S. inva- some lawmakers, including Trump On Thursday, a Taliban car bomb Khalilzad, the U.S. envoy negotia- moment,” said Laurel Miller, Asia di- ded Afghanistan to go after the Tali- supporter Sen. Lindsey Graham, exploded and killed an American ting with the Taliban, was meeting rector for International Crisis Group. ban, which were harboring al-Qaida R-S.C., who mistrust the Taliban soldier, a Romanian service mem- with leaders of the insurgent group “After all the violence during leaders responsible for 9/11. and think it’s too early to withdraw ber and 10 civilians in a busy diplo- in Doha, Qatar, on both Thursday many months of negotiations, it’s Canceling the talks also goes American forces. matic area near the U.S. Embassy and Friday. difficult to see why last Thursday’s against Trump’s pledge to withdraw “Unbeknownst to almost everyo- in Kabul. The bombing was one of The State Department and the attack would be the sole reason for the remaining 13,000 to 14,000 U.S. ne, the major Taliban leaders and, many attacks by the Taliban in re- White House declined to respond to changing course. This could be a troops from Afghanistan and close separately, the President of Afgha- cent days during U.S.-Taliban talks. requests for clarification. There was blow to the credibility of the U.S. U.S. involvement in the conflict that nistan, were going to secretly meet The Defense Department says no immediate response from the commitment to the peace process. is closing in on 18 years. with me at Camp David on Sunday,” Sgt. 1st Class Elis A. Barreto Ortiz, 34, Afghan government as Kabul woke Hopefully it can be brought back on Zalmay Khalilzad, the Trump Trump tweeted Saturday evening. from Morovis, Puerto Rico, was kil- up hours after Trump’s announce- track because there’s no better alter- administration’s diplomat talking “They were coming to the Uni- led in action when the explosive de- ment. native,” Miller said. AP

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MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER what’s ON TV canal macau this day in history 13:00 TDM News (Repetição) Unexpected Encounters 1976 Chairman Mao Time: 12pm-6pm 13:30 Telejornal RTPi (Diferido) edong dies Until: October 31, 2019 15:00 Agua de Mar Z Venue: Access to Level 23 via lifts behind 15:45 Zig Zag The chief architect of the Chinese revolution, Chair- Morpheus check-in counters 16:20 Sim Chef! Sr1 man Mao Zedong, has died at the age of 82. Admission: Free His death - at 10 minutes past midnight - was an- 16:50 Quem Quer Ser Milionário Enquiries: (853) 8399 6699 nounced by the Central Committee of the Chinese 17:45 Moda Portugal Sr.4 Communist Party, the State Council, the Standing Sands Presents: All That’s Gold Does 18:15 Amor Maior (Repetição) Committee of the National People’s Congress and Glitter – An Exhibition of Glamorous 19:00 Volta ao Mundo the party’s Military Affairs Commission. Chairman Mao had been in poor health for several Ceramics 19:30 Os Nossos Dias Sr.2 years and had declined visibly in recent months. He Time: 24 hours 20:30 Telejornal had not seen any foreign visitors for some time. Until: October 9, 2019 21:15 Banco Asiático De Investimento em Infra-Estruturas It is not clear yet who will replace him. There is no de- Venue: The Venetian Macao, The Parisian Macao, 21:50 Livros com João Guedes signated heir to the leadership of China’s 800 million Sands Macao & Four Seasons Hotel Macao citizens. Admission: Free 22:00 Todas as Palavras News of Chairman Mao’s death has spread quickly Enquiries: (853) 2882 8888 22:25 Amor Maior through the Chinese capital. Many people are wearing 23:15 TDM News black armbands. Groups have paid tribute opposite a huge portrait of Chairman Mao at the main entrance Macau Science Centre 23:50 Os Portugueses no Reino de Siam - Time: 10am-6pm daily (Except on Thursdays; open to the Forbidden City. A Glória De Ayutthaya on public holidays) His body will now lie in state at the Great Hall of the 00:45 Telejornal (Repetição) People. A memorial service will be held in Tiananmen Venue: Macau Science Center Square on 18 September. Everyone except those Admission: MOP25 (Exhibition Centre) 01:30 RTPi Directo performing essential tasks will be expected to main- MOP60 (Planetarium 2D dome or 2D sky tain a three minute silence. shows) The official Chinese obituary paid tribute to Chair- MOP80 (Planetarium 3D dome or 3D sky man Mao’s important struggles against “enemies” wi- shows) thin the Chinese Communist Party, which he co-fou- Enquiries: (853) 2888 0822 nded in 1921. cinema He rose to prominence as the man who led the com- cineteatro munist forces on the epic 6,000 mile (9,656 km) “long march” to Shenis in northern China to flee attacks Mandarin’s House 05 - 11 Sep Time: 10am-6pm daily (Last admission at 5:30pm; from the nationalist Kuomintang party in the mid- closed on Wednesdays, open on public holidays) -1930s. In 1949 he became chairman of the newly estab- Address: No. 10, Travessa de António da Silva lished People’s Republic of China. Admission: Free During the 1950s, Chairman Mao launched the Great Enquiries: (853) 2896 8820 Leap Forward, a campaign to increase industrial pro- duction by mobilising China’s enormous manpower Treasure of Sacred Art of St. Joseph’s into rural peoples’ communes. Seminary Even after he retired as chairman of the republic Time: 10am-5pm daily (Closed on Wednesdays, he continued to influence policy as chairman of the open on public holidays) Communist Party. Venue: St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church, Rua do The Cultural Revolution was launched in 1966. ANNA Schools and colleges were closed and the students Seminário room1 joined the Red Guards in an ideological crusade which Admission: Free 2:30, 4:45, 7:15, 9:30pm led to many officials losing their jobs, being tortured Enquiries: (853) 2835 7911 Director: Luc Besson Starring: Sasha Luss, Helen Mirren, Luke Evans and killed. Language: English (Chinese) He was credited for encouraging President Richard Duration: 119min Nixon’s visit to China in February 1972, the first by an American leader. Other countries opened embassies CRAWL Offbeat room2 in Beijing and China was finally granted a seat at the 2:30, 7:30pm United Nations in 1971. Director: Alexandre Aja DNA hints the Loch Ness Starring: Kaya Scodelario, Barry Pepper, Morfydd Clark Courtesy BBC News ‘monster’ might be giant eel Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 87min


AP PHOTO 2:30, 9:30pm Director: Ric Roman Waugh Starring: Gerard Butler, Frederick Schmidt, Danny Huston In context Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 121min Mao Zedong was the founder of modern China and is still regarded by the Chinese as one of their great leaders. However, he was also a ruthless and deeply flawed leader whose policies killed tens of millions of people. The so-called “Great Leap Forward” of collectivised farm- ing and rapid industrialisation led to nationwide famine which killed 10-35 million people. The Cultural Revolution, which he launched to purge politi- cal opponents, dragged on for 10 years and ruined the lives and educations of a whole generation. A scientist who collected DNA from Scotland’s Loch His death left a power vacuum in China. Ness suggests the lake’s fabled monster might be a giant The “gang of four” - leading radicals, including Mao’s wid- eel. ow, responsible for the Cultural Revolution - attempted to Neil Gemmell from the University of Otago in New EXIT take control but were arrested by Mao’s successor Hua Guofeng and convicted of crimes against the state. Zealand says the project found a surprisingly high amount room 3 2:30, 4:30, 9:30pm Deng Xiaoping emerged as China’s new leader in 1978. of eel DNA in the water. He cautioned that it’s not clear Director: Sang Geun Lee He liberalised academic debate and introduced economic whether that indicates a gigantic eel or just a lot of little Starring: Jung-suk Jo, Yoona, Du-shim Ko reforms. There was also a move away from the collective ones. Language: Korean (English & Chinese) idea in the countryside which meant the power of the But he said at a news conference in Scotland on Thursday Duration: 107min Communist Party was weakened. that the idea of a giant eel is at least plausible. In 1989 he ordered troops to break up the Tiananmen The DNA project found no evidence to support the no- ONE PIECE STAMPEDE Square pro-democracy demonstration. Hundreds, possi- tion that the monster is a long-necked ancient reptile cal- room1 bly more, were killed provoking international outrage and 7:30pm sanctions. led a plesiosaur. Director: Takashi Otsuka Loch Ness is the largest and second deepest body of He continued to dominate China’s government until his Starring: Chô, Hiroaki Hirata, Katsuhisa Hôki death in 1997. fresh water in the British Isles. Language: Japanese (Chinese) www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 17 mon 09.09.2019 資訊/娛樂 INFOTAINMENT


YOUR STARS The Born Loser by Chip Sansom

Aries Taurus

Mar. 21-Apr. 19 Apr. 20-May. 20 You have the power to succeed Your earthy nature asserts itself today — even if it feels like you’re in a big way today, but that may losing ground. Just keep pushing put off those with their heads in yourself. Things may look dark early the clouds. You should just ignore in the morning, but by tonight you them and let them enjoy their silly should see a glimmer of hope. fantasies — you’ve got work to do!

Gemini Cancer

May. 21-Jun. 21 Jun. 22-Jul. 22 You rely on others to help get You feel a new sense of balance your own business done, but today — though it might come today you may be on your own. at a cost. See if you can just Things aren’t terrible just yet, enjoy what you’ve got and worry but you may want to take extra about the consequences when time for all your important tasks. they actually start to affect you. SUDOKU WEATHER Leo Virgo MIN MAX CONDITION Jul. 23-Aug. 22 Aug. 23-Sep. 22 Easy Easy+ CHINA You’re making great progress Your romantic world is spinning a Beijing 27 35 cloudy toward some personal goal — little faster — so take a chance or but you need to keep it personal snuggle up with your sweetheart! All Harbin 20 25 thundershower for now. Let others take center that great energy needs to be shared stage, and they will have more with someone, and you can feel it Tianjin 27 35 thundershower time and attention for you later. when it’s right. Urumqi 21 28 shower Xi’an 35 cloudy Libra Scorpio 24 Lhasa 11 24 shower Sep.23-Oct. 22 Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Chengdu 24 34 shower Be wary of new situations — Your potent energy is the driving Chongqing 26 34 cloudy something isn’t quite right, force behind today’s big mission though that’s not to say you — so make sure that you’re Kunming 18 24 shower need to avoid dealing with it talking it up or inspiring others Nanjing 36 cloudy entirely! Just make sure you’re to the cause. Things should start 29 careful to see the bad as well as to look really good this evening. Shanghai 29 36 cloudy Wuhan 28 37 clear Sagittarius Capricorn Medium Hard Hangzhou 28 38 cloudy Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Taipei 26 30 overcast You are firmly committed to You need to deal with all this Guangzhou 26 35 thundershower doing it all yourself today, energy in a positive way — whether it’s making your own which isn’t such a hard task for Hong Kong 28 33 cloudy lunch or building your own shed. you! Just make sure that you’re Whatever it takes to get it done actively engaged with everything is readily available in your skill that needs to happen by tonight. WORLD Aquarius Pisces Moscow 17 22 moderate rain Frankfurt 21 33 clear Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Feb.19-Mar. 20 Paris 22 32 clear You’re more tired than you feel Your assistance is needed in a you ought to be, so go easy on big way — so ask around or look London 16 24 clear yourself and make sure that for opportunities to save the day. you’re delegating responsibilities Things may move slowly at first, New York 18 27 clear as much as you can. There’s not but once you enter the picture, much point in driving yourself the pace picks up considerably. to exhaustion! CROSSWORDS USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS

ACROSS: 1- Reveal indiscreetly; 5- What you put on snooze; 10- Sarajevo combatant; 14- Italian bread?; 15- Old Testament prophet; 16- Air freshener target; 17- Roman poet; 18- Basketry twig; 19- Doll’s cry; 20- Comforter, e.g.; 22- Arabian republic; 23- Surprised cries; 24- Milne marsupial; 25- Grades; 29- Like some corners; 33- Good Emergency calls 999 Taxi 28 939 939 / 2828 3283 ___; 34- Gardener’s bane; 36- First name in architecture; 37- Give ___ rest; 38- Mezzo-soprano Marilyn; 39- Spanish uncle; 40- Obscene; 42- Excellent; 43- More Fire department 28 572 222 Water Supply – Report 2822 0088 peeved; 45- Sammy Davis Jr. autobiography; 47- Stupid; 49- Droop; 50- Mack of old TV; 51- All thumbs; 54- Growth; 60- Exchange for money; 61- Humped ruminant; 62- PJ (Open line) 993 Telephone – Report 1000 Shredded; 63- American space agency; 64- Pong maker; 65- French summers; 66- Deuce topper; 67- Fundamental; 68- Butts; PJ (Picket) 28 557 775 Electricity – Report 28 339 922

DOWN: 1- Amoeba-like alien: The _____; 2- Not taped; 3- Desertlike; 4- Painful PSP 28 573 333 Macau Daily Times 28 716 081 hospital development; 5- Riding; 6- Come up short; 7- Bhutan’s continent; 8- Marsh growth; 9- Scratch; 10- Anybody; 11- Dutch Customs 28 559 944 treat; 12- City of the Caesars; 13- Fiber Friday’s solution source; 21- That was close!; 22- ___ Are My S. J. Hospital 28 313 731 Sunshine; 24- Went by horse; 25- On Mon

Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun; 26- First name Crossword puzzles provided by BestCrosswords.com Kiang Wu Hospital 28 371 333 in cosmetics; 27- Chews; 28- Faint; 29- Extend a subscription; 30- Raison ___; 31- Commission Against Iroquois foes; 32- Portals; 35- West end?; 38- Dutch name of The Hague; 41- Show; Corruption (CCAC) 28326 300 43- Type of gun; 44- Elderly person; 46- Jazzman; 48- Sloping letter; 51- “_____ She IAM 28 387 333 Lovely?”; 52- Approach; 53- What ___ can I say?; 54- I could ___ horse!; 55- December Tourism 28 333 000 day, briefly; 56- Persian fairy; 57- Ninth letter of the Greek alphabet; 58- City near Provo; Airport 59 888 88 59- Capone’s nemesis; 61- Truck part;

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Tourists may pay tolls Harry, Meghan and AP PHOTO to drive crooked San Archie set for 10-day Francisco street southern Africa trip EPRESENTATIVES Oct. 2 trip. Harry also Rfor the British royal plans to go to Angola, AP PHOTO AP PHOTO family say Prince Harry Malawi and Botswana. will get to see the lega- Harry’s private secre- cy of his late mother’s tary, Sam Cohen, said humanitarian work in that while in Angola Angola during a fall trip the prince will see land Jeremy Scott conjures to southern Africa. mine clearing work Buckingham Palace that has continued up a glamorous space- released details Fri- long after Princess Dia- day of the trip Harry na brought worldwide age pop band is taking with his wife, attention to the pro- Meghan, and their in- blem. She died in 1997. ESIGNER Jeremy by over 30,000 crystals fant son Archie, who Meghan will visit DScott sent his mo- embedded in the gar- was born in May. South African organi- dels down the runway ments. The itinerary has zations promoting wo- in electric hues, crystal- And the look was car- Meghan and Archie men’s education, heal- -embedded garments, ried, literally, from head staying in South Africa th, entrepreneurship sparkly sky-high boots to toe. A memorable HOUSANDS of tourists weekdays and $10 weekends for the entire Sept. 23- and leadership. and brightly colored wigs, highlight was the wigs, Tcould soon be forced to and holidays. evoking what he called an poufy creations with make reservations and pay Residents say the scenic “intergalactic pop band.” bangs, in shades of pink, to drive the famous crooked street has become more like Along with the futuristic yellow, orange, turquoise Lombard Street in San Fran- an overcrowded amusement AP PHOTO sparkle, Friday evening’s and deep blue. Another cisco. park than a neighborhood show had some more was the tall, shimmering, California lawmakers street. earthly designs like pret- over-the-thigh boots in approved a bill Thursday They have been calling for ty prints, fringes and lace everything from metallic granting San Francisco the years for officials to address and even some down-to- silver to purple to bronze power to establish a toll traffic jams, trash and tres- -earth denim. to green to ice blue. and reservation system for passing. But the show, in front of Scott said after the show Lombard Street. The bill still Tourism officials estimate notables like supermo- that he’d been inspired to needs Gov. Gavin Newsom’s that 6,000 people daily visit dels Gigi Hadid and Irina create “an intergalactic signature. the 600-foot-long (183-me- Shayk, was mostly about imaginary synthetic pop The San Francisco Coun- ter-long) street in the sum- color (the bold, neon va- band, a rock opera in ou- ty Transportation Authority mer, creating lines of cars riety) and sparkle, aided ter space.” has recommended $5 per car stretching for blocks.

ad www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 19 mon 09.09.2019 體育 SPORTS


MOTORSPORTS Leclerc takes pole position for Italian GP DANIELLA MATAR, MONZA

mess. An absurdi- AP PHOTO ty. Dangerous. Idiots. These were just some of the terms were used toA describe the farcical end to qualifying for the Italian Grand Prix on Saturday. Charles Leclerc rose above it all to secure a second straight pole position and give Ferrari en- couragement it can end a nine- -year wait for success at its home Formula One race. Only Leclerc and Carlos Sainz crossed the line in time to set a timed lap in Q3. The other eight drivers were caught short jostling for position to try to ensure they had a car in front of them to ca- tch a slipstream, with tow worth several tenths of a second at the high-speed Monza track. “What a mess. Pole position anyway, guys. Sorry for the mess Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc of Monaco (right) talks with Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain after the qualifying session at the Monza racetrack in the last lap,” Leclerc said on team radio at the end of quali- ahead of championship leader sition in only his second season Italian team secured a front-row the grid along with Lando Norris fying. Lewis Hamilton and 0.047 clear in F1. lockout last season. and Pierre Gasly because of engi- Mercedes team principal Toto of Valtteri Bottas, much to the It was also the seventh race in a Hamilton is the man most ne penalties. Wolff was even more critical. delight of the passionate Ferrari row that Leclerc has beaten four- likely to deny Leclerc back-to- Ferrari has once again domi- “That was worse than a ju- tifosi. -time world champion Sebastian -back wins. The Mercedes driver nated the weekend, with Leclerc nior formula,” Wolff said. “The “The drag is a big issue here, Vettel in qualifying. Vettel will has won four of the past five Ita- fastest in both Friday practices problem was everyone wants a the tow is a key to getting a good start Sunday’s race from four- lian GPs and is bidding for a re- and Vettel clocking the best time slipstream and nobody wants to lap,” Hamilton said. “Everyone th after finishing 0.150 seconds cord sixth triumph at the historic in Saturday’s final practice. go first [...] and then everyone was slowing right down and also behind his Ferrari teammate. track to move ahead of Michael Practice was delayed on Sa- looks like idiots.” blocking the way, so you couldn’t The start of Q3 was delayed Schumacher as the master of turday due to track repairs after a It is being investigated by mo- really get through. after last year’s pole sitter, Kimi Monza. huge crash in the Formula Three torsport governing body the FIA, “It was pretty dangerous. I Raikkonen, hit the wall at Para- Hamilton, a five-time world race. and Wolff added later: “None of nearly crashed a couple of times bolica for the second time this champion, has a 65-point lead Alex Peroni’s car was launched us has ever seen such an absur- trying to stay out of the way of weekend. The Alfa driver esca- over teammate Bottas in the into the air and landed on top of dity.” the guys that were braking ahead ped unscathed. standings. the catch fencing. The 19-year- Leclerc, who claimed his first of me and then people trying to Ferrari hasn’t won its home Third-placed Max Verstappen, -old Australian driver was able to F1 victory last weekend at the come past me.” race since 2010 through Fernan- who is 87 points behind Hamil- walk to the medical car and has Belgian GP, was 0.039 seconds It was Leclerc’s fourth pole po- do Alonso, even after the storied ton, will start from the back of since been taken to hospital. AP

Australia beats Samoa 34-15 in Rugby World Cup warmup USTRALIA survived a gh one and [there were] Australia tested its dep- Asecond half comeback some really big hits. There’s th before heading to Japan attempt by Samoa to beat AP PHOTO plenty to work on there. with only three members the South Pacific islan- They put us under pressu- of the starting lineup intact ders 34-15 Saturday in the re and a couple of things at following the Wallabies 36-0 teams’ final test match be- scrum-time we’ll work on. loss to New Zealand last fore the Rugby World Cup. I thought we showed some month. The Wallabies led 22-3 good stuff tonight and we’ll Samoa also made its pre- at halftime before Samoa leave tomorrow [for Japan] sence felt physically, with scrumhalf Dwayne Polatai- really excited to get over five-eighth Bernard Foley vao scored two second half there.” receiving one big hit during tries to bring the visitors wi- Three other Wallabies his disappointing night thin seven points with less were also playing their final with the boot. He landed than 20 minutes to play. test match in Australia be- just two of six conversions. But Dane Haylett-Petty fore retiring — halfback Will Samoan halfback Sco- and Matt To’omua — after Genia, hooker Tatafu Po- tt Malolua, who is in the the siren — scored late tries lota-Nau and prop Sekope Queensland Reds Super to give Australia the edge Kepu. Rugby squad, left the field and prevent another upset The Wallabies scored six in the first half with a dislo- by the Samoans, who beat Australia’s Dane Haylett-Petty (right) pushes away Samoa’s Josh Tyrell on his way to scoring a try during tries to two, but after some cated shoulder which could Australia 32-23 in 2011 in their rugby union test match in Sydney good passages of play in the put his World Cup in doubt. their last meeting. first half, they struggled to Samoa opens against Rus- Captain David Pocock, from test play after the Wor- for 14 meters and eight ta- the 59th minute without sustain pressure and pro- sia on Sept. 24. playing his first test match ld Cup. ckles - the second-most any injury concerns. duce try-scoring opportu- Australia plays its first since last November due to The stand-in Wallabies of any Australian forward “It’s good to be out the- nities until deep in the se- World Cup match on Sept. a calf injury, plans to retire captain made four carries - before being taken off in re,” Pocock said. “It’s a tou- cond half. 21 against Fiji. AP In the Amazon, indigenous the debate how to save their lands Warriors wielding bows and arrows, elderly chieftains in face want to keep outsiders away from their 1,080-square-mileBUZZ paint and nursing mothers gathered recently in a Brazilian (2,766-square-kilometer) Alto Rio Guama homeland that is of- village to debate a plan that some hope will hold at bay the ficially protected but in practice under siege. loggers and other invaders threatening the nine tribes of the Recent clashes saw the Tembe burning the trucks and equip- Tembe. ment of illegal loggers on their territory, which is in a Brazilian The sustainable development plan is meant to help the Tem- state plagued by thousands of fires burning on cleared Amazon OPINION be profit from the Amazon forest without ruining it. They also jungle lands. Tax Matters Paulo Cordeiro de Sousa AP PHOTO Updating the AP PHOTO Macanese Tax Legislation

Generally speaking, the Macanese tax legis- Bosnia Sarajevo held its lation is out of date. It is somewhat understan- first LGBT pride parade dable that the Government does not feel the yesterday without need to update the existing tax statutes, since incidents but amid heavy Macau depends mainly on the gaming indus- security to prevent violence from extremist try and, as mentioned in the budget for the groups, as opponents of year 2019, it is expected that 80.5% of the total the event held a counter- revenue of the Macau SAR will come from this rally. single industry, mainly from the gaming tax, which is 35% of the gross revenue of the con- cessionaries from gaming operations. Never- theless, it would be helpful to all individuals AP PHOTO and entities that are subject to taxes in Macau, or for those who are planning to make invest- ments in Macau, to have clear, understandab- le, up-to-date legislation in force. Russia Residents of Apart from the gaming tax, the taxes that are Russia’s capital are voting currently in force in the Macau SAR are the in a city council election following: ‘Only animals can live shadowed by a wave of protests that saw the Professional Tax (i.e. the Personal Income biggest demonstrator Tax), which is levied on income derived from here’: Storm victims turnout in seven years and dependent or independent work sources; a notably violent police Complementary Income Tax (i.e. the Corpo- response. rate Income Tax), which is levied on the profi- await evacuation ts, or deemed profits, derived from an entre- MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN, se who lined up behind a pany that owns an oil ter-

preneurial activity; AP PHOTO Industrial Tax, which is an annual fixed pay- BAHAMAS yellow cloth tape arrived as minal on Grand Bahama ment that entities that perform commercial or early as 1 a.m., hoping to get said damage by the storm industrial activities are required to make – the ARRYING their meager to Nassau. had resulted in a significant yearly Macau SAR budget has, up to this date, Cpossessions in duffel “It’s going to get crazy oil spill on the surrounding exempted taxpayers from payment of this tax; bags and shopping car- soon,” said Serge Simon, 39, ground but added that so far Vatican City Pope Francis Urban Property Tax, which is levied on the ts, hundreds of desperate who drives an ice truck and there was no sign of leakage is pressing for the poor to rental income or on a deemed income from storm victims gathered at waited with his wife and two into the sea. The company, have the dignity of work with a visit yesterday immovable properties; the port in Grand Abaco on sons, 5 months old and 4. Equinor, which is majority- to a hilltop rock quarry Friday in hopes of getting “There’s no food, no water. -owned by Norway’s gover- Stamp Duty, which now also includes the in Madagascar where Special Stamp Duty on the re-transfer of some off the hurricane-devas- There are bodies in the wa- nment, said it had not yet hundreds of people toil real estate property within a period of two tated island, amid signs of ter. People are going to start determined how much oil rather than scavenge in years counting from the date of purchase (Law rising frustration over the getting sick.” had leaked from the tanks, the biggest dump of the 6/2011), and the aggravated Stamp Duty on pace of the disaster-relief There were no govern- which can hold 6.75 million Indian Ocean nation’s the purchase of the second or further residen- effort. ment-organized evacua- gallons of crude oil and con- capital. tial property; “It’s chaos here,” said Gee tions yet, but the Royal densate. Tourism Tax, which is borne by the customers Rolle, a 44-year-old cons- Bahamas Defense Force An array of organizations,

of restaurants, hotels, saunas, and similar es- truction worker who wai- helped people board a 139- countries and companies AP PHOTO tablishments – the yearly Macau SAR budget ted with his wife for a boat foot (42-meter) ferry that — including the United Na- has, up to this date, exempted taxpayers from that could take them to the had come to pick up its em- tions, the U.S. government, the payment of this tax; capital, Nassau. “The gover- ployees and had room for the British Royal Navy, Ame- Motor Vehicle Tax, which is levied on new im- nment is trying their best, an additional 160 people. rican Airlines and Royal UK A senior minister who ported motor vehicles; and but at the same time, I don’t The crowd waited calmly as Caribbean — have mobili- quit British Prime Minister think they’re doing a good marines separated women zed to send in food, water, Vehicles License Tax, which is the annual tax Boris Johnson’s Cabinet that on-road motor vehicles must pay. enough job to evacuate the and children to let them generators, roof tarps, dia- said that the government Tax law is a branch of the public law, which people. It ain’t livable for board first. pers, flashlights and other is making little or no in other countries is currently usually trea- nobody. Only animals can Also, a barge that had supplies. effort to secure a Brexit ted separately from the administrative law. In live here.” dropped off port-a-potties The U.S. Coast Guard agreement with the Macau, it is still subject to the administrative The Bahamian Health and heavy equipment in said it had rescued 239 peo- European Union, despite Johnson’s insistence that statutes and to the administrative court. There Ministry said helicopters Abaco took some 300 peo- ple in the Bahamas and was he wants a deal. are no statutes specifying the principles appli- and boats were on the way, ple to Nassau. still conducting search mis- cable to the tax sector. There is no specialised but officials warned of de- Prime Minister Hubert sions. tax court; the courts apply a Tax Enforcement lays because of severe floo- Minnis spoke to the crowd On hard-hit Grand Baha- Code that was revoked and is no longer in for- ding. at the port, using a Creole ma Island, a long line for- AP PHOTO ce (as I have referred in a previous article). In The search for victims interpreter for a group of med at a cruise ship that had my view, it is very important to incorporate in and survivors went on, Haitians awaiting evacua- docked to distribute food a generally applicable tax law some principles meanwhile, five days after tion, and assured them: “All and water. Among those Dorian slammed the Baha- of you will be treated with waiting was Wellisy Taylor, a that are commonly recognised in other coun- USA President Donald tries, such as the principle of non-retroactivi- mas with 185 mph (295 respect.” 65-year-old housewife. Trump said he canceled a ty of tax laws that increase taxation (although kph) winds that obliterated Minnis said he was sa- “What we have to do as secret weekend meeting one could always argue that the retroactivity of countless homes. Health tisfied with the speed of the Bahamians, we have to band at Camp David with a tax law would be a violation of private pro- Minister Duane Sands re- government’s response and together. If your brother Taliban and Afghanistan perty, therefore a violation of Article 6 of the ported late Friday that the told the storm victims, “All needs sugar, you’re going leaders after a bombing in the past week in Kabul Basic Law), or the principle of equal treatment. official death toll had been I need you to do is just be to have to give him sugar. that killed 12 people, raised to 43 from 30. “We patient and wait because If you need cream, they’ll Is it not time to update the current tax statu- including an American tes and create new tax legislation addressing expect it to rise,” Sands ad- everybody is coming.” have to give you cream,” she soldier, and has called off the above-mentioned matters? ded in a text message to The Officials said all ports had said. “That’s how I grew up. peace negotiations with Associated Press. reopened. That’s the Bahamas that I the insurgent group. At the port, some of tho- An international com- know.” AP More on p15