Front cover image: Scott Monument and ferris wheel, . This page: Children take part in the ‘Poetry Olympics’, part of the Carry a Poem campaign from Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature Trust. (Photo Chris Scott). SCOTS LANGUAGE POLICY 2 SCOTS LEID POLICIE 3


Creative values and Through use of, and engagement with, traditional arts in Gaelic and Creative Scotlan values an appreciates Throu the yuiss o Scots, an wurkin • Scotlan's naitional culture in its appreciates the important role that Scots we not only develop a greater Scots and work inspired by the heid role that the Scots language mair closely wi it, we dinnae jist braid mense is mair , spannin Scots language has played, and appreciation of Scotland’s vibrant Scotland’s languages. has pleyed, an gans oan tae pley, in develop mair appreciation o Scotlan’s modrin weys, tradeetional airts continues to play, in shaping the linguistic heritage but we also learn • We will also fulfil our statutory shapin the cultural lanscape o Scotlan. livelie language heritage bit we learn in Gaelic an Scots an wurk inspirit cultural landscape of Scotland. to value all the languages of our requirements to support and an aw tae value aw the languages o bi Scotlan's languages. country; to value diversity; and, promote the value of indigenous Scots is pairt o oor historie an oor oor kintra; tae gie warth tae diversitie; • We will fulfil oor statutory Scots is part of our history and our ultimately, to enrich our lives and culture and language, such as cultural heritage, wi rich oral an an in the en, tae mak richer oor wurld requirements an aw tae heize cultural heritage, with rich oral and our cultural experiences. Gaelic and Scots. scrievin tradeetions that ur still gey an oor cultural lives. up an push forrit the value o written traditions that are still very weel alive theday in oor sang, drama, oor hame culture an language, much alive today in our song, drama, In our 10-year plan, Unlocking We recognise that Scots language storytellin, the makin o fulms, In oor 10-year plan, Unlocking sic as Gaelic an Scots. storytelling, filmmaking, broadcasting Potential, Embracing Ambition, we is an integral part of Scotland’s braidcastin an leeterature. Potential, Embracing Ambition, we and literature. set out our ambition for Scotland’s identity and cultural life. set oot oor ambition fir Scotlan's We tak tent that the Scots language indigenous languages as follows: We uphaud the standin o Scots, hamewart languages as ablow: is an innermaist pairt o Scotlan's We support the status of Scots, There is, however, a need to ensure alangside Gaelic an English, as wan identitie an culture. alongside Gaelic and English, as one • Scotland’s diversity and ambitious and sustainable o the thrie hamewart languages o • Scotlan's sindry an kenspecklt of the three indigenous languages distinctiveness, reflected in our development of Scots language Scotlan, somethin that is mair heized naitur, reflectit in oor native Howanivver, thir is a need tae ensure of Scotland, something that is further indigenous languages, Gaelic and across the arts, screen and creative up bi the ’s languages, Gaelic an Scots, an forrit-thinkin an ongaun development strengthened by the Scottish Scots, and strengthened by an industries and Creative Scotland is commitment tae: gien mair smeddum bi a growin o Scots language athort the airts, Government’s commitment to: increasing range of other cultural committed to working with partners reenge o ither cultural influences, screen an creative industries an influences, will be visible to the rest in order to: "Growe a naitional Scots language will be seen bi aw the wurld ower. Creative Scotlan is commitit tae "Develop a national Scots language of the world. policie, wi mair support fir Scots • Folk o aw ages an fae different wurkin wi pairtners tae: policy, with increased support for Scots • People of all ages and from different • Enhance the status of Scots in education, gie a lift tae a mair kins o communities fae aw pairts in education, encouragement of a types of communities from all parts language among people and heich profile fir Scots in the media, o the kintra, as weel as language • Heize up the status o Scots language greater profile for Scots in the media, of the country, including language communities across Scotland. an the settin up o a netwark communities lik Gaelic an Scots, amang folk an toons athort Scotlan. and the establishment of a network communities such as Gaelic and • Promote the acquisition and o Scots co-ordinators." can hae deep an mensefu tryst • Push forrit the taen up an developin of Scots co-ordinators." Scots, can have deep and meaningful development of Scots. wi airts an creativitie. o Scots. engagement with arts and creativity. • Encourage the increased use of • Encourage mair yuiss o Scots as • Scotland’s national culture in its Scots as a valid and visible means a worthie an weel seen wey tae broad sense is better understood, of communication. communicate. spanning contemporary practice, SCOTS LANGUAGE POLICY 4 SCOTS LEID POLICIE 5

Books on a bike – Tam Dean Burn taking Julia Donaldson’s storybook collection, including Bonnie Bling – Award-winning Scots inspired jewellery in Scots, on a marathon tour of Scotland. ( (Photo Johnny Maclauchlan). SCOTS LANGUAGE POLICY 6 SCOTS LEID POLICIE 7


We will shape our work to support and • Development: Wi the abuin in mind, we will forder • Development: develop Scots language, to reflect our We will create effective platforms oor wurk tae heize up an develop We will bring intae bein feckfu four key functions of Funding, to grow awareness of the value of Scots language, tae show the yuiss stertin pynts tae mak folk ken Advocacy, Development and Influence: Scots including activity with our o oor fower foremaist functions mair aboot the value o Scots staff, funded organisations and o Funding, Advocacy Development includin activitie wi oor staff, • Funding: individuals (e.g. Scots awareness an Influence: fundit organisations an folk Activity in Scots will be encouraged sessions; online support materials; (eg. wurkshoaps tae mak folk in the work of the individuals and case studies; etc.) • Funding: mair awaur o Scots; oan-line organisations that we fund Activitie in Scots will be encouragit support leeterature; learnin fae (including the portfolio of Regularly • Influence in the wurk o the individual folk examples; etc.) Funded Organisations and those We will work with partner an organisations that we gie siller supported through Open Project organisations to take every tae (includin the portfolio o • Influence Funding and Targeted Funding). opportunity to raise awareness, Regularly Funded Organisations We will wurk wi pairtner bodies understanding and use of Scots and thae organisations supportit tae tak ilka opportunitie tae heize • Advocacy: both nationally and internationally throu Open Project Funding and up awaurness, kennin aboot an Scots language will be increasingly and to highlight opportunities for Targeted Funding). yaisin Scots baith naitionallie an represented in Creative Scotland further development. internationallie an tae highlicht communications. Scots work that • Advocacy: opportunities fur mair development. we fund will be showcased and Scots language will be mair an promoted through our website, mair representit in Creative Scotlan digital communications, communications, Scots wurk that Government communications, we gie siller tae will be pit oan view media engagement, promotional an promotit throu oor wabsite, materials and events. digital communications, as weel as communications fae the Government, the yuiss o the media, promotional leeterature an events nationallie an internationallie. SCOTS LANGUAGE POLICY 8 SCOTS LEID POLICIE 9

Tam O Shanter by Communicado Theatre. The KELPIES, Falkirk (Photo Colin Hattersley). SCOTS LANGUAGE POLICY 10 SCOTS LEID POLICIE 11


Our work to support Scots language • Scots Scriever: • Scots language communications Oor wurk tae uphaud Scots language • Scots Scriever: • Scots language communications will continue to develop in 2015/16 In partnership with and promotion: will gan oan tae develop mair in In pairtnership wi the Naitional an heizin up: through the expansion of activity Libraries of Scotland, we will jointly We will increase the use of Scots 2015/16 throu the growin activitie Library o Scotlan, we will fund We will mak mair yaise o Scots in aimed at raising awareness, fund the creation of the first Scots in our communications, promotions aimit at biggin up awaurness, kennin thegither the foondin o the furst oor communications, promotions understanding and use of the Scriever – a highly visible individual, and events and on our website and aboot an yaise o the language. Scots Scriever – somebodie an acteevities an oan oor wabsite language. rooted in Scots, who will be social media. We will showcase weelkent, rootit in Scots, wi the an social media. We will pit oan responsible for working with the Scots language projects on our We will forder oan uphaudin creative joab o wurkin wi the cultural sector, view Scots language projecks oan We will continue to support creative cultural sector, communities, and website and through other digital wurk an projecks that gan oan tae folk in toons, an – in parteecular – oor website an throu ither digital work and projects that in turn support – in particular – schools across communications and events. We will uphaud Scots language throu oor the scuils athort Scotlan tae bigg up communications an acteevities. Scots language through our funding Scotland to enhance awareness, work with partners to showcase the fundin acteevities. awaurness, kennin aboot an yaise o We will wurk wi pairtners tae pit programmes. understanding and use of Scots. value of Scots in the arts, screen and Scots. This joab will gan alang oan show the wurth o Scots in the This post will also complement the creative industries, nationally and We support a wheen o organisations wi the Scots language policie wurk airts, screen an creative industries, We currently support many Scots language policy efforts of internationally. We will build support an projecks the nou that add a o Education Scotlan an aw, in wurkin naitionallie an internationallie. organisations and projects that , working with for Scots into our communications Scots focus sic as Celtic Connections, wi thir Scots language co-ordinators. We will bigg up support fur Scots include a Scots focus such as Celtic their Scots language co-ordinators. plan for 2015/16 and into our Arts The Scottish Storytelling Centre, intae oor communications ploy fur Connections, the Scottish Storytelling Strategy, currently in development. TRACS (Traditional Arts & Culture • Scots language kennins an trainin: 2014/15 an intae oor Airts strategies, Centre, TRACS (Traditional Arts & • Scots language awareness and Scotland), Scottish Book Trust, We will develop a Scots kennin bein developit the nou. Culture Scotland), Scottish Book Trust, training: • Scots in our operations: the an an trainin programme for oor staff, the Scottish Poetry Library We will develop a Scots awareness We will accept any communication, a braid reenge o individual for boadies that we support an for • Scots in oor operations: and a broad range of individual and training programme for our including applications for funding an projecks wurkin wi Scots includin braider pairtners athrou the culture We will accep onie communication, artists and projects working with staff, for organisations that we support, in Scots. the Scots Language Centre, communitie. This will be developit as weel as applications fur siller Scots including the Scots Language support and for broader partners Scots Hoose an Scots Language Radio. in pairtnership wi the Scots Scriever, support, in Scots. Centre, Scots Hoose and Scots across the culture sector. This will yince they ur in the joab. Language Radio. be developed in partnership with As weel as this support, in 2015/16 we the Scots Scriever, once they are will bring in the followin new ploys tae In addition to this support, in 2015/16 appointed. bigg up mair oor support fur Scots: we will introduce the following initiatives to further enhance our support for Scots: SCOTS LANGUAGE POLICY 12 SCOTS LEID POLICIE 13

For more information on Creative Scotland’s Scots Language Policy and our work to support Scots and Gaelic, please contact:

Tae ken mair on Creative Scotlan’s Scots Leid Policie an oor wurk tae support Scots an Gaelic, please contack:

Creative Scotland Enquiries Service E: [email protected] T: 0845 603 6000 (phone lines are open from 10-12 noon and 2-4 pm, Monday - Friday, with voicemail outwith these hours).

A note on Scots and the translation of this policy: There are four main regions of the Scots language, and many other sub-dialects within them, all of which are valid and acceptable means of communication in Scots.

Creative Scotland have chosen to translate and publish these materials in , as it is the dialect of Scots spoken, read and/or understood by the largest number of speakers in Scotland, covering geographically the largest population base in Scotland. However, Scots has not been standardised, nor has it been used widely as the language of formal policy so there are many shared Scots/English vocabulary items that have been used by the translator in making this document as widely acceptable as possible.

For more information on the different dialects of Scots, visit the Scots Language Centre website ( and the Scottish Language Dictionaries website (

Visitors at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in front of Scots translation by Liz Niven. [email protected] Alexander Moffat's painting ‘Poets' Pub’ - depicting major Scottish poets and writers of the second half of the 20th century gathered around the central figure of Hugh MacDiarmid. Copyright Alexander Moffat. (Photo Paul Raeburn). Equal opportunities Creative Scotland operates an equal opportunities policy. Our offices have disabled access. Certain publications Equalcan be opportunities made available in Gaelic,Creative in Scotland large print, operates Braille an equal opportunities policy. orOur audio offices format. have Contactdisabled access. Certain publications Enquiriescan be made on 0845available 603 in6000. Gaelic, in large print, Braille Typetalkor audio format.please prefix Contact Enquiries on 0845 603 6000. numberTypetalk with please 18001. prefix number with 18001.

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