Council of Bars & Law Societies of Europe The voice of the European legal profession Rue Joseph II, 40/8 - 1000 Brussels T +32 (0)2 234 65 10 -
[email protected] - Charter of core principles of the European legal profession & Code of conduct for European lawyers Edition 2019 The 2019 edition includes the amendments to the commentary on Principle (g) of the Charter approved by the Plenary Session on 17 May 2019. Responsible editor: Philip Buisseret Cover illustration: ©gunnar3000 - The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) has as its principal object to represent its member Bars and Law Societies, whether they are full members (i.e. those of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation), or associated or observer members, on all matters of mutual interest relating to the exercise of the profession of lawyer, the development of the law and practice pertaining to the rule of law and the administration of justice and substantive developments in the law itself, both at a European and international level (Article III 1.a. of the CCBE Statutes). In this respect, it is the official representative of Bars and Law Societies which between them comprise more than 1 million European lawyers. The CCBE has adopted two foundation texts, which are included in this brochure, that are both complementary and very different in nature. The more recent one is the Charter of Core Principles of the European Legal Profession which was adopted at the plenary session in Brussels on 24 November 2006.