AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE MANUAL by Sequoia Shannon University of Hawaii Marine Option Program Honolulu, Hawaii
AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE MANUAL by Sequoia Shannon University of Hawaii Marine Option Program Honolulu, Hawaii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Of the three original members of the proJect: Randy Harr, Gary Fukushima, and Sequoia Shannon, only Shannon, Project Leader, remained to complete the project. Elizabeth Ng came on as an aquar la he1 per November 1983 and w i 1 l take the mantle of ProJect Leader June 1984. Jeremy UeJio, a special member since October 1983 has contributed ~uchof his expertise to the proJect. Marty Wisner, of the Waikiki Aquarium, became the Project Advisor in January 1984. Special thanks go to him for his assistance in giving so freely of his time and his helpful advice. Many students have also helped out with this proJect during its fourteen months of operation. We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to Mar1 Shlntani-Marzolf, Dave Gulko, Gale Henley, Linda Ader, Shirley Chang, Lori Kishimoto, Alan Tomita, Jeff Preble and Allison Chun. Much aloha and thanks must go to Laurie Izumi, Kerry Lorch, and Claire Ebisuzaki for their help and encouragement during the project, and to Sherwood Maynard, Annie Orcutt, and Henrietta Yee for their administrative support. Special recognition and appreciation goes to Jack Davldson, Director of the Sea Grant Program, for his support during this proJect. INTRODUCT ION The marine environment, in Hawaii, contains beautiful coral reefs and unique animals. Many who visit these waters, are desirous to bring a nIittle slice of the oceann home with them In the guise of an aquarium. Aquariums are fun to have and the animals a Joy to watch in the confines of this nmini-oceann set-up.
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