PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Sixth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 31 - February 2, 2011 SGP-TR-191 ACIDISING CASE STUDY – KAWERAU INJECTION WELLS Yoong Wei Lim1, Malcolm Grant2, Kevin Brown3, Christine Siega1 and Farrell Siega1 1 Mighty River Power, 283 Vaughan Road, Rotorua, New Zealand 2 MAGAK, 208D Runciman Road, RD2 Pukekohe 2677 New Zealand 3 GEOKEM, P.O. Box 30-125, St Martins, Christchurch, New Zealand e-mail: 1
[email protected]; ABSTRACT Brine at the Kawerau Geothermal Limited (KGL) plant was injected into three injection wells (KA43, KA44 and PK4A). Since plant commissioning, the capacity of the wells declined to the point where well intervention was necessary to avoid loss of generation. Investigative work was initiated with multi-rate injection tests which found that the injection index of the wells had declined significantly to approximately half of pre-utilisation levels. Further geochemistry analysis identified that the most likely source of injectivity decline was scaling due to colloidal silica forming in the formation. KA44 and PK4A were acidised using a standard 10% hydrochloric acid pre-flush followed by a 10%:5% HF:HCL mud acid solution. A 2” coil tubing unit with a 5 hole 45º nozzle bottom hole assembly was used giving a maximum pump rate of 3.5 - 4.0 barrels per minute. Feedzones were acidised one at a time starting with the deeper zones. Post well injection tests identified that the acidising Figure 1: Location of the Kawerau Geothermal Field had recovered the injectivity of the deeper feedzones but the shallower feedzones remain blocked with Silica precipitation at Kawerau has been a concern scale.