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^1^ Fmrrrm 4Tnail 3/10/2021 Courier Mail, Saturday, February 27, 2021, pages from 3 to 3 < _________ zo/^/zz ^1^ Fmrrrm 4tnail SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 27.2021 $3.00 INCL GST If COURIERMAILCOMJ^U Within POWER. TREACHERY AND THE LNP ----------- A Peter Gleeson investigation <£o^ter4mail SUndayMaB EE3 news ^YOUKR POISON PEN & THE QUEENSLAND'S USELESS DEPUTY mUBER musEOFamos INSIDE A PDUTiCAl EXECUTION JflW-imOPRNG SECRET KHUnOIVRE THE CULTURE IS ROTTEN' https://metros.smedia.coin.au/thecouriermail/PrintPages.aspx?doc=NCCM/2021/02/27&from=3&to=3 1/1 3/10/2021 Courier Mail, Saturday, February 27, 2021, pages from 4 to 5 1 ’"WARjWithin Tim Nicholls, Jeff Seeney, former Premier Campbell Newman and former LNP Bixice McIver. MYSTERY POISON LETTER ALLEGEDMISCONDl^ Hierarchy’s bizarre bid to oust Seeney as part of a special in-depth in­ said to be in the letter - which LNP is in for a vary bleak fu­ sas-snatton Jolin-Paid wing during the Newman gov­ vestigation which has exposed was never shown to Seeney - ture,” he said. .Lao^wek when lie refesed to ernment era as “more stress­ extraordinacy dysfimctioo and the former deputy premier lite special joint investiga­ pt^ftfeise the 2011 fkxMfe: ful” than dealing with the THE LNP hierarchy tried to turmoil within the party over wrote to the LNP's state tion between The Saturday ■ Then premie? Anna RHgh Labor Opposition; push out its own deputy prem­ the past decade. executive and demanded that Courier-Mail, The Sunday rang Uito-state secrecy An- ■ Party sources say a grass- ier during the Newman era At the same time, then then party president Bruce Mail and Sky News reveals a thojty Cfeistioim and saW she rocds-led revolt is happening after receiving an anony­ deputy premier Jeff Seeney McIver resign. party in cri^, beset by inter­ was g*Mig to cai a sai^ Sec­ among branch members who mous poiscm letter which in­ was fedng sep^te internal Seeney is one of several nal sqtiabljies and deqi div­ tion when Brislwje Lorf are "Ijaying for Wood" after cluded unsuhstantj^fted claims party pie^ure after he refused senior figures now pushing for ision, fuelled by anger at the M^or C^npte^l Newmsn the election loss. about personal and pro­ to 2<)prave a rail line and offer a major dean-out of the powerful hierarchy. W’'as parachuted to to reptece Several party elders say ex­ fessional indiscretions sen­ up tor sale a Sunshine Coast party’s organisational wing in Today we csan reveal: Lan^oek ss LNP i^det. She tensive reform is vital if the ior Cabinet figures. (mrcel of land to billionaire the wake of the 2020 state s A furious clash with party was talked ouKft- parly is to reclaim electoral The Saturday Courier-Mail Clive Palmer. election loss. poweriMoker Barry O’Sullivim ■ S^ey described dealing success, particularly in the has uncovered die bombshell Outmged at the alleg^ftions ‘‘Unless there's change, the set in train the political as- wftfe the party organUadond rtate’soipftaL trouble brewing sid Spra^iboiito ructions. Twa cixdit^by- while JotobRml Langton is FreckirtgtoR bMectod toe resi^the leadership decfion ddieaitser^wni a elected deputy state's tet rsoo-Lsfeor • May, 2008: LfoeraJ. the l(»s. John-Pat^ Langbroek • £imi0XlW12:L^b t^tZOIS stole elecfion • May, 201b: Mr ^mr^borg Nation^ partis vote to ma-ge def^ Mr 2md olditemted as Newman leads would foHow c^ls^ INP leader^ spai •EtectionlOlOiMs after 10 years in Opposition Fiona ^mpson In a secreft die LNP to a massive victory, • Election 2OM: ThelNPis months of toide^'p extsndfe ter • duly,200B: Ll^ Is formed b^ot to beewrve leaKler v«mia%78seatsto L^or^s bootodfrom office. Iixdng^ specxdafion. Mr ttowmm’s gweming on the bsdt wito Nationals MF Lawrence • Martdh, 2011: Brisbarve lord seven. It’s theOrst t^e the seats, including Mr Neuma n In tormer TrB^jrer Tim Nicholls ofh©rC0V«>1®he^ S^»lhgborg<derted founding Campbell Nevwnan m^ged Iff’ vnns^jvarmnait J^ig^ove. Annastocia narrovdy wow. wlffi Dd} response. Ms Frecktegton lead^ shocks the sbfte by reveal • The Newman P^aszcBd('stiiK»-tonm Frecklington d^led deputy insists she wW tead^, « Mectlou 2d(H: Merged hell seek preselecfion for iCate government introduces mmortty govawiaft as Mr • ITcctintt2O17: Mr p^es record a 3J per cent Jones’safo>Labor seat of widespread r^rmn. but its daddies 1^ poitkad leads the party toa lo^ • 2B2D: Forma* swtog to pick up 11 new seats, i Asl^ove. and then tte LNP move to sack U.OOO pti^c against Ms Falaszczuk. Iostr% Newman govormient rnintster howew Arma Labor leadership servants whSepicI^ * J^xuary« Forma^ dree seats bdbre announch^ David CrtsafuHi is^cted LNP I « Newman wins ur^Mjpidar wifh doctors leackr Lawrence is he’ll stand down leader. He’somadered the <» March* 2009: Fdlov^ I {^esdedfoavpromplmg and jud^ i^em causes reinstated to rebidid the p»ty • December, 2017: Ms bert dwice to ljA>or KMEOaZGlMA-Vl https://metros.smedia.coin.au/thecouriermail/PrintPages.aspx?doc=NCCM/2021/02/27&from=4&to=5 1/2 3/10/2021 Courier Mail, Saturday, February 27, 2021, pages from 4 to 5 Within i oj Why the LNP just can’t win PCTERGlEESdN 2012-15. He portrays a COMMQIT dysfunctional, interfering state exeoitwe, alle^ng it strayed IF THEY can't own you, th^ into policy matters when it get rid of you. was not warranted or With those words, a veteran welcomed. LNP insider sums up the Queensland not only feeling among most state MPs deserves a solid opposition but about the organisational wing it is an absolute necessity for of the i^y and its attitude to good policy and governance. its pariianienlaiy team. Hie thousands of members Any sign of dsloyalty is and volunteers who pul their mrt with swift retribution. money and resources into This leaves current LN P seeing a conservative leader David Crisafulli in a government elected deserve to difficult position. know the truth. Clearly, he was the current They saw a political party state executive’s guy to replace essentially put the w hite flag Deb Freckiington. Yet, there is up last year and, even worse, an overwhelming belief that they saw a concerted attempt unless there's wide^read to oust the leader. Deb change at the top, itwillbe Freckiington, six months out more mediocrity leading into from the poll. It says a lot the 2024 election. about the arrogance and self­ The party’s organisational assuredness of party wing has won one state election powerbrokers that they even since1998, andtheLNPhas thought they could get awiw tan^iished in of^ition for 73 with such a stunt of the past 31 years. Having been successful in The parly's rank and file 2011 with the political deserve better . If the LNP was a&sassination than leader an ASX-listed company, the Jdm-Paul Langbroek, they iKrard and CEO would have thoughtthqf could get away been gone a bog time ago. with it again. The big (gestionis - why This time, s^ party are members being asked to insiders, they wenttoo far. David CrtsafuHi and former leacf^ Deb put up With being outplayed by It is important to also Ffc^llnftcm (tnpX* former leader JotiThPaul a Labor Parly that has been highlight the fact that the Langbroek (rl^t): Clive Palmer (abm/e). beset with fiscal and integrity parliamentaiy wing of the woes that should have had LNP is not without bteme. them dispatched to the It must rel'omi its policies to opposition benches years ago? bestter reflect the mood of the ft is cfevious from the first members. But there is of a three-pait series published undeniable evidence that this in The Courier-Mail that the is an organisation run like a LNP has a clear choice. fiefdom, and anybody with It can stick with the status dissenting views to the key quo and be consigned in the players is either ostracised or medium to long teem to more excised. years in the political That is not how a LNP fit for government,” he Sources dose to Crisafulli wilderness. Of it can democratic political compromise on both sides. said. “ I want to give Queens­ say he has encountered modernise its structure and party should work But figures within the hier­ He has told his shadow land what it need^ I am deter­ “genuine anger” among mem­ personnel and become a , It might be OK in archy ckim MPs are realty to Cabinet to get out and talk to mined to do that bers about what happened united fighting madiine that ’ i North Korea, but blame for the electoral disas­ members to reflect contem­ *1 believe we can win (in during 2020. will give Labor a run for its f notin ters and should be taldng re­ porary policy. 2024). We must win. We neM “He knows change is com­ mon^ in 2024. Queensland. sponsibility for the failing He has also hit the ground to be ready to fix the fiscal ing - he knows that” a col­ Former deputy premier Jeff “Tlie state team are the ronning, travelling exten­ malaise of this government. league said. Seen^ makes the claim issue and even now, they ai^ sively to talk to regional party “Getting the parliamentary It is understood that McIv­ tt^y that the party tiying to blame anyone but members about his aspira- and organisational wings of er - who many claim is still headquarters caused themselves.” one figure said. tionsinthetopjob. the parly rowing in the same heavily influential - regards cabinet more stt^ Responding to the revela­ “Everything 1 do in the direttion is paramount.
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