GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA to a Member of the Guantanamo Community Who Has Best Exhib- Ited the Spirit of Christmas Throughout the Past Year
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PLANNING COMMITTEE S ANNUAL X-MAS AWARD The 1974 Christmas Planning Committee announces the third IU.S. NAVAL BASE annual award to be presented GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA to a member of the Guantanamo Community who has best exhib- ited the spirit of Christmas throughout the past year. Everyone on the base is el- igible, and nominations must be submitted in writing to LCdr. Jim Lois at Public Af- fairs/AFRTS no later than Mon- day afternoon, Dec. 23. A judging committee will se- lect the one winner which will LITTLE FREDELYN ABUTIN mails her be announced on Channel 8 TV list of toys to Santa in Santa's on Christmas Eve. Mailbox at the Child Day Care Cen- So, whom do you know that ter. Santa's Mailboxes are located deserves such recognition. in the Navy Exchange Toyland, Marine it could be your mother or Exchange and at the Leeward Point father, shipmate, boss, or Exchange. Children can write let- Tuesday, December 17, 1974 just about anyone. ters to Santa and deposit them in A specially engraved silver the conveniently located boxes. tray will be awarded to the winner along with the Christ- mas Spirit certificate. BOSTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE REJECTS BUSING PLAN TO INTERGRATE FORD VETOS SENATE MINING BILL BOSTON (AP)--The Boston School Com- However, after the vote, John Mir- WASHINGTON (AP)--The Senate ap- mittee defied a federal court dead- rick, the school committee's attor- proved a controversial strip mining line yesterday when it did not sub- ney, turned the 300-page plan over control bill yesterday, sending it mit a proposed plan to intergrate to the court anyway. to the White House where Pres. Ford city schools next fall with more bus- "I think I have an obligation as has announced he will veto the meas- ing. an attorney, when my client takes ure. A few minutes after the deadline an action with which I disagree, to The Senate passed the compromise set by U.S. District Court Judge do what must be done," he said. bill to empose the first environ- W. Arthur Garrity, Jr. had passed, mental controls on strip mining by the committee voted to withhold the But despite the lawyer's action, voice vote. new plan. It had been intended to committee members risked being held The House approved the measure on replace a temporary one that went in contempt of court because of Friday. into effect last September. their vote. The new plan would require the Pres. Ford has said he will veto busing of about 35,000 youngsters the bill, claiming it will reduce in all parts of the city. About coal production and increase further 30 YEARS TO DELIVER A LETTER? 18,000 of Boston's 87,000 school the already inflated price of coal children are being bused at this and electricity. ATTICA, N.Y. (AP)--Thirty years time, but some neighborhoods are The White House said Ford will in- ago, while serving aboard the cruis- not affected by the current inter- troduce his own strip mining bill er USS Miami in the Pacific, Seaman gration program. early next year. First Class Glenn E. Hopkins wrote a letter to his cousin, Reginald Hop- Garrity on Oct. 31 ordered the Ford has ten days in which to act kins of Alexander, N.Y. school committee to draw up and ap- on the bill, it is doubtful that Con- The letter, never delivered, was prove a new intergration plan. The gress, which is scheduled to recess found last week in a desk on the USS resulting plan, which the committee on Friday, will be in session to North Carolina Battleship Memorial members rejected by a 3-2 vote, was challenge the veto. at Wilmington, N.C. written by city school planners. Sen. Harry M. Jackson, D-Wash., The tattered and yellowed letter Boston schools have been disrupted floor manager of the bill, urged Ford bore a six-cent stamp and a World by sporadic violence since they to act on the measure to give Con- War II censor's mark dated Nov. 17, opened in under the current busing gress a chance to overturn the veto. 1944. plan last September. The Post Office may still have But the White House has not said trouble delivering the letter. Last Wednesday, eight schools in whether Ford will veto the measure Glenn Hopkins, who lives in this south Boston were closed after a outright or sit on the bill 10 days, western New York community, said of white youth was stabbed. All but thus killing it with a "pocket veto." his cousin, "I lost contact with him the high schools were ordered to . The legislation represents a three for about 25 years until we had a reopen Tuesday. year effort by environmentalists to family reunion about a year ago. I Committee Chairman John Kerrigan, curb the ravages of strip mining. think he lives in East Bethany or a strong opponent of busing, said It would require strip mine oper- East Pembroke. The letter? I don't he voted against the outline be- ators to restore land to its origi- even remember writing it." cause "I can't in good conscience be nal contours after mining. an architect of a plan that would increase the bloodshed. .in Boston." Page 2--NAVY NEWS Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, December 17, 1974 MAC OKAYS MORE BAGGAGE Over 7,500 calls made since 1967 The Military Airlift Command (MAC) ' is testing a new policy that will allow some passengers to carry more AFM will pay for servicemen's overseas than 66 pounds of baggage on MAC flights. During a test period, which Christmas phone calls using HAM, MARS will run through March 1975, MAC will accept up to 88 pounds of baggage NEW YORK, N.Y. (NAVNEWS) . For the sev- the Navy. In addition to the time he devotes each as a customer courtesy, for space- enth consecutive year, the American Federation of Christmas to this program, he continues to work required duty passengers. Space Musicians (AFM) will pay for Christmas phone calls with other HAM operators to ensure that American available passengers will still be home placed by American service men and women service members can make phone contact with their limited to 66 pounds, and excess overseas. families in the States the year 'round. baggage will have to be shipped by Each call from overseas will be transmitted by the To place a call, it must be originated by the ser- commercial means. Personnel traveling Military Affiliate Radio Service (MARS) to an ama- vice member overseas rather than the member's fam- on commercial (noncontract) flights teur radio station - more popularly known as a fly. Because of the heavy traffic during the holidays, will have to pay for unauthorized "HAM" radio station - operated by Robert Alto- it is of the utmost importance that the Navy man or baggage in excess of 66 pounds. monte, a Navy veteran, in Mansfield, Ohio. woman who wishes to take advantage of this offer Altomonte, who is president of AFM Local 159 should make arrangements in advance with the DEPENDENTS' SCHOLARSHIPS in Mansfield, will phone patch the call to its final MARS operator on his ship or station and then have destination using commercial telephone service. The the operator notify Altomonte. APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE Federation's sponsorship will cover the cost of this The following information is vital: date and time part of the trans-oceanic operation. desired for the call; and call letters and frequency of College-age dependents of Navy, As in previous years, AFM will sponsor the pro- local MARS station. AFM is unable to pay for calls Marine Corps and Coast Guard per- gram during a three-day period - Dec. 24-26. Since made entirely through the telephone system. sonnel may be eligible for college the progrntm began, some 7,500 service men and wo- scholarships under the dependents Families of the service member are reminded that men have placed holiday phone calls home courtesy scholarship program. This program placing of calls is frequently influenced by atmos- of AFM and Bob Altomonte. Last year, even with is managed by BUPERS and consists pheric conditions. AFM will pay telephone charges U.S. Armed Forces on foreign soil so greatly re- of more than 20 scholarships made for all calls sent through the Mansfield station duced, more than 700 calls were completed in the available by Navy-oriented clubs between 12:01 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, Dec. 72-hour period. This year, though fewer calls are ex- and associations. The scholarships 24, and midnight EST, Dec. 26. pected from Southeast Asia, Altomonte says he is are awarded on the basis on finan- preparing for a larger volume from bases throughout The president of the 330,000-member AFM un- cial need, scholastic record and Europe, the Canal Zone and from "all the ships at ion, Hal C. Davis, said, "As long as any of the na- character. A pamphlet outlining sea." tion's men and women in uniform are overseas and S the various scholarships and ap- Altomonte, one of 260,000 HAM operators in must spend the holiday season such along way from plication procedures, and applica- this country, became interested in this worldwide their families, the Federation will continue its tion forms for the program are brotherhood while serving as a MARS operator in tradition. available directly from the Chief of Naval Personnel (Pers-7311), CHIEF ALLEN WILL PATCH CALLS TO STATES FOR UNACCOMPANIED Navy Department, Washington, D.C. 20370. Applications and school Would you like to call home on Christmas Day? Senior Chief Allen is a transcripts must be in to BUPERS and will be very happy to patch calls stateside for unaccom- ham operator by March 15, 1975 for consideration panied personnel.