The Park West Tenant Vol. 35, No. 3 The Newsletter of the Park Tenants’ Association [email protected] March 2010 PWVTA Support for Federal Lawsuit NYC Tenant Organizations In 2008, one of our fellow tenants filed a lawsuit in GROUPS THAT HELP US federal court claiming that the development of the Tenants & Neighbors (T&N), the Metropolitan five new luxury towers and over 300,000 square Council on Housing (Met Council), and Housing feet of mall space, now known as Columbus Here and Now (HHN) are ’s major Square, was and is unlawful. tenant action groups. The PWVTA is active in The suit also claims that rents being charged each and has been very supportive of them all. in the new buildings, and for many apartments NYSTNC (New York State Tenants & Neighbors in the existing Park West Village (PWV) buildings, Coalition) is T&N’s statewide organization. are at least two-to-three times their lawful levels. Met Council and T&N were created to assist To educate newer tenants about the history individual tenants who had landlord problems, of PWV and to refresh the memory of long- and each has grown into broader roles. Both time tenants, PWV was developed in the 1950s organizations are strong tenant advocates that pursuant to a federally funded often work together, and are generally effective program involving the combined efforts of the on our behalf. federal government, (NYC) and Met Council still works mainly on tenant/landlord private enterprise. Under the Housing Act of issues for individuals and entire buildings, and helps 1949, Title 1 grants were made to local governments HELPFUL GROUPS continued on page 3 to redevelop blighted areas as quality, affordable and low-density residential communities. From a very surprised 784 Columbus Ave tenant In the case of Park West Village (at the time known as “”), a contract was UNWELCOMED NEIGHBOR made between the federal government and It’s Sunday, March 7, around 5pm and I’m NYC (the “Federal Contract”) and, subsequently, heading to pick up my car from the new garage a second contract was made between NYC and on 97th Street. I’m looking forward to a night Manhattantown, Inc. (the “City Contract”). out in with my mom. The PWV that existed through the beginning of As I approach QuikPark, I notice a small 2006, the lovely and immensely livable “village crowd at the top of the ramp. There’s a buzz in the park” we called home, did not come about among the group and I join to see what the by accident. It was the result of federal and NYC excitement’s all about. funding, careful planning and a commitment by I’m astounded to see a fairly large ball of the federal government and NYC to create and black fur walking slowly up the ramp. The maintain quality, affordable and spaciously laid animal turns and continues to walk along the out urban communities. sidewalk edge of the grassy area towards the 784 Unlike earlier challenges to the recent new development, which focused on the City Contract RACCOON continued on page 3 or which alleged violations of the NYC Zoning Code, the federal suit is based on federal law ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING and on the requirements of the federal Title I Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:30pm grant used to create PWV. Ryan Health Center 110 W. 97 St. Essentially, the suit alleges that the developers (between Columbus & Amsterdam Avenues) could not change the original redevelopment plan AGENDA: ELECTION OF OFFICERS of PWV without the approval of the Housing and See nominees in April Notice to all Home Finance Authority, the precursor to HUD. No such approval was ever sought. More info on page 4 C LAWSUIT continued on page 2

PROTECTING RIGHTS, HELPING NEIGHBORS, BUILDING COMMUNITY LAWSUIT continued from page 1 On August 5, 2008, District Court Judge sons, including the defendants stated intention Chin dismissed the federal suit on jurisdictional to build at least two more alleged unlawful and other grounds. An appeal of this decision buildings in the parking lots of 784 and 792 was filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Columbus Avenue and the ongoing alleged 2nd Circuit, citing several reversible errors made rent overcharges. by Judge Chin. Success in the federal suit will represent a In December 2009, the appeal was finally major victory for middle-income tenants over scheduled for hearing in the middle of February powerful and over-reaching developers, a 2010. Shortly before the case was to go before victory for the rule of law and a major black a panel of second circuit judges, the defendants eye for the forces of blind greed that have run moved to have the appeal dismissed as moot, amok across our nation during the last decade. on the grounds that the five challenged build- On a more immediate level, success in ings were at or near completion. the federal lawsuit will at a minimum prevent Given the importance of showing community any additional buildings from being built and support, the Executive Board of the PWVTA might even preserve PWV as an affordable retained an attorney to evaluate the federal suit rent community. As to the towers already and after lengthy discussions, the Board agreed constructed, it is problematic what remedy to oppose the Motion to Dismiss. Roger Bernstein, the court might provide. Esq., filed papers in the second circuit on behalf We will follow the case with much interest of PWVTA opposing the defendants mootness and report any further developments. motion. For further information now please, write The PWVTA is hopeful that the motion to dismiss [email protected]. the federal suit as moot will fail for several rea-

DOG RUN COMMITTEE examines the proposed “dog run” behind 792 Columbus Avenue and notes how close to the building dogs would bark, loudly, in early morning hours, and do their business… right under the windows of our homes! A second dog run for smaller dogs may yet be installed behind 784 Columbus Avenue, seen in the middle background here. Photo by Dani Chavez HELPFUL GROUPS continued from page 1 RACCOON continued from page 1 organize tenant associations. It airs a weekly broad- driveway. Being a fearful yet curious person, I say, cast, has a 3-day-a-week hotline, and publishes a “What the hell is that?” “Oh, it’s a raccoon,” lively, monthly newsletter. replies a nervous observer. “A what? I’ve lived Tenants & Neighbors seeks to change New York in the area all my life and have never seen city and state regulations which affect tenants, and anything like this.” A guy in running shorts also trains tenant leaders. says, “I see them in all the time.” Housing Here and Now, a coaliton of many To which I reply, “How reassuring! What about progressive NYC groups, currently focuses on the rabies problem?” No answer. the repeal of vacancy decontrol to save New Here’s a warning to my neighbors: Watch York’s rent regulated housing. out! The menagerie of small creatures in our HHN sponsors the Real Rent Reform Campaign, area is scary and expanding. Perhaps Whole which seeks stronger, improved state rent legislation, Foods or endless construction is to blame. and organizes events in NYC and Albany to publicize Something needs to be done before a terrible the information needed to help do this. incident occurs. Tenants PAC is a political action group that grew out of T&N. Because Tenants PAC is partisan Signs in Central Park caution people, kids, and political, contributions are not tax deductible. and their pets to avoid raccoons — they may T&N, Met Council, Tenants PAC, and Housing be rabid. Call 311 if you see a raccoon! Here and Now are all good, helpful groups that The Parks Dept. is aware and working to deserve our individual and organizational support. protect visitors from these rabid creatures. We need to contribute money and muscle to all of If you are bitten by an animal, wash the them. wound, consult a doctor, and call 311 to For further information, write [email protected]. report the bite. For current information on rabid animals UPPER ODYSSEY: Thumbnail visit history from the Indians to the present. Thursday, April 22 6pm REMINDER: Resident Resources Directory American Youth Hostel, Amsterdam Ave & 103rd listing the services and the people willing to Jim Mackin, Historian help is now at your lobby desk — to use today! Organized by the Park West Neighborhood History Group See for more info!

NYU ARCHIVING PWVTA’S HISTORY 1989–1991 Rent-Stabilized Tenants’ Interests New York University’s Tamiment Library has Protected in 392–400 Condo Conversion Process begun cataloging the 25 boxes sent (so far) 2001–2003 Security Deposits Reclaimed documenting PWVTA’s first thirty-five years. 2002–2003 Rent Strike Successful in 784, Our actions have contributed to revisions 788 and 792 Columbus Avenue in state and city laws and regulations leading 2000–2007 Pattern of Rent Overcharges in to better conditions in PWV for thousands of 784, 788 and 792 Columbus Avenue Challenged residents. Highlights of PWVTA’s history, now and Some Rents Rolled Back online at, include: 2005 Contesting Landlord Applications for 1975 Reformulated Tenants’ Association for Major Capital Improvements (MCI) Lawsuit that Prevented a Hardship Rent Increase Throughout PWVTA’s history, thousands 1978 Warranty of Habitability Established of tenants have been helped with their ques- 1984 Land Use and Neighborhood Change tions about lease renewal, household repairs, Test Case Challenge Denied by NY Courts unauthorized charges, rights to services, and 1985–1987 Harassment Injunction Issued a myriad of ongoing issues. 1987 Roof Replaced and Damages Awarded While the PWVTA has engaged attorneys for to 20th-floor tenants in 400 CPW legal matters, most of the association’s work 1988–1989 Residents’ Parking Rights Protected has been carried out by volunteer members. ELECTION OF OFFICERS APRIL 20 BUILDING MEETINGS PWVTA members elect officers at our Annual 392 CENTRAL PARK WEST meeting March 18 Meeting on April 20. The five electivepositions Tenants covered current issues, including 100th will be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Street traffic and the recent accident, and heard Secretary, and Membership Secretary. from PWVTA President Maggi Peyton. Any member of the association who has served on the Executive Board or a standing 400 CENTRAL PARK WEST meeting March 18 committee for at least one year may be nominated. The Condo Board met with Condo residents Each candidate must submit a nomination petition to discuss plans during elevator modernization signed by at least ten members who have not signed when each wing has only one elevator in service. for another candidate for the same office. 792 COLUMBUS AVENUE meeting March 18 Duties of each office are listed in the Tenants discussed “D” line terraces; noisy PWVTA Bylaws, posted at partiers; parking changes; the dog run; rent (click to About PWVTA). overcharges; and NY state tenant issues. To run for an office, contact an Election President Maggi Peyton said tenants must file Committee member for a nomination petition: complaints at DHCR on overcharges, with Charlie Berger, Chair, 212-865-7610; Lucille PWVTA help. Michelle Donte, 212-662-0723; Mary Livings- ton, 212-749-6651; or write Election@PWVTA. org for more information. NICE TO MEET YOU! 784 MINGLE Daphne Myers sends a big THANKS to all In April, building reps will distribute meeting who attended our 2010 Membership Drive notices with the list of nominees and bios. kickoff at 784 Columbus Ave on March 4. Reps, alternates and floor captains currently The PWVTA Executive Board regularly meets continue the membership drive in the lobby. on the third Tuesday of the month, except Special thanks to PWVTA President July and August (see for info). Maggi Peyton for her delicious spinach dip and to Edith Schickedanz for her pineapple The next Executive Board meeting will be held fresh fruit display! Tuesday, April 20, 6:30pm, at the Ryan Health Center downstairs. Doors open at 6:00pm. PWVTA members and associate members are Produced by the PWVTA Communications Committee. welcome to attend. Contributors: Win Armstrong, Charles Berger, Sue Brisk, Clare Dockery, Lucille Michelle Donte, Dean Heitner, Emily Margolis, The Annual Meeting for PWVTA members Daphne Myers, Maggi Peyton, Cornelia Rakow, Eileen S, Gloria begins at 7:30pm. See announcement on Scorse, and Chuck Tice. To help report, edit, compose, page 1, and more info in the notice in April. design, or distribute, call the PWVTA Hotline: 212-662-2610, or write [email protected]. Submit content articles to:

[email protected]. ✃ JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS — RENEW NOW!

PLEASE RETURN THIS MEMBERSHIP / ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP COUPON TO YOUR BUILDING REPRESENTATIVE OR MAIL TO: Park West Village Tenants’ Association P.O. Box 20339, Park West Finance Station, New York, NY 10025-0339 Name: Building: Apt.: Phone:

o Rent-stabilized tenant o Market-rate tenant o Renting from private owner o Owner Email: ❑ Check for 2010 membership dues enclosed, payable to PWVTA ❑ $40 ❑ OtherK: $ ❑ [Condo owner] Check for 2010 associate membership dues enclosed, payable to PWVTA ❑ $35 ❑ Check includes additional contribution to Legal fund. Amount: o Check for MCI Legal Fund only: K If you cannot make full $40 payment of your annual dues, please pay what you can. Your membership card will be delivered to you.