Kelly J. Benoit-Bird Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute 7700 Sandholdt Road, Moss Landing, CA 95039
[email protected] (831) 775-1833 Research Interests My work focuses on the ecological importance of spatial and temporal dynamics in pelagic marine ecosystems. I am particularly interested in the effects of behavior like schooling, cooperation, and other ‘group’ processes on inter-individual and predator-prey interactions. In order to address complex, four-dimensional problems, a significant emphasis of my efforts is the development and thoughtful application of active acoustic techniques, integration of acoustic technologies within novel platforms, and the combination of these tools with other approaches including optical sampling, animal tagging, and behavioral modeling. Current Positions Research Chair, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute 02/21-present Senior Scientist (Level V of V), Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute 07/16-present Professor (By Courtesy) College of Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State Univ. 07/18-present Professor (By Courtesy) Hopkins Marine Laboratory, Stanford University 10/17-present Education University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 2003 Ph.D., Department of Zoology Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 1998 B.S. with Honors, Aquatic Biology Duke University Marine Laboratory, Beaufort, North Carolina 1/97-5/97 Previous Experience Professor (with indefinite tenure) Assistant 07/04- 06/09; Associate 07/09-06/14; Professor 07/14-07/18 (on leave 07/16-07/18) College of Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University Post-Doctoral Fellow, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology 05/03-07/04 Research advisor: Whitlow Au Research Assistant, Bottomfish Project, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology 08/00-05/03 Research advisors: Christopher D.