Tradebe Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
tradebe corporate Social responsibility policy TRADEBE We have been providing environmental services since 1983 through the treatment, energy reco- very and recycling of waste from different indus- trial and production activities. Leaders in industrial waste management services in the UK, Spain and the US, with subsidiaries in France and Brazil. We operate 72 treatment facilities distributed across Spain (25), United Kingdom (27), United States (17), France (2) and Brazil (1), employing 2.000 people worldwide. We specialise in providing safe, quality, innovative environmental services that contribute to sustai- nable development and provide value to our cus- tomers, shareholders and personnel. TRADEBE is a privately-owned company with headquarters in Barcelona, Spain. Our Identity Our ultimate goal is to build a sustainable busi- ness that provides innovative and high-quality ha- zardous waste treatment and resource manage- ment solutions. Our mission and values are the pillars on which we build the company’s growth and they are an expression of our commitment to all our stake- holders; customers, employees, shareholders, government authorities, the community and the environment. Our ultimate goal is to build a sustainable business Mission & Mission Statement Values At TRADEBE, we work internationally to offer qua- lity innovative environmental services that contri- bute to sustainable development and provide va- lue to our customers, shareholders and personnel. Company Values •Customer Oriented – We solve our customers’ needs by offering quality, innovative services. •Results Oriented – We quickly make decisions aimed at achieving results. •Committed to People - We contribute to the personal and professional development of our personnel. •Environmentally Friendly - We conduct our activities by applying sustainability criteria.
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