Illlti. O L L.T D I a Ccli T 11(1A
COCUMENT RESUE EL 049 874 RC US 251 illlti. o L L.t d I a CClI t 11(1a. A ; r : V t : .,1 (11-1.04- 0.1 1 ,.._0(1.t. di I t. d , I., -ilact Ii it. ; _A,oo, , E. 3 I 0 I, fl Lt t ci CU.: 1 t 111rt,it 01., L., PHi 7, 11:s r PL t ti-1;t1. E C 1Cu 1. u <1 t udie , 5oniiUity ult arci .r1 vironD ent, Tor( sty, s, :,,;(1.tuta ilannind, aiuCai Areas, *Socioeconoffic 7 a 1 a I ) r n Oita a t(- L Lt0 L paiccLad, w York 1111.111t 15, 155, ncio 1 countin 01 s0utt.1L York Itat crc dclureo laqit Ic tor particiL.atior in the ;:ppaiacnian Sc iCi I -2,eveicIment Lrogram. Anotn,-r county was added 1(:,67. Initial state of the Office of Planning COOLOilibtiCh CELtiIk-d CC 1.-.CIDULlt1CP CL corenel,sive develormEnt lari forti e 11,-suare-flile region. Inc plan regnirca tar H:01-t,: information atcut uxilLAiny OC101 a nO economic conditions than was readily availatle: v;hat al c tia human, EiCOSOa1C, social, and i-tyEical resources ortr:e r,dich? 1,1-10t,ire its potertialL and dericlincis? rAoLt importantly, wnat inv(Lt.Tnt are needed to stilulatEr ECOION.1C growth? lo answer such 11(Lt.lChLt, acomr_rehc-nsivt. study or the region's initiatd hl1.1 COVd agLicultur, climate, community tacilities, roletry, aant:.cwei and industry, mineral:7, recreational and cultural tacilitis, soils, transportation, and water.
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