ColdCold War War & & Recovery Recovery PostPost--WarWar Political Political andand Economic Economic Framework Framework .. BrettonBretton WoodsWoods ConferenceConference (1944):(1944): createdcreated InternationalInternational MonetaryMonetary FundFund (IMF)(IMF) .. LayLay foundationsfoundations forfor modernmodern monetarymonetary system;system; basedbased onon U.S.U.S. dollardollar .. IMFIMF (World(World Bank)Bank) designeddesigned toto loanloan moneymoney toto strugglingstruggling countriescountries toto preventprevent economiceconomic crisescrises andand anarchy;anarchy; instrumentalinstrumental inin postpost--warwar economiceconomic boom.boom. .. UnitedUnited NationsNations createdcreated inin 1945:1945: SecuritySecurity CouncilCouncil (12(12 nationsnations includingincluding 55 permanentpermanent membersmembers hadhad powerspowers toto act;act; GeneralGeneral AssemblyAssembly hadhad powerspowers toto adviseadvise (included(included allall nationsnations ofof thethe world)world) WesternWestern Europe Europe PoliticalPolitical Recovery Recovery

.. EconomicEconomic hardshiphardship afterafter WWWW IIII:: scarcityscarcity ofof food,food, runawayrunaway inflation,inflation, blackblack marketsmarkets

.. ManyMany peoplepeople believedbelieved EuropeEurope waswas finished.finished.

.. SufferingSuffering waswas worstworst inin GermanyGermany WesternWestern Europe Europe PoliticalPolitical Recovery Recovery

POLITICALPOLITICAL RESTRUCTURING:RESTRUCTURING: .. ChristianChristian DemocratsDemocrats inspiredinspired byby commoncommon ChristianChristian andand EuropeanEuropean heritage.heritage. .. RejectedRejected authoritarianismauthoritarianism && narrownarrow ;nationalism; hadhad faithfaith inin democracydemocracy andand cooperation.cooperation. .. SocialistsSocialists andand CommunistsCommunists alsoalso emergedemerged withwith increasedincreased powerpower andand prestige,prestige, especiallyespecially inin FranceFrance andand Italy.Italy. . Pushed for social change and economic reform with considerable success. . Result: social reform and political transformation created foundations for a great European renaissance. ““EconomicEconomic Miracle Miracle””

.. UnprecedentedUnprecedented economiceconomic growthgrowth inin EuropeanEuropean historyhistory

.. EuropeEurope enteredentered periodperiod ofof rapidrapid economiceconomic progressprogress lastinglasting intointo latelate 1960s.1960s.

.. ByBy 1963,1963, westernwestern EuropeEurope producedproduced moremore thanthan 2.5x2.5x moremore thanthan beforebefore thethe war.war. ““EconomicEconomic Miracle Miracle”” .. CausesCauses:: . aid helped western Europe begin recovery in 1947 . in 1950 stimulated economic activity. . Economic growth became a basic objective of all Western European governments. . Governments accepted to stimulate their economies. .. GermanyGermany andand FranceFrance werewere especiallyespecially successfulsuccessful andand influential.influential. .. InIn mostmost countriescountries manymany peoplepeople willingwilling toto workwork hardhard forfor lowlow wages;wages; expandingexpanding industriesindustries benefited.benefited. .. IncreasedIncreased demanddemand forfor consumerconsumer goods.goods. .. ManyMany economiceconomic barriersbarriers eliminatedeliminated andand aa largelarge unifiedunified marketmarket emerged:emerged: CommonCommon Market.Market. EuropeanEuropean Unity Unity CouncilCouncil of of Europe: Europe: CreatedCreated in in 1948 1948

.. EuropeanEuropean federalistsfederalists hopedhoped CouncilCouncil wouldwould quicklyquickly evolveevolve intointo aa truetrue EuropeanEuropean parliamentparliament withwith sovereignsovereign rights,rights, butbut thisthis diddid notnot happen.happen. .. Britain,Britain, withwith itsits empireempire andand itsits ““specialspecial relationshiprelationship”” withwith U.S.,U.S., opposedopposed givinggiving anyany realreal politicalpolitical powerpower——sovereigntysovereignty——toto thethe council.council. EuropeanEuropean Economic Economic Community Community (EEC)(EEC)

.. TreatyTreaty ofof Rome,Rome, 19571957 .. CreatedCreated EuropeanEuropean EconomicEconomic CommunityCommunity (EEC)(EEC) oror thethe CommonCommon MarketMarket .. FirstFirst goalgoal ofof treaty:treaty: GradualGradual reductionreduction ofof allall tariffstariffs amongamong thethe SixSix inin orderorder toto createcreate aa singlesingle marketmarket almostalmost asas largelarge asas thethe U.S.U.S. .. OtherOther goalsgoals:: .. FreeFree movementmovement ofof capitalcapital andand labor.labor. .. CommonCommon economiceconomic policiespolicies andand institutions.institutions. .. TariffsTariffs werewere rapidlyrapidly reducedreduced andand regionsregions specializedspecialized inin whatwhat theythey diddid EuropeanEuropean Economic Economic Community Community (EEC)(EEC) .. EECEEC encouragedencouraged hopeshopes ofof politicalpolitical andand economiceconomic unionunion  frustratedfrustrated inin 1960s1960s byby resurgenceresurgence ofof moremore traditionaltraditional nationalism.nationalism. .. EuratomEuratom (European(European AtomicAtomic EnergyEnergy Agency)Agency) alsoalso createdcreated byby .. CommunistCommunist statesstates respondedresponded byby formingforming theirtheir ownown economiceconomic associationassociation  COMECONCOMECON ColdCold War War in in the the 1950s 1950s EventsEvents

.. 1949,1949, CommunistsCommunists inin ChinaChina ledled byby MaoMao ZedongZedong winwin ChineseChinese revolutionrevolution  EstablishEstablish "Peoples"Peoples RepublicRepublic ofof China"China" ("Red("Red China")China")

.. 1949,1949, SovietsSoviets successfullysuccessfully testtest atomicatomic bombbomb KoreanKorean War War 1950 1950--19531953

.. AfterAfter WWWW II,II, KoreaKorea divideddivided atat 38th38th parallel:parallel: NorthNorth waswas communist,communist, SouthSouth waswas notnot .. CauseCause:: 1950,1950, NorthNorth KoreaKorea invadedinvaded SouthSouth KoreaKorea (supported(supported byby SovietSoviet resources)resources) .. UNUN (led(led byby USUS && Gen.Gen. DouglasDouglas MacArthurMacArthur)) sentsent forcesforces toto pushpush backback communistscommunists .. SovietsSoviets boycottingboycotting UNUN forfor U.S.U.S. refusalrefusal toto allowallow "Red"Red China"China" intointo UNUN SecuritySecurity CouncilCouncil .. ChinaChina sendssends hundredshundreds ofof thousandsthousands ofof troopstroops toto pushpush backback UNUN .. ResultResult:: ceasecease--firefire andand borderborder atat 38th38th parallelparallel restored;restored; stillstill inin existenceexistence todaytoday HydrogenHydrogen Bomb Bomb

.. DevelopedDeveloped byby USUS inin 19521952 && USSRUSSR inin 1953:1953: worldworld nownow hashas twotwo superpowerssuperpowers WarsawWarsaw Pact Pact 19551955

.. CollectiveCollective securitysecurity organizationorganization ofof easterneastern blocbloc nationsnations toto countercounter NATO.NATO. .. U.S.U.S. policypolicy ofof "massive"massive retaliation"retaliation" betweenbetween 19531953--5555 .. U.S.U.S. policypolicy nownow isis toto helphelp EasternEastern EuropeanEuropean countriescountries removeremove .communism. .. U.S.U.S. vowsvows toto destroydestroy USSRUSSR withwith nuclearnuclear weaponsweapons ifif itit triestries toto expandexpand .. BrinksmanshipBrinksmanship:: thethe artart ofof goinggoing toto thethe brinkbrink ofof warwar toto forceforce thethe otherother sideside tt backback down.down. KhrushchevKhrushchev

.. PowerPower strugglestruggle emergedemerged afterafter StalinStalin dieddied inin 1953;1953; KhrushchevKhrushchev emergedemerged aa fewfew yearsyears laterlater .. StalinStalin’’ss heirsheirs realizedrealized reformsreforms werewere needed.needed. .. WidespreadWidespread fearfear andand hatredhatred ofof StalinStalin’’ss politicalpolitical terrorterror resultedresulted inin reductionreduction ofof powerpower ofof secretsecret policepolice andand gradualgradual closureclosure ofof forcedforced laborlabor camps.camps. .. AgricultureAgriculture inin badbad shape.shape. .. ShortagesShortages ofof consumerconsumer goods.goods. .. HardHard workwork andand initiativeinitiative inin declinedecline duedue toto poorpoor livingliving conditions.conditions. DeDe--StalinizationStalinization

.. 19561956:: KhrushchevKhrushchev tooktook startlingstartling initiativeinitiative againstagainst hardhard--linersliners byby denouncingdenouncing StalinStalin’’ss crimescrimes inin aa closedclosed session.session. .. SecretSecret antianti--StalinStalin speechspeech probablyprobably mostmost influentialinfluential statementstatement inin RussiaRussia sincesince LeninLenin addressedaddressed thethe crowdcrowd onon arrivingarriving inin AprilApril 1917.1917. .. GosplanGosplan:: ResourcesResources shiftedshifted fromfrom heavyheavy industryindustry andand thethe militarymilitary towardtoward consumerconsumer goodsgoods andand agricultureagriculture –– CentralizedCentralized EconomicEconomic PlanningPlanning DeDe--StalinizationStalinization

.. DeDe--StalinizationStalinization resultedresulted inin communistcommunist reformersreformers andand thethe massesmasses seekingseeking greatergreater libertyliberty andand nationalnational independence.independence.

.. PolandPoland:: MarchMarch 1956,1956, riotsriots resultedresulted inin releaserelease ofof moremore thanthan 90009000 politicalpolitical prisonersprisoners HungarianHungarian Uprising Uprising 19561956

.. StudentsStudents andand workersworkers inin BudapestBudapest installedinstalled aa liberalliberal CommunistCommunist reformerreformer asas newnew chiefchief inin OctoberOctober 1956.1956. .. HungarianHungarian nationalistsnationalists stagedstaged hugehuge demonstrationsdemonstrations demandingdemanding nonnon-- communistcommunist partiesparties bebe legalized;legalized; turnedturned intointo armedarmed rebellionrebellion andand spreadspread throughoutthroughout thethe .. HopedHoped U.S.U.S. wouldwould comecome inin andand helphelp achieveachieve HungarianHungarian independence***independence*** HungarianHungarian Uprising Uprising 19561956 .. SovietSoviet tankstanks andand troopstroops respondedresponded byby invadinginvading HungaryHungary andand crushingcrushing thethe nationalnational democraticdemocratic revolution.revolution.

.. AfterAfter HungarianHungarian invasion,invasion, mostmost easterneastern EuropeansEuropeans hopedhoped forfor smallsmall domesticdomestic gainsgains whilewhile obedientlyobediently followingfollowing USSRUSSR inin foreignforeign affairs.affairs. RelationsRelations betweenbetween USSRUSSR && U.S.U.S. ImproveImprove withwith ascensionascension toto powerpower ofof NikitaNikita KhrushchevKhrushchev

.. SeeksSeeks ““peacefulpeaceful coco--existenceexistence”” withwith thethe WestWest inin orderorder toto focusfocus onon SovietSoviet economyeconomy

.. ResultedResulted inin significantsignificant reductionreduction inin coldcold warwar tensionstensions betweenbetween 19551955 && 1957.1957. .. KhrushchevKhrushchev soughtsought toto proveprove communismcommunism waswas superiorsuperior toto capitalismcapitalism andand thethe USSRUSSR wouldwould bebe thethe modelmodel communistcommunist statestate inin thethe worldworld  "we"we willwill burybury”” .. KhrushchevKhrushchev beganbegan wooingwooing newnew nationsnations ofof AsiaAsia andand AfricaAfrica withwith promisespromises andand aid,aid, eveneven ifif theythey werewere notnot communist.communist. .. 1958,1958, relationsrelations soursour withwith Khrushchev'sKhrushchev's ultimatumultimatum forfor AlliesAllies toto leaveleave Berlin:Berlin: 66 monthmonth deadlinedeadline passespasses withoutwithout incident,incident, extendedextended indefinitelyindefinitely ColdCold War War in in 1960s 1960s UU--22 Incident Incident

.. U.S.U.S. spyspy planeplane shotshot downdown overover USSRUSSR .. KhrushchevKhrushchev demandeddemanded anan apologyapology fromfrom Eisenhower;Eisenhower; EisenhowerEisenhower refusedrefused .. KhrushchevKhrushchev andand EisenhowerEisenhower summitsummit abortedaborted BerlinBerlin Wall: Wall: BuiltBuilt in in 1961 1961

.. 22 millionmillion EastEast GermansGermans escapedescaped toto WestWest BerlinBerlin betweenbetween 19491949--19611961  SovietsSoviets frustratedfrustrated .. KhrushchevKhrushchev threatenedthreatened PresidentPresident Kennedy:Kennedy: USSRUSSR wouldwould signsign peacepeace treatytreaty withwith EastEast GermanyGermany whowho wouldwould thenthen controlcontrol accessaccess toto Berlin;Berlin; SovietsSoviets wouldwould protectprotect EastEast GermanyGermany’’ss rightright toto controlcontrol flowflow intointo Berlin.Berlin. .. BerlinBerlin WallWall builtbuilt insteadinstead ofof enforcingenforcing ultimatumultimatum toto U.S.U.S.  endedended futurefuture crisescrises overover BerlinBerlin : From West Berlin Berlin Wall: Guard Tower Checkpoint Charlie

. Cuba won independence from Spain during the Spanish-American War (1898) . Platt Amendment—allowed the US to be involved by a presence of a military base (Guantanamo) . US invested in businesses and plantations  but only made the rich richer . US supported the Batista Dictatorship from 1939-1959 Cuban Revolution

. Peasant revolt under . 1959 - Batista fled . Castro . Supporter of democracy suspended elections . Established a communist dictatorship . Seized control of industry and nationalized them . Executed rivals .. CubaCuba becamebecame anan allyally ofof thethe SovietSoviet UnionUnion Bay of Pigs

. US placed an embargo on Cuba . Attempt to overthrow  trained and supported a group of Cuban exiles . 1961— failed . Didn’t use full force and the exiles were captured . USSR and Cuba realize the extent to which the US will go CubanCuban Missile Missile Crisis Crisis

.. 1962:1962: U.S.U.S. demandeddemanded SovietsSoviets removeremove theirtheir newlynewly installedinstalled nuclearnuclear missilesmissiles fromfrom Cuba.Cuba. .. CrisisCrisis becamebecame thethe closestclosest USSRUSSR andand USUS camecame toto nuclearnuclear warwar .. U.S.U.S. placedplaced blockadeblockade (naval(naval quarantine)quarantine) onon anyany furtherfurther missilesmissiles intointo CubaCuba .. KhrushchevKhrushchev agreedagreed toto removeremove missilesmissiles inin returnreturn forfor U.S.U.S. removingremoving itsits missilesmissiles fromfrom TurkeyTurkey andand vowingvowing notnot toto invadeinvade CubaCuba inin thethe future.future. .. CrisisCrisis weakenedweakened KhrushchevKhrushchev andand contributedcontributed toto hishis downfalldownfall inin 19641964 CubanCuban Missile Missile Crisis Crisis

NuclearNuclear Test Test Ban Ban Treaty Treaty 19631963

.. Khrushchev,Khrushchev, KennedyKennedy && BritainBritain signedsigned historichistoric treatytreaty banningbanning atmosphericatmospheric testingtesting inin anan attemptattempt toto reducereduce ColdCold WarWar tensionstensions

.. FranceFrance refusedrefused toto signsign (was(was inin thethe processprocess ofof developingdeveloping ownown nuclearnuclear weaponsweapons program)program)

.. ChinaChina becamebecame aa nuclearnuclear powerpower inin 19641964 leadingleading toto itsits estrangementestrangement withwith SovietSoviet UnionUnion FallFall of of Khrushchev Khrushchev 1964 1964

.. HisHis coldcold warwar foreignforeign policiespolicies  erraticerratic && ultimatelyultimately unsuccessfulunsuccessful (Berlin,(Berlin, CubanCuban MissileMissile Crisis)Crisis) .. ExpensiveExpensive spacespace andand armamentsarmaments programsprograms postponedpostponed anyany significantsignificant shiftshift toto consumerconsumer goods.goods. .. MostMost importantimportant reason:reason: agriculturalagricultural projectsprojects backfiredbackfired .. ResurgenceResurgence ofof conservativeconservative StalinistsStalinists ledled toto quietquiet removalremoval ofof KhrushchevKhrushchev inin October,October, 19641964 LeonidLeonid Brezhnev Brezhnev .. BecameBecame newnew GeneralGeneral SecretarySecretary (1964(1964--1982)1982) .. BeginningBeginning inin 1964,1964, USSRUSSR beganbegan aa periodperiod ofof stagnationstagnation andand limitedlimited rere--StalinizationStalinization .. MassiveMassive armsarms buildupbuildup startedstarted inin responseresponse toto humiliationhumiliation ofof CubanCuban MissileMissile CrisisCrisis VietnamVietnam

.. AfterAfter JapaneseJapanese removedremoved afterafter WWWW II,II, FrenchFrench triedtried toto reassertreassert controlcontrol ofof IndochinaIndochina .. HoHo ChiChi MinhMinh ledled thethe independenceindependence movementmovement inin thethe northnorth .. 1954,1954, defeateddefeated FrenchFrench forcesforces atat DienDien BienBien PhuPhu .. 1954,Vietnam1954,Vietnam waswas divideddivided intointo NorthNorth (communist)(communist) andand SouthSouth (pro(pro--Western);Western); civilcivil warwar resultedresulted .. U.S.U.S. defeateddefeated inin attemptattempt toto preventprevent communistcommunist takeovertakeover ofof SouthSouth Vietnam;Vietnam; VietnamVietnam unifiedunified inin 19751975 VietnamVietnam War War (1964 (1964--1973)1973)

.. U.S.U.S. foughtfought unsuccessfulunsuccessful warwar inin SoutheastSoutheast AsiaAsia toto preventprevent communismcommunism fromfrom spreadingspreading intointo SouthSouth Vietnam.Vietnam. .. ““DominoDomino TheoryTheory””:: U.S.U.S. believedbelieved ifif VietnamVietnam fellfell toto communism,communism, Laos,Laos, CambodiaCambodia andand ThailandThailand wouldwould alsoalso fallfall (perhaps(perhaps eveneven India)India) (1964(1964--1973)1973) ScienceScience and and Technology Technology

.. ““BigBig ScienceScience”” becamebecame newnew modelmodel forfor sciencescience afterafter WWWW IIII .. U.S.U.S. emergedemerged asas leaderleader inin BigBig ScienceScience afterafter WWWW IIII .. ScienceScience notnot demobilizeddemobilized afterafter WWWW IIII eithereither inin U.S.U.S. oror USSRUSSR .. LargeLarge portionportion ofof allall postwarpostwar scientificscientific researchresearch wentwent forfor ““defensedefense”” (25%!)(25%!) SpaceSpace Race Race

PartPart ofof ColdCold WarWar competitioncompetition toto achieveachieve technologicaltechnological superioritysuperiority .. 1957,1957, USSRUSSR launchedlaunched SputnikSputnik,, anan orbitingorbiting satellitesatellite usingusing longlong--rangerange rocketsrockets .. USUS fearfulfearful SovietsSoviets couldcould nownow launchlaunch aa nuclearnuclear missilemissile intointo spacespace andand thenthen downdown toto U.S.U.S. .. ResultedResulted inin developmentdevelopment ofof ICBMsICBMs (Intercontinental(Intercontinental BallisticBallistic Missiles)Missiles) SpaceSpace Race Race

.. U.S.U.S. counteredcountered withwith creationcreation ofof NASANASA andand vastlyvastly increasedincreased educationaleducational fundingfunding forfor .. 1961,1961, SovietsSoviets sentsent worldworld’’ss firstfirst cosmonaut,cosmonaut, YuriYuri GagarinGagarin,, intointo orbit.orbit. .. PresidentPresident JohnJohn F.F. KennedyKennedy respondedresponded byby increasingincreasing fundsfunds forfor .. 1969,1969, ApolloApollo ProgramProgram -- putput firstfirst manman onon thethe moon;moon; 44 moremore moonmoon landingslandings followedfollowed byby 1972.1972. MassiveMassive Growth Growth of of Scientific Scientific CommunityCommunity .. FourFour timestimes asas manymany scientistsscientists inin EuropeEurope andand NorthNorth AmericaAmerica inin 19751975 asas inin 1945.1945. .. HighlyHighly specializedspecialized modernmodern scientistsscientists andand technologiststechnologists workedworked asas membersmembers ofof aa team,team, whichwhich completelycompletely changedchanged workwork andand lifestylelifestyle ofof modernmodern scientists.scientists. .. JamesJames WatsonWatson andand FrancisFrancis CrickCrick winwin NobelNobel PrizePrize inin 19621962 forfor discoveringdiscovering structurestructure ofof DNADNA TheThe Youth Youth Movement Movement and and CountercultureCounterculture .. CounterCounter--CultureCulture:: rebellionrebellion againstagainst parents,parents, authorityauthority figuresfigures andand statusstatus quoquo .. BabyBaby boomboom afterafter WWWW IIII developeddeveloped distinctivedistinctive andand internationalinternational youthyouth culture.culture. .. ManyMany raisedraised inin economiceconomic prosperityprosperity andand moremore democraticdemocratic classclass structure.structure. .. NewNew generationgeneration influencedinfluenced byby revivalrevival ofof leftistleftist thoughtthought createdcreated aa ““countercounter--cultureculture”” .. SomeSome youthyouth rebelledrebelled againstagainst conformityconformity andand boredomboredom ofof middlemiddle--classclass suburbs.suburbs. .. RockRock musicmusic helpedhelped tietie countercounter--cultureculture togethertogether StudentStudent Revolts Revolts in in the the LateLate 1960s 1960s CausesCauses of of Student Student Revolts Revolts .. OppositionOpposition toto U.S.U.S. warwar inin VietnamVietnam triggeredtriggered revolutionaryrevolutionary fermentferment amongamong youthsyouths . Influenced by Marxist current in French universities after 1945 & new left thinking in US . Believed older generation & US fighting immoral & imperialistic war against Vietnam .. StudentsStudents inin westernwestern EuropeEurope sharedshared USUS youth'syouth's rejectionrejection ofof materialismmaterialism andand beliefbelief thatthat postwarpostwar societysociety waswas repressiverepressive andand flawed.flawed. .. ProblemsProblems inin higherhigher education:education: classesclasses overcrowded;overcrowded; littlelittle contactcontact withwith professors;professors; competitioncompetition forfor gradesgrades intense;intense; demandeddemanded eveneven moremore practicalpractical areasareas ofof studystudy toto qualifyqualify forfor highhigh--payingpaying jobsjobs afterafter collegecollege .. SomeSome studentsstudents warnedwarned ofof dangersdangers ofof narrowlynarrowly trainedtrained expertsexperts ("technocrats")("technocrats") whowho wouldwould serveserve thethe establishmentestablishment toto thethe detrimentdetriment ofof workingworking class.class. CzechoslovakiaCzechoslovakia .. DueDue toto KhrushchevKhrushchev’’ss reformsreforms inin USSR,USSR, 1960s1960s broughtbrought modestmodest liberalizationliberalization andand moremore consumerconsumer goodsgoods toto easterneastern EuropeEurope .. 1968,1968, reformreform elementselements inin CzechoslovakCzechoslovak CommunistCommunist partyparty gainedgained aa majoritymajority andand votedvoted outout longlong--timetime StalinistStalinist leader.leader. .. AlexanderAlexander DubcekDubcek electedelected leader:leader: usheredushered newnew periodperiod ofof thawthaw andand rebirthrebirth inin famousfamous ““PraguePrague SpringSpring”” ofof 1968.1968. .. CzechCzech reformersreformers buildingbuilding ““socialismsocialism withwith aa humanhuman faceface”” frightenedfrightened hardhard--lineline communists.communists. .. SovietSoviet troopstroops brutallybrutally invadedinvaded CzechoslovakiaCzechoslovakia inin AugustAugust 1968.1968. .. CzechoslovakiaCzechoslovakia becamebecame oneone ofof mostmost hardhard--lineline communistcommunist regimesregimes wellwell intointo 1980s.1980s. .. BrezhnevBrezhnev DoctrineDoctrine:: SovietSoviet UnionUnion andand itsits alliesallies hadhad rightright toto interveneintervene inin anyany socialistsocialist countrycountry wheneverwhenever theythey sawsaw thethe needneed