Amateur Trapshooting Association Minutes of The
1 AMATEUR TRAPSHOOTING ASSOCIATION 2 MINUTES OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED AND CONTINUING 3 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 4 DECEMBER 8, 2014 5 6 On December 8, 2014, at 8:00 HRS, Central TIme (CT), PresIdent Rob Taylor of the 7 Amateur Trapshooting AssocIation, subsequent to Roll Call and confIrmation of the quorum, 8 called this Regularly Scheduled and continuing Meeting of the Amateur Trapshooting 9 Association (ATA) and the Amateur Trapshooting Association of America (ATAA) to order. 10 AnswerIng the Roll Call and seated In attendance were: 11 ▪ PresIdent and Southwestern Zone VIce PresIdent, Rob M. Taylor 12 ▪ Eastern Zone VIce PresIdent and Rhode Island Delegate, Wayne D. MorrIs 13 ▪ Central Zone VIce PresIdent and Nebraska Delegate, John Burke 14 ▪ Western Zone VIce PresIdent and Montana Delegate, JIm Jones 15 ▪ Southern Zone VIce PresIdent and North CarolIna Delegate, Terry L. Roush 16 ▪ Ex-OffIcIo, Allan R. Radway, from Alberta 17 ▪ Treasurer, Thomas G. Burkey, from Pennsylvania 18 ▪ Executive DIrector, Lynn GIpson, from IllInoIs 19 ▪ Secretary, Hunter H. Galloway III, from North CarolIna 20 The Secretary advIsed, for the record, that proper Notice was gIven for thIs Regularly Scheduled 21 and Continuing Meeting, and that all referenced meetings have been scheduled to be 22 conducted In the Board Room at the ATA Headquarters located at 1105 East Broadway, Sparta, 23 IllInoIs. 24 PresIdent Rob Taylor Informed the Executive CommIttee members that the mInutes of 25 the Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Meeting of the Amateur Trapshooting Association 26 (ATA) and the Amateur Trapshooting Association of America (ATAA) held on August 4, 2014 27 through August 16, 2014, and subsequent Executive CommIttee Minutes and/or Memoranda 1 28 from the Regularly Scheduled Teleconference Meetings Included other CommIttee Meetings (If 29 any) held, have prevIously been dIstrIbuted for revIew, comment and approval.
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