u A#A' «- - >ad woes: Konover officials blame town/page 3 lookie aid: Mats stay in hunt in tn^ent life: Quake rubble yields secrets/page 5 |L East / page 11 >- ■> aurliPBtrr HrralJi Manchester — A City of Villaqp Charm > , Monday, Sept. 14,1987 30 Cents' New pact plan 1 ^ - ■‘-I t, toughens rules Bl on verification WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ the talks he opens Tuesday with dent Reagan, on the eve of a Reagan and Shultz. meeting with Soviet Foreign Minis­ After the signing oeremony, ter Eduard A. Shevardnadze, today Reagan and Shevardnadze will 55 directed U.S. negotiators to present confer in the Cabinet Room and lai a new arms treaty in Geneva and then meet again over lunch at said it contained the toughest-ever Reagan’s residence. protection against cheating. ‘ “ We have come here to roll up our The pact, being offered today, sleeves and work,” Shevardnadze outlines steps for the eiimination of said on his arrival from Moscow U.S. and Soviet medium-range aboard a special Aeroflot flight. nuciear missiies and launchers “ We have a number of problems to within three years and shorter- discuss, to consider.” range missiles within one year. The white-haired Soviet official However, it does not specify the brought with him a letter for pace of destroying the weapons Reagan from Soviet leader Mikhail within those time frames — a S. Gorbachev. Without disclosing matter still not resolved by the the letter’s contents, Shevardnadze superpowers. told reporters “ as for the summit, "I have always made clear my everything will depend on the firm belief that not having a treaty results of our work here.” is better than having one which Presidential spokesman Marlin cannot be effectively verified,” Fitzwater said the letter had not Reagan said in a statement. been received by Reagan as of “ Accordingly, we are proposing today. "W e do not know what’s in the most stringent verification it,” Fitzwater said. i regime of any arms control agree­ In his statement on medium- and V » < 3 ment in history,” Reagan said. shorter-range missiles, Reagan AS photo Presidential spokesman Marlin said, “ difficult issues remain to be Fitzwater said previous U.S. trea­ resolved, including verification.” ties had not covered elimination of He said the Soviets have said they Centennial bell shorter-range misiles, and that the agree in principle with a number of new pact outlined that subject for the U.S. verfication requirements National Park Ranger Bill Ubil reads the inscription on Liberty Bell, will be rung Thursjday along with bells the first time. “ but have yet to provide some key the Centennial Bell at Independence Hall In Philadelphia around the world to mark the bicentennial of the U.S. Meanwhile, the White House also details.” Constitution. announced that a signing ceremony The president said, “ His up to the Sunday. The bell, made in 1876 to replace the cracked will be held at noon Tuesday in the Soviet Union now to demonstrate Rose Garden on an agreement to whether it shares our determina­ establish "nuclear risk reduction tion to conclude a treaty eliminat­ centers” in Washington and Mos­ ing all U.S. and Soviet INF cow to curb the possibility of (intermediate range nuclear for­ Upsets unlikely in Tuesday primaries accidental war. ces) missiles.” Shevardnadze is taking a day off The pact, the culmination of a By Judd Everhart There’s a three-way battle for the In Hamden, local Republicans Cl four-year eHort, will be signed by today to rest and prepare before The Associated Press Democratic mayoral nomination in rejected one-term Mayor John Shevardnadze and Secretary of seeing Reagan and Shultz on New Britain, among Incumbent DeNIcola Jr. ’s bid for renomination ’Tuesday. The talks with Shultz w ill. News Analysis State George P. Shultz, with Eight Connecticut mayors and William J. McNamara and chal­ and endorsed Peter S. Fortini, a continue through Thursday and Reagan as a witness. first selectmen face challenges for lengers Marilyn C. Kraezkowsky retired city employee, after a Shevardnadze arrived in Wa­ may be extended to next week when renomination in primary elections open from noon to 8 p.m. and Barbara G. Kirejezyk. dispute over municipal jobs for they both attend the special U.N. shington Sunday, saying a decision on Tuesday, but most are consi­ “ ’There Is nothing stronger In Democratic mayoral primaries party loyalists. on another superpower summit General Assembly session in New dered likely to prevail. Upsets American politics than an incum­ are routine in New Britain and Hartford also has an Interesting meeting depends on the outcome of York. could come, however, in New bent running for re-electloii,” said McNamara never considers him­ race this year after three-term “ We have come with a degree of Britain and Hamden. Jonathan Pelto, political director self really safe. In fact, he Is said to incumbent Democratic Mayor optimism, I would say cautious Other races to watch are in for the state Democratic Party. prepare concession speeches just In ’Thirman L. Milner decided not to optimism, maybe,” Shevardnadze, Danbury, Hartford, East Haven “ But in primaries, you have to be case. seek re-election. speaking in Russian through an Pope asks and West Haven. very careful. More often than not, a This year, Kraezkowsky Is giving State Rep. Carrie Saxon Perry interpreter, said in a brief airport In all. there are 16 primaries for primary Is a personality battle. him a strong run for his money. She won the endorsement of the Demo- news conference. mayoral and first selectmen nomi­ Very rarely do you get an Issue- has said she’ll run as an Independ­ Referring to work on a treaty to nations in 15 towns. Polls will be oriented race.” ent if she loses on Tuesday. Please turn to page 10 for justice ban U.S. and Soviet intermediate- range missiles, the foreign minister said, “ We have made very substan­ tial progress, but a great deal of Transit secretary gives notice on border work remains.” Reagan and Gorbachev agreed jit SAN ANTONIO, Texas (AP) - their first meeting in Geneva in Pope John Paul II, approaching a November 1985 to hold successive to join her husband’s campaign personal mercy mission today in a summits the next two years in pediatric ward in Arizona, pleaded Washington and in Moscow. WASHINGTON (AP) — Trans­ paign” and said her “ strength and White House spokesman Marlin with Christians to be intolerant of Instead, they met in Reykjavik, Iceland, last October, and Gorba­ portation Secretary Elizabeth Dole popularity” will be of great help in Fitzwater said earlier that Mrs. injustice and compassionate to­ Dole telephoned Reagan about 7 chev has not responded to the told President Reagan today she his bid for the presidential ward immigrants crossing over the p.m. Sunday and asked for the president’s invitation to visit Amer­ plans to resign at the end of the nomination. southern border of the United meeting. ica this year. month to join the presidential Senator Dole is expected to States. "The president has the highest m ’’Generally, without reason, I do campaign of her husband. Sen. Bob formally announce his campaign The pontiff reaches the mid-point regards for Secretary Dole and the not go anywhere, particularly Dole. for the presidency next month. of his nine-city tour today in work she has done,” he said. America,” Gorbachev said last After meeting with the president, Mrs. Dole, while transportation Phoenix, Ariz., where his first stop Aides to Mrs. Dole have said that April during a visit by Shultz to Mrs. Dole said her first task in the secretary, has spent much of her was St. Joseph’s Hospital for a visit members of her husband’s presi­ Moscow. campaign would be a 12-state tour free time on the campaign circuit. with three critically ill children: a dential campaign staff for weeks Reagan administration officials to attract votes in the South and to Last month she reportedly spent 21 15-year-old boy with an inoperable have urged her to join the campaign have not pressed the Soviet leader open a regional campaign office in days outside Washington, often in brain tumor, a 2'A-month-old girl full-time. for a response, but some antici­ Charlotte, N.C., in preparation fora states with key primaries. She said bom three months prematurely An administration official earlier pated it might come during the series of Southern primaries. her campaign appearances were on and a 6-year-old girl who was confirmed the planned meeting but talks to be held with Shevardnadze. Mrs. Dole, who has been trans­ her private time, including paralyzed fropi the neck down in a would say onlj) that it was to The Soviet foreign minister said portation secretary for 4>A years, vacation. traffic accident. "discuss future plans.” differences remained over war­ longer than any of her predeces­ She did not disclose details of her He also prepared a message to The official, who spoke only on heads. On top of that, he said, sors, said she would leave her meeting with Reagan, saying only AP photo renresentatives of 195 American condition of anonymity, refused to procedures for verifying destruc­ cabinet post Oct. 1. that she discussed a variety of Indian tribes, but didn’t bring the comment on the Oct. 1 date, saying, tion of the U.S. and Soviet rockets “ I want to be a major part of the transportation issues. 6-2. gift they wanted: a saint of their “ I can’t speak to that. I guess we’ll as well as the pace still must be campaign and do everything I can "W e talked about (transporta­ own.
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