
THE DISPATCH. i Kims OF ADVLKTIKIN'J DISPATCH COMPANY. c iS'i-isiahi awi isii,.,n.i. BYTHE ir., *-A«l, io tm tea t in Al'la-'t r. h..in-eriioii.f sri ll l« dcllserrsl lo .soh¬ '.i«'C|,i.:rr-. isto insertion.. 1 00 Tlie DAD S IH-I-VK "¦ie nina Iiwrtlonc. 1 60 nt linns ranTa |>r Hirer Months; noe. for DISPATCH. ire.iw, ,sel.s»rl|.ina. fi HQ DAILY On, (,i.. fi-ralx -'nure. m,,.ih. 10 00 DISPATCH a" SJ peraa- . me-..,mti,-,two m-.niiic. ia oo °Th" SKMI-lVrt-KI.Y MORNING, l-'KRRI'ARY KT, IBB. NO. 40. >>iies.|ii.irc,)[irrem'ln'ha. 2.1 Off ' ERIPAY ¦ or VOL. LXIII. SI TA., " um, RICHMOND, . ' ts I Kt A PIM* ST (Tl si »1 ivcrsnmins. ¦..¦¦**! llrlc-r \* -ts Mini,, .foci I nt of I ho Tr.*li.(*(,f tho iircgg lot cit lot.aeco hy thc UMMMB* and Ohio others had voted under thc same ,-lreiim- LOCAL MATTKRS. I'nud. Railroad bul lt waa de¬ TT.I.Y Kl RK, sbinces. Mr. t- .tilled to that etti ct Thc Taqblatt says that WflBBCI has writ¬ Compaay, keton H-oI.l liddy af which At a meeting; of thc trustees of thc luded he had r.-BSOIl lol;.-!;, ve thai UK- tlirhmond baton tin- -.ruid jun thi, I aa- ten an satobtegraphy, lara 111. l'<.|,llMlll<,ll. lo pspatrh. evening, ,re In exlHtcnce. lilli,MK*,-, Kund," h-ld nt 5 V. M., pal ty whom it tran consixn.-d would i po- '.Gregg yesterday dcfnrtaad. aili write yon te-mtwrow ¦***.**> A StfUOKSTIO.N THAT TIIK VOUCU TARKA NKSV it wai deleimlned that thc to he fall, nnd so he noililed thc company not Y \ I. ti.T Iri-eLtilariti.-k, -viii Me eon-idcn-d Sun the th In asylum BBB (hhs y M. (SSS. theta Thc Ilaltinnre reports ath t'EXHI'H. "fStabiished nan and M, tho- lo deliv. r ll: hut lt wa. n rpi, st!on whe¬ i; .. o V V A A M KK1DAY.FEBRUARY siithe:. nt towal rant indictment*, of eoaras < ll. K. the di-- hythe I'rcd.yt* I; «) AAA L that cits of aptain Cn*i|i.-r, In thc of thc aasBBB for di*t dmr h. s of this shall he known iu* ther he iIkI not aft, marda authorize KKK O YY lt is iou coinpendiiiin city (* O V A A 1. eh, aecidental that this --rand Jury , ,,v. ,' of Um Island in the Carrih- i-su, the statenietlt them to deliver il. did U ll A LIT!. of gaiao 1^80, ju-t tl, following "Thc Blcbtnond Home for Ladles." A Tl.ey deliver lt li O'"' VA is cot,ipos,.-1, with ,s-,o exceptions, bean lia. of the i- made, Btcbmond committee Ut for thc lt, mid it was teat, Smith *tic*l them for aa-THE < IMrri.ATKIN Of TDK DISPATCH ss hom have population giving piireha-c pBWUeify prominent I{, adjuster*, four of for the lirnt tim.* in thc Hm* a* thc cits hail Ix-en the value of (he tohu.eo. The re¬ COMHINKD ITIDT- i>, en There Wilmington, N. OU position tsvcnty-fifth corporation prevtoBUy appointed Jury IS LAHOKR THAN TUM BapaMieana tinea the svar. i* free from Ir-ond- In the Knion: M follows: J. P. W. W. Tarker, turned a verdict in his f ivor. OTHER DAILY MW- aka ba no in it -ince the war. past-due Branch, A K 1! NN \ GOG LATlON'OKAI.t. TDK. potttteal slgnMcaaee what* its ll cent, homls ure in New and T. William Pcmt-orton. Wc under¬ HUB K so, ser. ed daht. and per Y.rk.1.200.21.!) ii \ v KI uss- s ,. (i PAPBBB OK TDK i nv. di mau.1 at hy investors, riilliidclf.lila. --47.I7U stand thai a suftabte piec <,f **s*operty svill I "emt ttf Hat In lets-*. Pilli AW lib ll B B B tl Indictments hase hon found ii-'-'in-t par llr.oKlyn. 61*1.068 a UN S K .. (.. -,.,.1.1.-,.-, soon be purchased, and that af no distant Ihe ; lt ii \ BX < ircle for on Sun¬ : Wil¬ CWeaao. .' " To the Cdilor nf MbSBBM A A Iv R H N NN GOG nu rcI at the r.-.l-onTce at I! Minion,!. Vs.. aa John L. Belling whiskey A flt .Tohns (X. leJBgTBBj BByi H"-I'"i. H02.830 another Hom** svill lu: for M'.ll 11 a .1 the B.) a day opened In the statement of the Sn- M-ctnid-claaa rnaur,-. I das, and against! color. tench.!-I-y liam Bughea killed hi- is if,- with hatchet .**'. I*"il*. .150.A18 thc aired .md intirm of our Thia an- piihlDlicd mime ,.f for unm< mile* Hall I m..rc. 333,313 «-lty. there Ut he a irrave Preston rclfnlij wblpplag Sunday at Willow Qrove, twelve (Tiicitiii.fi. of>fi.ITU Bonneement will ioa-btlen bbbbi many perintendent appear* one of hi. She ssas almost error. The statement purports to ;*lve the UHR pupils. from Mil city. decapitated. San Kianclsco. 833,059 heads to li(> lichter on their to- ¦"jen oo W W VI HDD KEEK WEATHER REPORT. M. 1*. Linkenboker waa to-day aaoatttad New Orleans. 810,090 pMoWl result of tba oparatlona tor tbe tl., ai rear, 0 .' " ss ss ss VV D D I! I a * 1. -.. l-io.llts >o D KKKI RRR -I-'ur the Mil- for -hooting toward* Edward AV ickllnc Mrs. Matilda IV-mllt-ah, professional 1.111,1. nlfht. ending 1st February, 1X3. Credit is taken ..pp ,. o VA ll die Atlantic Mat,-, iain, foll.,ss .,1 Ms art ly boga. singer, lliiff.il... lt ft,I SI officers to thc affairs ,.f tin- production period, VS VV ODD BBB H lure to Central and Hwlsnii-Itii.-r railroad ., I 17 "a i lowing maaaga tin- J. tHi iveaiiier in the Boathara Ex-Senator .1. IV. Mar-hall I. York SS tiln/toii. for first were asJsa of cone, wmbM nceount e|(.ii,ly portions, for for the lo** of a foo!. B4*w-»rl.. 130,508 eo**porattoa the year anani- eludingis BO lft-lj| ss iuds. or attend the marna:.'.- ol hi- sister la-htW, **J'i..TSi daiBragm ts D. del'ited only with thr Ti**-nt-i o.tst.riy ki southerly BteUOBarj a she i.'.i'1-.MIl'-. 193.768 nioiisly elected to if: Rev. M. Boga, risc fel¬ .Mi-s Kv a S. (.rant, lo Mr. T. .*-. Maloney, In attempting to hoard train Bafaaed IB0.722 svhleli thc Auditor'* hooks show were rowle sliK'l.t ri-e in trin-HTiiliire, llifhi a hoard, illy. I). D., president; .lam." IK Pace, Km]., lowed 'allin1,' haroun ter. the telc'-iaph-:>pcratoi al t'liiniiini'dit, West her foot in',', owing to misplaced iMr.dt. 110.340 John 1\ llratnb, during thc lime patted. The Auditor's AND CLOT II HRH. ky take* CC M.-inorrosv and the cal's pa-sed over lld" foot, Craahtng Milwaukee.,. 115.B87 vice-president; Esq., hook*) show such a. have TAII.OKN Va. The ceremony pla I'rosld, me. 1,14 -.,7 <'oloncl William 1*. Munford, only expense*} al the ld ide'.* mother. *sftT r lt. *!<',7*.H treasurer; Leen p lid. Such a> hnvo h. en In¬ I LORIN!. ssriTiftit svas warm nnd bOBM Of the Allan jr. secretary. actually TA Tiik IBBIBBBAY ss li the have BB ex¬ i:,.c|,.-ter. N.V..stl.-loti curred and- not donor appear on Ihe [<*INF. in tin- and itfternoon- hi. bappy couple let The (Jralveatoa Hem Graham sp,dal says 1'it. 78.050 Dr. D. II. who MM »o much in¬ poul AT -Iioivcry ¦noralng Moir Mo: ] h. Alle-?I,eny. Qtagg, Auditor's booka. Tbe tn ute out at tlmcs-mul n:i-lv tended a dioperate timk place four mile- from IndUiri|«,||.. 7">.0.',0 terested la our came from Massachu- appropriations 1 th. sun brightly The Kev. I*. II. Kian was lined ami (ghi ICIcliuiiiii.l, Va. ,, lt',".' city, the< olin.-ilf,-r tlc- mauuf.ir-liiroof ira.for M''DillATE TUM ! *. cooler a! $10 hore Tm-day Bight in un old log house M'tts forty years ago und settled in Kin*- hy and night, lound over in tl,. tVOS Of to the ns who citicH the past Hscul nar amounted lo the sum Y K-TI-BB A V | fi A. M., SJ |SI keep between four min, tsvo on B side, to The iiopulatioiiof Viriritilu L*given William comity, where for many years TTlKRMOMKTI.H . I,"5 in the Aiuntor's office pctici a cheap luxury this, of beatingone's have Shnti-un.-. six- aa follosvs: his The Doc¬ of *? 7,OOO. Papen ti a. M. boob, RS; ;: P. M., sf; fl P should possession. he pracBoad profession. from thc l.'orrmittee on chow tbr-t Qt; wife. shooters ind a Winchester rill*- were used Mex-uiilrla.1 MM tor is a and is nosv in his Light MATOI ( Bl A SON. M., on: mt-dalght, IS. are re¬ 7,828 good .scholar, thc entire had hceisi xixndexl JOHN a Bamber of eaaaa af *~smbbbobIs One man was killed and the others DaaTllta. uko a j-cntlc- appropriation M in l.Ti)|>( i'j'.ure, ;*i7. from of Haymaker freely. Kiaderlcksliiirfr. 6,011) ci",hty-lir-t yea-. S»nn*years on the unMuifaciurcil lo 1st of No. 4 Tkstii STllkKT. . ported tbe aetgbborhood wounded. inan in this sent him an gai prior ¦ is ii iv ill l.yii'diliurt'.15.959 city orphufi hoy, so that In the Tosvti. Mrn. John It. Bossier M'anclie-ter. .'..7'Jil and continued to svith him in .lamiary last' BsBt-Usated FRANKLIN COUNTY. from that disease. 11,-r death limy he ex¬ A vonni* turu) named Ballard, who Norfolk.il ,960 earrrajwad statement credit is taken for twelve lo -lek and father ll fess .-il.nnc, t0 the charities of this city, sending' ur tum .. svtini:-i:... k CaBBSw*-**"fWO at ans time. IT,i.i,ed Us helpless l*elei**t**ug. regard thlrtecii millions feet of |M m-ini.facfun ,1 ', (.ooDSl KALI. DOODS TBIAL pected Moines, be¬ Pori in..niii.11.890 him annual reports of them. Kant year, lt t SI Ol TBI ac i BBB KUTI SA in- PA1M I'M Af- The lindi.''-coniniis.ionil-, failed to make weeks ago at Deo Iowa, upon Blcjinon*].8.1,600 in the month of January. Im-*."', h! ifi .tex arr. -led the fae' that there -..uni!'.11. svill be i' tm inhered, thc Doctor purchase! l IHI.M PK STU OK AN (.MP ID -IMKNT. at titi- term of court, bi ssa* nepi ct* iag JlMloBCld 6,664 thou-aml, th.>h| of which does »** a|>- repori a in all svin, lies-, r. 4,96fl the Sprini*-str, et I lome and presented if to ncc of lt 1,'liln -1,1 Di-tat- h.) a- I have teen infornitd, tt. a was laaga gaag ol robben eaajragad JHrai" to thc dehit ot the account, hut must s-i. I vi: NT. IA lit -ll N PB4BBl lbs ed, r**wtag, ha- than in- the and more he Beads TIIK ( IK'K't -1 v accident n hi. 1, the chief ell- kinds ol outlawry in tin- Northwest. The Tha! Rlebmond mote 6^600 ladles, recently pro- he out <>f the nppro- I.'.,(KY Mot Vs. t'el-riiai IS, 1888. railroad befell s isioti f.,r a etidoss linne of tliis paid present year's KT, leader of tbe ItaowltoB, bas proba* hai.ituiis iv,- ali believe. Th" ra.-t that handsome dion. There i-. trna an item for MSftafB IN Ml, IIMOND. Thc I-', Millan term ol our 1 .ninty < ourt M'ifu, rengaged in making -p. illeationa, gang. are svilh pi'; all i- ol ll. tl. ne 'liv ,",..ii!U more females than indi- were charity. Iii., r.ympalhic.4 largclv -old credited Tin* meter* lias just closed, (-taring Mien In session lt rumored tbal the Republicans I'ly snows that the ami ndeal of Boeh impropcrlv. .* run- lound and enumerated injus¬ helpless depi people svhen "ATfe for out of tin arv 'seek. Tlie \\ liit.-I'ock eas,- Pincaatle magisterial dlstricl propose A The funeral Ile is milch more boagM paid au< Bf last Bridgcrpoii telegram says: tice ssa- don,- us, and that m.my male-. ly. dtepoaad te h.Tpsvo- foi ct.r.i-truction, and r, ceipts i.IVK l- *. CALL. "f *.' sen Indictments fur asaaall Bing Daniel Anderson (colored), ol Lkh William l>. late ol nii propi-intion coaslstiog in that di-tri t. of Gregory, secretary al sclll frotll hollie. SSiTV olc|Too|ki'.|. The -n than men, behavingthat improvidence from that source should go to the credit ol oa tba two Allies al Whlle-Roek depot, tn Bun, (oC magistrate tlc Fairfield BireitTy, took svho acted BS cnuiiier-ifi.r-* BO j- off, ii tl,*' cause of thc .f the lat¬ .USU I NTOItt:. d of at tlii* ft nu, K.v. W. Beale leaves (or BUcba* A-gricultural gi ntl,-urn poverty thal aecoiinl. this county, ss, n dlSpOB* George place Tuesday atti rnoon ai Wilton, Cona. doiitd ditl their to Hie bes! <>f their ter in old ordinance t» tsso of me te. n ,n to-morrow, ind the pastor, Bi r. W, v. ha duty aga. The Auditor ta rc<,iiired hy .,,,S05" resulting in rerdlcta against At thc -uni' boar, in tbe anne toona, Lui ties had a hird joh. The een- To this particular enterprise, he gives end f Southport. sverc "r srsure. friends of our -. 'teemed Qeorge p.-i,j,|, sheen! on bnatnesa ph sou', iiieoine aft.-r eh tririn^' Hie iftts-m-i k-» tin., of ami g23 n p**-ctively and one The luaus bight* Bev. Mr. Tliompi.n, of the C4*rng~*4**~*a- n Supreme t'onrt <.. A|ip*?als. -i'i:'. MAIN STMKMT. |1SS .!. ss iii t;.. hear The authorities have been perhaps ss ith all mi account ot tin m. MI-KIT HI in Miali interest ssas manifested townsman T. Godwin regn < lunch, p. normed i".ih eereiaontes. city thai ruin-sou ni i KKKv-tio.ir c.isk expenditure- day Jail, t'» hi- bed from iil- tional little remiss in no! showing Injustice bbcibbb a and with lateran! on all money- c\|h lided in th,- trial, walch constnned twa thal be li eoaflaad take anew I'la ION A (TITIKIl Ills'-AT*U A. ros-. Un I mu¬ ssa- done na. lat the |,oii,'( PFOB (or c'di-tructiou ind BiXtenaloB, meat bb* T\SO-!ll!l:D- SMI BOBA-BID1 thc co.irt. David bealtb. Saturday I.-uidolph QltmoTP, *** M-'K) ni SN and -- whole day-of OIQespIc cell-ills In They kn.nv tin-city The sst rc Cue .. he to th" i oinmitte« s-1 a ol found lan,., ssa- ureatod at ColnmMs, B. C., April. (ollowlag proccedin fount. t<> furni-h'tl ll !;- Ii BB, waa tried ob charge burglary, thc They knosv tint tn my colored -* and and sent*ti.¦. red pros egui Braddock did tue tiimieiatii-. Pot thi- extra work sad tut. Pram the Court of sse arc hahtc to fill inf.. , I oilllM.-loMI S IN RICHMOND. .li,Tn;, nt same p..itv for been arr, ted. 'I be mab rial for making Corporation avoid thc (nor-* pending agalnsl Captain !',. ll. Powle, bf Alexandria, baa te have been the City Council will md begrudge them a the itv of Kvnrhhuri*. AtHrnicil, Jadge the of liT-tilv-piopaieil arson. had prev!ously, at the (heroin la said supplied by it ss iii well by publteatlon .' Gillespie commisaloned assistant little extra lor be money la ss ii the ol the court. nant ira-, hut lag .- tenn, been convicted of-a felo¬ been sdjutant-gen- parties In Ness York, Baltimore, and Phil, pay, delivering opinion t¦ililes-' we all cheaper January cr.il t,f militia Governor (amt -pent. Kaindi, roy nd con..tirrill-,' in all the .c. in- it tim nious assami and -cid- BCed to the |.. i"it< n- Virginia by adi Iphia. Judge us that (.Main bs oheapenhag **-' I V. V N IT.II. What mya N wor (', rrington s len * expressed in thc opinion. "f manufacture, and nol Mill for months, bu! tbe 1 brcnll The ol ¦ coal by simply r i. ,..'. i. civ.- so,, -,,r | tlary eighteen (laughter Covington (Ey.) Western I nlon at. il." ff i 'c*tti-* I him a new trial: and I Frederich cdint v. ..f Whfch YVinchc-tcr ssas s,, T»'*-*ttcrilil-. Telegraph Company transferring Ibe barden tram f"ee-4SBBr-> -.. i, ..,:, tan the lame ibli bad award. woman, who waa worth 960,000, 1 asliidiiulil,- tV*«l,!iii*- Kr un svill -. hi- iTotli-ia'.nufac- Rennolds Brothers. tbe! to**poratioii sumer to Um r. - a be lathe coiin'y at. lise tax-pay. fi.' BBderatand thal Bold prosegni badi] treated at home tint she sscnt lo bTwiB TTinsaaaa i ...ul of th" city of Norfolk. Aliirnied, K. T. iii.BJffffW* hm r. (1 iii thal ease now. tories. oul over (100,000 yards ol I liv a -catn-tn s«. i £ : ai-.i. turning iiicinna'.i and go! I in IS Ther** was a ktrtx aadfashionable assem* delis,i'm- thc eon- on | ha-lu, n in our midst iliirii:. cloth Bauum. out Judge Kacy opinion, (h drinan Committee Li^lit. n ffo I n .. Th're per Win n ber mother found her where* l.l.'i'.'i- at the I ii st I*, ipti-d church it'-tcrdfl.v curred in Btebard- last an unwonted in United sscnt to her rn .is and Mat le by Judg-sa Pauatleroy, 1 .I'- I. lome and month activity Monday evening ¦'. E. Young, town se**- shouts She pl,.s afternoon tn witness tbe ever-lnteretiting son. and Hinton* Lewie not. cir, * mi the of election s a her. ssa- Judge delivering IK'Uclot*** tari'eu IVu les, day "i" and W.C. .Miler had them beware of Tl,.- girl di c r, '-s iii.'i joined tsvo hearts a -¦ a. > si gean! Luray, mon] youthful di nting Mi-i I I , om ui2 |n n. niau and a white one L'..t Into i diiii- the latter re¬ Bbc sued ber motherfor of wedlock. The optnlri ia I h il i iiioii'-ii'c pr!.f ( ominei i-lal ( lui. UulUlini. rto personal difflculty, in which charged. slander, iu th" In.ls Louds prin¬ ThB sv; I a case ss le re a cipher dlapal h. ugh! -. at *fiore« in thi* county, tbe i hs Jo K-.-ii af. I'.'.sm, Qi*oeer* DPI V IN I SIM; Til I cuity Taylor's ceived an ugly wound in tbe bead tresa ami the -latter compromised prontislng cipals on thi* occasion were Mr. Charles .-"inposed ..f nil:,' letteri of th" "alphabet, i.'.s 61 :i s, i M tin stn cr 'Pace lng oral purely private (VJ hick..ry -tick. i" ni,, half ol ber -t itf upon her daugh¬ Edward Back ami Mi-- BueC, Willi nu-. wai d< livered for and Rlock). l i. un. There BMbeenaj*~rt*a1 transmission through IL/tVT'WI MOOT DESIRE. matter,aa Mr. Shumate, another of Lou* ter. Promptl) at 8 o'clock, Hie hour nam il iu negligence not teni off. ^"he telegraph sv eil. it Mi make political capital on! ol thi> Murphy tbe invitations for th.- the cen¬ te the State atlair. and it is -aid Ulai it W8J to testify BS i'i i,i«l. -i md beal citizens, rjied ol A -pei d from Madison, Wis., mys: "ceremony, any promptly paid (* i btu al the h..me >.f hi- sob* Mr, "Two weeks fohn -helli.Td.a disso¬ tral doon "I the church were (bron n opt n, lorita failure, ;;s provided 1:1 tin- is ; .. DESIRE matter in the United States Court atgo sv. penalty ss li si 081 to this pneumonia,M. nevi ral lu the lute character, n ir and, amid the -frau,- of a grand ddinij- -titnt.-. Bm Kenn,dd-, [>roth**rs chimed and oth,n sv. nt to Dan¬ dayi ago, li.big here, quarrelled - that the tsvo Ailie- Shumate, th" ashers Messrs. W, A. Price, had t.> au an., aa v.. xv ,<> iriM>, ls that |.. r.on. .¦.!.!. iapl.itli,? si !:i- whl b ol bis age. syith his tamil* and hf! them. Tueada] marcb, that the) suffered lens amount ville last fall. On their return from lg] ty-flith year i'.. 8. II. ' their boase ssa* s, ,,n iii-,., and Manly B. Cunry, T. Christian, so din .fi.:: a', which dtnnaejca thc jury vi l-l ii -1-,ki..-.M.: BAIB8TBB1 i. they were mei and assault* d al \\ bite Thc ease of Um Commonwealth aa. Lou* morning ii. Prank IM¬ place .* issn of id- one tenrteen i'liii'iun, Ba~*ton Grundy, ami th" court below rcfussd to rise tofhe Wblte* doun Society, indict¬ dsughten, ignd tm, and awarded, Aa u-.iial, v,.- .ire rin- t lu Vu ti, ld set;ti an sn- .,, ,'.¦ Vano;,cd the Rock depot,thus County Agricultural Bf, --. Worth Colonel set aside the verdict. Tin- com. Wll. ol,ly di. after Ila J I «,«.], " gtftn**ol above, since thal ni'iiiths se.ir- ami th,, other sn infant, wereburned S'upon, telegraph other cl-.thitl*.'-: .¦¦ e.. T h. y sv!!| Kock eases "tpolten ed ms.ral aga for permitting In Charles J. Anderson- marched in conpiea pally apia ah ,1, that Itemiolds iiouii, ciiicut "if ht-iiw.nal.li- and pil.es of tim.-a the ,itizrn- of the Tay- on /round- of the to death. Mn. Bbeflleld barely eseaped claiming i-c p. di- osct WHO HAY! THE LOW- naaiberol "camingt-tablee, -ftc, the excitement up thc centre aisle, and, reaching Brothers were only entitled to refund of llt.n .i'd, have (rom time to fall. Was died ber night-clothes. Qreal pre- - m. -r-iTi- lo***s-store b< the Pair la-t iii- r tims tn for Hie Pl, -iain. i -i i*i: i* \\ no ii \v ;n Ighbbrbood Society during s.,ii-,: > it is ii,.- nalvenal bellell tin,; Bin I- th,- pewa, (aced Inwards, opening Ih.' u,y paid There lieu ¦ I'nited States i ourt on ss a*i idb .>*r-1 TINt, OARMI NTH, ssiio il.svi. lill ID -I lime ctiralgaod before inihc Loudoun Count] Monday -ct lire to thc house." a pis. ,'.'(. for ii," bridal pilr, ho followed SMi'" several Interesting pointe inlaid hy Braaaa r on ss anani-, for con¬ a of returned. The line field of s n wi lill coii;i;ii.«ion, at thc foot th, i , i.i: sm. 11\ lr ll. snd sviio alleged and ferdie! f."iiltv ia hind. Thes were mel the thc company ami ably argued, bu! I ai-... Bl ini: with one or the other "f these dif- was assess, ,| *-.:"". BinIT, Mo.,-ass; 4 liol, ,-i PAT ENS; Bl nection al A dispatch from Poplar pulpit platform by Bev. Dr. J. L. B.Cur¬ Supreme Corni affirmed toe Judgment ol received th. T-'ty lite-l lu oVfcll- i I ill i.ol.Di | (.!'- eaac a waa V\' MM Just ABU I" APPBE1 1ST fleultles. Tbe evidence hat.ia every The Mirror -as-: The dwell¬ Jaeob Vincent, properous (armer, ry, wno* after a lew appropriate remarks, tbe lower court; though Judge Lewie de¬ NI V -sir s. ss l Lave beard no Leeabarg s. four th" rsv., Blade froin tin- most fa-liloluililA r.'l.'T I TO BONI of bleb developed ground storebon ie, and stock ..r gooda belong* found dead In thc rods las! Priday, proceeded to mai." tw*dn ona* lis ciel av.rs strong dissenting opinion. ""at-JUfULN'T*, SS I tt.-.nt .,- ... ,1,,,¦ ,.,ir fie and ss hates, r lor thc i pn I, i red, though ing, miles from Ul* at -..id were used* t1;,- ~*room ami os. executor cbarg< to Mr. Tnomas Moir.tt, ai.out three home, (."atnpuellton. piiin rings Cooper als, Cooper's fai.rl.-s,an I c irs.-,; our ia accrdiiiice with recent is i.. ,;.. it aa "rt a "rill¦ea*sa***r. the et-.- inc were seal lng p,,. lukniim in sone ol parties miles s,mill ,,f were more or uaa Franklin connty, Mo. Thc body showed placing "ii" upon the bride's third Unger and a*!.?. Prom tho liu.-iiu... Court of the :-, ..i ': -lo,;, |s mi -kn-atm-n Ol at Danville. fj(,gburg, r ati.tdi- who maUr cirly I>er- oa to the Dlstrlci C uni hv on au- ,i tba! the deceased bad Lian-hot from bb) sshil" si,,, did t!i" saui" for In future part¬ eily ol K. t. t-I.i.t-. Affirmed, Jndge ino.Irs. li.'/.'ei,lfeineii Tin SE s-o.n. in contest Injured dre Monday morning, ss tin¬ Depositions the Wlae-Masscy close to tbe bone and thi n brained ith the bree! h ol ner. Thc -ulalu, d t,,u,s ,,f tbe organ, delivering opinion, Jndge Ula* ,,f Sl'llINO i,.c..,si- t., Ml earls int ( Glad lo foaa! any OB by some boxea left setting too Kauntleroy svill Le cniiinii in (tl in this county the t. a ii:i". The is tba! \ Incenl ssa- der tho manipulations ol Professor John I. it ted tim.-, hut In r n onr store ls aometlinca stove dm in,' tbe ibai nee of the theory sitting. VS e ;i--iin- our tinnier.,tia U) host tl,, variety l'.dh ii,stani. Colon. 1 leorge E. Dennis mporary muni, red for and o wairanl hal the church the rs. asa. Pio,ure 11 |*jTl'ccl Hi. har clerk. The mo%1 icrious damage t.> the money, Reinhardt, pervaded during Boper, kc., tfcWbofter aad and other members of the i arr' I ol Janies Vin¬ ami to thc ba* I'i..nt tl," < Tictiit < ourt,,,' tin- of Sor¬ we out*!,.,,., till former ,- probably |.(en aucd (or lin whole time added greatly rita .-ul .ni, r; tl,-I hate fairly M. na mher our cardinal Mile "f doing building was occasioned bj the explosion prim .-ll di-- di fled h< n ¦.'. lil n pn teni Ur. Massey. cent, a cousin t.f the and a step. --iv. n. ss ,,f the ceremony. Tbe pulpit folk. Uinton ni sion, v ,T,,s, full; refunded to of a of In the -M.r.-. Fortu¬ deceased, p,-i Affirmed, Judg*. delivering u,.w batata ma Bmaf Mlsl ll STORI We are soon to have a telegraph-line to beg powder th,- ion ind *o!i-iu-.asv. 1 in fr mt «.f ss bl. h l'r. t hits tin- ..pinion. .11,1 ptaas pebBsa purrluu D12 Main tr,et. nately m. one ssa- iti thc bonna at mo¬ itforro, thi-. Tbe \ Midland railway ..sa- with bb ex¬ Thi ssa- a conti -i I ".I r fla- Port-mouth . ,, ticir ar ul I Bl any city. a in i \ I mm. T HM "( LOCK; place. Irginia "f the stood. completelycovered s I.- Bffpaaa pl Tl! it iiito a ontrai t '-s;:h tbe South¬ ment expio-i"".!. Tbe Commissiooer ol Internal Bevenni and flow- ssas th .-at i.D.sv i ii.i. io .ki..,, i,. fe i.*,-:h ha-, nt. il from i.'.di. ,t..r quisite varlet] ol potted plants ferry-boats. Boper lc..-,.,.. x*bo _¦ i ;i < ..".' to itabitah a line baa received a telegram wa* attired in a snitol ri ii r annul', d hi* BM thia" ern T. I. j.li om) Poa k\tm Bia Waaia for on tbi eis. The bride lOWl OUT! ll ind lin' franklin and Pittsvlvania rall- *BaiB*bafla*B Brajrton, reporting the destnirtion t ,-,-,.ti.:-,-,.:..]. 1 -iii. ssith court Its ot 1 pbb ¦ ss..I. raoa M ia 1Mb i;«) ",s KTlTI1IMItV.de. along lli-4 Newspaper. k'th in-t-'iit ol tsvo illit it stills near Saludl ri plush, affirmed Judgment. ,'tiiiiii'ctiir,' with the main line from ,,f -ame, sshile Un- groomand ushers were Eui ini.'-. executor vs, Bmlth. Pram road, was not t brildaal writer, ind Bouth Carolina, to¬ -' to Danville; -aid contract to Gambetta and Tiger mountains, ss .\t thc conclusion nf < it \\ illiani coin.iv. 4 I I. lill: HOOL BOOKS Lynchburg ri I.ii 'I in fuii-di, mit*, th, lr I OUr! Ol Kine; 1 1 r ni., the middle ol April The 1," it, y ir Kid-kV when to ll >p. Il la gether with 2,600 gallona of beer, 100 |***V t!:c Professor Reinhardt played Lewis thc to t , :. is impleted bj and ceremony Reversed, Judge deUvcrin-j have alread* thal be would enter bia editoriaUroota, lona of 20 ...-allon-of whis¬ sshich .. workml n i e poles column singling*, mother Joyoun march, during tbi ni, ii-, ii. about ball i ari.st ol six inclu¬ - wanl als...th.- - -' Thia la a much-needed Im¬ say "Ishall key- [fersons, Un- ci,iifeh and .I:lti r .*»¦:.,!., - at, I ai.;, r.ul .1 uw .. IC U.DPBTV si: hooks. leached here. -iiiiii.- h-- would ss ho indal part) left proceeded and one that sviii add gr tonight," and down, ding Jim Th..,,,pson. one ol the gang i'i to th" ia sidence f lhc bi Uni-. Ac. Prom the cireui.' Courl of provement, i" c.v.t- ssith bia of 11..ss ard carriage!! |] i. st i -i ; Dil IOB8, to the convenience ol the busine- -mon n j.ige ifter page recently raid d tbe house David tallar, si.; ssi-t Ki niki,n street, where ftoocblund Kacy Pot bo im* I., cause "f bia a< rvici -1 thc Govi nu ne nt ("unty. Affirmed, Judge a;: i thi ra ol the community. cramped handwriting. w, re i Iv, n a rec, the concitrretl in hy A. -s'.-. A 00-. n b stiff distilleries. Ihey private dellveriig opinion, sv Edmundson, a lour-j i-etuoui a man be wrote curiously In breaking np Illicit them ssh-sv. dd< .! I..ssh, and Hinton : Little Andr, and bis moved tatt, at 4:43 P. .".,. pair Fauntleroy, ',.-!.!«. |; SNI.oMI'l! ,s ENGLISH. kedson of Dr. T. B. Greer, met with bond, though lingen the northern-bound train lor an extended .iud...- Richardson delivering a dissenting Il old gr ssas I" !. I SNI.,T..illllKU9, na accidi ni lasl ss,,;,. ii,- lefl their motion feverish and -pa-modi- nu:.! i. lour. II U.K. I'l. tOtVOal <.... aver] aeri( could be mid "f him Tilt- "Ia*i-.:>ui--- I).i opinion. t iabltois mccarthy a his mothi v's room, itp-e'aira, aaylng be waa ,;,l. li never Mr. Buck formerly lived i;i Xi sv York, Wunl ;, n. i ..usc puton the f< sv minute- thal l;.lashed ott" any ol' bia cil'ii- li n en- ah down a little while. A Tlc ci bration "f thc (oundatlon or the hut foi- a number "f years pa-' h,- do* ki t. PVBLlSfl RTA* Kolo'; ll,- them li a privilege toil mu*. iraaaT. i.it.r a bi at "i a I ody tall* -ioii-. rather Jerkod off, sway¬ baa -,,_,: ,i t,. a In business in tin- lt]. Il" i- Yuillc'sadministratori i.Wimbiah. Ar¬ io. beavj ot hi- bod** pond* rouslj eb; * !is .s i; in. ss a-leard several members, of tbe ing tbe upper paxi ss i:i \ urnals tbe i.i, mbor of ih,' iii ni ol o' in ,1 i.s Colonel John H.,.uv (orappel- by now and then liter one ol tbi ea ar,? ssa- lo no to and fro as be wrote* and nd ti'" isurer ind I). for |. BRM ,1 < I iii 111,- I, MnLl.I Ksc <,l- bul no attention paid lt, e ..f tl,.- mottoes by the broki rs, and ls also tary ha-, K. Irving, K-'|.. appellant. HM s. M*. family, his hs bis lari compilation adopted -. i.tltic ac,ines. Il,'' ir. fi-r»! RI! nu.ad. \ ft ctlti' i ir n Instaal wbal collecting thoughts passing ssh,, of tl: BtcbmondGrain Elevator Company. violin,I willi I, one -u-pt his bair. Black Km!-To;s have successively sccupled rat,1.ti., and rodin «. I.rlnlit- A f.-sv minutes later en band rapidly through lonnder ol tbe He j. ail energetic and ruing voung busi- Hi st;..,,, iori:..- Thc fulton h- li. I | i. \ vf. ol had happened. he would the throne. The dynasty, ,,| di Un, tn- I s! .,,1. I or BSja I.) all Vi.Vi BOOK 8..Removal .Mr-. bis mother, coming would beoroughl bim,and whose motto ares "'Featina lento"' belore n. ---niau. Th,- I,rid" i tin oldest daugh¬ ssitv iii-,.| ,,i r/esterd ts Ll Cau Edmundson, be ss....id call lora ami i- icw.TI. 1 sand ..pll- with l-i.. bi r roi na, ssa- horrified t" see 'it- go on writing; then afterward tba! of ter Ol Mi'. Thoii.a- »'. Williams, Mos White, indict'd for larc, ns, ssas oul from down two or hi. accession, adopted sv, ll iud Tenant. IH.ftU ; ss .eh 'I upon the floor bottle ol Burgundy and gulp rare tattam l' is, i,te in Kiel,mo:..I SOCil ty, Bl In- 11«- Audit stn prone -ss.it af* "\|.iiu* bene imp. Imperinm acf|uil pi t,,, d u. "i ra um vn I'n roana Pro it y *%" li; Mar'- Insensible and three glasses, munching biscuits sic- ia ber culture as fer ber cluumlng nauv solon Johnson (color wai (onad l.email), al) -. -imet. . the ball atniiliare." Albert witb"Fugau) 1.. Mi Bala i dual, I6-&0; ol appa¬re* t'l'v, nil-, or else -tick- "f chocolate In lieu 1., tbre* ,t lbwi ' rn nu Homicide, SS.i on I Iniita- lifeless, Ile was picked np and (oi'ii ncscil," and IT'1 think 111., s-.ilh te rs, gullly of burglary ind scsBeaeed to |!"fto; . : ».;..',': rently dinn, r. Thc editor, ss bo bas 11 en mak¬ i which -ooh brough! him ol sue* in the iv ki 1. -¦-... 1:,,1 eu ¦. mu ." it'e. Ask terli, Se 'ess !>¦'.. storativea applied, .1 - ..r.eai.i morie othll beautius,''were a I'roinin* ni Citizen. yean penitentiary. I' ,l I ..-ts-., -r-l.-.o broken allosvaiices (or h.ill I'oliimii. WOUM I:, nth or .1 cnn Toni \s.irts. I uiilolls. .ll.- t,, Maud.-Mi; Be, d's to his senses. Bia collar-bone aras ing eec,led All.irf ll. and Kndcriik IV., Com pl il of I one af¬ hy . a ss - (.ami .Ha's article overflow column Mr. Josi !'h ll. t> BSbaW, cll-knosvn Km rei: c.,, in-- -¦ braised, - (olloa I ,i Lat* >.,,,; be ssa- citherwtse Bean d and ss h,,s,. inottoi were "Amiens optims rr..The A ( "¦ and ter ss ail other articles ' arith thc buslnesa -, ¦il \s -i. JOHNSTON a! Sra! thal be waa Injured another, ashing assay and *. Amor eh di-, inju-ti- citizen, long identified ss c. di-;, .i,,,- yesterday Tim liaaai as-oiiisiknt OS" Val).sti".*-«, lt waa feared till it n :i,i like an Inuml-;- rita poaseasio f died \ svas bul be la now np again and and not,-, -1 ordinal ultoi." l harli a \'. had tsso mot¬ Interests i Bichmond, William Crump (ol,,nd) fined kt and at BO -mt cent. r> du.STMl fr-ili fc^ulur prices, {Internally, t.vef entire fi ont ol toe " " No. 2810 Broad -in-i. li KIM 'EUI I.S. 1.14)1 ti'iii flu- pa- " al hi-resilience, .ii-' in thc ttl Bala 4>I'.S.^I**._ leema tobe abon! svcll. lt la supposedthal page toes .. **-,',muim and I'lii- ultra j morning tot In: rderly "drart* at I*.Lawia*a* oa thabalus- per. Then, with 11 beatty ^Ouf," the itri t. burch mu. in the -dus-third rear Charles Braves* a without vis!* / MII'I-T'IAN A \\ IIITH'S he tried to slide down-atalw white tin- motto ol ferdinand I., the "f ragraal ita.n. iiiHiiiitti't!.,:. Bl B*a**BSff (rona Um top to Fr, n. h exclamation ,-f relief, lu* would ol Ids age. 1». cea-x d ssa- -i broth, r thc "f SUP] "Tt, ssas jailed for tlil, t-riM-IMi Irrlt i. ss and so (ell, .. t: found, r of the Oirrman line ol Hapsburgs, a-.i 1 stsrssl bri -*Bs)atSBBB> probably hil and \ .* l>. 1 n ind ol William (1. d' of -ur. riantf 1'wplalMs. or throw down pen raj .. late Lewis nsbaw, month- in fault ty. i ll th.- distance ol flfteen twenty ssas Ki-it iii-tiii i. ri mun du-." Deus l.l H M'isV Sslll.-l-.K*i,fu.i fm bottom.a ss iii our eaae p. - ol i,a." hard be¬ think those lew (ines rrtate " ami Jam. i>'. Ci*ettehaw, and lira. James Prank Nelson ami ll, ft a t or on the floor ss ts toe motto ol Maxi- (colored), disorderly more, landing What! do r-alls run to live proridebil pious ll. Manet! W. .1. th" ssa* ll- ssa- . tb W.G. Crensban At a late hour la-t an unkiiossn citizen <.! me i.iadc-llill neigh¬ dispelled gloom tbe Moase ol Bishigh tem¬ nigh! t.y siam aatM at promtnenl who i,a,i been wry faces ai Bcelng of Hapsburg A ( ,., north -i-i' ol b -sin. corner <,f Elev¬ ss hitc m ni ss a. stabbed while in the loss er lava woarat mirtna pttaBaa "rill. 1 1 nj i-i mi j i rABLETS, SOME* dil tl al bli borne sonic time alnce. pulling and taree ff cl aract-T .u-r1 mbodted iii <;. |,,s,-ir. ii riti*. n*,«.-ll"i ¦-.». i,.k,,] work, borhood, ssas wart mt, per later be ami William .nd of Ko,ki lt-.. After h<* i«'t-i iv ,il ".¦ BM I min.. new; ssa- ( ol age, and their evealaa/a motto "I oti-t.-intia et f. i til inline,'' enth street,and ,,'.... I'.teil . .1 u,'<-c-.|. JA-MI I:'.- | INK I u-.i.l BYR! p, nadfl fr.in Ile about i-'hty yean the Crensban were In thegrocer] and etmuni*"- wound bo walked m tar m Um lower te. i man ol considerable wealth, ss hi- Maria Tlc r.-a, s\h., il one time lins s anil u hilo daughter on the basin bank, under the ss laid d'tisn .md died. . IN,;. Arrt-sli'tl Arter "tlarny Loiij; -ioii business, where hs Al kli-nl.i and nated for hil hii.i'.n-- qualiflcatlona founded the Home ol liipsburg-Lorralne, < ,'. < ll" wa- lis- irks, AniTo\ svi.i.h hun ii.tii. M< . Minis k HAYNES, ac¬ H ut lr.un II.nu. firm-name ..f n nshaw lo. T'h.rc ha. ju-t h. di erected in Bolly¬ abrewdness. from ssl,i'h be had chose :.s I;, r motto .'JuMitia Cr! ch¬ and " tl.- the where he died wheo tbe moaument to thc .">_flu i ol Tbe Old j, har!, OtBU"llf.] ingln house wood ¦ ran bandaome loll n lb< ,". un lilia."' Th-' motto of ber husband, '. took and Mr-. K.uk. r p. ;-. COOK. 10 A. M.. boa \ quired ' and Manv of our nttlen may -till -*e~~*-t*mb< 1 ,1 lilchuiond place, memory o' .Mr. ami Campbell MOLASS1 Trader, Ht waa a genial hospitable Frauds K. ssa- MPro Deo . .\a . Immediately Thc late tor ing, s. low !,v I \- J! KV .AN A.T'U.l NT Al. Kl IT Tld.N wagon. norum (undamentum.** Empi until la-t when in- sold it t.> nf nt >. rh ¦¦. .lol,- will bc -ll Bl ) pile-, DOHTO RI! 6 MOLA8SEs7-TM IBB tal ihot Lltaker ran away, makin.: good ssas '"Beeta Uteri.'* opt rated fear, conduct Superintend! Garrott, * UKI.I,KN,IT. , MC motto I I ". I IS r PUKCI1I o\- , Doll I'OMTo l\l>l,'TS1l ATS IdI NU l'KiJSOMI isa- almost for- Ferdinand's a N'.sv "i .rk ntl.m.m. Sisile,I th" coioletl -ch.mis .md sonic r, I -,. Iii 1',-iirU-. ntl -tr.ef. bott. his ,"scape. The allah' la, gi da) l.;-ll» BU .. Sl(,l.\--|... ,., , ,1...oner Msi-rle A! ot tin- UKI,mond Dl-uatr),.) while tbal of the reigning .overalgfl been a victim of ti,, ss " OKI- ,\ i' |lei ri»-|.(.iide-i.',- the pi oide ol mt ncii-hl.or- The deceased had long ,,f hitc once. Si POT 1 -.si 1 j-ottcii by enough, "Vlribufl un.ti-." and at tim.- his -?1.1:1 l'is< i 11 , Va,, Fchniaiy IS, KS. m..-' of assam had <>f appropriately in rheumatic gout, sufferings -upTint'iident have,ai the Btebawad ci-.-, In bood, d**epa*red foi th.r, is more ti. agth and unity the HE-, TOMATOES..1,000 Theapeeial graad Jary now eruaged -sir thc murderer brought to MBM to tilt- were Intense, and All. u'h'inv Railroad Company, Mya IDEA!lille I I'.UAD TOMATOEB; 600 cars-a frauds ol seeing dual (inpire than ssh- D be ral v. ill take fi om his |,t. in th" local of this tAIMH-.N-lM". \-. - the election lioniser, all the de¬ His furn place that thc statement paper HUD E-POI NU l-l rn il, Investigating alleged ju.-tice. Yesterday, suli m. - ai warna Irieads incorrccl. -i'lf.v. OATH, SI 00 no tal and l.u-in.ss life. A. a Bl --I VS SSIIID faa I 8 U | ii u k to GET Tin: liia-t.r ol lin.;. Haney (pOBt* tured out In Idaho. There can be dotiht The Madrid imrreapoadenl al UM Lon¬ lion, (ieorge Wolverton, prominent hit-Ti, l. T. ss. \vt>"0. - .lanian, John Biaeaeart, the ns Litaki i "-"'cnor Tubino. a and Influential eitlacn of N. X., i» cruet. xl'i cud Mxr-liill -lu i^a. id 1634 Maali itn-ter of Buchanan], that they have right niau, don Standard mys: of Justice*. Albany, I'' Mil U.K. LOT SOLD. . Andi i-'on, Samuel Poagae (cl- ol tin- whole aflEalr. As who n d Jurisdiction i,ur city, lie and lady arc at thc -tr rt, ;:. I.".I, V *¦ lt'«-*lt_ ll Chaihs made ¦ eaBwaadon Bpnnbfa -avant, present! King of a ..is lae Visiting Charles -o cnn his re¬ th"«..'.nt pp, iy 1. MAVAMK I.VITKKS ored), Burrell -lohaaoa (colored). -n as (loveri'or .Jaivi-* kama at tbe ViennaExhibitionol lara, In yaaterd Exchange (lot. so.y TO t,.U.I)l-OiKKS. ^*B»8. HAND-MADi: und Ed. Kiu-h. Thi- morning for the he will he Aipbonao ol Prince easeol Btokei vs, Jameaand olheri arm Mr. il. Carter Bubeak, of Hm Bealkag auy.Ttiht-d -tl I will ..«! al t2.oU. Rustic, quisition pttaoBCt discovered In tho |-sion ssas that |4 BBBB I in un indictment "-galas! to Kowan and will il I" this case it held tbe Va., is in thc city, -toppin"; .it tlr*- Thc KAKIIl-T AN'' HI -T UARDKN HKAB hi's brought wangat back county, Charles ol Hohenxollern, BlgBisvlngea, decided. e'kteii- Springs, KV V Ul , s,:. A lot ( f NAYY TIES ami liAlT- iMininer, of Mount I'nlon pro¬ answer his crime before a boms ol sshich prevails in thc mark-r: slao. HIVVAUIKI fOVOBBM Janus V. be made lo f"i- a etoerary urn containing the and practice justice, into Exehange. BAOKsrul TOM \T»). fmi..-if.1-rros.' Sf tonal lo inllticnei' Kl Cid and ot debil mall ll -' I.US»i»|.*,o; duct, tor attempting jury of his countrymen. nins tik'n fi..tn the tomb Ol ilvely, "cutting np" ins..lied Tin: K.i.im.kk Off v NiAiiSiiiiiTitii Mas \S ll.I I \M (ITT. lir.i^l.l. I're, man in hi** vote and hal- heroes of sums so a- to reduce the un* nate omer x seiii«iit**«Aii Ands Int of St, S3.no, S3, and $i!.50 LADIKS that (lardner told Iii in lu¬ as lottie ran ''ame from Goo. bl md, and tbe Moaait r -1 us Mr. lindner; may M of red (allie completely seil,al with ntan archives I, ft BO doab! au¬ Thc a m.md and not thc Old Do-aiinlou sNt.ili \p->i:-"V -I ll*l*i Ms is nulli no and had as well leave, omi ,,t of thc Circuit liding Grays, »*!'.,M LAMDRBtal ai|l; gal work, Florence lace. The faille Watti i-i very losv ol the rcmslna, King a- Brown, com- voted the Dcinocrtitie ticket, anti thenticity wai austalned. i.'i.ir.l, reported. Captain is. BS (.MIAT UL ALLH.ATOI! SLII'PKR at ll uiiles. ha in thc neck nnd has no IBWVBB, showing Alphonso and the Madrid (Jovernment ssrit of prohibition the old Dominion (attard, rv- KXlKA-KAlllA. '.*. Ift.-.O-arr'iUshal; thal thli ssa*- tin reason he voted M he did. tine !)n differ¬ restitution of me manding * I T-.-lK'ltr SVAl***. M per bnihal. D a hsrssln. J. A. ORII'.i;, Pace l*l.-ck, the ann* tlirouj-h the laet, resolved to oak lor the i.'eiit.'-Satitli y N'o- -i ti. to make this col rivtiou. His coin- it, r. ma ir, A number "f Democrat-, have baan are hum In ic The Pi ince of .jin "J4 r Main nud Ki-rlitl. large ent of the toilet, hes of red aches of tl),* Kkvt"*-**snti>:r..Th'4 ss ssa. in full uniform, and fe li tin* I11*''" moat "" parU [vopular t" Burleafiue Company ill appear pain pic-cut 14-CcKl'Jm_Vu.;..rt-a brough! before graad festooned down undi r red velvet Hohenzollern consented gffi them up rettyand mali- vs.n- in at tho ¦< IIOK-'B ss lunn that ".now of no frauds poppies, tomorrow ii,..".- who aotaajaged duty A liRHl KT! KAI. sC'ttt).- /SAKI.K testify they ribbon bown. Thi* style of draw can be ot on rccivinir an aBtognpfa lette* (romKing ai thc Theatre to-night, d thc nar -cits. IT.OVKB SKID. - lu hall NKW-t'ttUf j *.; ti . in 1he late election. The olr- night, ''absolutely occiipi- .'V ^Nr".\ lo.r.T.t-asBa^V committed lace ova r colored or black j-muntl- this being mated. Senor ne,-, aad to-morrow c<'lu¬ AN sKU),i lU.Ul. ( ..e.s ku 11. nr, to itt the name of tin¬ I.lack Alphon-o, and, nov-1, :md attractive n- Thc Richmond t'KKN'*TTSl(,ri', s *.fl"er I jii't mnus be lo gat Libe l-> banjA on skins for flounces Tiihino has now broB?ht tilth, I the pre¬ th,, m .t brilliant, that iu hi sn , k\ iiBi .. si:ii-i.l-.s- l'-l'-1Mi*: ss ho ii lo Mr. from this in*,'. i« '¦..' world'"--tlieDaughter*! pins'in this city lua-tivlpatcd Ibe N!\V HKBI)S-,.UAhs -HH. K \YVf AND hELEITKO STOCK Or man ported Massey twisted scarf*. When the lace ls cious miirhlo urn and it in tho band*) tertalniB. nt i for -Ml', vs 1 \ 1 M.ansiK*,\\J'._»SVl.l SU a of and fOT placed >. ans- more battle ol lianMllorsvUla* aavum held Itl. t I -c.UW. I '- tot *al« UsHI'l-l, eounty. Cephas Moomaw, member to cut it is anaraaad at the The Uank.-r. Ki' mn depends SKlll *IA1>. PB1MK -'M. li, a IbHNN, t.-xtiti. d that lu¬ too elegant skilfully of thc Kine; palace. ceremony the ol hardheaded a lt'ii).' time a very iinpsi,f*»iit mid BteSsBgll K. B- **¦*. W* * *°"' SATCHKLa the Kidd ol Supervisor*, on which lt completely covers. took in thc prcsi'n-'<'f the (Miw-n anil largel* upon jatronagc ..verwlicliiunt- t,y l-l *c ".> on saw Kd. waist*, place *¦ point BU4X6Mfully "iKBtii-t 17-e*>*13,.i ¦.."'._ II TH CN KS. * isa- ut Troutvlllt- election-day, th'1 ualst ll used without the it,sal familv, Benor Segasta, deputation-! nit-n tuan "¦' bull. that Ja lill out a Bluiietlines . nosy for sale. numbers. The coaaaaajf tts aaaaateg (i. Kiiharilsoii, re^-ittral", eapila- IH heads, and sometimes lt is from the seicntitic roefetd - aad th,- Ij, DltV-HJSU AMI fr*AINHM.. Ly 0. T. Hazle¬ addition of aeade* was commanded by Un ur presead Lleate irob. -nt.ri-* *»*»._ tion-tax receipt Signed worked with rich jet emhroiilery mv of lllitorv, and thc a fBatori and ss: Ur¬ otu; Mi.iofi, N collectors, heavily depu* Monday AN'i) TCTPAT*-** Phillips and Ty*, r, and I U.B ftt\-Beat vi - l/sl.N I Iii) | Kum LIFE wood, ol special combined with fringe und chenille or- ties of the Province of Bui*gos, wtlere it || Tm:' TiiK.vTiiK Bants, ETAI.8, i.KlM'-K'M *i of datums M. ( mu and at thc Thentri is c.-in plI mc uto*u l-otli frioiidaiidfoe lion- :t initH all*s; HrHW-Sl***, olt 111 ;!oi.K\M!l*i. PHOTOORAPUH wltb (lie mimi' raddock, st existed. Other IV. M.'AnUv ssill :n>|)(':'.r bj M Iti-aiM dlUr Pd.li: tin* " , natue wus otn iimnent*-. ! supposed A sa.t-:i-a I ' '- *".'!' . ' , -. .1 the d»*llii<|UMit list, of fte ,!.».;..'¦, Sect ion." phi) and Ohh j Mit-c-t-lrtiu; K:i)T":'a Mlt-s | .nt UU.DREN ou sAI I RDA) had no to Hon. .1. Randolph Tucker has accepted lighted th*! nMeaentatlves aaclent and on Tm-das ling ";mltl> vs. Tba ihe-ai-edxe /.me *co],!t-r, ul.-. IBOclc-nl* orh-e.. MHB. I!KT!!, thal tlie s'lid Iliizlewood authority Kn.l. DanMj sd iiiiklTU-.-'. -,iir,wivi ' who un invitation to deliver an address on thc of fast ile by telling them that he halt ol lt .'iiroti'. Ciinpaiiv Jiates WelKord bas Bc.ll. mill Uilte . Illili.1. .¦'.-». ." ..">|ll». '-..Im B aoulh Htcnd receipt for tim capitatlon-tax of a voter carpltnl Council in ** lin Jersi ymaii," svlicrc be pet tx Vovu M- WOKTIIAM. _ lu; ehnl- 22*1 Of Fttbruury b* fore thc pupils and li¬ Intrusted to the Town ol Burgos Blcht Mack** a-ldo thc verdict of the as contrary DJ HKNBY 'md !)<'l baaa n-turned ,1, iinqui nt, have- Gilderoy N- <». I'-'nk, of Jury i Srl\\nt «Qrvtcri'\t^wKua*m^mt).tt\vm% JJ't'iK AMD JOB "WORK NE *- TI. V vote. He al-o staled that he hnd tton, ol Charlotte Hull Aeadciny, tjt, tin* um and ashes which be*j,, .rcco. sonatcs the Inw and evidence. Boiith consigned KS lenged his :i manner,*" Nv'^v .Jc^*'"', U. B, I -JgECCTLDallue Dlhl'AKH PRINTINC been Informed ly blbw Eddy tbat flYe Mary's county, Md. I vercd In so singular rclvillf,