Tlirhmond Pspatrh
THE DISPATCH. i Kims OF ADVLKTIKIN'J DISPATCH COMPANY. c iS'i-isiahi awi isii,.,n.i. BYTHE ir., *-A«l, io tm tea t in Al'la-'t r. sri ll l« dcllserrsl lo .soh¬ '.i«'C|,i.:rr-. isto insertion.. 1 00 Tlie DAD S IH-I-VK "¦ie nina Iiwrtlonc. 1 60 nt linns ranTa |<cr week, para ide io s.,.i,,rc, ier!!-r-r. M-lled al *.<" per annum : *.< On* -'I'lire, ,i» |,|s<«. fl (Iff TM, , moiittia: ll."IO *>>r Hirer Months; noe. for DISPATCH. ire.iw, ,sel.s»rl|.ina. fi HQ DAILY On, (,i.. fi-ralx -'nure. m,,.ih. 10 00 DISPATCH a" SJ peraa- . me-..,mti,-,two m-.niiic. ia oo °Th" SKMI-lVrt-KI.Y MORNING, l-'KRRI'ARY KT, IBB. NO. 40. >>iies.|ii.irc,)[irrem'ln'ha. 2.1 Off ' ERIPAY ¦ or VOL. LXIII. SI TA., " um, RICHMOND, . ' ts I Kt A PIM* ST (Tl si »1 ivcrsnmins. ¦..¦¦**! llrlc-r \* -ts Mini,, .foci I nt of I ho Tr.*li.(*(,f tho iircgg lot cit lot.aeco hy thc UMMMB* and Ohio others had voted under thc same ,-lreiim- LOCAL MATTKRS. I'nud. Railroad bul lt waa de¬ TT.I.Y Kl RK, sbinces. Mr. t- .tilled to that etti ct Thc Taqblatt says that WflBBCI has writ¬ Compaay, keton H-oI.l liddy af which At a meeting; of thc trustees of thc luded he had r.-BSOIl lol;.-!;, ve thai UK- tlirhmond baton tin- -.ruid jun thi, I aa- ten an satobtegraphy, lara 111.
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