THE DISPATCH. i Kims OF ADVLKTIKIN'J DISPATCH COMPANY. c iS'i-isiahi awi isii,.,n.i. BYTHE ir., *-A«l, io tm tea t in Al'la-'t r. h..in-eriioii.f sri ll l« dcllserrsl lo .soh¬ '.i«'C|,i.:rr-. isto insertion.. 1 00 Tlie DAD S IH-I-VK "¦ie nina Iiwrtlonc. 1 60 nt linns ranTa |<cr week, para ide io s.,.i,,rc, ier!!-r-r. M-lled al *.<" per annum : *.< On* -'I'lire, ,i» |,|s< rU.in«. fl (Iff TM, , moiittia: ll."IO *>>r Hirer Months; noe. for DISPATCH. ire.iw, ,sel.s»rl|.ina. fi HQ DAILY On, (,i.. fi-ralx -'nure. m,,.ih. 10 00 DISPATCH a" SJ peraa- . me-..,mti,-,two m-.niiic. ia oo °Th" SKMI-lVrt-KI.Y MORNING, l-'KRRI'ARY KT, IBB. NO. 40. >>iies.|ii.irc,)[irrem'ln'ha. 2.1 Off ' ERIPAY ¦ or VOL. LXIII. SI TA., " um, RICHMOND, . ' ts I Kt A PIM* ST (Tl si »1 ivcrsnmins. ¦..¦¦**! llrlc-r \* -ts Mini,, .foci I nt of I ho Tr.*li.(*(,f tho iircgg lot cit lot.aeco hy thc UMMMB* and Ohio others had voted under thc same ,-lreiim- LOCAL MATTKRS. I'nud. Railroad bul lt waa de¬ TT.I.Y Kl RK, sbinces. Mr. t- .tilled to that etti ct Thc Taqblatt says that WflBBCI has writ¬ Compaay, keton H-oI.l liddy af which At a meeting; of thc trustees of thc luded he had r.-BSOIl lol;.-!;, ve thai UK- tlirhmond baton tin- -.ruid jun thi, I aa- ten an satobtegraphy, lara 111. l'<.|,llMlll<,ll. lo pspatrh. evening, ,re In exlHtcnce. lilli,MK*,-, Kund," h-ld nt 5 V. M., pal ty whom it tran consixn.-d would i po- '.Gregg yesterday dcfnrtaad. aili write yon te-mtwrow ¦***.**> A StfUOKSTIO.N THAT TIIK VOUCU TARKA NKSV it wai deleimlned that thc to he fall, nnd so he noililed thc company not Y \ I. ti.T Iri-eLtilariti.-k, -viii Me eon-idcn-d Sun the th In asylum BBB (hhs y M. (SSS. theta Thc Ilaltinnre reports ath t'EXHI'H. "fStabiished nan and M, tho- lo deliv. r ll: hut lt wa. n rpi, st!on whe¬ i; .. o V V A A M KK1DAY.FEBRUARY siithe:. nt towal rant indictment*, of eoaras < ll. K. the di-- hythe I'rcd.yt* I; «) AAA L that cits of aptain Cn*i|i.-r, In thc of thc aasBBB for di*t dmr h. s of this shall he known iu* ther he iIkI not aft, marda authorize KKK O YY lt is iou coinpendiiiin city (* O V A A 1. eh, aecidental that this --rand Jury , ,,v. ,' of Um Island in the Carrih- i-su, the statenietlt them to deliver il. did U ll A LIT!. of gaiao 1^80, ju-t tl, following "Thc Blcbtnond Home for Ladles." A Tl.ey deliver lt li O'"' VA is cot,ipos,.-1, with ,s-,o exceptions, bean lia. of the i- made, Btcbmond committee Ut for thc lt, mid it was teat, Smith *tic*l them for aa-THE < IMrri.ATKIN Of TDK DISPATCH ss hom have population giving piireha-c pBWUeify prominent I{, adjuster*, four of for the lirnt tim.* in thc Hm* a* thc cits hail Ix-en the value of (he tohu.eo. The re¬ COMHINKD ITIDT- i>, en There Wilmington, N. OU position tsvcnty-fifth corporation prevtoBUy appointed Jury IS LAHOKR THAN TUM BapaMieana tinea the svar. i* free from Ir-ond- In the Knion: M follows: J. P. W. W. Tarker, turned a verdict in his f ivor. OTHER DAILY MW- aka ba no in it -ince the war. past-due Branch, A K 1! NN \ GOG LATlON'OKAI.t. TDK. potttteal slgnMcaaee what* its ll cent, homls ure in New and T. William Pcmt-orton. Wc under¬ HUB K so, ser. ed daht. and per Y.rk.1.200.21.!) ii \ v KI uss- s ,. (i PAPBBB OK TDK i nv. di mau.1 at hy investors, riilliidclf.lila. --47.I7U stand thai a suftabte piec <,f **s*operty svill I "emt ttf Hat In lets-*. Pilli AW lib ll B B B tl Indictments hase hon found ii-'-'in-t par llr.oKlyn. 61*1.068 a UN S K .. (.. -,.,.1.1.-,.-, soon be purchased, and that af no distant Ihe ; lt ii \ BX < ircle for on Sun¬ : Wil¬ CWeaao. .' " To the Cdilor nf MbSBBM A A Iv R H N NN GOG nu rcI at the r.-.l-onTce at I! Minion,!. Vs.. aa John L. Belling whiskey A flt .Tohns (X. leJBgTBBj BByi H"-I'"i. H02.830 another Hom** svill lu: for M'.ll 11 a .1 the B.) a day opened In the statement of the Sn- M-ctnid-claaa rnaur,-. I das, and against! color. tench.!-I-y liam Bughea killed hi- is if,- with hatchet .**'. I*"il*. .150.A18 thc aired .md intirm of our Thia an- piihlDlicd mime ,.f for unm< mile* Hall I m..rc. 333,313 «-lty. there Ut he a irrave Preston rclfnlij wblpplag Sunday at Willow Qrove, twelve (Tiicitiii.fi. of>fi.ITU Bonneement will ioa-btlen bbbbi many perintendent appear* one of hi. She ssas almost error. The statement purports to ;*lve the UHR pupils. from Mil city. decapitated. San Kianclsco. 833,059 heads to li(> lichter on their to- ¦"jen oo W W VI HDD KEEK WEATHER REPORT. M. 1*. Linkenboker waa to-day aaoatttad New Orleans. 810,090 pMoWl result of tba oparatlona tor tbe tl., ai rear, 0 .' " ss ss ss VV D D I! I a * 1. -.. l-io.llts >o D KKKI RRR -I-'ur the Mil- for -hooting toward* Edward AV ickllnc Mrs. Matilda IV-mllt-ah, professional 1.111,1. nlfht. ending 1st February, 1X3. Credit is taken ..pp ,. <i VS SS WW D iNMK'ATKiNS rOB To-DlV. NY iv I'll'-fiiirKli. 16,".:iMI On motion of Dr. W. W. Parker the f,.| SS ISSI D I) 1 lt lt . while the latter ssa.-, maltreating' lu* Has entered suit against thc for the durln-f that In- J. (> o VA ll die Atlantic Mat,-, iain, foll.,ss .,1 Ms art ly boga. singer, lliiff.il... lt ft,I SI officers to thc affairs ,.f tin- production period, VS VV ODD BBB H lure to Central and Hwlsnii-Itii.-r railroad ., I 17 "a i lowing maaaga tin- J. tHi iveaiiier in the Boathara Ex-Senator .1. IV. Mar-hall I. York SS tiln/toii. for first were asJsa of cone, wmbM nceount e|(.ii,ly portions, for for the lo** of a foo!. B4*w-»rl.. 130,508 eo**porattoa the year anani- eludingis BO lft-lj| ss iuds. or attend the marna:.'.- ol hi- sister la-htW, **J'i..TSi daiBragm ts D. del'ited only with thr <li-l.ur«>Ti**-nt-i o.tst.riy ki southerly BteUOBarj a she i.'.i'1-.MIl'-. 193.768 nioiisly elected to if: Rev. M. Boga, risc fel¬ .Mi-s Kv a S. (.rant, lo Mr. T. .*-. Maloney, In attempting to hoard train Bafaaed IB0.722 svhleli thc Auditor'* hooks show were rowle sliK'l.t ri-e in trin-HTiiliire, llifhi a hoard, illy. I). D., president; .lam." IK Pace, Km]., lowed 'allin1,' haroun ter. the telc'-iaph-:>pcratoi al t'liiniiini'dit, West her foot in',', owing to misplaced iMr.dt. 110.340 John 1\ llratnb, during thc lime patted. The Auditor's AND CLOT II HRH. ky take* CC M.-inorrosv and the cal's pa-sed over lld" foot, Craahtng Milwaukee.,. 115.B87 vice-president; Esq., hook*) show such a. have TAII.OKN Va. The ceremony pla I'rosld, me. 1,14 -.,7 <'oloncl William 1*. Munford, only expense*} al the ld ide'.* mother. *sftT r lt. *!<',7*.H treasurer; Leen p lid. Such a> hnvo h. en In¬ I LORIN!. ssriTiftit svas warm nnd bOBM Of the Allan jr. secretary. actually TA Tiik IBBIBBBAY ss li the have BB ex¬ i:,.c|,.-ter. N.V..stl.-loti curred and- not donor appear on Ihe [<*INF. in tin- and itfternoon- hi. bappy couple let The (Jralveatoa Hem Graham sp,dal says 1'it. 78.050 Dr. D. II. who MM »o much in¬ poul AT -Iioivcry ¦noralng Moir Mo: ] h. Alle-?I,eny. Qtagg, Auditor's booka. Tbe tn ute out at tlmcs-mul n:i-lv tended a dioperate timk place four mile- from IndUiri|«,||.. 7">.0.',0 terested la our came from Massachu- appropriations 1 th. sun brightly The Kev. I*. II. Kian was lined ami (ghi ICIcliuiiiii.l, Va. ,, lt',".' city, the< olin.-ilf,-r tlc- mauuf.ir-liiroof ira.for M''DillATE TUM ! *. cooler a! $10 hore Tm-day Bight in un old log house M'tts forty years ago und settled in Kin*- hy and night, lound over in tl,. tVOS Of to the ns who citicH the past Hscul nar amounted lo the sum Y K-TI-BB A V | fi A. M., SJ |SI keep between four min, tsvo on B side, to The iiopulatioiiof Viriritilu L*given William comity, where for many years TTlKRMOMKTI.H . I,"5 in the Aiuntor's office pctici a cheap luxury this, of beatingone's have Shnti-un.-. six- aa follosvs: his The Doc¬ of *? 7,OOO. Papen ti a. M. boob, RS; ;: P. M., sf; fl P should possession. he pracBoad profession. from thc l.'orrmittee on chow tbr-t Qt; wife. shooters ind a Winchester rill*- were used Mex-uiilrla.1 MM tor is a and is nosv in his Light MATOI ( Bl A SON.
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