Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Index to Volume 114 (2006) Bold page numbers indicate illustrations (Issue number 1: 1–224; 2: 225–320; 3: 321–432; 4: 433–545) A Barney, Charles G., 48, 54–56, 60, 87 A. H. Robins, 195 Barton, David, 275 abolitionism, 488 Batson, Barbara C., and Tracy L. Kamerer, A Capital Accomack County Court, 443 Collection: Virginia's Artistic Inheritance, 420–21 Adams, Henry, 35, 71 Battle Abbey, 1–2, 69, 89, 114, 116–24, 127–29, Adams, Sean Patrick, Old Dominion, Industrial 130–31, 138–39, 145, 147, 149, 153–54, 159–61, Commonwealth: Coal, Politics, and Economy in 164, 167–68, 170–71, 192, 203, 206–7 Antebellum America, 303–4 construction of, 117 review by, 300–1 physical expansion of, 122–23, 134, 172, 181, advertising campaign (1991), 180 188–89, 193, 196, 200 African slavery, 436, 448, 450 Bearss, Sara B., 150 Along the Maysville Road: The Early American Republic Bel Air (Front Royal), 225, 264–65, 271 in the Trans-Appalachian West, by Craig Thompson Bemiss, FitzGerald, 158 Friend, 508–9 Bemiss, Samuel Merrifield, 123, 127, 134–35 American Association of Museums, 184 Ben (slave), 264 American Association of State and Local History, 132 Benton, Thomas Hart, 325, 344 American Frontier Culture Museum, 176 Bergen, William W., 513 American Historical Association, 83, 91, 102 Berkeley, William, 441, 442, 447, 452, 457 American military history, 294–95 Berkey, Jonathan M., review by, 513–14 American Revolution, 294–95, 405–6, 517–19 Bernstein, R. B., review by, 407–8 Anderson, Paul Christopher, review by, 514–15 Best Products, 195 Andrew, Rod, 227–28, 232, 240 Beth Ahabah Museum and Archives, 176 Andrew W.
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