Telecommunications Equipment Providers (Ranked by Number of Local Full-Time Employees) No
Telecommunications Equipment Providers (Ranked by number of local full-time employees) No. of Phone Systems Sold and Installed in 2011 No. of Local Total No. of Employees Phone Percentage of Name 1 Systems Business that Percentage 2011 Local 3 Address Full-Time Total No. of 2 Sold and is of Work Year Telephone Employees Revenues Installed in Commercial / Sub- Locally 1 1 Rank Web site Part-Time Companywide ($000) Electronic Key Hybrid PBX VOIP 2011 Residential Contracted Major Brands Offered Additional/Specialty Services Notable Clients Top Local Executive(s) Founded Globalinx Inc. 240 271 81,360 NA NA NA NA NA 70 / 30 NA Polycom Inc., Yealink Network VOIP (hosted and SIP trunking), MPLS, NA Craig Jerabeck, 2001 1. 275 Kenneth Drive Technology Co., LTD Zyxel data (T1, OC, EOC, gige), SMS, toll-free president and CEO Rochester, N.Y. 14623 4 Communications Corp., Leadtek and conferencing (585) 334-2600 Research Inc. Adtran Inc., Cisco Systems Inc. Finger Lakes Technologies Group Inc. 96 104 NA NA NA NA NA 150 100 / 0 NA Cisco Systems Inc. Voice and Internet services, data center NA Paul Griswold, president 1995 2. 11 Framark Drive, Suite 20 solutions, data network services, co- and CEO Victor, N.Y. 14564 0 location facilities, mobile applications, (585) 924-3510 hosted services, NOC services, conferencing solutions, monitoring services, dark fiber and Ethernet services ICS Telecom Inc. 35 35 NA NA NA NA NA NA 100 / 0 NA Mitel Networks Corp., Polycom Inc., Cloud managed services, SIP trunks, Rochester City School District, Raj Shah, chief 1976 3.
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