FREMANTLE Ho ERALD Volume 29 N 18 Your local, INDEPENDENT newspaper 41 Cliff Street, Fremantle Saturday May 5, 2018 Fremantle: Letterboxed to Beaconsfield, East Fremantle, Fremantle, Hilton, Ph: 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 North Fremantle, O’Connor, Samson, South Fremantle and White Gum Valley Email:
[email protected] SEE WA IN STYLE WITH Off ELITE TOURS Win a double pass to Stringy Bark Winery on jack Wednesday, 13 June valued at $170. LIVE TRADE DEBATE SEE COMPETITIONS by STEVE GRANT PAGE FOR DETAILS MELVILLE Bowling Club has withdrawn support for a sports hub on Tompkins Park, throwing “...must be a spanner in the works for Melville council. At a special meeting on stopped in the Saturday morning called by about 40 members, the club narrowly voted 36-31 Middle Eastern to tell the council it would no longer co-operate in the proposal until after summer.” an inquiry by the local government department, and a supreme court challenge to a wave park lease on the site, have been • Katrina Love from Stop Live Exports WA in front of the Al Messilah, which loaded 10 storeys-worth of sheep this week. completed. SOMEWHERE Photo by Alice Angeloni Under the council’s IN THIS proposal MBC would have shared clubrooms with PAPER IS A the Mt Pleasant bowls club along with cricket, FAKE AD! rugby and football clubs on Tompkins Park. Find it for your Exporters’ plan The move had been chance to win a supported by the club’s feast for two at president Gary McCormack The National Hotel and confirmed by a vote of Fremantle.