PAGE 8 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES .JUNE 23. 1934 SHIRLEY TEMPLE FILM RETAINED FOR SECOND WEEK AT APOLLO 5-Year-Old Girl Scores Paul Lukas Triumph in First Role Starred in Talented Youngster Receives Capable Support From Lyric Film Excellent Cast, Including James Dunn. Five-year-old Shirley Temple, heralded as the darling of the nation, Baer-Carnera Fight Also has added to her list of triumphs. Enacting her first title role in “Baby Take a Bow.” now appearing at the Apollo theater, this charming little Featured on This girl has been so unanimously accepted by the public that her picture is being retained for a second week. Week's Bill. Shirley, vivacious as she is sweet, is said to find it great sport make to Two unusual comprise pictures. The freshness and innocence of her being of prime attractions personality the Lyric screen fare for the director and the cast were faced with the necessity of theater's importance, the current are "Af- devising the acting each day into a game. Shirley loves to play at acting week. They fairs of a Gentleman,” a romantic —which to the members of the cast is work. Baby Take a Bow*’* is story mystery drama starring Paul Lukas ‘ the Leila of a young just out of prison, and Hyams, supported by a man ern spy whom Miss Davies is sent to big of favorite a girl who marries him because she cast players, and the destroy—and with whom she falls in official motion of the believes in him, and the result of love. pictures Baer- Carnera world's heavyweight cham- their union, an adorable baby girl On the short subject program is joy pionship boxing contest. who is the pride and of their the latest Charley Chase comedy, hearts. “Affairs of a Gentleman” presents Another Wild Idea.” a Mickey Mouse the Lukas in the Into the picture enters an escaped and suave and polished val- cartoon. "Playful Pluto.” com- role famous author who has convict and the theft of some pleted by the latest minute views of a from the home of the “affairs” with not less than a half uable pearls of current news a? picturized by boy’s employer. Suspicion and dozen beautiful women, and who Hearst Metrctone News. persecution by a self-styled detective engages in the dangerous practice cloud the happiness of the little of making each romantic adventure family. The thief, passing the flat, the basis of anew bo >k. gives the jewels to the baby in order That such a practice would serve to avoid being caught with them in Fox to Offer to create enemies is only natural, his possession. and so, when the literary Don Juan The denouement grows more ex- is found dead in his apartment un- citing as the criminal returns and New Type of der mysterious circumstances each takes the jewels and the baby to of the women to whom he has made cover his escape. love is suspected of being impli- After an exciting sequence of cated. events, recovered, the the gems are Modern Film Several jealous rivals and an captured and heroine il) Natural beauty spots of Cali- culprit Shirley, assorted group of others a all forma are used as background m . including of the hour, removes suspicion butler, Fox film will be the first motion several in “Doctor Monica.” ¦*-¦ ** publisher, a and a secretary from her daddy. scenes subjected to Kay - are police scrutiny as A great deal of comedy and hu- picture company to inaugurate its which stars Francis. This Jt&m? has been injected into scene shows Miss Francis and the plot unfolds, but the solution o£ man interest 1934-35 season with a pre-release * camaraderie Warren William a second r~~Z. JP the mystery provides the picture the scenes showing the enjoying gMc y/^ with and affection between the father showing of "The World Moves On” honeymoon. The star is cast a 1 a most surprising climax. as. Lukas and Miss have the and baby and the episode of the at the Criterion theater, New York ' j Hyams birthday Shir- support of such popular screen child's party affords City, Thursday, June 28. will be ley another opportunity to show her It players as Patricia Ellis, Phillip the country talents as a singing and dancing en- released throughout Reed, Onslow Stevens, Dorothy tertainer. shortly after its New York opening. Burgess, Lillian Bond, Joyce Comp- Included in the cast are James Madeleine Carroll and Franchot always makes heroines, good and ton, Dorothy Libaire, Richard Carle, the the stellar roles lovers I Sarah Hadden and others. Directed Dunn and Claire Trevor as Tone play as young father and mother. Alan who survive the mad destruction of by Edwin L. Marin, “Affairs of a Dir.ehart and other prominent conflicting forces in modern civil- Gentleman” was adapted from the screen stars. Short subjects sup- ization. finding at the end that ony stage play, “Women in His Life,” by plementary to the mam attraction spiritual values are sound and con- Edith and Edward Ellis. include the comedy, “No Sleep on stant. ture of Shirley Temple and James •'.... 1 The Baer-Carnera fight pictures “Joe's I. the Deep.” a cartoon entitled The picture boasts a cast of tried Dunn. They romp this way in provide spectators with a ringside Lunchwagon,” Romantic Journey 1 a and popular performers, and has Baby, Take a Bow.” now in its I view of the most spectaculr prize Fox Movietone News. l : iL ring reel and been endowed with lavish and spec- second week at the Apollo. • w | encounter in a decade. a * a b tacular production. •4* Manon Davies goes in for I aPjKjfflPL * 1 All the drama and thrills that de- Among the supporting players are P veloped during the eleven hectic Dr. at Circle Louise Dresser, Raul Roulien. Sieg- rounds of the fight in which Max Monica' fried Rumann, Reginald Denny, Baer, the California Lothario, won Francis, Warren William, . the championship from the gi- Kay Dudley Digges, Brenda Fowler, Jean Muir bring “Dr. Monica” to Lumsden Hare, Frank Moran, Step- gantic Italian, Primo Camera, are reproduced in every detail. week, pre- in Fetchit. Ferdinand Schumann- the Circle theater this The fight pictures being Heink. and a score of others. are senting a beautiful love story of a shown exclusively Lyric. film, a pro- at the fight to her The Winfield Sheehan talented doctor’s hold duction, was directed by City Girl Will husband through a childless mar- who will be remembered for “Four riage from a young and beautiful Sons,” “Pilgrimage,” and more re- inadvertently British Casts girl who has fallen in cently “The Lost Patrol.” Reginald love with her husband. Make Balloon Berkeley, who adapted Noel Cow- The importance of having an The husband, played by Warren ard's “Cavalcade” for Fox, wrote William, has written a number of English player in all American pic- the original screen play. being recognized by successful novels and is exceedingly Trip at Park tures is fast the Fcx Corporation has younger The Film Hollywood producers. Fox and popular with the set. the theater for the the infatuation of leased Criterion other large companies have used the He returns which is Jean Muir for a time and later finds run of the picture expected At Riverside amusement park to- system for some time with success, be one of the outstanding pro- ?hat he is only attracted by her to morrow afternoon Opal Thompson, featuring such players as Heather youth and beauty and is in reality ductions of the year. an Indianapolis girl, will attempt Angel, Clive Brook, Diana Wynyard, Pat Patterson and others. Mono- in love with his wife. her first solo balloon ascension and parachute leap. gram is the latest to adopt the prac- tt u n Severing It will be her first time to take tice. Two of its recent pictures, Roof the trip into the clouds alone. Some “Jane Eyre” and “Shock,” featured Davies' Film at Palace weeks ago she made her first ascen- almost complete British casts. sion with big balloon, Among the players were Ralph. ’folding the pages of history is the Riverside Opens but on that occasion she was ac- Forbes, Colin Clive, Gwenllian Gill, “Operator 13,” an exciting Robert Garden i companied by a veteran aeronaut. Aileen Pringle, Jameson Thomas W. Chambers story which Metro- | who supervised the cutting loose of and Beryl Mercer. Now Trem Carr, Monogram vice-president, has taken presents as Marion the multiple parachutes. Goldwyn-Mayer I yet another English player for an Outdoor Club Tomorrow afternoon Davies’ newest starring vehicle with the daring important role in “Moonstone,” young as her leading man I woman will be on her own. Wilkie Collins’ English mystery. She The ascension will be under the di- and which opened yesterday at William H. Wells, Severein YEAR is pretty Evelyn Bostock, and her man- rection of Mile High Ruth, well GREAT MONTE CARLO BALLET TO APPEAR HERE THIS L<- ”s Palace. ager, the opening of the first will be in the nature of announces Riverside balloon fans. Dog and Pony picture “Operator 13” is a love story for with dmner and danc- known to the a test to determine whether or not roof garden Tomorrow nigHl the Moun- which the Civil war serves only summer season. Smoky ggggggg rang, •^ she will catch the public fancy. In of ing for the tain Boys, a quartet of hillbillymu- as a background. It is the story generous she does, she will be groomed This rendezvous received sic -.s from Tennessee, enter- \ Ripple case an all-powerful love involving a 1 will £ll fßir Show Is for acclaim in former years and is ex- '* stardom. beautiful woman spy of the Union tain in the Riverside beer gardens. fllit V Jlk : pected to satisfy an urgent demand address has been mm •rmy and a gallant spy of the Con- A public system Carole Wants to Paint for a cool, smart supper club in installed in the park, and the enter- federate forces. Park Feature Carole trying to Manon Davies is cast as Gail downtown Indianapolis. tainment features are reproduced Lombard is teach Kjg WRfflLr> ~ to by copying the Loveless, the federal spy who is sent The roof garden is unique in that in various parts of the resort. JL herself paint the ballroom is bounded on two orchestra •***" colored sketches made by Travis into the southern lines to destroy The Dolly Gray con- fl|. jfrJL MMI bHmbL* iHs Monte Beehler’s Dog and Pony dangerous spy of con- sides with a spacious terrace, there- tinues to provide the dance tunes Banton, Paramount fashion de- the most the Circus will be the feature attrac- federacy. Gary Cooper is the south- by providing the choice of dining in the moonlight dance palace, and signer. either in the open beneath the stars E. W. Mushrush, manager, is stag- t this afternoon and tonight at MOTION PICTURES or in the roofed inclosure. ing a weekly ’ es’ night each Broad Ripple park. The circus is A border of subdued colored lights Tuer -’ey, when all ladies are admit- composed of several acts of trained rarcianEiMga lends charm and ted free. enhances the gala dogs ponies appear of improved The usual roller skating sessions and and will effect the decorative the also at scheme. ar being continued right through in park tomorrow after- the rink, where The sendee kitchen has under- the summer in the big noon and night. special -ooling in opera- gone complete rearrangement and a system is Tomorrow afternoon, the Broad and been tion. refurnishing has equipped has Ripple pool will present the World’s with service bar its The children's playground a complete in been with anew of Fair champion log art (bo! appointments. covered coating rollers. The tanbark. and many additional tables of log rolling originated in the Dance music will be provided by have been installed in and benches lumber camps, where the Severm Serenaders under the free grove, making River- Monte Carlo Ballet Russe lumberjacks the picnic rode logs which floating in the direction of Walter A. Jackson, side ideal spot for family out- were an get a when they realize it. One of chief on the rivers. well known in local music circles. A ings. Sometimes people really gift don’t the attractions | varied assortment of singing and concert serier of Mrs. Nancy Martens next season at English's is the Monte Carlo Ballet which now is in The object in log rolling is to Cooßen [ dancing will complete the program. Good Names in Cast Paris after its first American tour which was a triumph. unbalance the other person on the log so that he will fall into the Former stars of the pictures and business matters peculiar to water. The exhibition will be staged / Nn Sot**" SurtdiMtW \ stage—including George Walsh, Hel- and stars. Brisson has a piano in his in the pool in front of the grand- (boSed Chadwick, Tyler Brooke, Eddie Mrs. Wiggs ene room, seldom has time to play stand. Mulhall—have Film Studio Dressing Rooms but DAVIES Bordon and Jack it. Crosby has a shortwave radio Arno Wade, pool life guard, will in MARION ) Mae West in SPOT TOWN “Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbagt been given parts by and a phonograph, and one or the do some of the burlesque dives into * Patch.” the novel which delighted Paramount’s “3> Ain’t No Sin.” other is in almost constant use. the pool, for which he is becoming GARY COOPER fathers and mothers of the present Serve Many Uses for Stars famous, as a part of the afternoon f Beauties Win 's room is the stu- I m M-G-M t generation, went into production at Contracts water show. What’s dressing for? That plays the phonograph or radio, or dio hangout. Cooper. Crosby, Oakie, Paramount this week. Five of the eleven beauties whom a room Banton—somebody always is visiting CThchateau favors the lot selection on 'OPERATOR 13 I Pauline Lord, distinguished stage Earl Carroll brought to Paramount’s depends upon the star. Some use with a Hoofer I Oakie’s dressing Carole, and usually there are a w star who played in such notable pro- Hollywood studios for filming of his clarinet. room The first time Bing Crosby, now from lob** Oa*b'l a/ them strictly for dressing. Some is open times, and “come dozen people there at once. When ductions “Anna “The ' the Vanities,” have been at all his singing in “She Loves Me Not,” n ,*o" Megoim* Sttxyi Ii as Christie.” Murder at Carole is working, her secretary- LIDOS’ Cc*"'*P© use them for resting places, some in a little” is a Hollywood byword. Late Christopher Bean.” “Strange given long-term motion picture came to Hollywood he and pal, ' for entertaining, some for business companion, Madeline Fields, is in his F ADDED FKATTBETTES “They Every one is welcome. TWO FLOOR SHOWS NIGHTLY Interlude” and Knew What contracts. and some for clubrooms. charge, and the door always is open. A1 Rinker, hoofed over the Cahuen- I CHARLIE CHASE COMEDY i They Wanted,” makes her screen Mae West has the mystery room. ga Mountain pass into the motion Sylvia Sidney and Gary Cooper, Few persons, aside from those ac- doesn’t spend much Chicken, Steak and Fiog VmICKEY MOUSE CARTOOy debut as “Mrs. Wiggs.” Ben Is at Work who occupy rooms at time in His picture capital. opposite ends tually working with her on “It Ain’t his room. secretary Dinners $1.25 Evelyn Venable and Kent Tay- Ben Bemie, who is appearing room the in order. with of Paramount’s dressing build- No Sin” have been inside, for Miss keeps place rigidly lor. who have been teamed several his lads in the Works,” 101 No. 122 Cary dresses makes up “Shoot has ing—No. and respectively West has no time for rest and re- and there, times, are cast as the young lovers, among those who thirteen instrumentalists and three —are use their laxation there. She has a piano lounges during his lunch hour BEER-WINES Miss Lucy and Mr. Bob. W. C. for quarters (without soloists in his band. rooms dressing only. in it and rehearses songs, writes dropping ashes on the Fields has a leading role and Zasu This is particularly true of Coop- floor) but otherwise is seldom Show Boat numbers, concocts new dialogue and Pitts will play the vapid Miss Hazy. er, dons linen suits around. Lee Was a Soldier who his for confers with Travis Banton on fash- 4424’“™;"" Norman Taurog directs. Lee Tracy was a second lieutenant “Now and Forever’’ there in the ions most of her free time. Libby morning, and removes them at No Author Needed Nite Reservations army Club in the the war her maid, is in constant at- MOTION PICTURES 1 during World and Taylor, HU-3366 and spent his enlistment training night, nothing more. tendance. Actual dialogue and circumstances Presents j W. C. Fields and Jack Oakie, recruits. Carl Brisson and Bing Crosby use of the sensational robbery of Mae cdMOver neighbors in 104 and 105 are “in” which she lost $17,500 Les Shepard’s Band West, in in most of the time. Fields not only their dressing rooms as offices. with DINE DANCE ROMANCE MOTION* PICTURES Brothers of the two stars serve as gems and cash, are being re-enacted dresses and makes up there, but by her and her man, Roger eats takes showers their respective secretaries and leading Indiana’s Finest Jr^dweekri lunch, sleeps, Pryor, CHINATOWN carry on the lengthy correspondence in “It Ain't No Sin,” Mae’s ly and has rubdowns at the hands of a Floor Show 67*0 EAST WASHINGTON STREET PLAYING original screen story. At the City Eimlts The U0) husky trainer. jH Romantic Dance in the Beautiful Open Music by £1 Mvsterr Drama m/ Oakie uses his quarters for a i REDDELLS Silver Nite Hawks and entertaining He THE CARS Air Japanese Gardens lounging room. | Coolest Air 01 PRIZE waltz Indiana’s Smartest Night Club Dance Spot Rj Covered Cover Charge EXCELLENT FOOD a Southeastern at Emerson SATURDAY, 75c of In Town. Convertible Affairs State Road No. 29 J m I DRAFT AND BOTTLE BEER A A Music bv Week Kites and Keep Cool Dance and Sunday *§UC Come Out ¦gentleman! DANNIE DUTTON Charge. Cover 25c Each and his band Chicken, Steak, ’ Frog V with PAUL LUKAS Mammoth Floor Show HARBORSATURDAY, 9:45 2:110. I to VILLAcu Featuring It’s Different 75c Couple Before 12:30 Dinners, $1.25 Os MARVEL & MARTIN 50c Couple After 12:30. THATLITTIS &UNCH JOY' to Phone for Reservation *9OO Allisonville Road MARIE KUHL SU-V, 30c Couple—9:ls 12:30. Bob McKittrick and his orchestra THIRS.. 20c Couple. 9:15 to 12:30 \VA. 3918 DINE AND many Draught—Beer—Bottle i FLOOR Jack Hatton and others SHOW One Blork South Municipal Airport. Shirku Ifw i 9:30 till 2 Marvelous Fond—Best of Beer fife Dine and Dance Dancing Sat. Night only daring DANCE motion summer. Where the Crowd Goes BEER—REASONABLE PRICES THE CARS SEVERIN ROOF GARDEN TBMPLEI MAX PICTURES ¦Washington 2564”Ring"lFBM Largest Nite Club in State the Featuring f ftl Call IR. 0092 for Reservation gH BAER-jH RIVERSIDE || Severin Serenaders go: SUNDAY AFTERNOON- Dinner 5:00 to 9:00 P. M. ah: anew place to ™ CEDAR CLAIR nS OLD ENGLISH TAVERN BALLOON ASCENSION Every Nite Sat. Night. The Night Owl Orchestra DINE AND DANCE SMOKY MOUNTAIN DOLLY GRAY ORCHESTRA No Cover Charge— Wwi Son. Night, Farley’s Gigoloes BOYS Pf 81.00 Minimum Check Lcarnera®^t hamplanshlp 7 colored orchestra. Located 34 miles south of Co- IN THE BEAUTIFUL THE MOONLIGHT All Heavyweight ' IN • Dancing Every Nite. Except JAMES DUNN i DINE DANCE GOOD BEER Ind. Open around the , lumbus. BEER GARDENS DANCE PALACE Monday. No Cover Charge clock. State Road 40. E. Hash. St. 9 Mile# lR; -;, ._ _ ICE BEER THRILLING RIDES AT RIVERSIDE CLAIRE TREVOR from City. 1 Mile West of Cumberlsnd. COLD RIDE THE