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Vegetarianism Vegetarianism 1. Animal Cruelty Industrial farming is abusive to animals. Pigs. In America, nine out of ten of pregnant sows live in “gestation crates.” These pens are so small that the pigs can hardly move. When the sows are first crated, they flail around, as if they’re trying to escape from the crate. But soon they give up. The pigs often show signs of depression: they engage in meaningless, repetitive behavior, like chewing the air or biting the bars of the stall. The animals live in these conditions for four months. Gestation crates will be phased out in Europe by the end of 2012, but they will still be used in America.1 In nature, pigs nurse their young for about thirteen weeks. But in industrial farms, piglets are taken from their mothers after a couple of weeks. Because the piglets are weaned prematurely, they have a strong desire to suck and chew. But the farmers don’t want them sucking and chewing on other pigs’ tails. So the farmers routinely snip off (or “dock”) the tails of all their pigs. They do this with a pair of pliers and no anesthetic. However, the whole tail is not removed; a tender stump remains. The point is to render the area sensitive, so the pigs being chewed on will fight back.2 Over 113 million pigs are slaughtered each year in America.3 Typically, these pigs are castrated, their needle teeth are clipped, and one of their ears is notched for identification —all without pain relief.4 In nature, pigs spend up to three quarters of their waking hours foraging and exploring their environment.5 But in the factory farms, “tens of thousands of hogs spend their entire lives ignorant of earth or straw or sunshine, crowded together beneath a metal roof standing on metal slats suspended over a septic tank.”6 Bored, and in constant pain, the pigs must perpetually inhale the fumes of their own waste. Pigs in the industrial farming system suffer the effects of overcrowding. In 2000, the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared hog farms containing over 10,000 pigs (which is the norm) with farms containing under 2,000 pigs. The larger farms had three times as much mycoplasma pneumonia, six times as much swine influenza, and twenty-nine times as much flu of another strain.7 Some of the pigs die prematurely. Others get sick and are euthanized however the farmer sees fit. “The survivors live just long enough to stumble over the finish line—and onto our dinner plates.”8 This is how sausage is made. Cows. Over 33 million cows are slaughtered each year in America.9 These animals are also routinely mutilated without pain relief. American cows are hot-iron branded and castrated10; their tails are docked11; they are dehorned through sensitive tissue12; and their ears are cut for identification.13 The weaning process is traumatic for them, as it is for pigs. A calf would normally suckle from its mother for six months,14 but in factory farms, mother and child are separated almost immediately. Cows separated from their calves will mope and bellow for days.15 And then, if the calf is male, it might be put into the veal industry, with all its horrors.16 Cattle feedlots are like pre-modern cities, Michael Pollan writes, “teeming and filthy and stinking, with open sewers, unpaved roads, and choking air rendered visible by dust.”17 Ellen Ruppel Shell likens the feedlot to “a filth-choked slum.”18 Feedlot cattle often stand ankle-deep in their own waste19 and are exposed to the extremes in weather without shade or shelter.20 One study found that cattle lacking shade were four times more aggressive toward other cows than cattle in shade.21 This is how feedlot cows live, 24/7. Poor sanitation and stress make the cows ill. Also, they’re fed grain, which they didn’t evolve to eat.22 Feedlot cows often get acidosis (kind of like heartburn) which can lead to diarrhea, ulcers, bloat, rumenitis, liver disease, and a weakening of the immune system that can lead to pneumonia, coccidiosis, enterotoxemia, and feedlot polio.23 About one sixth of dairy cows have mastitis, a painful udder infection. Mastitis is exacerbated by bovine somatotrophin injections, which are banned in Europe but are routine in the U.S.24 Between 15% and 30% of feedlot cows develop abscessed livers. In some pens, it’s as high as 70%.25 Sometimes the cows die prematurely. A woman who runs a “dead-stock removal” company in Nebraska said that her company had hauled off 1,250 dead cattle during a recent heat wave and couldn’t handle all the calls it got.26 Cows normally live about twenty years, but the typical dairy cow is considered “spent” around age four.27 Before dying, the cow’s ride to the slaughterhouse may be long, cramped, and stressful. There are, in practice, no legal limits on how long calves can be trucked without food, water or rest.28 Chickens. Chickens in the egg industry are also mutilated: parts of their beaks are severed without pain relief.29 A chicken’s beak is rich in nerve endings, so the debeaking causes it severe pain. Why does the farmer do this? Because chickens cannot form a pecking order in the cramped conditions of the industrial chicken house. Thus, bigger chickens may peck smaller ones to death, and the prematurely killed chickens can’t be sold on the market. So, the farmer debeaks every bird. One type of cruelty justifies another. American farmers raise nearly nine billion chickens each year.30 Almost all of the chickens sold in supermarkets—“broilers”—are raised in windowless sheds, each housing 30,000+ birds.31 In these sheds, the chickens cannot move around without pushing through other birds. Nor can they stretch their wings or get away from more dominant birds.32 Also, the sheds stink of ammonia.33 “High ammonia levels give the birds chronic respiratory disease, sores on their feet and hocks, and breast blisters. It makes their eyes water, and when it is really bad, many birds go blind.”34 The chickens are bred for unnaturally fast growth, and so they cannot stand for long periods. Some cannot stand at all. Consequently, the chickens spend a lot of time sitting on the excrement-filled litter. One study found that 26% of broilers have chronic pain from bone disease.35 Broilers live for six or seven weeks.36 The egg-laying hens have it even worse. The farmers underfeed the hens because they don’t want them to grow rapidly—they want them to lay eggs for as long as possible. On some days, the hens get no food at all.37 Each hen gets less living space than a single sheet of typing paper.38 The hen “spends her brief span of days piled together with a half-dozen other hens in a wire cage … Every natural instinct of this hen is thwarted, leading to a range of behavioral ‘vices’ that can include cannibalizing her cage mates and rubbing her breast against the wire mesh until it is completely bald and bleeding.”39 Ten percent or so of the birds simply die under these conditions.40 Laying hens would normally live for more than five years, but in factory farms they’re killed after thirteen months.41 Temple Grandin, who designs humane slaughterhouses, was horrified to discover that male chicks—which aren’t used for food, since they don’t grow fast enough—are sometimes thrown in dumpsters.42 “Spent” hens might also be tossed in dumpsters, or buried alive, or thrust squirming into wood chippers.43 When the broilers are being rounded up for slaughter, one reporter writes, the catchers “grab birds by their legs, thrusting them like sacks of laundry into the cages, sometimes applying a shove.”44 And then later, dangling from one leg, “the frightened birds flap and writhe and often suffer dislocated and broken hips, broken wings, and internal bleeding.”45 Even after all that, the stunning system of electrified bath water sometimes fails to knock the birds out. Peter Singer and Jim Mason estimate that around three million chickens per year are still conscious as they’re dropped into tanks of scalding water.46 Turkeys. Turkeys are treated like broiler chickens.47 Seafood. Every year, human beings eat about 100 million tons of seafood. Americans alone eat around 17 billion marine creatures.48 Some of these creatures are caught in the ocean and killed. Others are raised in fish farms, which are landlocked ponds or cages in the sea. Today around one-third of the world’s seafood comes from fish farming.49 Fish farms are floating factory farms. Like factory farms, they’re extremely crowded. For example, 50,000 salmon may be confined in one cage at a density equivalent to putting each 30- inch fish in a bathtub of water.50 Or consider shrimp, America’s favorite seafood since 2001.51 While traditional shrimp farms yielded less than 450 pounds per acre, the newer, more efficient farms yield as much as 89,000 pounds per acre.52 For salmon, the overcrowding leads to stress, sea lice infestations, abrasions, and a high death rate.53 It also leads to abnormal behavior. Like the tigers that pace around tiny zoo cages, salmon swim in circles around their sea cages. Also, salmon are starved for seven to ten days before slaughter.54 Shrimp ponds, meanwhile, are “dangerously overcrowded and indifferently managed, plagued by overfeeding, plankton blooms, and inadequate water circulation.”55 Farmed shrimp are highly susceptible to infection, despite being given antibiotics.56 Some of these fish die.
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