Biological Science Dr. Goutam Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, Gokhale Memorial Girls’ College, Kol-20 Mahata Dr.Sadhan Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry Sonamukhi College, Sonamukhi, Bankura, Roy W.B. Dr. Jnanojjal Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry Sonamukhi College, Sonamukhi, Bnakura, Chanda W.B. ABSTRACT Tirucalli L. is a succulent cactus-like endemic to tropical and subtropical areas. It has been used as a traditional folk medicine in many countries for the treatment of a number of diseases including leprosy, cough, intestinal parasites, nose ulcer, rheumatic pain, gastric mucosa diseases and asthma. The plant exhibits diverse pharmacological actions because of its antioxidant property. It protects cells against oxidative damage. It can act as a radical scavenger. In this review the phytoconstituents present in different parts of this plant and their pharmacological applications on different chronic diseases have been discussed. KEYWORDS: Euphorbia tirucalli L. phytoconstituents; ethnomedicinal applications; pharmacological applications

I. INTRODUCTION: II. PHYTOCONSTITUENTS OF Euphorbia Triucalli L.: is a very complex family due to its wide variation of The different parts of Euphorbia Tirucalli L. rich with terpenoids, chemical composition. The distributions of chemical components triterpenes, polyphenols, serine proteases, steroids, avanoids, present in different parts of of all Euphorbiaceae family members are isoavanoids, acids and esters shown in Table 1. The chemical not same and these differences arise because of adaptation in different components were isolated with the help of solvent extraction climate conditions. The secondary metabolites (chemical compounds) technique. Various clinical studies have been performed by different generated in of this family members are useful for giving relief groups in different times by taking the isolated chemical substances of from various external and internal stresses. Some species belong to E. Tirucalli L.. The complex physiochemical mechanisms of those Euphorbiaceae family have been used for the treatment of skin compounds for the treatment of different diseases are under diseases, gonorrhea, migraine, and intestinal parasites and as wart investigation till now. cures (Singla and Kamala, 1990). The compounds isolated from Euphorbiaceae family members exhibit pharmacological activities Table 1. Phytochemicals present in Euphorbia Triucalli L. including cytotoxic activity, antimicrobial and anti-inammatory S o u r c e Phytochemicals Chemical Structure References activity (Shi et al., 2008). Hence Euphorbiaceae family is one of the (plant part) best families for investigation to nd out new plant-based medicines. Stem callus Sterol Campeste Uchida et al. Euphorbia Tirucalli L. belongs to Euphorbiaceae family. It is a 10-15 rol (2010) m tall succulent, cactus-like spineless, monoecious perennial shrub with pencil like branches. It is commonly planted as an ornamental or hedge plant (Fig. 1). It has some unique properties with respect to other Euphorbiaceae family members. It grows very fast and produces lot Stigmaste Uchida et al. of biomass as its stems and leaves allow to assimilate CO2 for 24 hours rol (2010) every day. The is fed on by herbivores. [1] It is originated from tropical East Africa and endemic in countries such as Angola, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, B e t a - Uchida et al. Tanzania, Uganda, and Zanzibar. [2] It is commonly found in tropical sitosterol (2010) and subtropical regions. Currently it is being cultivated in America and southern part of Europe. [3] In , it is widely grown in Rajasthan, Malabar Coast of India and other low rainfall regions having saline soils. [4] There is a hypothesis that the Portuguese people brought this Isofucost Uchida et al. plant on the Malabar Coast of India from East Africa (Juliani et al. erol (2010) 2013).

The taxonomic description of Euphorbia tirucalli L. is Kingdom: Plantae Cycloarte Uchida et al. Division: Magnoliophyta nol (2010) Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Family: Euphorbiaceae Genus: Euphorbia Species: Euphorbia tirucalli TerpeEuphol Uchida et al. Binomial name: Euphorbia tirucalli ne (2010)

B e t a - Uchida et al. amyrin (2010)

Fig.1. Euphorbia Tirucalli L plant

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O HO CH3 Stemz Polyphe Euphorbin A OH Yoshida and Tirucallol Nielson et al. O OH O H2C HO C H OH H3C HO O O O C OH S t e m nol O Yokoyama et (1979) HO O CH3 HO C OH HO OH OH O C O H

HO Bark HO O OH al. (1991) Mujeeb et al., OH CH3 O OH HO C C O O C OH O O O 2014) H2C CH3


O O H H O C C O CH H3C 3 H


O OH HO OH Ingenol Furstenberge

O r and Hecker OH Euphorbin F HO Yoshida and OH HO O H2C HO et al. (1977) O O O CO OH HO OC O Yokoyama et O OH HO CO CO HO OH HO OH HO OH HO O OH OH al. (1991) OH HO CO HO HO OH CH COO C OH OH O 2 O O O OH


O H H O O H 4-deoxy Furstenberge

S t e m Tannin Tirucallin A O H Yoshida and H O O H 2 C C O O O O O H HO H O O H O C O O H O OH O C phorbol r and Hecker C H O O Bark O H Yokoyama et O H O H O O H H O O H et al. (1977)

O O C al. (1991)



OH HO OH Tirucallin B Yoshida and HOH C OH 2 HO O H2C CO O O O HO OH OC O O CO HO OH HO O C OH Yokoyama et HO OH OH HO O OH OH DiterpePhorbol Furstenberge HO OH HO OH OH OH C C O O al. (1991) CH2O O C HO O O OH ne OH r and Hecker O

OH OH alcohol et al. (1977) Triterpe Taraxerane Rasool et al. s O HO ne OAc O (1989) HOH C O 2 4-deoxy-4α- OH Furstenberge AcO phorbol HO OH r and Hecker Cycloeuphorden H3C CH3 Khan et al. et al. (1977) o CH3 (1989) O H CH3 CH3 CH3 HOH2C

OCOCH3 H3C CH3 19Y4NSiG8kkz Furstenberge OH Terpene Cyclotirucanenol Khan et al. wWjMD17euE HO OH r and Hecker (2010) aQ5PErpwxWk et al. (1977) P O H

HO HOH2C Cyclotirucanenol K h a n a n d DiterpePhorbol OH Furstenberge Ahmed et al. nemonmonoester HO OH r and Hecker H (1988) oesters et al. (1977) O HO HO H

S e r i n e Mr74kDa T1 L y n n a n d AcOH2C proteaseMr74kDa T Clevett et al. 2 12-0-(2,4,6- O(CH=CH)3(CH2)2CH3 Furstenberge s (1985) Mr74kDa T3 decatrienoyl)- HO OH r and Hecker 4-deoxy-4α- et al. (1977) Mr74kDa T4 phorbol O Latex H i g h l y 12- 0-[(2Z , 4E)- K h a n a n d H - - - - irritant 2,4,6 OC O -(C H = C H ) (C H = C H ) (C H = C H ) (C H 2)2 C H 3 Ahmed et al. HO COCH 3 HOH C euphorbi-decatrienoyl]-4- (1988) 2 O H a factors deoxyphorbol- 12- 0-[(2Z , OCO(CH=CH)(CH=CH)(CH=CH)(CH2)2CH3 Kinghorn et

HOH2C HO 13- acetate 4E)-2,4,6- OCOCH3 al. (1979) (Ti1) decatrienoyl]-4- O H 12- 0-[(2Z , 4E)- Furstenberge deoxyphorbol- 13- acetate HOH2C

- - - - 2,4,6 OC O -(C H = C H ) (C H = C H ) (C H = C H ) (C H 2 )2 C H 3 r and Hecker HO OCOCH3 -decatrienoyl]-4- et al. (1977) Diterpe12-0-acetyl-4- OCOCH3 Kinghorn et O deoxyphorbol- H HO nediestdeoxyphorbol- OCO(CH=CH)(CH=CH)(CH=CH)CH2CH3 al. (1979) HOH2C 13- acetate ers 13-[(2Z, 4E)- (Ti1) O 2,4,6- H 12- 0-[(2Z , 4E)- decatrienoate] HOH2C OCOCH 2,4,6 3

HO - OCOCH3 -decatrienoyl]-4- OC O -(C H = C H )5 ( C H ,) ,- C H 3 ( 4 -12-0-acetyl-4- Kinghorn et HO deoxypdeoxyphorbol- OCO(CH=CH)5(CH2)2CH3 al. (1979) deoxyphorbol- O H horbol 13-(2,4,6,8,10- HOH2C 13- acetate O H (Ti1) diesterstetradecapentae ) noate) HOH2C 12-0-acetyl-4- OCOCH OCOCH3 deoxyphorbol- 3 12-0-acetyl-4- Kinghorn et HO HO OCO(CH=CH)4(CH2)4CH3 OCO(CH=CH)(CH)CH 13-(2,4,6,8- deoxyphorbol- 4 2 4 3 al. (1979) O 13-(2,4,6,8,10- H O tetradecatetraeno H

HOH C tetradecapentae ate) (Ti4) 2 HOH C noate) 2

OCO(CH)CH Steroids Euphol Nielson et al. 12-0-acetyl-4- 2 8 3 Kinghorn et HO (1979) deoxyphorbol- OCOCH3 al. (1979) 13-(2,4,6,8,10- tetradecapentae O H

noate) HOH2C

242 International Journal of Scientific Research

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4-deoxy- Kinghorn et Latex Cancer, cancroids, Duke et al., OCO(CH2)8CH3 DPA HO al. (1979) ephitheliomas, 2009 OCOCH3 sarcomas, tumors, wart

O H Latex Asthma, Cancer, Cough, Ear India Upadhyay et problems, Snake bite and al., 2010 HOH C 2 scorpion sting, Toothache, Dite rpe12- 0-[(2Z , Kinghorn et Intestinal parasites, Skin n e 4E)-2,4,6- al. (1979) problems - - - - OC O -(C H = C H ) (C H = C H ) (C H = C H ) (C H 2 )2 C H 3 diesters decatrienoyl]- HO Root Colic, Gastralgia and India Kumar et al., COCH3 ( 4 -4-deoxy-4a- Rheumatism 1999 O H deoxy-phorbol-13- Stem Thorn Extraction, Swelling, India Upadhyay et HOH2C 4 - α - acetate Leprosy and al., 2010 phorbol 12-0-acetyl-4- Kinghorn et Paralysis, Colic and gastric OCOCH3 diestersdeoxy-4a- al. (1979) problems HO OCO(CH=CH)(CH)CH ) 4 2 4 3 phorbol-13- Leaves Skin problems, Nose ulcers and India Upadhyay et (2,4,6,8- O H hemorrhoids al., 2010 tetradecatetrae

HOH C noate) 2 Root Aching bones, nose Duke et al., O ulcers, hemorrhoids 2009 DiterpeTirucalicine CH3 M a l i k e t netriest H3C al.,1988 AcO O OAc In India the different parts of E. tirucalli L. which has been used for H ers H C H3C 3 preparing folk medicines and their doses for the treatment of a

H C OAc particular disease is shown in Table 3. 3 H OMe Ingenol- Furstenberge Table 3. Ethnomedicinal importance of E.Tirucalli L.in India.

3,5,20- O r and Hecker Part used Diseases Mode of Administration Reference

triacetate AcO et al. (1977) HO treated AcO Asthma Five ml diluted latex is Kumar et al.,

AcOH2C administered twice a day. 1999 phorbol- Furstenberge OCOCH3 12,13,20- HO r and Hecker Upadhyay et al., OCOCH3 triacetate et al. (1977) 2010 O HO Cancer Paste of Fresh leaves and Kumar et al.,

H3COCOH2C latex is diluted with water 1999

4-deoxy-4a- OCOCH3 Furstenberge and taken once a day Upadhyay et al., phorbol- HO r and Hecker OCOCH3 12,13,20- et al. (1977) 2010

triacetate O H cough Latex diluted with water Kumar et al.,

H3COCOH2C taken twice a day. 1999 Trimeth OCH3 Furstenberge OCH3 Upadhyay et al., ylellagi r and Hecker O c acid C O et al. (1977) 2010

O C O Ear Latex is boiled in Mustard Upadhyay et al.,

H3CO problems oil in ratio of 1:5, and 3 to 4 2010

CH3 III. ETHNOMEDICINAL APPLICATIONS OF Euphorbia drops of this oil are Triucalli L.: dropped in affected ear In modern era, the pharmacological approaches of ethno medicinal treatment are getting importance day by day for searching newer and twice a day. newer medicines because plants or shrubs are the key sources for most of the required medicines. To nd out a new potential medicinal plant Snake bite About two gm of latex with Kumar et al., we have to follow ethnomedicinal origin (Muthu et al., 2006). Plants and about 100ml water is taken 1999 produce many secondary metabolites in their body to protect itself from natural or atmospheric stresses. Many of the secondary scorpion orally within 2 hours of Upadhyay et al., metabolites have strong ability to ght against different microbial sting snakes bite. 2010 disasters and can be used as medicines (Anon, 1994; Muthu et al., 2006). Secondary metabolites can also play active role to repair the Toothache A decoction obtained by Upadhyay et al., unwanted physiochemical disordering in human body or other animal boiling latex water in ratio 2010 bodies. of 1:6, This decoction is E. tirucalli L. has very high ethnomedicinal value and its different used as mouth wash twice a parts are used as medicines especially by the local people of tropical and subtropical areas (Table 2). day. Intestinal Dried latex and a ne paste Kumar et al., Table 2. Use of E. tirucalli L. as a traditional medicine in different parts of the world. parasites of seeds are taken internally 1999 Different Diseases Country References with Luke warm water after Upadhyay et al., parts of the plant each meal. 2010 Latex Wart, epilepsi, sexual East Africa Schmelzer et Skin Fresh latex is applied on the Upadhyay et al., impotence, toothache, al.,2008 problems affected area. 2010 hemorrhoids, snake bites

International Journal of Scientific Research 243 VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-8 | AUGUST - 2017 ISSN No 2277 - 8179 | IF : 4.176 | IC Value : 78.46

Leaves Skin Decoction of leaves applied Upadhyay et al., pseudogout occurs due to abnormal metabolism, (iii) Osteoarthritis is mainly due to inheritance, (iv) Arthritis may happen because of problems on affected skin externally. 2010 infection during Lyme disease, (v)Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Nose ulcers Poultice of the root or Kumar et al., Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are generally happen due to immune system dysfunction. Sometimes few bacteria such as and leaves is used for nose 1999 Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, or Neisseria gonorrhoeae cause acute hemorrhoids ulcers and hemorrhoids. Upadhyay et al., septic arthritis whereas Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Candida albicans cause chronic septic arthritis. Chronic septic arthritis is less 2010 common than acute septic arthritis. Stem Thorn The powdered stems are Upadhyay et al., The methanolic extracts of the stembark, stem and leaf of E. tirucalli L. Extraction used as a poultice to extract 2010 have strong potential to destroy the bacterial effect of Staphylococcus thorns. aureus and Candida albicans. The triterpenoids extracted from E. Swelling Crushed stem are applied to Upadhyay et al., tirucalli latex in methanol solvent are potent natural anti-inammatory therapeutic agent for the treatment of arthritis like disorders. The swellings. 2010 biologically active substances will inhibit arthritis by increasing the leprosy and Wood decoction is used for Kumar et al., concentration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and intracellular interleukin- 2 (IL-2) and interferon-gamma cells (INF-γ). [10] paralysis leprosy and paralysis of the 1999 hands and feet Upadhyay et al., Antitumor and Anticancer activity: Crude E. tirucalli latex extract is potentially useful in antitumor after childbirth. 2010 treatments. Euphorbia tirucalli extract diluted in saline is useful for colic and decoction of the branches is Kumar et al., ascitic tumors. Hematopoiesis and enlarged spleens become normal after treatment with the plant extract (Valadares et al., 2006). gastric used for colic and gastric 1999 Cytokines are the strong mediators for the development of adequate problems problems. Upadhyay et al., and efcient immunological responses against pathogens. The crude latex of E. tirucalli helps to increase the production of the type 1 2010 cytokines (IFN-γ and TNF-α) and the type 2 cytokines (IL-4 and IL- Root Rheumatism Fresh root or latex and Kumar et al., 10) in human body. CD4+ T lymphocytes are key cells involved in antitumor immune responses. The percentage of CD4+ T lymphocyte 'Asgandh' are taken in equal 1999 cell increases in human body due to increase of type –I cytokines (IFN- quantities and ground to a Upadhyay et al., γ and TNF-α (Bethânia et al., 2011). ne paste. Two gm Paste 2010 The macrocyclic diterpene and triterpene compounds have been mixed with 5 gm honey is shown to possess anticancer activity (Shi et al., 2008; Manez et al., 1997). The polyphenols present in the stem, stem bark, leaf and latex of administered orally twice a E. tirucalli play remarkable role as an anti-pancreatic agent. [11] Euphol which is extracted from E. tirucalli latex has prominent effect day. against oesophageal squamous cell and pancreatic cell carcinomas. [12] Prof. Peter Gordon Parsons got US Patent (Patent No. US IV. MODERN PHARMACOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS OF 2003/0171334 A1) in September, 2003 for the invention of Euphorbia tirucalli L.: biologically active molecules responsible for prostate cancer present The biologically active molecules (sterols, tannins, polyphenols, in the latex of E. tirucalli. Prof. Luiz F. Pianowski got another US resins and terpenoids) present in different parts of Euphorbia tirucalli patient (Patent No. US 2009/0142421 A1) in June, 2009 for the L. plant have wide range of pharmacological applications. The invention of biologically active components 3-(2,4,6 dodecatrienoyl)- biologically active components exhibit antimicrobial, antifungal, ingenol and 3-(2,4,6,8-tetradecatetranoyl)-ingenol from butanol antibacterial, antidiabetics, antioxidant and anticancer activities. At extract of the Euphorbia tirucalli linnaeus plant latex. These present era, Euphorbia tirucalli L. is not only limited to ethnopha compounds are highly potent for the treatment of diseases concerning rmacological treatment but it is also being used as a source of medicine cell proliferation or angiogenesis. and medicinal precursors of different diseases in modern therapeutics. Hepatoprotective Activity and Antioxidant Activity: Anti-microbial activity: The hepatoprotective activity of a drug depends on its ability to reduce The alcoholic extracts of stem bark and leaves of E. tirucalli were have the harmful effects caused by the hepatotoxin. The extent of hepatic antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella damage is assessed by measuring the elevated levels of serum marker enteritidis, Eschericia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Proteus vulgaris, enzyme aspartate aminotransferase (AST), serum glutamate pyruvate Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, A. fumigates, C. transaminase (SGPT), alanine aminotransferage (ALT), serum tropicalis,Candida albicans, Fusarium oxysporum, A. flavus, and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT), triglycerides and Aspergillus niger. [5] alkaline phosphatase (ALP). At the same time the hepatic damage will cause gradual decrease the concentration of glutathione (GSH), Acetone, hexane, methanol, chloroform and ether extracts catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide of the stem of E. tirucalli L. possess antibacterial activity against dismutase (SOD) and total protein. The proper dose of aqueous extract Escherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium, Enterobacter faecalis, B. of E. tirucalli l. has signicant hepatoprotective role by decreasing subtilis, Enterobacter faecalis, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, AST, ALT, ALP, SGPT, SGOT and triglyceride levels and increasing Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus vulgari.[6] total protein level. [13]

The methanol and petroleum ether extract of the stem of E. tirucalli L. The phenolic compounds present in the latex of E. tirucalli exhibit antifungal activity against A. fumigates, Aspergillus niger and strong antioxidant property. Aqueous extract of aerial parts of E. Candida albicans. [7, 8] The alcoholic stem extract of Euphorbia tirucalli, shows reducing power activity, superoxide anion scavenging Tirucalli L has strong inhibitory effect against Drechsleria oryzae, activity and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. [14] Alternaria alternate and Aureobasedium pollulans. [9] Antiviral Activities: The triterpenoids and terpenes present in the stem and stem-bark of E. The terpenoid compounds, sterols and tannins present in the stem, stem tirucalli L. play signicant role to reduce microbial effects. bark and stem callus respectively of E. tirucalli are very sensitive against herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). The antiviral activities of Anti-arthritic activity: the petroleum ether extract, ethanol extract, dichloromethane extract There is no particular reason for arthritis. It may cause due to following of the stem of E. tirucalli were evaluated by J Roldan and coworkers. possible reasons. They also calculated the antiviral activities of water-methanol extract of E. tirucalli leaves. They showed that the ratio CC (50% cytotoxic (I) Degenerative arthritis occurs due to injury, (ii) Gout and concentration) over IC50 (50% inhibitory concentration of the viral

244 International Journal of Scientific Research VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-8 | AUGUST - 2017 ISSN No 2277 - 8179 | IF : 4.176 | IC Value : 78.46 effect) i,e the therapeutic index of the water-methanol extract of E. tirucalli stem and leaf is greater than 7.1.

Antipesticidal effect: The auqueous and methanolic extract of the latex of Euphorbia tirucalli plant has pesticidal effect against pests as such aphids (Brevicoryne brassicae) and mosquitoes Aedes egypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. [15,16].

V. CONCLUSION: Inspite of several medicinal applications, the bio-molecules present in E. tirucalli L. has many hazardous roles. E. tirucalli latex is reported to cause conjunctivitis. [17, 18] The acetone extract of the latex will accelerate papillomas and malignant tumors in mice. [19] The E. tirucalli L. play direct or indirect role to increase Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) (Minzuno et al). However, most of the medicinal uses of E. tirucalli L. mentioned have been left to be folklore and need validation. Based on the folklore reports scientist have found also its experimental anticancer activity [20] and tumor resistance ability [21] both of which are suggestive of a cancer cure. Till now the biological activity of the all the constituents present in it is not known clearly. More proper investigation and research is necessary to nd out their active roles and then they can be used in modern therapy. In the mean while we have understood the physiochemical behavior of the few isolated compounds but the properties of the non-isolated compounds are completely unknown to us. The presence of those compounds may become harmful during folk treatment. Scientic research is also necessary to nd out those compounds and their physical and chemical properties.

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