Brampton Heritage Board Item E1 for June 18, 2013
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E 1-1 Request for Delegation Attention: City Clerk's Office, City of Brampton 2 Wellington Street West, Brampton ON L6Y 4R2 Email: [email protected] Phone: (905) 874-2100 Fax: (905) 874-2119 Meeting: □ City Council □ Planning, Design and Development Committee □ Committee of Council □ Other:__________________________________ Meeting Date Requested: Agenda Item (if applicable):_________________ Name of Individual(s): Position/Title: Organization/Person being Represented: Full Address for Contact: Email/ Telephone No. Fax No. Subject Matter to be Discussed Action Requested Attach additional page if required I am submitting a formal presentation to accompany my delegation: □ Yes □ No I will require the following audio-visual equipment/software for my presentation: □ Computer Notebook □ DVD Player □ PowerPoint □ Other - please specify_________________ Note: Delegates are requested to provide to the City Clerk's Office well in advance of the meeting date: (i) 30 copies of all background material and/or presentations for publication with the meeting agenda and/or distribution at the meeting, and (ii) for PowerPoint and other visual presentations, an electronic copy of the presentation (e.g., DVD, CD, .ppt file) to ensure compatibility with corporate equipment. Once the above information is received by the City Clerk's Office, you will be contacted by a Legislative Coordinator to confirm your placement on the appropriate agenda. Personal information on this form is collected under authority of the Municipal Act, SO 2001, c.25 and/or the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 and will be used in the preparation of the applicable council/committee agenda and will be attached to that agenda. Questions about the collection of personal information should be directed to the Deputy City Clerk, Council and Administrative Services, 2 Wellington Street West, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4R2, tel. 905-874-2115. E 1-2 HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT 8712 CLAIREVILLE CONSERVATION ROAD (LOT 5, CONCESSION 8 ND, GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF TORONTO GORE) CITY OF BRAMPTON, ONTARIO July 2009 Prepared for: Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Prepared by: E 1-3 HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT 8712 CLAIREVILLE CONSERVATION ROAD (LOT 5, CONCESSION 8 ND, GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF TORONTO GORE) CITY OF BRAMPTON, ONTARIO July 2009 Prepared for: Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 5 Shoreham Drive Downsview, Ontario, M3N 1S4 Tel: 416-661-6600 Prepared by: Unterman McPhail Associates Heritage Resource Management Consultants 540 Runnymede Road Toronto, Ontario, M6S 2Z7 Tel: 416-766-7333 Fax: 416-763-4082 Email: [email protected] E 1-4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose 2 1.2 City of Brampton Heritage Impact Assessment Requirements 2 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY AND ITS CONTEXT 4 2.1 Location 4 2.2 Area Character and Physiography 4 2.3 Site Context 5 3.0 HISTORICAL SUMMARY 7 3.1 Toronto Gore Township 7 3.2 Lot 5, Concession 8 ND, Toronto Gore Township 11 4.0 CULTURAL HERITAGE EVALUATION 14 4.1 Design/Physical Value 15 4.2 Historical and Associative Value 17 4.3 Contextual Value 17 4.4 Summary of Cultural Heritage Values 18 4.5 Heritage Status of Adjacent Properties and Landscape Elements 18 5.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL 19 6.0 HERITAGE POLICIES 20 6.1 The Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statement (2005) 20 6.2 Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) 22 6.3 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) 22 6.4 City of Brampton Official Plan 24 7.0 HERITAGE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT & MITIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS 25 7.1 Introduction 25 7.2 City of Brampton Mitigation Protocols for Heritage Impact Assessments 25 7.3 Mitigation Recommendations 26 SOURCES CONSULTED Appendix A: Photographs Cultural Heritage Landscape Appendix B: Photographs Residence Appendix C: Historical Maps Appendix D: Ontario Heritage Act Regulation 9/06 E 1-5 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 Location of subject property, City of Brampton [Source: Microsoft Virtual Earth 2009]. 1 Figure 2.1 Location of 8712 Claireville Conservation Road in the City of Brampton [Source: Microsoft Virtual Earth 2009]. 4 Figure 2.2 Aerial of site and buildings [Source: Microsoft Virtual Earth 2009]. 6 Figure 3.1 John Bland Property, Lot 5, Concession 8 ND, Toronto Gore Township [Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Peel, 1877]. 12 Figure 4.1 East (front) elevation of residence at 8712 Claireville Conservation Road. 15 Heritage Impact Assessment Report E 1-6 Page 1 8712 Claireville Conservation Road (Lot 5, Concession 8 ND Geographic Township of Toronto Gore) City of Brampton 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has requested the preparation of a heritage impact assessment (HIA) for the property located at 8712 Claireville Conservation Road in response to the requirements of the City of Brampton. The study area contains the undeveloped lands largely within the west half of Lot 5, Concession 8 ND, geographic area of Toronto Gore Township, and now part of the City of Brampton. The subject property is located within lands owned by the TRCA. The TRCA is exploring the possible removal of the residence located at 8712 Claireville Conservation Road. An HIA determines the significant of a cultural heritage resource, and how proposed land use development, demolition or site alterations may affect a resource. A property does not have to be designated or listed on a heritage register to be subject to the HIA process. Any property that may exhibit cultural heritage value or 'heritage potential' will be subject to an appropriate level of heritage due diligence guided through the HIA process. Figure 1.1. Location of subject property, City of Brampton [Source: Microsoft Virtual Earth 2009]. Unterman McPhail Associates July 2009 Heritage Resource Management Consultants Heritage Impact Assessment Report E 1-7 Page 2 8712 Claireville Conservation Road (Lot 5, Concession 8 ND Geographic Township of Toronto Gore) City of Brampton 1.1 City of Brampton Heritage Impact Assessment Requirements The City of Brampton defines an HIA as a study to determine how significant a cultural heritage resource might be and how a proposed land use development, demolition or site alterations may impact that resource. The report should recommend and outline a range of mitigative measures or alternative development approaches that should be applied, based on a range of decision making factors such as: significance, rarity and integrity of the cultural heritage resource, structural condition, location, contextual and environmental considerations, municipal policy objectives, proposed land uses, business plan of the subject landowner and other factors. An HIA can also be used to determine if and when demolition, relocation, salvage or other potentially negative impacts may be permissible. For example, in certain, rare instances demolition might be permissible if a heritage building is confirmed as structurally unsound, is heavily damaged or otherwise compromised to such a degree that rehabilitation and restoration is unfeasible. In such instances a clear and well-articulated rationale is required to justify such impacts. An HIA must also be framed within the broader context of provincial planning policies, national and international standards, best practices, professional standards, charters and conventions relating to cultural heritage. Consultants shall assess cultural heritage value or interest in accordance with Ontario Heritage Act Regulation 9/06: Criteria for Determining Cultural Heritage Value or Interest. With regard to listed and designated heritage properties, or other previously un-assessed properties that may hold cultural heritage value or interest, the objectives of the HIA are to: o Assess and determine the cultural heritage value of the subject property as a whole, noting all heritage attributes and other character defining elements as found; o Identify and assess any other unique attributes of the site and surrounding area that may contribute to the cultural heritage value of the subject property, such as cultural heritage landscapes, natural heritage features, archaeological potential, integration with a streetscape or area and the like; o Determine physical condition, structural integrity of standing structures and other heritage attributes as found on the subject property and confirm if conservation, rehabilitation and/or restoration is feasible; o Outline a rationale of any proposals that might impact heritage resources (e.g., demolition, relocation, road widening, etc.) being put forward by a landowner or other party; o Outline and recommend appropriate mitigation to loss, destruction, removal, encroachments or others proposed actions that may impact heritage resources found on the subject property, as applicable; o Identify required short-term site conservation, site security and building stabilization measures as required to protect a significant resource during an interim period of vacancy or limited use; Unterman McPhail Associates July 2009 Heritage Resource Management Consultants Heritage Impact Assessment Report E 1-8 Page 3 8712 Claireville Conservation Road (Lot 5, Concession 8 ND Geographic Township of Toronto Gore) City of Brampton o Outline long-term conservation or rehabilitation measures and adaptive reuse options as applicable; and, o Recommend site planning and landscaping measures that may be adopted to help ensure significant heritage resources are effectively protected or enhanced on lands subject to redevelopment. The HIA report should