US 20060192991A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0192991 A1 Donahoe et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 31, 2006

(54) EPSON SCRAPBOOK CENTRAL TM Publication Classi?cation REPRODUCTION SYSTEM (51) Int. Cl. (75) Inventors: Colin Donahoe, Palos Verde Estates, G06F 3/12 (2006.01) CA (US); Frank Martin, San (52) Us. or...... 35s/1.15; 281/22; 358/474 Clemente, CA (US) Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT PILLSBURY WINTHROP SHAW PITTMAN LLP P.O BOX 10500 A full-size scrapbook page is scanned by 11 image scanner. McLean, VA 22102 (US) A device receives an image of the scanned full siZe scrapbook page. The full-size scanned scrapbook page (73) Assignee: EPSON AMERICA INC., Long Beach, is displayed on a display screen coupled to the display CA device. The full-size scanned scrapbook page is accepted to create an accepted scrapbook page. The accepted scrapbook (21) Appl. No.: 11/056,900 page image is transferred to an image and is printed on the image printer. The results is a high-quality color copy (22) Filed: Feb. 11, 2005 or reproduction of the original scrapbook page.

Computing Dispiay/—— 210 Image Scanner 240

Computing '_ Device 20W’ -

Ke board 206 ' ' ‘:1 - / y \ \Mouse 205 Second S2héa8|vmg Area Device Tray 272 Cart 260

Secondary Printer 220 Image Printer 230

First Shelving Area 264 / _ Scrapbook Station _ 'i i“ U Wheels 262 l_ Patent Application Publication Aug. 31, 2006 Sheet 1 0f 16 US 2006/0192991 Al

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Patent Application Publication Aug. 31, 2006 Sheet 6 0f 16 US 2006/0192991 A1


Select What you Want to do.

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Start New Custom Job

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FIG. 4

Patent Application Publication Aug. 31, 2006 Sheet 8 0f 16 US 2006/0192991 A1


Select how to load the photos

FIG. 6 scruplaqqk

Select the products to print for all

4x6" Prim: 5X1" Prints

Go Back Continue FIG. 8 Patent Application Publication Aug. 31, 2006 Sheet 9 0f 16 US 2006/0192991 A1

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Z.3 Patent Application Publication Aug. 31, 2006 Sheet 13 0f 16 US 2006/0192991 A1

Enter your name and password

User Name: I Batty Wu -| Password.

FIG. 12(a)

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Start New Scrapbooldng lob

Start New Photo Iob

/ Start New Custom job

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FIG. 12(b) Patent Application Publication Aug. 31, 2006 Sheet 14 0f 16 US 2006/0192991 A1


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FIG. 12(c)

Select the pictures to print

FIG. 12((1) Patent Application Publication Aug. 31, 2006 Sheet 15 0f 16 US 2006/0192991 A1

Select the products to print for all

8x10" Prints

Go Back Continue FIG. 12(6)

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Cancel Changes Save Changes FIG. 12(g) US 2006/0192991 A1 Aug. 31, 2006

EPSON SCRAPBOOK CENTRAL TM [0011] FIG. 8 illustrates a number of printing options REPRODUCTION SYSTEM according to an embodiment of the present invention; BACKGROUND [0012] FIG. 9 illustrates a photograph order mode accord [0001] Scrapbooking, or the making of scrapbook pages, ing to an embodiment of the present invention; Where an artistic page is created from images, is very [0013] FIG. 10 illustrates creation of a specialty product popular in both the United States and Europe. Many people according to an embodiment of the present invention; have “scrapbooking parties” Where a host provides scrap booking materials (such as paper, borders, ideas for layout) [0014] FIG. 11 illustrates creation of management reports to participants. The scrapbooking materials can be very according to an embodiment of the present invention; and expensive. In addition, if a scrapbook page is created and is [0015] FIGS. 12(a)-12(g) illustrate sample input screens Well received by the scrapbooking participants, it is very according to an embodiment of the present invention. dif?cult to duplicate because the duplication of the scrap book pages must be done by hand. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE [0002] Electronic scrapbooking systems can also be uti INVENTION liZed to create scrapbooking pages. While it may be easier to [0016] The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM reproduction sys make copies of digital scrapbooking pages because multiple tem can be utiliZed by retail or store personnel to provide copies of a page may be sent to an image printer, a user has imaging products and scrapbooking products to customers to have a computer, scrapbook , and a high-quality or users Who bring in images to a retail environment. The image printer With appropriate image quality photo paper in Epson Scrapbook CentralTM reproduction system 100 order to produce an original professional or acceptable (Which may also be referred to as the Epson Scrapbook scrapbook page. At the aforementioned “scrapbooking” par CentralTM system 100) is to be utiliZed by retail or store ties, it is usually not possible for each scrapbooking partici personnel and not users and may not be accessible to pant to have a computer and scrapbooking softWare. Also, customers or users. The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM is more scrapbooking enthusiasts do not feel that electronic creation of a copy center or reproduction device, as compared to a of a scrapbook is similar artistically to creation of a scrap photo or imaging kiosk, because the customer or user book by hand (or by cutting and pasting). provides the photos, scrapbooks, or digital media to the [0003] Accordingly, a need exists for a system to be in retail or store personnel and the retail or store personnel place that alloWs for scrapbooking participants to be able to ful?lls the customer request, manages the job, and produces easily create scrapbooking pages and easily make copies of the customer’s or user’s products. Under certain operating the scrapbooking pages. In addition, in most cases, many conditions, a retail store may oWn or lease one or more scanners do not alloW for a full-siZe scrapbook pages (12" by Epson Scrapbook CentralTM Systems and could rent out 12'') to be scanned. Most Printers also do not alloW for a rooms to individuals Who are organizing scrapbooking full-siZe scrapbook page (12" by 12") to be printed. Accord events. The Epson Scrapbook Central system is small ingly, an additional need exists to alloW users to scan full enough that it may be placed on a movable cart and be able siZe scrapbook pages utiliZing an image scanner, to store as to be easily moved from one location to another location. an image a full siZe scrapbook page, and to print, on an [0017] The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM reproduction sys image printer, a full-siZe scrapbook page. tem 100 may be utiliZed to copy customer’s scrapbook BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS pages. The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 may be utiliZed to produce or reproduce custom or basic scrapbook [0004] FIG. 1 illustrates softWare installed on the Epson ing backgrounds from digital media. The digital media Scrapbook CentralTM reproduction system according to an Which can be utiliZed in the Epson Scrapbook CentralTM embodiment of the present invention system may include memory cards (SD media, MicroDrive, [0005] FIG. 2 illustrates hardWare components of an MMC, Memory Stick, USB memory devices, etc). The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM reproduction system according Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 may produce or to an embodiment of the present invention; generate photo prints, graphical product prints, and enlarge ments from digital media. The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM [0006] FIG. 3 illustrates a Work?oW for copying a scrap system 100 may generate photo prints, graphic product book page according to an embodiment of the present prints, and enlargements from photos Which are scanned in invention; from a scanner Which is part of the Epson Scrapbook Central [0007] FIG. 4 illustrates a sample input screen for select system 100. The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 ing job type according to an embodiment of the present may produce photo prints, graphical product prints, scrap invention; book pages, and enlargements from advanced or custom scrapbooking features. [0008] FIG. 5 illustrates a data?oW of creating a scrap book background page according to an embodiment of the [0018] Under certain operating conditions, the Epson present invention; Scrapbook Central system 100 may produce or generate photo CDs or archive images on other digital storage media. [0009] FIG. 6 illustrates an illustrative input screen for The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 may digitally inputting information according to an embodiment of the correct, ?x, or adjust photos before the photos or images are present invention; printed. The prints may be produced in color, black & White, [0010] FIG. 7 illustrates a data?oW of creating journal sepia, or a number of duotone colors, and the prints may be boxes or text according to an embodiment of the present printed on various papers and With various ?nishes. The invention; Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 may produce prod US 2006/0192991 A1 Aug. 31, 2006

ucts (photos, prints, etc.) including customizable text. The computing device 200 may also include memory 201, a hard Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 may produce or disk drive or other non-volatile memory device 202, a print receipts or records of job orders. reader 203, an archive drive 204, e.g., a [0019] The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 may DVD-RW (optical read-Write) drive, a CD-RW drive, a also alloW administration functions to be performed by retail Writable optical disk drive, a keyboard 205, and a mouse 206. or store personnel. The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM repro duction system alloWs the management of customer orders [0024] In an embodiment of the invention, the memory by ?rst displaying the customer order. The customer order card reader 203 may be a 7-in-1 memory card reader. This may be edited. The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 may alloW for multiple manufacturers of digital media to be may automatically print the customer orders or may alloW accepted for providing images into the Epson Scrapbook for manual printing of the order. CentralTM system. In other embodiments of the invention, the memory card reader 203 may be a 2-in-1, a 3-in-1, a [0020] Additional administration functions that may be 4-in-1, a 5-in-1, or a 6-in-1 memory card reader. performed include the ability to produce reports. Products may be established and pricing may be established. The [0025] In an embodiment of the invention, the display Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system alloWs the establish device 210 may be a touch screen LCD monitor. This alloWs ment of user accounts and administrator’s rights. The Epson for easy manipulation of the selected menu items and for Scrapbook CentralTM system also alloWs the establishment quick training for neW retail store personnel. In other of discounts for certain user accounts and also alloWs for embodiments of the invention, other displays may be uti certain store or retail personnel to establish an appropriate liZed. discount. [0026] In an embodiment of the invention, the secondary printer 220 may be a narroW carriage ink jet printer. Illus [0021] FIG. 1 illustrates softWare installed on the Epson tratively, the secondary printer 220 may be an Epson R800 Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 according to an embodi pigment-base inkjet printer. Under certain operating condi ment of the present invention. The softWare installed on the tions, the secondary printer 220 may print images or photos Epson Scrapbook Central system 100 may include three that are input to the system. Under certain operating condi modules. The three modules may be a scrapbook function tions, the secondary printer 220 may print receipts or bills module 110, a photo printing module 120, and custom or for jobs completed by the Epson Scrapbook CentralTM advanced function module 130. The custom function mod system 100. ule 130 may have access limited to advanced (trained) operators or administrators. These three modules may be [0027] In an embodiment of the invention, the image resident on a computing device Which is part of the Epson printer 230 may be a Wide carriage ink jet printer. This Scrapbook CentralTM system. Under certain operating con alloWs (in terms of length and Width) print ditions, output from either the scrapbook function module media to be utiliZed in the Epson Scrapbook CentralTM 110 or the photo printing module 120 may utiliZe the system 100. Illustratively, the image printer 230 may be an customer function module 130 to enhance images that are Epson R1800 Wide carriage, pigment-based inkjet printer. being processed by either the scrapbook function module [0028] The image printer 230 may have the capability of 110 or the photo printing module 120. printing to the edge of a 12"><12" scrapbook page. This feature may be referred to as “borderless” printing. The [0022] In an embodiment of the invention, the Epson image printer 230 may be able to print on cut sheet paper Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 may also include addi (such as A4, letter, B5, Legal, Executive, A5, A6), on tional softWare modules. The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM envelopes, on postcards (as small as 100 mm by 148 mm), system 100 may include a disk imaging module 140, such as bright White ink jet paper, premium bright White paper, the Norton GhostTM utility softWare. The Epson Scrapbook premium ink jet plain paper, photo quality ink jet paper, CentralTM system 100 may include photo editing softWare matte-paper heavyWeight paper, archival matte paper, pre 150, such as the ElementsTM softWare. The mium glossy photo paper, premium semi-gloss photo paper, Adobe Photoshop ElementsTM softWare may be resident premium luster photo paper, ink jet transparencies, ink jet Within the advanced or custom softWare 130 (as illustrated note cards, ink jet greeting cards, photo-quality self-adhe in FIG. 1) or may be linked to the advanced or customer sive sheets, and iron-on cool peel transfer paper. The image softWare module 130. The Epson Scrapbook Central system printer 230 may include cartridges such as photo-black, 100 may include a slideshoW creation softWare module 160, matte-black, magenta, cyan, yelloW, magenta, red, violet, such as Arcsoft’s DVD SlideshoWTM softWare. The Epson and clear. Accordingly, the image printer 230 may support 8 Scrapbook CentralTM reproduction system 100 may also color printing. Pigment ink is also supported. In embodi include softWare drivers other accessories, such as an imag ments of the invention, a separate ink cartridge is provided ing printer driver 170, a secondary printer driver 172, and a for each color. The image printer may utiliZe various com scanner driver 174. munication protocols. Under certain operating conditions, [0023] FIG. 2 illustrates hardWare components of an the computing device 200 may communicate With the image Epson Scrapbook Central system 100 according to an printer utilizing the IEEE-1394 protocol (FireWire), the embodiment of the present invention. The Epson Scrapbook Universal Serial Bus (U SB) protocol, or via a Wireless Central system 100 includes a or com protocol (such as IEEE 802.11g Wireless communication puting device 200, a computer display 210, a secondary protocol). In embodiments of the invention, the image printer 220, an image printer 230, an image scanner 240, and printer 230 may support up to 5760 (height) dpi by 1440 (V) a removable memory device 250. In an embodiment of the dpi. invention, all of the above-identi?ed components are [0029] The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM reproduction sys installed on a cart 260 that is movable or transportable The tem 100 may include a security feature to prevent inadvert US 2006/0192991 A1 Aug. 31, 2006

ent comprising of the system. If the Epson Scrapbook third shelving area 278. The display 210 rests on the stand CentralTM system 100 is logged into a Supervisory mode and 276 Which noW rests on the second shelving area 268. The there has been no activity measured by the system 100 for movement of the components of the Epson Scrapbook a predetermined amount of time, e.g., 3-5 minutes, then the CentralTM system 100 alloWs for a loWer pro?le, in terms of supervisor mode is automatically logged out and the Epson height, for the entire system 100. Scrapbook CentralTM system returns to a normal mode Where the system 100 can be utiliZed to create Scrapbook [0033] FIG. 3 illustrates a Work?oW for copying a scrap pages or create photo prints. In other Words, it returns to a book page according to an embodiment of the present normal mode Where store or retail personnel can enter invention. A retail or sales employee enters his or her customer orders and create either scrapbook or photo pages. identi?cation and identi?es that neW customer order is to be processed. A job type is selected 310. In an embodiment of [0030] The image scanner 240 may be a ?atbed color the invention, the job types that are selected maybe a image scanner. In an embodiment of the invention, the scrapbook job, a photo job, a custom job or an existing job. image scanner 240 may be a 12.2 inch><11", 8" by 8", and 6"><6". In scrapbooking circles, 12" tratively, the CCD may be a 6 line CCD having 94,500 by 12" is referred to as a full-siZe scrapbook page. Scrap . In an embodiment of the invention, the maximum book enthusiasts do not consider that 8.5" by 11" is a scanning siZe may be 12.2><16.5 inches, Which is larger than full-siZe scrapbook page. most image scanners designed for photo reproductions. The image scanner 240 may scan up to a resolution of 2400 dots [0034] A scrapbook job may be selected 312 and a prompt per inch (dpi). The output resolution of the image scanner or request may be generated to have a scrapbook page be 240 may be 12,800 dpi. The depth of the image scanner placed on a scan bed of the image scanner. Under certain 240 may be 16 bits/pixel, both input and output. The image operating conditions, a user or retail/sales personnel may scanner 240 separates colors by color ?lters on the CCD. place the scrapbook page on the image scanner 240. The image scanner 240 may include Zoom capabilities of [0035] The image scanner 240 scans 314 the scrapbook 50% to 200%. The image scanner 240 may interface to the page and transfers an image of the scrapbook page to the computing device 200 via a USB interface, an IEEE 1394 computing device 200. Illustratively, a scrapbook page interface, or via a Wireless protocol, such as 802.11(g). The image is transferred to the memory of the 201 of the light source for the image scanner may be a xenon gas computing device. Under certain operating conditions, the ?uorescent lamp. scrapbook page is scanned in a single-pass by the image [0031] FIG. 2(b) illustrates a sample Epson Scrapbook scanner 240. Central cart and system according to an embodiment of the [0036] The scrapbook page image is displayed 316 on the present invention. The cart 260 may include Wheels 262 to display device as a previeW. The scrapbook page image may alloW for easy movement Within a house, scrapbooking be accepted or rejected. If it is rejected, the image scanner event location, or retail locations. The Wheels 262 may 240 may scan the scrapbook page again and transfer the neW include locking mechanisms to keep the Epson Scrapbook scrapbook page image to the computing device. Illustra CentralTM system Within a single location. On a ?rst shelving tively, in order for the scrapbook page image to be displayed, area 264, the cart 260 may have a secondary printer 220 and the scrapbook page image is transferred from the memory an image printer 230. In an embodiment of the invention, 201 of the computing device to the display device 210. this ?rst shelving area 264 may be located approximately one foot from a ?oor Where the Epson Scrapbook CentralTM [0037] The scrapbook page image may be printed 318 on system 100 is located. On an underside of a second shelving the image printer 230. This may be referred to as a print of area 268, an tray 272 may be located Which a scrapbook page image. A full-siZe reproduction of the houses, illustratively, a mouse 205 and a keyboard 206. On scrapbook page image may be printed on the image printer a top side of the second shelving area 268, a computing 230. In other Words, if a 12" by 12" scrapbook page Was device 200 may be located along With the image scanner scanned, a 12" by 12" print of the scrapbook page image 230. The computer display 210 may be located on top of the may be printed. The print of the scrapbook image may be computing device 200 and may be placed on a stand 276. In printed on lignin-free acid-free paper. Under certain oper an embodiment of the invention, the cart 260 may be 4 feet ating conditions, small siZes of scrapbook pages may be Wide and may be 3 feet tall. In the embodiment of the printed on the secondary printer 220. The Epson Scrapbook invention illustrated in FIG. 2(b), a top of the computer CentralTM system 100 may request 320 if other scrapbook display 210 may be located approximately 5 feet from the pages need to be printed. If an additional scrapbook page is ?oor Where the Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 is to be printed, the image scanner 240 scans the neW or located. additional scrapbook page. [0032] FIG. 2(0) illustrates an alternative embodiment of [0038] The Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system 100 may an Epson Scrapbook CentralTM system including a cart archive 322 the scrapbook page image. If the image of the according to an embodiment of the present invention. As is scrapbook page(s) is to be archived, the Epson Scrapbook illustrated in FIG. 3, a third shelving area 278 has been Central system may archive 326 the image of the scrapbook added to the cart 260. The computing device 200 has been page(s) to an archival media, such as a CD or a DVD. The moved to rest on top of the third shelving area 278. The Epson Scrapbook Central System 100 alloWs a single image image printer 230 has been moved to also rest on top of the of the scrapbook page to be archived separately, a selected