wwwww.wun.uenpe.opr.gorg UnitedUnited Nations Nations Environment Environment Programme Programme P.O. P.O.Box 30552Box 30552 Nairobi, Nairobi, 00100 00100 Kenya Kenya Tel: Tel:(254 (25420) 7621234 20) 7621234 Fax: Fax: (254 (25420) 7623927 20) 7623927 E-mail:E-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] web:web: www.unep.org www.unep.org INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN RESOURCES A biophysical assessment Acknowledgements This report has been produced for the UNEP-hosted International Resource Panel (IRP). It is the result of the efforts of several expert members of the IRP as well as external expertise. We thank the key authors of the report: Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Monika Dittrich, and Nina Eisenmenger. We would also like to thank the following for their valuable contributions: Paul Ekins, Julian Fulton, Thomas Kastner, Karin Hosking, Heinz Schandl, Jim West, and Thomas O. Wiedmann. We would also like to thank those that provided their valuable time in carrying out the external peer review of the report: Vangelis Vitalis, Heike Baumueller, Jan Weinzettel, Dabo Guan, Kuishuang Feng, and Chen Hin Keong. Special thanks to Julia Kolar of Institute for Social Ecology at University of Klagenfurt in Austria for essential support in data verification. We would also like to extend our thanks to International Resource Panel member Edgar G. Hertwich, who acted as Peer Review Coordinator for this report. The UNEP Secretariat Team provided essential support, especially Shaoyi Li, Madhuvantthe, Christina Bodouroglou and Abraham Pedroza. Copyright © United Nations Environment Programme, 2015 without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made.