The molecular and cellular basis of rhodopsin retinitis pigmentosa reveals potential strategies for therapy. Dimitra Athanasiou1, Monica Aquila1, James Bellingham1, Wenwen Li1, Caroline McCulley1, Philip J. Reeves2*, anD Michael E. Cheetham1* 1UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, 11-43 Bath Street, LonDon EC1V 9EL, UK 2School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Essex CO4 3SQ, UK *CorresponDence shoulD be aDDresseD to Professor Mike Cheetham,
[email protected] or Dr Phil Reeves,
[email protected] Keywords rhoDopsin, GPCR, retinal Dystrophy, neuroDegeneration, mutation, protein misfolDing, proteostasis, therapy, protein traffic, enDocytosis, CRISPR 1 Contents Page Title page 1 Contents 2 Abbreviations 4 Glossary 6 Abstract 7 1. IntroDuction 8 1.1 IDentification of mutations in rhoDopsin (RHO) 8 1.2 Phenotypes of rhoDopsin associateD retinal Dystrophies 9 1.2.1 CSNB 10 1.2.2 arRP 11 1.2.3 aDRP 11 1.3 Variation in the RHO gene, when is a variant a mutation? 12 2. Structural anD biochemical basis of rhoDopsin RP mutants 14 2.1 Why so many Dominant rhoDopsin RP mutants? 14 2.2 The Distribution of RP mutants in rhoDopsin 15 2.2.1 RP mutations locateD in the N-terminus of rhoDopsin: the role of the N- terminal cap 15 2.2.2 RP mutations in the transmembrane helices 18 2.3 Structural stuDies of CSNB mutants 19 2.4 Dimerization Deficiency in adRP mutants 20 3. RhoDopsin biogenesis, post-translational moDifications anD trafficking 21 3.1 MisfolDing, ER retention anD instability 22 3.2 Post Golgi trafficking anD OS targeting 24 3.3 DisrupteD vesicular traffic anD enDocytosis 26 3.4 AltereD post-translational moDifications anD reDuceD stability 27 3.5 AltereD transducin activation 28 3.6 Constitutive activation 28 4.