A "Work SabbathW


cise," Stapleton explains. "Participants break into ~| od is at work—at work. groups of three, with people they don't know, That's the idea behind the inno- and make a list of all the things they have in com­ • vative "Work Sabbath" program initi- mon," she says. "We have a real cross-section of G the organization at these workshops. Participants ated and led by Marguerite Stapleton, vice president, mission represent different lengths of service, entities, or effectiveness, Sisters of Charity Health System, levels of management. The diversity is part of Lcwiston, ME. The system, which is part of what they love—that, and discovering that they Covenant Health Systems, Lexington, MA, com­ have so much in common." prises St. Mary's Regional Medical Center, the After the icebreaker exercise, participants are St. Marguerite D'Youville Pavillion, the Maison given "Keeper Cards" on which they arc encour­ Marcotte Independent Living Center, Ms. Mulvihill is aged to record any insight, idea, or commitment Community Clinical Services, and WorkMed, all they want to keep with them once this day is in Lewiston. vice president, cor­ over. Stapleton offers the participants a selection The one-day, off-site program is intended to of cards bearing various adages and slogans, such as Wayne Gretzky's remark: "You miss 100 per­ enable staff members to explore the spirituality porate communica­ and meaning of work. For virtually all partici­ cent of the shots you never take." Each person chooses a card, agreeing to share its message pants, the outcome is affirmation of their role in tions, Covenant furthering the organization's mission and a whenever it seems appropriate—even if doing so renewed sense of purpose and commitment to interrupts whatever else is happening. their jobs. Health Systems, "It started as a way to celebrate the Jubilee in THE SABBATH WALK the year 2000," says Stapleton in explaining the Lexington, MA. Stapleton then tells a story about a South genesis of the Work Sabbath program. But Work American tribe that goes on a long march. Day Sabbath did not end with the Jubilee. "It's after day they walk, very quickly, until, all of a become so popular that we have initiated a Work sudden, they come to a halt and camp for a cou­ Sabbath II for those who have already attended ple of days before going further. A stranger, the original workshop," Stapleton says. To date, watching this, asks a tribesman why his people more than 470 system employees have attended a have stopped walking. "We need the of rest Work Sabbath session, finding the experience to so that our souls can catch up with us," the latter be relaxing and revitalizing at the same time. replies. Pondering this story, participants gather formal­ THE DAY BEGINS ly to talk about the Sabbath as it is observed in var­ The Work Sabbath program is held each month ious faiths, focusing on the Judeo-Christian tradi­ on a Friday (except for July, the height of vaca­ tion in particular. "We light a Sabbath candle to tion season), at a lakeside retreat center some 13 honor the fact that we're moving into a new miles from the system campus. Employees receive time," Stapleton says. "I distribute reading materi­ their regular day's pay to attend the program, al from Sabbath: Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of which runs from 8 am to 3 pm. Attendance aver­ Rest, by Wayne Muller (Bantam, New York City, ages about 20 employees per program. "Holding 2000), and invite participants to find a comfortable it off-site is essential to foster a sense of just reading spot, indoors or out. 'hanging out' together," Stapleton notes. "Chimes signal when it's time to return to the After the participants arrive, have a quick look meeting room," Stapleton continues. "Before the around the property', and drink a cup of coffee, participants disperse, I explain the difference the day begins with a simple "icebreaker exer- Continued on page 54

56 • SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2003 HEALTH PROGRESS FINAL SAY Continued from page 56

between chronos— time measured by clocks: hours, her role with great effectiveness, Stapleton invites minutes, and seconds—and kairos, which is time in participants to think of a time when they func­ which one is wholly absorbed in the moment, tioned at their best on the job. Then she intro­ unhurried and unaware of the hour's passing. And, duces the idea of being "called" to work at Sisters since this is meant to be a kairos time, I suggest of Charity Health System, connecting to the that they remove their watches and beepers and phrase in the organization's mission statement in leave them on the table for the remainder of the which the system promises "to continue the heal­ day." ing ministry of the Catholic Church." When participants reconvene, they first form Next, Stapleton leads a discussion on the topic small groups to discuss what they took from the of "Restoring Balance to Our Work Lives," in reading and then share their insights with the group the process listing eight "rules" for doing so. The as a whole. Stapleton notes that when the group is "rules," which come from Jeffrey K. Sallin's made up of women only, the discussion often turns Being God's Partner: How to Find the Hidden to the cultural barriers they face in taking care of Link between Spirituality and Tour Work themselves and finding time just to "be." (Jewish Lights Publishing, Woodstock, VT, Next, participants are sent on a "Sabbath walk"; 1997), are: each is encouraged, while on it, to find a "gift • Get a life. from the earth" (the inspiration for which comes the "Work • Discover (or rediscover) Sabbath. from Anne Morrow Lindbergh's book, Gift from • Pray daily. the Sea [Pantheon, New York City, 1991]). The Sabbath" • Don't define yourself by your job or career. walkers are urged to do this in silence. Then, when • Accept failures on the path to success. they return to the meeting room, they place their helps • Stop trying to be perfect. "gift" on the Sabbath table and explain to each • Accept limitations and boundaries. other why they happened to choose it and what it participants • Let God be your partner. means to them. (A stone, for example, might sym­ After a free period, during which participants bolize the foundation of mission.) see their are encouraged to make notes about and identify their "keepers," Stapleton reads aloud a chil­ EIGHT SIMPLE "RULES" work in a dren's book, The Quiltmaker's Gift, by Jeff The morning session wraps up with a discussion Brumbeau and Gail deMarcken (Scholastic of silence. Participants talk about the absence of Books, New York City, 2001), following which silence from most people's lives, and about how new way. she leads a discussion concerning how the story it might be reclaimed and incorporated in the might relate to the day's workshop and to the work day. Sisters of Charity organization. (The book cele­ After lunch, Stapleton poses this : brates the joy of giving and gently emphasizes the "Why do you keep coming back to work here at age-old truth that material wealth does not neces­ Sisters of Charity Health System day after day, sarily buy happiness.) week after week, year after year?" Then it's time for evaluation and feedback. "I ("Their reasons for staying here are very feel strongly that we should hold the so-called poignant and never about money," she remarks 'meeting after the meeting' during the meeting," later. "They talk about the organization's values, says Stapleton. "It gives people an opportunity to how working for a Catholic organization makes a speak openly to one another, relax, refocus, and difference, how they're able to deal with death in become centered. They learn that others in the a caring and responsible way, how their co-work­ organization feel the same way they do. ers provide a sense of family, how they feel as if "The Work Sabbath —like our traditional they're making a difference in someone's life.") Sabbath—is a day of rest so our souls can catch up After reading aloud to the group a story about with us," she continues. Her goal, she says, is to a health care worker who learned how to perform get a critical mass of Sisters of Charity Health

54 • SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2003 HEALTH PROGRESS IT'S A FEELING OF BEING POWERLESS BY YOURSELF. OF DEPENDING ON OTHERS TOFIGHTmn!!XO, System employees to take part. "Usually one person in a department will attend FOR YOUR RIGHTS: and become an evangelist for the pro­ gram," she notes. rsBEING What difference has the Work Sabbath made in the lives of the people who have SCARED participated? One attendee simply said that she turned off the car radio and began to enjoy the silence. Another said, AND AFRAID, "Work Sabbath really made me accept that I can't possibly do it all, that I don't NOT KNOWING WHAT have to be , and that I can be honest with myself and others about TOMORROW my limits. It has freed me to think in more creative ways and to project a calmer and more centered self and, there­ WILL BE LIKE. fore, an open mind to all the possibilities that life has to offer." IT'S WORKING Another participant wrote: TILL YOU HURT - Since attending the Work Sabbath retreat, I have realized that there AND ALWAYS COMING SJP will always be tasks to be complet­ ed; however, this moment will never happen again. Now, as I walk down the hall and see a oil patient alone, afraid, or in distress, I stop without guilt to actually sit Real words. From a bitterly real place. The state of and hold a hand, listen, or reas­ sure. No longer do I think about American poverty. Where 33 million people - one out of every the thousand other tasks that eight Americans - struggle with uncertainty. Where one out of every

require my attention; I am totally ten families in America, more working families than ever before, labor present in that moment with that patient. Although 1 always to be free, only to remain trapped. And three out of every four children stopped before, I wasn't 100 per­ in poverty watch someone go to work, hoping for a better return, only cent 'there.' The energy and to find there's not enough to keep hunger and sickness away. And as humanity in these precious moments motivates and nurtures their dreams of a secure tomorrow fade, so do those of this nation. me in ways I don't quite under­ stand. Thank you. "71"^^ To read more real words from d u .- Americans living in poverty, visit For more information about the Work America's forgotten State, Sabbath program at Sisters of Charity Catholic Campaign loi Health System, contact Marguerite Human Development Stapleton at [email protected]. 1-800-946-4243 www povertyusa orq



Reprinted from Health Progress, September-October 2003 Copyright © 2003 by The Catholic Health Association of the United States