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Town Woman Tells Zone Change Request Tom Kelley Recalls Alaskan Senator Of Shipboard Romance Stirs Some Opposition Grid Board Start Page 3 Page 10 Survives Plane Crash Page 11 Page 16 lia n rl)ra tfr Clearing HIgiw N«ar 50 RHall* on pago 2 Yule Festivity t M m x m MANCHESTER — Members of the Downtown Manchester Association will sponsor an Old- Fashioned Christmas festivity Thursday in front of St. James Church on Main Street. The event will begin with Troops Die in Iran Protests lighting of the tree on the lawn a t 5:55 p.m. followed by a carol sing. TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) - The gunfire was heard in several sectors clashes and some demonstrators Participating in the musical shah’s military government is of the capital. Troops in general were practice self-flagellation in the was “seriously affected by the were armed—the government’s first streets and passions run high. portion of the program will be the acknowledging for the first time reported firing into the air to dis- strike.” admission of this — raising fears of a The U.S. Embassy Monday warned Senior Citizens Choral Group armed demonstrators have shot and perse demonstrators chanting According to diplomats, production tougher crackdown on protesters. the 41,000 Americans in Iran "very directed by Ida Cormier; the killed soldiers in a potentially “Down with the shah.” He did not elaborate on what kind in the southern oiUields fell from 5.9 Manchester High School Round discreet behavior is required” during explosive escalation of Iran’s civil Police kept a low profile at of weapons demonstrators were million barrels of oil to 4.6 miiiinfi Table Singers directed by Martha strife. Tehran’s walled cemetery where 2,- the approaching Moslem holy days of Monday as the strike took hold. using, but troops have confiscated Tessua and Ashure. White,. and the Rennet Junior Demonstrators battled troops after 000 mourners gathered to bury 20 several caches of smuggled Soviet Diplomats warned that the shah High School Choral Group curfew for the fourth straight night people killed in Sunday’s violence. The new strike by oil workers cut must act quickly to end the latest oil submachine guns in regional cities Iran’s daily oil production by 1.3 directed by Waiter Grzyb. Monday, power blackouts shut down Protest leaders claim hundreds have hit by the political turbulence workers’ strike. Jeff Jacobs, general manager of several sectors of the city and oil been shot in fighting that began million barrels and diplomats said “If he doesn’t quickly find a way to sweeping through Iran. the work stoppage in the nation’s radio station WINF, assisted by workers walked off their jobs in a Friday, but still there are no ac- end this strike be will give tte im- Western diplomats said they most important industry was bound his crew, will be the host and new strike — all in protest against curate reports of the death toll. pression of having lost control of the expected the street violence to es- to hamper the shah’s struggle to re- master of ceremonies. Watkins Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Gen. Gholam Ali Oveisi, Tehran’s situation - and in a country like this, calate considerably Sunday and Mon- Store will supply an organ for ac- tain his throne. Three demonstrators were killed in martial law administrator, said in a day — days of special mourning for that kind of iminession is deadly,” companiment. a clash with troops at a bank in down- broadcast Monday an undisclosed Diplontats said two of Iran’s five one diplomat said. the Prophet Mohammad’s grandson. important oil companies were Santa Claus will attend the town Tehran Monday and automatic number of troops had been killed in On those days, faithful Moslems carol sing and pass out candy “completely shut down” and a third canes to the youngsters. More Trouble MANCHESTER — The stormy Mideast Talks weather of Sunday and Monday ^ has caused more problems for the town's leaf pickup. lip Gould Collapse “We’re getting more leaf com- plaints than we are complaints By United Press InternBtional reply.” about the roads," Frederick Israel’s expected rejection of the But Israel’s media painted a Wajes, highway superintendent, latest Egyptian blueprint for peace gloomy picture of the impasse in the said Monday when roads were 1 headed toward Cairo today and an peace talks. still in icy condition. Israeli 'newspaper said the The Haaretz newspaper quoted Some leaf collection work was negotiations between the two nations “highest level government sources” done Monday, but residents still could collapse. But the State Depart- as saying “the negotiations between complained about their leaves not ment said Egypt and Israel would Israel and Egypt are liable to fail.” being picked up or being pushed definitely hold further negotiations to The sources ^ d it is wrong'^to back onto their lawns by passing break their treaty impasse. road plows. The wet weather assume that the diplomatic process President Anwar Sadat, awaiting slows the pickup. started by Sadat's visit to Jerusal^ Israeli Prime Minister Begin’s reply is irreversible, the newspaper said. There were four senders out to his latest proposals, was reported ^"Ilie sources indicated that the working Monday on town roads determined to press his demand for negotiations ate present In a serious before the rain came. No plowing “linkage” between a treafy and a crisis that , is liable to turn into a was needed Sunday, but sanding timetable for giving autonomy to situation with no outlet,” it said. The and salting crews worked in the West Bank Palestinians — the sources added that Israel and Egypt afternoon. sticking point of the negotiations. must arrive at new dechdons.. More Surplus.. , ..Thq m essa^ W M A e i% 4 ^ ^ ■ Cairo by a special U.S. emlEaiy.'' to the lette^^^tpiS^^^^^ HARTFORD (UPI) - The state The semi-official newspaper Al Tuesday amounted to a rejection, but comptroller says Connecticut's Ahram said: “Egypt’s next move Al Ahram made it clear Egy|it was latest projected surplus for fiscal will be decided in the light of Begin’s sticking to its position; 1979 is up to $42.6 miUion, marking ah increase of nearly $33.3 million since the previous estimate. Top GOP Family Edward J. Caldwell Monday said the huge increase between the Sept. 31 and Oct. 31 projected surplus was due to a hike in es- To Quit Politics C timated tax revenues and es- timates n the amount of budgeted By GREG PEARSON ran energetic campaigns in their brands and sizes as funds which will not be spent. Herald Reporter first attempts at public office. Stt Lucia Festival Mrs. Swensson said she would con- The estimated tax revenue in- MANCHESTER - The first family creased $20 million and estimated Cathy Dufour, 15, of Avery Street, South sider the party chairmanship if a are, from left, Kathleen Lessard, 6, of of Manchester’s Republican Party is increased lapses were $15.5 divisive battle developed for tte seat. Windsor, portrays Lucia in the St. Lucia Converse Road, Bolton; Randy Norris, 5, of resigning from politics to enter the But, she does not plan to actively million, Caldwell said. business world. Festival to be presented Saturday at 7:30 LMkout Mountain Road, Manchester, and seek it at this time, she said. Because He said the increases total $35.5 In a surprising announcement at million, but were reduced to the p.m. in Emanuel Lutheran Church in of the suddenness of Ferguson’s Michelle Jolly, 5, of Strawberry Lane, Monday night’s meeting of the $33.3 million figure due to es- Manchester. With her are the Tomtars who resignation as chairman, there are Manchester. (Herald photo by Strempfer) Republican executive' committee, timates of additional, higher un- not yet any clear candidates for the Thonias Ferguson announced he will budgeted spending. ' ' post. resign as GOP town chairman and Mrs. Swensson said anyone wishing Inside Today his wife, Vivian, announced she will to be considered for either position Legislators See Home step down from the Town Board of should contact her so the full, com- Classified...... 16-18 Directors. Both resignations are mittee can consider all interest^ Comics...... 19 HARTFORD (UPI) - Some East Hampton Democrat elected to effective Dec. 31. candidates. gawked at the grandeur of their new “Yeah, it seems to me the more Other Republican leaders who Editorial ...... 9 fill the House seat of William senior leaders get the interns,” In his announcement, Ferguson Entertainment ...... 15 home. Others marveled at the mul- O’Neill, who will be sworn in as Lawlor said. attended Monay night’s meeting said referred to his business plans. But, Famiiy...... 5 titude of services at their disposal — lieutenant governor in January. this morning they had no previous in- neither Monday night nor this mor- Gift Guide...... 6-7 and at least one was just happy to Richard Lawlor and Thirman Christine Niedermeier, a dication of the Fergusons’ plans until ning did he offer specifics about his Obituaries ...... 10 find oiit where the plumbing was. Milner, a pair of Hartford Democrat elected to the House from their announcements. and his wife’s plans. Sports...... 11-13 The Fresb*»ian Class of '79 came to Democrats headed for the House, Fairfield, found the whole day “very A committee headed by Elsie The change will require some Television ...... 15 the Capitol idonday faf .panel dis- were impressed with the variety of interesting.” The former aide to “Biz” Swensson, vice chairwoman of training, he said. cussions, a tour of thq 100-year-old services available to lawmakers. Gov. Ella Grasso and Rep. the Republican town committee, will “I’m not going to have any sign out Capitol, a special luncheon and a film These include the secretarial pool Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., be formed to nominate candidates in three months,” Ferguson said this VOl) KNOW WHAT WORRIES for both the town chaq;manship and ME.tINUS? TOERE'S ONLV on typical trials and tribulationscon- that types up speeches, and the appear^ particularly intrigued with morning. fronting the first-termj lawmaker. elaborate computer system that the ceiling of the lower chamber. It’s the Board of Directors position In his formal announcement, he 20 MORE SHOPPING vacated by the Fergusons. DAVS'TIL CHRISTMAS! In all, 45 of the 52 nqw faces in the keeps track of bills. caving in. said, “In the past several months I newly elected Legislature showed up “ I’m Impressed with the There are no clear indications this have been contemplating a change in for “Freshmen Orientation Day.” professionalism of the services The freshmen House members morning who will be nominated to fill my personal business career which “I feel like a college freshman all provided,” Lawlor said. “This could were assured the scaffolding now in those positions. would demand time for study and over again,” said Miqhael Rybak, a be a full-time job if you were in- place will be gone when the Speculation about the Board of training, and might conceivably lead Harwinton Democrat recently dependently wealthy.” Legislature convenes, and they could Directors opening centered around to my absence from the community elected to the House of Represen- “Only thing I wish they had were concentrate on learning how to the party’s three candidates for the for a period of time.” tatives. I interns for the newly elected operate their voting machines board who lost in 1977. All three — Ferguson is the former publisher “1 feel like a first grader going on a legislators,” Milner said. “We need without fear of getting beaned by Peter DiRosa, David Call and and co-owner of The Herald and has 5 tour,” added Dean Markham, an falling plaster. Richard Weinstein — are young and them.” been retired since he sold the business. Ferguson said the new business venture does not involve work with or formation of a real estate firm. Both HUD- Still Denies East Hartford Funds the Fergusons took a course last year development funds.' In three years, The town has taken its own census application will use the three-year elimination of architectural barriers in real estate. By CHRIS BI.AKE Ferguson was elected town chair- lliTulil Kepnrler the town has lost $l.fc million in funds of employers in East Hartford, he plans which were submitted in the to the handicapped; $17,000 for bus under the community development said. That census has included the fourth-year bid as a base. shelters; $5,000 for fair housing man in March 1976. EAST HARTFORD-The federal act. I number of persons employed in East Ironlncaliy, the federal regulations promotion; and $56,000 for ad- Mrs. Ferguson will be completing Department of Housing and Urban her eighth year on the Board of Embry’s letter supports HUD’s Hartford, the salary levels and the which caused HUD to reject the ministration and staff. Development has upheld its rejection Directors. contention that the town is un- town in which those who work in East fourth-year grant may be revised to Blackstone said part of the of the town’s application for $543,000 “I feel this is the right time to derestimating the expected to reside Hartford live. support the town’s position, problem in past years is “HUD’s un- in community development block place a new member on the board so figures — the number of persons who Based on these figures, the town Blackstone said. willingness to recognize potential

grant funds under the fourth-year would live in the town if low income came up with its 350 expected-to- He said the town should receive the that the new appointee can berome blight.” application. housing were provided. reside projection. money next year with no problem. He said the town would like to use acquainted with the board functions

In a letter to Mayor Richard H. The town has said 350 persons Blackstone flew to Washington “I’m sure the fifth-year applica- the money in “preventive work, but prior to the important budget-setting Blackstone, HUD assistant secretary would be expected to reside, while with this data on Sept 21 to meet with tion will work out just fine,” he said. the law and its administration has process,” she said. During her time

Robert C. Embry said additional HUD has maintained the figure Embry. In the letter, Embry said he “We should pass with flying colors.” had a terrible time recognizing on the board, she has been one of its data submitted by the town last should be closer to 960. considered the additional informa- The funds requested under the most vocal and active members. September did not justify changing that.” Blackstone said ithe dispute hinges tion, but it was not enough to sway fourth-year application included: He said the original program con- Both thanked those who have the original decision to deny the on the source of ihose figures. The HUD to change its original decision. helped them In their past years of funds. $150,000 for code enforcement and tained a minimum of restrictions, federal estimates, are based on 1970 The town wiil begin to draw up a housing rehablitation; $100,000 for service. They said they plan to con- NT This is the third straight year the but HUD has made the program census data, which Blackstone calls fifth-year application soon. rehabilitation of public housing; tinue their support of the Republican town has lost its bid tor community more categorical in nature. “worthless." Blackstone said the fifth-year $150,000 for investigation and Party and their involvement in several community activities. s - - * V pis

PAGE TWO— MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancheiter, Conn., Tues., Dec. 6, 1978 Board Airs Snow, Booze Rules r f l • - M^CHESTER EVENING H E R ^ ^ n c ^ t e r , Conn., Tue»., Dec. 5. 1978-PA G E THREE lr. MANCHESTER — Ordinances on the snow removal. and bylaws. removal Of snow and the sale of liquor on Sun- • Closing of roads — This ordinance would Irip to Faradise I rue for Manchester Woman There also are three other public hearing day will be among the public hearing items give the town the authority to close roads items scheduled for tonight. They are: By JUNE TOM PKINS temperature is over IIX) degrees.” I considered by the Town Board of Directors legally while construction work is being done cure the effects of the evil eye, a • Proposed additional appropriation of lirrald Keporl.r But she says the black dress is begin- Greeks, Dale said. There is almdst tonight. on them. $120,000 to fund the Upper Hockanum River knowledge which is passed on from MANCHESTER — Once upon a ning to lessen in Athens. no violent crime there. She said that Nine public hearings, including six for This would reduce town liability if vehicies sewer project. The money will be provided by one possessing it to a younger person. • time there was a little girl who She explained that most husbands Dale says hef husband has this most families, when they are aware proposed ordinances, will be conducted at the are damaged while traveling on roads being borrowing for the project. are about 10 years older than their knowledge. of problems, deal with them from meeting, which begins at 8 o'clock in the repaired or reconstructed. • A proposed appropriation of $25,000 in wanted to travel to far away places. wives, thus the early widowhood. withiii their own ranks. She added Municipal Building's Hearing Room. • Nuisances on streets and highways — The state funds to the Capital Improvement She decided to sail away on a boat. Greeks tend to be of a warm mat there are no rapes, no drug The directors also have a business item to town is seeking a change in its ordinance that When she and the captain of the boat The Greeks are inclined to be nature, touching and embracing each Reserve Fund. superstitious. Dale says. They problems With youths, and no nedd consider a referendum about the town's con- would prohibit property owners from piping • A proposed appropriation of $2,162.53 to met, they fell in love and sailed away ■ other in friendliness. And they love to for social agencies. ^ | to paradise. believe strongly in the "evil eye” and tinuation in the Community Development water directly onto town streets. the Water Reserve Fund. The money is the un- cook. "But very few Greek women Although happy to share some tinle The_ story sounds like a fairy tale, young people wear blue stones which bake anything, they don’t have program. This matter, however, may not be Such piping of water can lead to hazardous expended balance of the Cooper Hill Treat- with her parents, Joseph and Sally but it's true, because essentially, it are supposed to ward off the evil eye. ovens,” Dale said. She explained that discussed until the board's second meeting of conditions during freezing weather. ment Plant account. Kowell, she eagerly waiU to iij- happened to Dale Kowell who grew “Babies’ fingers are often painted the month Dec. 12. The proposed ordinance also would establish Other items on this month's agenda include if women want to cook a roast, they up in Manchester, and later married with red polish to ward off the evil take it to a baker (there’s a confec- troduce Sara Belinda Vostitsanos to Ordinances to be the subject of public a system of charging persons who might spiii the Community Development referendum her daddy, and return to their home Spyridon (Spiro) Vostitsanos, a eye," she says. Asked if she would tionary on nearly every corner) and hearings include the following: or leave items on a road that the town has to proposal, a proposal to require a referendum in Athens. Greek sea captain. paint one of her baby’s fingers when return a couple of hours later to pick • Sunday liquor —An advisory referendum clean up later. for the transferring of municipal services to in November approved the sale of liquor on • Property sale — The town is seeking per- Dale has always liked to go places, she returns to Greece, she answered it up. ■SI. any regional government, consideration of a “Probably.’’ Sunday in Manchester. The directors also are mission to sell two parcels of land at 360 curfew and a mid-management classification which explains why she probably “Eating is a social time,” she con- expected to approve the Sunday sales Tolland Turnpike to the state. The property is chose to attend University of Mexico When asked if she believes in the tinued. “Sidewalk cafes are popular pay plan. These items may not be acted on un- evil eye, she replied. “Who knows? Obesity Factor proposal. They still will conduct a public needed for the widening and repair of til the Dec. 12 meeting. in Albuquerque where she majored in throughout the evening till 3 a.m. It’s literature and languages, mainly There are unexplainable things that hearing on the proposed change tonight. Interstate 86 and the sale must be done by or- The directors also are scheduled to meet too hot to sleep till nearly 4 a.m. CHICAGO (UPI) — Obesity is a French and Portugese. happen, and the Greeks live a lot • Snow removal — The proposed ordinance dinance. with attorney Gary Ginsberg at 7 p.m. He was Siestas are daily in the afternoon.” major contributing factor in high There were other foreign students closer to nature." “They don’t understand the would give the town the power to clear snow • Codification — This proposed ordinance is the fact-finder for the police union blood pressure. Losing excess pounds It takes a special knowledge to American work ethics — rush and from walks if the property owner fails to do technical approval to cover the reprinting of negotiations with the town. there who intrigued Dale with their often will bring down the blood so. The town then would bill the owner for the the Town Charter and the included ordinances criticism of Americans who don't deadlines,” she added. pressure. seem to adjust to foreign cultures Family life is a strong trait among when living abroad. Ladies Group "They said Americans are too ' Hosts Pastor spoiled,” Dale said recently while Stock Offers Exceed UTC Bid feeding her tiny baby who was born MANCHESTER - The HARTFORD (UPI) - Carrier Corp. its tender offer Nov. 13. The company told could not buy any Carrier stock until Friday to Nov. 11 at Manchester Memorial Ladies Aid Society of Zion stockholders have offered United Carrier shareholders it would pay $28 for each give Carrier time to appeal his decision. Hospitairsfie'ljad accompanied her Evangelical Lutheran Technologies Corp. more shares than it share of common stock and $50.82 cents for Carrier has been fighting UTC's attempts to husband T r o m ^ ir home in Athens,^ Church will hear the Rev. bargained for in its bid to takeover the preferred shares. absorb it since the company first announced Greece, while H^was on a voyage;! Charles W. Kuhl, pastor, Syracuse, N.Y. air-conditioning giant. discuss Christmases of the ReEreshing Under terms of the offer, shareholders who its plans Sept. 25. Carrier called the Initial North America \n d Africa, A spokesman tor the Hartford-based UTC agreed to sell their Carrier stock can change merger “tantamount of blackmail.” to her parents' / / past at its meeting said when its tender offer expired at 10 a.m. their minds after Jan. 10,1979, unless UTC has Carrier recently took out full page Manchester wh^e she is ^itin g Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at finish to ^ Monday there were offers exceeding the already paid for it. newspaper advertisem ents telling with her baby for her hilsband's Sara Belinda Vostitsanos is cradled in her mother s arms in the church. IV firm's request for 17 million shares, or 49 per- U.S. District Court Judge Howard Munson shareholders to hold onto their stock because return, expecte

30.4B 0^ •tATTli ^ National fc., - Cut¥Mirlo *■/ Forecast £8 Stanton City cst Hi Lo Single-breasted, button front Albuquerque pc 47 23 Anchorage cy 38 24 In CimiftMt.. model with pile collar and Asheville pc 64 41 No pension plan? Working for a company that has none? Self employed with no retirement loaiii nitnMTunt Atlanta pc 70 38 program? Then come in and see the experts at Rrst Federal Savings... let them show you lapels In Cavalry Twill. Billings' s 33 13 ■ " « I t how to save up to ^1500 of your incom e. . . tax deferred. . . every year, or up to ^ 1750 if you /M > Birmingham c 72 29 Regulars and Longs In Bone, Boston cy 62 39 include your spouse. You pay no tax on this money or the interest it earns until you decide to SNOW Brownsvll, Tx. c 66 42 retire anytime after age 59 1 / 2 .,. then choose one of the several options for receiving your Clay, Covert, Navy and Brown. Buffalo s 56 32 Savings Investment Specialists from left to right Richard Peck, Silver Lane, Retirement Funds. See First Federal Today. u r i w f AIMER rOTOCASI O Chritt, N.C. pc 73 52 728-4246; Milan Macka, East Hartford, 728-2462; Joan Madden, Manchester ' First Federal Savings IRA (Incfividual Retirement Account) paying the highest rate allowed by law. Chicago cy 33 07 Green, 728-4316; Raymond Scharfenberger, First Manchester, '728-2048; * . Cleveland 100 For period ending 7 a.m. EST Wednesday. During c 59 28 Jean Keegan, Middle Turnpike, 728-4313. Tuesday night, snow will fall over the central and lower Columbus c 59 29 [Extra Longs and Big Sizes (to i Rockies and the mid Mississippi valley, while mostly fair Dallas c 55 36 Denver 54) ® skies will dominate the rest of the nation. s 57 40 Des Moines cy 35 32 It isn’t so easy to save money these ways, as well. Detroit cy 42 24 days. What used to be a matter of DI$eov»r th9 Zero Kingdom today. *116. Duluth cy 29 22 How can you make sense of it all? ■m Fonneotieut Weather El Paso c 52 31 Hartford cy 56 29 simple interest has been compounded Slow clearing today. High temperatures near 50,10 C. Houston c 53 46 Talk to an expert Fair and colder tonight. Low temperatures 32 to 36 Indianapolis cy 33 26 to such a degree you need quite an Wm Wednerfay partly sunny. Highs in the upper 40s. Jackson, Mss. c 51 29 Our Savings Investment Specialists Montana Probability of precipitation decreasing to 10 percent by Jacksonville r 82 68 education to figure it all out Now, in Wednesday. Southwesterly winds Kansas City cy 45 32 have many of the answers you 10 to 20 mph today diminishing tonight and shifting into Las Vegas r 57 33 addition to the usual savings plans, the northwest Wednesday. Little Rock pc 43 30 need. They’ve been trained in the Parka Los Angeles pc 67 45 banks offer many unusual ones. With Louisville c 50 30 zipper-front hoodec Long Island Sound Memphis c 37 31 applications of all the savings parka fratures storm straps Miami Beach r 81 74 varying interests, rules and regu- Small craft advisory remains in effect. Partly cloudy Milwaukee cy 29 27 lations, penalties and rewards. services we offer. So they can help and Inside knit wristlets to today. Fair tonight. Considerable cloudiness Wednesday. Minneapolis pc 34 26 Nashville Ridge of high pressure over area with westerly flow c 59 26 keep the heat In! Protected New Orleans c 77 34 you make the choices that are today and tonight. Trough of low pressure approaching New York ■ You need help. with DuPont ZePel, too! from southwest. Winds, southwest to westerly 15 to 20 Oklahm Cty right for you. • s knots with higher gusts today, decreasing to 10 knots or Omaha Obviously, some savings plans are Regulars and Longs in jess tonight. Northeast to easterly winds 10 knots or less Philadelphia pc 68 43 British Tan Wranesday. Visibility over 5 miles. Average wave Phoenix c 61 42 more appropriate for you toan others. Come in today and sit down heights 2 to 4 feet today, decreasing to 1 foot or less Pittsburgh c 57 28 Portland, M. with a Hartford National specialist tonight. cy 45 31 Long Term Investments are ideal if *110. Portland, Ore. r 50 33 Providence r 62 40 you have the money and can afford the Or call for additional information. Thl$ CArlitmu, ght Mm lomttMng ht'll r a r tor jrMra. . . Richmond pc 73 52 Extended Forecast St. Louis pc 41 35 time. But a Short Term arrangement Salt Lake City 51 30 You could save a lot more Mass., R.I. Si Conn.: Fair and colder Thursday. In- .San Antonio C 68 34 might be more practical. Regular creasing cloudiness Friday with a chance of snow or rain San Diego pc 67 50 money if you da at night and on Saturday. High temperatures in the 30s San Francisco pc 62 51 Seattle pc 46 34 Passbook Account interest com- Thursday and Friday rising into the 40s Saturday. Lows in "Wfitr* iromsAjcvs to shop tor m s«r Spokane MEGAVS the upper teens to mid 20s Thursday and Friday upper 20s c 38 12 pounds differently fiom that of a to lower 30s Saturday. Tampa r 80 72 Manchester \^mon Washington c 73 48 Hartford NatHMial 903 WAIN ST. OPtN Tm-CITT HUA Vermont: Chance of snow or rain Thursday and Friday. Wichita pc 49 31 Statement Savings Account But the X Bank and Ihist Company Clearing Saturday. Highs mainly in the 30s. Lows upper c-clear: cl-clearing: cy- ___ ,9:30-5:30 ...... TODAY A WED...... 10-9 teens and 20s. cloudy: f-fair: hz-haze: r- two types of accounts differ in other If you’ve got a little money, v^y not get a lot of bank? rain: sh-showers: sm-smokq: [!1Sr9:30-9:00 ...... THURS. A FRI...... 10-9 Maine and New Hampshire: Fair Thursday and Friday Imran with a chance of snow Saturday. Highs in the 20s north to sn-snow: sy-sunny: ts- Fbst Federal Savings 12-5...... SUNDAYS ...... 12-5 .30s south. Lows in the teens north and teens to 20s south. thunderstorms: w-windy. Member FDIC East Hartfofd, Gtationbuty, South Glaatonbuty, Manchootor, Vamon, Rockv la and South Wlndaor. PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Tues., Dec. 5, 1978 Rubin Wants New Lease MANCHESTER - Dr. Ben Rubin property rights, and we resent being landlords to establish an escrow ac- has sent a letter to his landlord asked to leave it,” Rubin 'vrote to count for security deposits and to pay requesting that his lease be renewed. one of his landlords, Margery interest on these deposits on the an- Rubin has said his landlord has told Gussak. niversary date of the leases. him the lease will not be renewed Attorney David Gussak, who Rubin previously had filed a com- OOWNT because other tenants have been represents the landlords, previously plaint about the matter. Santa’s “Smiling Service" signed for next year. had said a commitment for the apart- In another issue, Rubin said a te- Rubin, who lives at 124H Highland ment was made and Rubin and his nant of a North Street apartment, St., charged that the failure to renew wife were asked to leave by Jan. 31. Michael Moore of 65 North St., has DOES IT his lease was in retaliation for his past They were given plenty of notice by sued in small claims court for activities in organizing tenants. the landlords, he said. recovery of double his security Rubin brought a complaint this When asked about Rubin's most re- deposit. summer against several landlords cent letter, attorney Gussak The suit was filed because the te- BETTER because of lack of screens. He also responded, “This man wants to make nant believes an improper metering organized the Manchester Tenants a cause celebre out of this. I must of water consumption has occurred Association. respectfully decline to combat Mr. at the apartment. Rubin said. W ith SOMETHING for “We enjoy living here and would Rubin in the media.” The landlord Annette Kelahan, did EVERYONE on your like to continue to do so. This is our Rubin also reported the State not wish to comment on the charge Chriftmas lU t! home, albeit we do not have the Banking Commission has ordered his but did say it is not true. r* • Over 80 Quality Stores •Old-Fashioned Personal Service Union Elects Armentano • Second to nonel I •Plenty of FREE PARKING & . 'f EAST HARTFORD - The public treasurer. He has worked for the and spent nine years as president of works union elected new officers to •Hospitality House town for 10 years. Hamerlin is an ash the union. •Free Gilt Wrapping In moat stores two-year terms Sunday morning at remover in the town's incinerator. He said the new officers were the Italian-American Club. The executive board will consist of sworn in Sunday, but will take office •Moat atoree open W 9 PM Frank Armentano of Manchester, a Jim Duffy, a 10-year veteran with the Jan. 1, 1979. town employee for the past nine parks and recreation department, The union is currently negotiating years, was elected president. He is a Jim St Laurent, a 10-year employee its contract, which expired last June. Swirls, squiggles, meanders and twisted of angora and decorated with silk and assorted ^ sta curls adorn orte-of-a-kind evening tops novelty yarns. Available in nine colors, crane operator in the town's in- with the collection division of sanita- The negotiations are now in fact fin- FIRE ALL DEPTS. WIN cinerator. tion, and William Foran, a six-year ding. A state fact finder is scheduled A 29 GAUON WOODTONE from Brigitte Freed. Vests are hand-crocheted Charles Gousse was elected vice employee as a mechanic in the gar- to meet with union and town officials EXTINGUISHER president. Gousse has worked for the age division. Dec. 21. WINTER 3 PIECE AQUARIUM SETUP town for 17 years. He is a heavy Outgoing union president Ronald Durler and outgoing vice president • multl-PURPOSE REQISTER NOW AT THE Brigitte Freed equipment operator in the street divi- Durler said there was a good turnout Bill Daley will stay in office until • RECHARQEABLE TYPE OUTERWEAR ^ MANCHESTER sion. at the election meeting. some of the pending matters are Robert Slattery, a veteran of nine Ret $15.99$ 1 Durler has been a member of the cleared up. SPECUL I V PET CENTER Pastime Grew into Business years with public works, was elected union since its formation in 1966. For “We've still got some loose ends to 20% 0FY 687 MAIN 8T. secretary. He works in the town's in- the past 10 years, he has served as an tie up before we leave office,” TEL 649-4273 By Ellie Grossman cinerator. NO PUKMSEICOSHT. CMMD MKT K ACtIMPMD happily up on her loft bed sell and ship it.” the yarns and design the officer. Durler said today. n AMTt HUNK n . K t SM NEW YORK (NEA) - watching her from behind She got faster. She got forms and give her the free- Thure Hamerlin was elected He was vice president for one term SHERWIN OPEN SUN. 12.5, NITE8 TIL S P.M. Dear, why don't you get her ear^ones. busier. The' building shook dom to do the decorations.” (DSC.) 7. SATURDAYS TIL • P.M. lost? It was just a pastime, more, her husband’s feet fell What the crocheter does is WILLIAMS Brigitte Freed, bom and tor Mrs. Fr and her daughter developed swirls, squiggles, meanders f Manchester reared in the Germany that a crease in her head from and twisted pasta curls that I Public Records DOWNTOWN jST DOWNTOWN used to be Poland, never the earphones. dangle from' a cap-sleeve DOWNTOWK kANCHESTER talked to her American hus- her to edit his books and fUe So two years ago, Mrs. vest pullover for $350, an M all kANCHESTER kANCHESTER band of 23 years like that. and stamp his pictures any- Freed, who has straight open-tie vest that can be Warranty deeds But she did use any ruse more. dark hair and looks strongly worn front or back, also for John C. Honor Jr. and Vi- she could think of to get him From all that picture Slavic, ^ n e d up business $350, or a halter vest for vian J. Honor to Eric R.A. ______SAJf. . out of the apartment at night work, she’d gained an eye on two floors on West 35th $290. after they moved to New for form and composition, so Demaree and Lynne M. Street, the home of New She spends 45 to 60 hours MARLOWS CROSS COUNTRY York from Europe in 1970. “I she began building patch- York’s recent outbreak of doing them in pastels of Demaree, both of Vernon, was afraid he'd beilisturbed work dresses, skirts and Legionnaires’ disease. green, blue, tan, banana and property at 83 Bryan “wnAvrYoiriioH^“^"'BON^^ ! by the machines,’’ she tops. Like bricks. “I had no She still does one-of-a-kind natural, and bright rust, Drive, $54,900. FOR ei^ains. fashion training. I just did it things and sells them to kelly green, navy and wine. SNOvmr 'There were four — one Richard E. Hollis and CORDUROYS the way I thought it should boutiques in Troy, Mich.; “And I offer them with EVERYTHING INCLUDES cutting, three sewing — ab- go. It was just pure pleasure Denver; St. Louis; Toledo, solid-color long or midcalf Mary Lou Hollis to Joseph •SKIS & JEANS sorbing most of the space in to find a piece of old crepe de Ohio; Chicago; Santa Cruz, Italian silk knit skirts with a F. Noonan and Linda A. YOUR CHOICE <3.00 Your Dependable •BINDINGS her daughter's room. chine and put it with checks Calif., and Florida, so far. drawstring waist and one Once Mr. Freed was out Noonan, both of East Hart- •BOOTS • Formally to $16 and prints and flowers.” Currently she’s making pocket, in one size,” Mrs. Gift Store Since <8995 $1275 the door, Mrs. Freed would Bendel's liked them, too, sui generis angora vests that Freed says, ‘“rhey’re not ford, property at 4 MoA Doctort Wicconiend •POLES ONE PRICE Frederick Road, $W,500. 1911 rush in there and start work- and began selling them. start at $290 and end in a $ ^ expensive compared to the ing away at one-of-a-kind “I would make two or long-eleeve sweater. vest — $58 — and together it Robert C. Moreau and NASSIFFMMS dresses from antique ta- three a week, doing every- “I met a girl who cro- makes a beautiful evening Marie S. Moreau, both of 50-.- rJ!M>y A uxiliary Ask About Our Party Traya and PlarogI Flllad wit three son. that it suddenly dawned on me, we (he) hadn't checked the trap. yourself or give them In any of 10 beautiful colorsi Sizes S.-M-L. MANCHESTER - The Cheese, Potato end Sauerkraut. •Registered Trademark of Dupont. Disabled American . Again, when I knew he was content oaiHly canes OPEN THURS. TIL 8 PM with a tummy full of bacon and eggs, sportswear, downtown Manchester and TrI-CIty Plaza, Vernon Veterans Auxiliary v/ill DAILY TIL 6 PM FOR meet Wednesday at 7:30 DOWNTOWN I, trying to sound casual, said. “Tim. YOUR SHOPPING did you check the trap?” mini size p.m. at the VFW Home. OLYMPIA CONVENIENCE The second he moved from his (• reg list now12** North .Vlrthodisl Downtown open Mon.-Sat 9:30-5, Thura. & FrI. til 9 PM; TrI-CIty Plaza open Mon.-FrI. til ESTER 9 PM, Sat. til 5:30, Sun. 12-5 PM MANCHESTER - The (? “every council on ministries of DELICATESSEN the m’lraele of nia1*lt*t41 little North United Methodist 697 MAIN ST. sun. a mo n.) teL. 643- 080! downtown monchcitep thing" Church will meet tonight at f* 7:15 at the church. PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues.. Dec. 5, 1978 u MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Tueg.. Dec. 5. 1978 - PAGE SKVF.N A <5 PRIZE EVERY DAY HERE! FIND YOUR NAME USTED ON THESE PAGES FIRST PERSON TO COME INTO THE HERALD RY NOON TOMORROW WINS THE PRIZE THE FIRST PERSON TO COINE INTO THE HERALD BY NDDN TDMDRRDW WINS THE PRIZE

WWWiORNMiiiiMiWMeiMaiiinwM !9iflHMnn»iBBiMaiNiiannBiaMBMi 'of

WLOs Scarfs DOWNTOWN DOES IT BEHER CAKE J&tiie S m f p l U t , See Flo for season BLUE SKY those special Not to mention every- HOLIDAY BRENTWOOD ROCKER TRADINBPOST holiday cakes thing else injineJosh- SPECIALS r' H n p h s t n s t t s P U m ions (hat moJce you (ooJc— ornitmacon i AEG. S149 *Fralght Houat Pottery Candy 'toot and/eel^o very smart WIITEWMi i from Vermont N o w o//^nf Jor the holidays. Come in *OHAUS Triple Beam classes In and see them alU SNOW TIRE^^^ ^ DISCOVER Very Batic, Vary Scale...... $55.00 1 candy-mafclnjr Beautiful, Vary 5 Spoclol BIfis For 'Hanging Macrama Chain in Mali UlCw r«7txl3 $22.00 $1.73] Noatatglel Don't * F R II pack of papan with SddcInI PbobIo At MIm The HarKta4>ma ^C7lil4 $30.00 2.0P Savlnga On This purchaaa of pipe or bong GhU $32.00 2.23 ' Walnut Finlah Beau­ *8haapakln Rugs S16-S36. ty. Eaty To Aaaam- *Carda, Qlfta. etc. O u rscaifsare 100% Giil4 $34.00 2J7 HMiBiiirs bla. 'Solid Pewter Stlck-PIne 75a ^ pure siUc, each with a C7lil4 $39.00 2.53 DISCOUNT PRtCBB At the Fox Run Mail. Glastonbury d^erent batik pattern. ’ H 7lil4 $ 3 7 . 0 0 2.73 : STtTHIKIIS 217 Hebron Ave.. SAVE *50 dyusaMM Hours: Mon.—Wed. 9:30 to 5:30. ‘nSilS $37.00 2.59. Glastonbury Thurs.-Fri. 9:30 to 9D0. Sal. 9:30 to 5:30 C7til5 $37.00 2.59 ■1-3880 'Hfestoiwj H7iil5 $38.00 2.79 1 rl78il5 $40.00 3.119 ^ Vliprm acy DANKEL’S I MARLOWS MINI MALL SOUTH WINDSOR RBT m c m m i« IN Fwit I MM $ K iini FOR IS PMKMMMI TIRE, INC. oowinom ham it a u t . N A M H in iA • mm mmmi ' Rt I 2M-»U1 4 HOLIDAY GR0WIN6 OPEN I DAYS • MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTED •Slippers T I ». KWIH REE TRIMMING SUPPLIES HERE GIVING S STTUKU INCLUDING •Handbags CANDIES MntMTE LI. HiTM.IWTdi • IHTTMBMiiTNi CMC oI n . mu imh aai Let US cater your HALLMARK ORNAMENTS •Frye Boots Holiday Party 1^i4A£fl6,8teve;o I W S . ! •Bass rHE FLOWER STORE Wortd’$ Finett Candiei — 'Individualioed Fresh Cut Flowers your •Dress Boots ^ styling for men and Dried Arrangements DAILY SPECIALS ACflO$$ KH S •Accessories * CASIO CALCOUTOlO TKJEWEUYSHOP ANiTEW ina Pm •Shoes In Style Jewelry *BliSONAl|UMS at Reasonable *S10K$ - PUZZLES Gallery WITH THIS AD HOURS: Sun 12-5 Prices______Mon.-Wed. Holiday LAMPS - DESK SHS Mon-Sat 10-9 Mi)in Ftfxx Watkirrs Bros 935 fvViin Si M.$fxhesler Special IWCOONECOnUGE HARRISON’S PMiin $24.95 Delicious Home NEWMAN’S HOLIDAY STATIONERS M(EMIBCIWIMaMIM$aCBaCM Shampoo-Ciit-Blow Dry-$8.l M ade While You 1971 n o n wi Ti BIIVO uncMucUTSOHIIS $41793tm siNOi iris -Conditioning Walt. No Artificial l^t4m.4cilkkr, lillfS bwiMkramm .Preservatives. 4iMiMlBiB.Sd| •••* • •n AMMSTaUMiaM COCKTAIL Ml MAIN ST. . Henna Walk Ins Accepted rlllSI ___ $3(79 CM k M M M i M i a a DOWNTOWN MANCHtSTIR BRAYS I r ^ N T . MIXtS !-Color Treatments Appointments 111 t9nCK7 $3179 haBl M laaa i ki M*' JEWaRY STORE yraMaM. Stsck la. 849-1136 2379 altrta, V*l tiflM, K ROYAL HX GREMI CO. • Craft K/ti * E amtltar.-. H CLOTHES ^ K 27 Warrwn S t, Manehwtor *3 8 9 5 tUTI •itaaitic, yawar I WE MAve EXCOLENTTmOE-M • Cfufabnai G/ftt ttMBa ZAHNEWS. INC. DRY i c r XUONMICIFMYOII 76 FURSGRANADA riir.M 5 MB-5358 TW. M 3 - 1 2 M , ____6 cyl., 3 sp.. AM radio, white i E Via rufMl M «r hr nur raMi , OLD WATCH NOW„ iBt r-m. 1 >3195 IM h- ^ JHSTiBgir! 'SMfMmiBaiBacXMMItMBai ’73 VW PSP TDP CAMPER w h tm FORi iA Many extras, low mileage. SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND’S ; i n ! |EO(BaiMci(a(ssEBcmiaic Excellent condition, orange « I T l » — I — 10 ' MONARCHS *4 2 9 5 $ LEAMNG LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER S O U TH W IN D S O R ! "TliLqUt oiJjBM 74 AUDI FOX *5299 A U TO S A L E S 2 dr., 4 cyl., auto., fac-air '' NEWMAN NICILViaUIPPCD sunroof - gray INSTOCK TRUCKS • TRUCKS • TRUCKS SEE US... *2 9 9 5 140 W ASHINGTON STREET • 4x4s • P ic ku p s HARTFORD With Plow Packages. Caps) for all your optical ppeds ^TOLLAND CDSNTY VOLKSWAGEN 522-2141 • M in it r u c k s Rl. S3, TalCOttvIlll e Tel. 649-2S38 m. 5, South windior • S26-2427 COKMMB •EYEQLA88E8 •CONTACT LEN8E8 OURFIESainiON S •HEARING AID8 •8UN GLA88E8 Choota From S m • ENO AO EM ENTRINat « • DINNER RIN 08 B EMERGENCY REPAIRJERVICE WAR A PIECES i • EARRINQ S S BAimBY I • W EDDIMORIMQS S \a s k u s a b o u t t h e n e w \ Family or Friends in Town THIS WEEK’S PARKER BROS. | ULTRAVUE SEAMLESS for the Holidays? MILTON BRADLEY fi BI-FOCALS HOLIDAY SPECIAL ALL YOUR ^P^GIFTS FOR THE s 8 LEASE A i FAVORITES. H MONOPOlV EASTERN CONN. LEADING OPTICIANS 1979 BUICK REGAL SALE PRICE HOLIDAYS AUtMCUUXTfWeiO t RLeCTRONIC ra n HOUOAY oiviNa | 1 m _ _ n n [ 3 s 3 » : s * 1 BATTLEOHIP $IOgoo “#1 Real Estate Company In The Nation” *3924 N t T RO A D PLAZA, V IR N O N ADAMS I FOR •. M AIN NT., W .N A R T FO R D par month — A PRESENT WITH A FUTURE — JEWELERS I with $1385.00 In cash or trade, 30,000 mile LADIES FLARE JEANS f 78B MAIN STREET closed end net lease and approved credit. Tedford Real Estate Jackston/Avante NOW DOWNTOWN % • 6 4 6 - 1 3 1 0 , WE lEU ONLY JEWELRY Reg. 5 *21.50 THE MOTHER 1.2.95 4 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 763 MAIN ST. EASTBROOK MALL LODE le MANCHESTER. CONN. MANSFIELD. CONN. THE M For that untqua and unaqualed TEL. 643-11B1 TEL 456-1141 ChrUtmat g ift... MENS DRESS CORDS 191 MAIN ST. 270 CONSTITUTION PLAZA DAVIS FAMILY RESTAURANt I Choote from o telda talactlon of MANCHESTER.CONN. HARTFORD. CONN. ■) s NOW TEL. 643-1000 TEL 527-5913 JOIN US FOR LUNCH 2 4 cylinder, 4 speed, AM radio, tinted glass, body side molding, SOUTHNESTEM aN CONTDffOMRY JENE^ Reg. 6 auto., PS, PB, A/C, w/w redials, tinted MON.-8AT. 11 A.M. - 4 P.M. S white wall tires, deluxe wheel covers. • Italian Gold and Sllvar Chains y windshield, BSM , radio, excluding tax, license, Honu-snu cookins, a jo t to ut ^ (Including freight and dealer prep.) • Turquolta • Coral reg., maintenance. Insurance, depending upon • Thousands of Bracalata • RInga $3.00 & up what state cars delivered to. AND lU DO n PRICED ft) UghM^ RlnU Sea John Belch SPECIAL DINNER SPECIALS "NFver Hrwwingft UnOersota H|ti m t t i ) Turquoiaa/Coral Inlaid Banda ^ Mon.-Wed 4 P.M.-9 P.M. 14.50 *3.49 1 Caldor Plaza PONTIAC-BUICK MOST ITEMS BOS OPF OT, Exit 93 off 1-80 *'^1*’*' iw wa H w Route 5, EAST WINDSOR Mofi.>Thiir«. 104 ..airH M «nA«. 11 La-1 pa Manchester • 649-5487 ]lch PH.1M WITH TRIO AIM OlaMenbviy M.1M 289-6483 * OPEN EVES Til 10 PM * 623-2466 —OAa______«H4«0

iw iM Bw am BM aoanw taiNiiroaBW BaaBiiim w iiM eiB WNBniBBWBWWBiWBWMi niHBiMBnBBiaKaMBNii iN N aM KiaN m H BnocaM iBW iiaiaaiiliBnill

I PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec 5. 197« Sidman -_ TheTho PublicD..i.iin UI is seeking___ a______15 percent______increase m, ^ . , Jerry LeGrand, and Jeri 10% Senior Citiaens If the government is con- The firm lias already invested After, tile ceremony, there When the U.S. faced the Utilities Control Authority has voted in residental electric bills that would about $125 million in Seabrook, but will be hot chocolate, Moccio, Discount on Thurs. cerned enough to take action to to cut $225,000 from a United increase the average monthly bill by some commissioners were con- coffee, and cookies served energy crisis in 1973 and 1974 lower costs of heating oil, it Andrew Tully Illuminating Co. request to pass on about $3.50 for its 274,000 customers cerned that operating costs would be in the Board Room. ELASTIC there had been plenty of war- should carefully look at the storm-related costs to its consumers. in 17 towns in the New Haven and prohibitive by the time the plant is STOCKINGS LayAteay — Free Gift Wrapping The commissioners voted 3-2 Mon- Weatherproof ornaments ning about the shortage of im- Shell Oil announcement, and if Bridgeport areas. * scheduled to go on line sometime in WHEELCHAIRS day to eliminate the rate adjstment Hearings on the company’s request the early 1980s. provided by elementary TUES-8 AT. 9:30-5:00 ported oil and the increased warranted, take action. Parking Space Is Federal Concern as recommended by the PUCA staff for its second rate increase since 1976 Commissioner David Harrigan school children will ARTHUR DRUG WED. 'TIL 0:00 prices the oil producing because summer storms “are of a The U.S. motoring public began more than two months ago. said Seabrook "has had a jaded decorate the tree. Carl nations were requesting. WASHINGTON — "Sometimes it aside for ear pools; one-third, or 9700 Officials of the Office of Manage- normal nature.” should not be subjected to the parking spaces on Capitol Hill for the The five commissioners have until history" and he said he would “like seems like the Washington federal spaces, presumably are reserved for ment and Budget say they’are The amount cut was about one- Until now there has been no Senate. House, the Library of Dec. 21 to reach a decision by majori- to see its construction program scare tactics of oil companies bureaucracy does everything it can those who drive alone. third of the costs incurred due to other announcement by other "studying" the federal parking issue. Congress, and the Supreme Court. A ty vote. reduced substantially." He said he in order to increase profits of to make the taxpayers so re ," sai-i Moreover, the government charges Hurricane Belle in 1976, and listed as Much of Monday’s deliberation But private citizens who pay their report by the Architect of the Capitol favored some kind of recommenda- firms gasoline will be rationed, the large companies and their the General Accounting Office man for only one-third of the 17,700 spaces, maintenance expenses in Ul’s covered PUCA’s two-year review of right arms (or commercial parking said that 11,400 Capitol Hill workers tion to UI that it voluntarily divest all although there has been some with a weary sigh. at rates of approximately $10 to $15 a request for a $28.6 million rate hike UI’s operations regarding its involve- or part of its 20 percent investent in officers and shareholders. should not hang by their thumbs drive their cars to work, and only now under consideration by the five- ment with construction of the con- Seabrook. ^ G i v e The GAO is Congress' watchdog month. Commercial rates average waiting for action. about 700 are members of car pools. member PUCA. troversial Seabrook nuclear power Commissioner Thomas Standish over the executive branch of the $50 a month. For in this town of the career Deliberations were scheduled to plant in New Hampshire. said contrary to Ul's contention, Other Editors Say federal government. It is a job that hustler free or low-rate parking is The Washington area now has a E resume today. keeps the More than 62 percent of UI’s there is a correlation between Ul’s Portland .(Maine) Press Herald: Anyway, the GAO inquiry was considered one of the "perks" of new subway, still unfinished, that is The commissioners tabled another as that employed by U.S. Itep. watchdog busy, projected $604.8 million construction $28.6 million rate request. He said OcteandAhlA An Idaho congressman wants to requested by outgoing Sen. James their employment — and, perhaps 31 miles along. The Council of staff recommendation to allow UI to George Hansen, one might argue that expenditures over the next eight the cost of construction at Seabrook because hardly a Abourezk. D-S.D. (Why is that in- more important — a status symbol. A incorporate $91,000 in the rates for abolish the federal Occupational the armed forces ought to be Washington Governments wants years will go toward nuclear produc- would eventually be passed on to the day goes by (luisitive, no-nonsense guy leaving us bureaucrat forced to cough up even a February’s blizzard. tion plants. .Safety and Health Administration, abolished because the likelihood of federal agencies to charge commer- consumer. w ith o u t a when we need him?) GAO's response measly $10 a month to park his car widely known as OSHA, because of war has increased, or that speeding cial rates for parking spaces to help thisQiristmas. member of produced the figures above. Us can't hold up his head in the company Cancer Patients an increase in job-related deaths and laws be repealed because tlie in- raise additional revenue to pay for Congress deman- report also said there was a big but of his peers. MANCHESTER - The) Tins year, give tlie unexpected. The unconventional. injuries. cidence of violations has soared. the subway and to encourage its use. self-help support group for | HEIRLOOMS OF TOMORROW AT ding that doggie undetermined number of “phantom" Then there are the lower-level No way, fellows. Nobody’s brave The unmistakable gift that rings of Christmas. A telephone from the The logic behind the proposal Dc.spite all OSHA's nitpicking, the cancer patients and their , look into this or car pools through which employees federal workers. They argue that low eludes us. Others might well reply principle behind the legislation is enough to challenge all those voters. families, sponsored by the , I’honeCenler Store. that abuse, often of a criming reserve parking spaces by parking rates are one of the reasons that the need for OSHA’s continued sound: American men and women Peanuts? Not exactly. Those American Cancer Society, You'll fiiTd dozens and dozens of colorful gift ideas waiting at the presence is heigiitened precisely nature. It is, in fact, the GAO’s func- overstating the number of occupants they went to work for Uncle Sam. bureaucrats and those more-or-less will meet Monday at 7 p.m. COOKIR’Vl are entitled to a safe and healthy tion to arouse public indignation by per car. I’honeCenter Store. Phones to excite. Phones to tiintalize. Phones to Unfortunately, they don’t threaten to becau.se of the increasing number of working environment. The tael that toilers on Capitol Hill are part of a in Conference Room C at tiling detailed reports on the So what? So there are federal quit, thus r^ucing the cost of big ^254 BROAD ST. MANCHESTER bring (K)h's and alih’s from every’one on your list. on-the-job injuries and fatalities. that is not always the case is hardly a government that is constantly Manchester Memorial shenanigans it investigates. guidelines demanding that 90 percent government, if denied such “perks." Visit the PhoneCenter Store nearest you. And this year, be ch(X)sey. Using the same sort of reasoning reason to abandon (he law. harassing the faceless citizen to con- Hospital. : mer c hmt s in eml y mam This time it’s parking spaces for of all those parking spaces be set ( ii\ e genuine Bell. From the PhoneCenter Store. In any case, the issue is politically serve energy by the use of public Lutheran Group ' nmiTIIIIE «D INQUE OFT DEPT. those who feed at Uncle Sam's aside tor car pools. And due in part to dangerous because of the potential transportation and car pools. And, as MANCHESTER - The J trough. Kindly do not scoff. There Uncle Sam's generosity to its danger of hurting the feelings of tens Clocka • Lamps • FIraplaca Furnishinga • Gifts Thought usual, they are lolling in the comfort Concordia Lutheran are 28,300 spates set aside for federal workers who drive to their jobs, of thousands of federal workers who of special privilege. The slogan lives Church Bible Study Group Quality, Varlaty, Uniqua Nautical Departmant.

?b ;;-mr o wba c k In 1848, President James Polk con- next. The question is whether the the supper. Christmas The moon is approaching its first firmed the discovery of gold in cidentally exposing the film to waterfalls, some are caves in the ca- carols will be sung after quarter. film proves that more than one per- sunlight, using outdoor film for in- nyon walls and some are sunsets. the meeting. California, leading to the famed 5 CL0CKS„>24»<158 The morning stars are Venus, "Gold Rush" of 1848 and ’49. son was present, or whether there is terior shots and leaving the camera To sum up, Mr. Chairman, inter- .some other explanation for the Jupiter and Saturn. In 1933, liquor prohibition was out in the rain. pretation of blurred shapes is a THE Quote blurred shapes. Britannia Unit AUTHENTIC The evening stars are Mars and abolished when Utah became the 30th I should caution the committee, tricky business. My expert opinion is CAPTAIN'S From my own extensive accidents that those seen in the Dallas film SIMSBURY — Britannia QUARTERS Mercury. state to ratify the 21st Amendment to however, that blurred shapes are not Chapter, Daughters of the POT BELLY STOVES "The British public atmosphere with home movies, 1 can attest necessarily human figures. w ere either the assassin’s ac- Cut Itm uffoe Those born on this date are under the Constitution. British Empire, will meet aeUECTION OF the sign of Sagittarius. veers from hysteria to complacency. without equivocation that human In the summer of 1977,1 went on a complice or an unidentified flying (iniilNd SHIP MODELS In 1955, one of the first civil rights Thursday at 11:30 a.m. at FIQUREHEAD8 /Vnnerican movie m aker Walt movements began as Negroes Some tear we’re living on the edge of figures may indeed appear on film as raft trip in the Grand Canyon, taking object. the home of Mrs, Robert Nick PLAQUES Disney was born Dec. 5,1901. Eighth started a boycott of city buses in a volcano, but others see no problem W. Smith, 127 Old Farms ZTNfhi *89»® LAMPS WOODCARV- U.S. President Martin Van Buren at all. ” SCOOPS Road, West Simsbury, 15" Rt 1 0nl| Montgomery, Ala., demanding INQS was born on this date in 1782. — Dm id l.iinc, liciid of Itriliiin’H Members are asked to laoa *i | -149.95 BAROMETERS seating on an equal basis with white On this day in history: passengers. ( Jiiiiinissioii for Riiciid Equality, r/E(i0rir/LfTl5C«llTM NOBEL PEACE PRIZE bring a grab bag gift for AWARDS COHRITTEE % ../WMilvEiriDTifnwrRisrf the Victoria Home, In 1776, the first scholastic frater- A thought for the day: American ciliiif! dirfering alliducH ciini'cr- Magazine nity in America — Phi Beta Kappa — poet Paul Engle said, "Wisdom is iiiiig till' incriMKC in iionwliilc im- was organized at William & Mary knowing when you can't be wise." inigralion. Financial Aid Rack "I want my films to scream like a RctllK MANCHESTER - The howling bat nut of hcll!^want heat to financial aid workshop for 1495 come off that screen. Subtlety is not parents will be held tonight Stirtlno ot $91.98 Yesterday my style." at 7:30 in the Manchester — S y I \ (• .XI c r S t a l l o n e , a High School cafeteria. HOLIDAY HOURS lor vour Shopping Convonlonco Street, lormer assislani pruualion of- Instant Crodll This date was a Sunday; The llnllyunod at'tnr, ilircctor and Herald did not publish. ficer and justice of (he peace, died. Sii.'iodi:MVim.*ia-51. 10-8:30 sun. i2-8 649*9173 849-5173 tsKtiaiTow rn Romolo Pagani is re-elected for his nritiT. disciiHxing hix inditidnal Southern New England Telephone 10 Y'curs \|jo 15th term as president of the nictlind of creating inntinn pir- Mrs. Frances Elliott, 83, of Valiev Maglianese Society. Inrcx. . • PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HEMALD. ttoacliester. Conn.. Tuw.. Dec. 5, ICT Leo P. Colburn MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Tues., Dec. 5.1978 — PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER - Leo P. Colburn, Obituaries I 68, of 16A Esquire Drive died this morning at Manchester Memorial Auditor Asking Herald Burton W. Zinimer Sr. Hospital. He was the husband of Mrs. SOUTH WINDSOR - Burtort W. Ann Gregory Colburn. Six Penn State Players Zinsser Sr., 62, of 1384 Ellington Mr. Colburn was bom Oct. 21,1909 Angle in Ware, Mass., and had lived in the For More Time Road died Sunday at Rockville General Hospital. He was the hus- Manchester-Glastonbury area for 30 Earl Yost band of Mrs. Helen Durkee Zinsser. years. He was graduated from MANCHESTER — The town’s controller’s and collector’s offices as Mr. Zinsser was born in East Wind- Springfield, Mass., schools and Rider auditor has asked for an extension reasons for the requested extension. Sports Editor sor and had lived in Rockville for 25 College, Trenton, N.J. Before for completion of the annual audit of He said the auditor has indicated Spiee UPI All-America years before coming to South Wind- re tirin g in 1974, he had been the financial r^ o rd s of Manchester. the town’s financial situation appears to be In good shape, so the sor 13 years ago. He had been employed as a service representative This Is the second straight year the Notes Off the Cuff NEW YORK ( U P I ) - I t was the offensive squad. Easley and Southern Cal named employed by the Town of South Wind- by Pratt & Whitney Division of auditor, Jerome Baskin & Co., has delay indicates no major problems. Correnti Classic at the Holiday In a voting conducted by sports junior running back Charles White of wide receiver Emanual Tolbert of United Technologies Corp, and was a requested an extension. Sweeney also said he would like to will offer Lanes. Although the first to take part alm ost as if writers and sportscasters across the Southern Methodist at wide receiver; sor Highway Department for 22 would have felt uncomfortable and offensive guard . years. He was an Army veteran of member of its Retirees (jroup. The request surprised Joseph have next year’s audit completed on Saturday doubleheaders on teevee in what has always been all-male nation, Oklahoma placed three Rounding out the offensive squad Mike Brammer of Michigan State at World War II. In 1963, he was elected grand Sweeney, a Democratic member of time or even early. He has for the next two weeks as well as the competition, Vogt finished far down being the only Penn State players on the 23-member squad were wide receiver Kirk Gibson of tight end; Anthony Munoz of recommended that town records he He is also survived by a son. Bur- knight of Campbell Council, Knights the Town Board of Directors, who full Sunday schedule. Neither meeting the list in the duckpin play, placing player named to the United while Notre Dame, UCLA and Michigan SUte, tight end Kellen Southern California and Jeff Toews ton W. Zinsser Jr. of Vernon; a of Columbus, and had been a member has been involved in fiscal matters. in order by Sept. 1 so the audit could this Saturday, Baltim ore at 83rd in a field of 94 ... Next thing Press International 1978 All- Southern California each had two Winslow of Missouri, tackle Matt of Washington at the tackles; Joe of its board of directors for many The delay in the audit apparently is be completed by mid-October, about Pittsburgh at 1 o’clock nor the brother, Ronald Zinsser of Windsor- you'll hear that she was dis- America team. players selected. Michigan State, Miller of Colorado and runmng back Bostic of Clemson and Steve ville; five sisters, Mrs. Doris Elmore years. He also was a member of the needed because some town records three weeks before the town election meeting at 4 o’clock featuring criminated against and should Missouri, Colorado, North Carolina Lindquist of Nebraska at the guards; “Now I feel better,” the quarter- Ted Brown of North Carolina State. of South Windsor, Mrs. Barbara board of directors of Connecticut are not up to date and need to be in 1979. Minnesota and Detroit looms as a receive the same award as the State, Ohio State, Arizona State, Stephenson at center; Rick Leach of back said Monday night after lear- Completing the defensive unit were Popoff of Rockville, Mrs. Evelyn Northeast Chapter, American completed before the audit of the “must” to view ... Only two weeks winner, George Pelletier. The Pittsburgh and Texas each were Michigan at quarterback; Charles ning five of his teammates join him ends Al. Harris of Arizona State and Kizis of Ellington and Mrs. Melba Association of Retired Persons 1977-78 fiscal year can be done. remain in the 1978 NFL schedule former Manchester town duckpin represented by one player. Hugh Green of Pittsburgh, Alexander of Louisiana State, Willie (AARP). He was a tax-aid counselor ‘T was stunned to be told there before the post-season playoffs ... champ, now living in East Hartford, on the squad in what is becoming a But Penn State had by far the McClendon of Georgia and Eddie Lm Carter and Mrs. Norma Rauschen- glorious season for the top-ranked linebacker of Ohio bach, both of Manchester; and five for AARP and also served as a con- were problems in the controller’s of- Super Bowl Sunday will be Jan. 14 ... won $1,000 ... Several readers have greatest amount of recognition. Ivery of Georgia Tech at running Education and Sugar Bowl-bound Nittany Lions. State and deep back Johnnie Johnson grandchildren. sultant for the Internal Revenue Ser- fice records,” Sweeney said. How much longer will NFL officials inquired why there were not 25 Selected from Oklahoma were of Texas. Green is a sophomore and backs and Tony Franklin of Texas “Those guys getting on sure make it The funeral is Wednesday at 11 vice office in Hartford. The problems apparently are con- overlook cheap shots on the playing awards for the top 25 women junior running back , the Johnson is a junior. A&M as the kicker. great. a.m. at Samsel-Bassinger Funeral ' Other survivors are a daughter. nected with personnel changes in the field which occur with regularity finishers in the Five Mile Road Race, Hdisman Trophy winner; offensive Kinlaw, Robinson and Cousineau Selected to the second team defen- Miss Carol Ann Colburn of Hartford; office. Proposal each Sunday, at least on video games of equal value to the awards given “I’m really honored. It’s super for guard Greg Roberts, the Outland sive unit were George Andrews of Home, 419 Buckland Road. Burial are repeaters from last year’s squad. the whole program, not just for the will be in East Cemetery, five sisters, Mrs. Ora Messier, Mrs. Deputy Controller Lillian Rubin piped into Tlie Herald’s circulation the top 25, who all happened to be Trophy recipient; and middle guard Nebraska and Willie Jones of Florida players.” Alabama, the nation’s second Manchester. Bertha Woods and Mrs. Mildred retired early in the year, and it took area. Despite an abundance of men in men ... Can spring be far behind? The Reggie Kinlaw. ranked squad, did not have a player State at end; Mike Bell of Colorado Junior defensive tackles Bruce Friends may call at the funeral Tolman, all of Springfield, and Mrs. several months to replace her. Some Up 5.8% stripped shirts on the field obvious New York Yankees have announced Notre Dame, which has placed a named to the All-America first team State and Lyons at tackles; Manu CHark and Matt Millen, anchors of home tonight from 7 to 9. Ella Melanson and Mrs. Irene Julin, of the record-keeping that should violations are either being their 1979 spring training schedule player on the first string UPI All- but the Crimson Tide placed three Tuiasopopo of UCLA at middle Penn State's powerful defense, were both of North Carolina; and a have been done wasn’t because of the MANCHESTER - School overlooked or escape the eyes of the which starts March 7 against America squad for 16 consecutive players on the second unit. Named to giwrd; Daryl Hunt of Oklahoma, The family suggests any memorial joined on the defensive unit by team- brother, Perley C. Colburn of Miami, shortage of staff. Superintendent James P. Kennedy men with the whistles ... There are Grambling College in Ruston, La. years, named center the second team were center Dwight Mike Jackson of Washington and gifts may be made to a charity of the mate Pete Harris, a junior safety donor's choice. Fla. Sweeney said last year’s delay in presented the Board of Education more controversial plays than ever Twelve dates are listed at the Fort and linebacker to the Stephenson on offense and tackle Krauss at linebacker and Henry The funeral is Thursday at 9:15 First Woman Mayor the audit was caused by conversion with a preliminary budget for the in the NFL. Lauderdale, Fla., training base. The who led the nation in pass intercep- team; UCLA was represented by Williams of San Diego State, Jeff tions. Tackle and and linebacker Barry Francis F. Miner a.m. from the John F. Tierney from manual to computer record- 1978-79 school year Monday night Yanks' only date with Boston will be linebacker Jerry Robinson and Krauss on defense. Delaney of Pittsburgh and Dianne Feinstein, 45, was elected the 38th mayor of San kicker Matt Bahr were selected to MANCHESTER - Francis Fowler Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., keeping in the collector of revenue’s with a modest increase of 5.8 per- Apparently those polled during the in Winter Haven March 22. sophomore defensive back Kenny The spcond team offense consisted of Richmond in the secondary. Miner, 69, of 193 Wells St. died Mon- with a mass at St. Bartholomew's Francisco Monday, the first woman to hold the office. She office. Some delays in updating cent. Manchester High-East Catholic High day night at Manchester Memorial Church at 10. 'Burial will be in succeeds George Moscone, slain in his city hall office a week records also occurred this year and The percentage increase is in football game in the balloting for the Remember the man they called Hospital after being stricken at Calvary Cemetery, Greenfield, f®"-"u Supervisors elected Mrs. Feinstein to have contributed to the need for the keeping with the Board of Directors’ James Horvath Memorial Trophy, “Squirming Herman” Wedemeyer, home. He was the husband of Mrs. Mass., at 2 p.m. finish Moscone s one-year remaining term. She is about to get extension for the audit, Sweeney Nov. 28 vote that all town budgets in- presented by the Central Connecticut who was an All-American halfback Friends may call at the funeral said. Association of Football Officials, Pearson Gertrude Harris Miner. bussed by Supervisor Lee Dolson, right, one of two on the crease by no more than six percent with St. Mary’s College in 1945 and home Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to Town Manager Robert Weiss also next year. Kennedy’s proposed were not advised that the game’s later in the All-America Conference Mr. Miner was born Aug. 13,1909 in eight-person board who voted against her. (UPI photo) East Hartford and had lived in 9 p.m. pointed to personnel changes in the budget for next year is $16,339,637, or most valuable player would get the with Los Angeles and Baltimore? 5 Manchester for 45 years. Before Philip J. McGoohan $895,137 more than the current award. The committee was under the He’s now a regular on the video Catches budget. In presenting the “penciled impression the award was for the series, “ Hawaii Five-0’’ and retiring four years ago, he had been MANCHESTER - Philip J. employed as an underwriter at the budget,” Kennedy stressed that it best defensive player and so voted ... answers to the name of Duke ... Just McGoohan, 67, of 67 Eldgemont Road, Aetna Insurance Co., Hartford, for Citizens Voice Concern does not include any improvements Two pro tennis stops on the annual about everyone agrees that Wesley West Hartford, died Sunday at St. eight years. He previously had been in the programs, and that the tour, which included Hartford and Walker of the New York Jets is the ^napped Francis Hospital and Medical employed for 40 years by the numbers will be subject to many Springfield, will most likely be best wide receiver in professional Center. He was the husband of Mrs. changes. scratched. The Bat State Classic, football. The Jets also feel the man National Fire Insurance Co. and was Hildegard E. Reiter McGoohan and IRVING, Texas (UPI) - In the a member of its 25 Year Club. He About M Kennedy has been compiling data which failed to attract either a quali- at the other end of the line — tight Zone Request 11th week of the 1974 season, during a the brother of William M. Mc.Goohan from the principals and other school ty field or patrons at the Springfield ' end Jerome Barkum is right up in the was a member of South United of Manchester. game in which Dallas beat the By JUNE TOMPKINS administrators on recommendations Civic Center, is out the sponsors front row at that position. Miami Methodist Church and a' 50-year Mr. McGoohan, a 1935 graduate of changed, but we failed to recognize it request for a subdivision of nine lots Houston Oilers, 10-0, Drew Pearson member of the Order of DeMolay. He Herald Reporter at that time,” he said. off McDivitt Drive by Paul Marte, for improvements. He eaid he should report and the United Technologies safety Tim Foley, who once played Massachusetts Institute of Classic at the Hartford Armory is did not catch a pass. also belonged to Manchester Senior Acting PZC chairman John William E. Curtis of 58 Pinewood have some “preliminary thoughts” with the Jets, calls Barkum “the Technology, had been employed at MANCHESTER — Mild opposition also headed for other parts. Atten- That did not happen again until Citizens, Manchester Green Chapter, Hutchinson recalled that the Drive, Vernon, informed the PZC on improvements in about two most dangerous tight end in football. Hamilton Standard Division of and concern were expressed by dance was poor in Hartford with top Sunday In Texas Stadium, when American Association of Retired applicant’s original application for a that he has seen “zero water supply” weeks. He has the speed of an outside United Technologies Corp., Windsor citizens at a Planning and Zoning names missing, although winner Pearson was shut out without a catch Persons, and the Manchester Senior on his property which adjoins the The line-by-line budget review by receiver and the heart of a tight end. Locks, for 23 years before retiring in Commission public hearing Tuesday proposed combination shopping and John McEnroe is well on his way to for the first time in 59 games. Citizens Pinochle Group. apartment complex seemed feasible proposed subdivision. He said that he the board started earlier than ever He’ll block you and he’ll catch the 1976. over a request for a zone change this year, Eleanor Coltman joining the worlds top five players. ball over the middle”... Boston "It upseU me that I was not able to Other survivors are a son, Norman for a commercial business when it lives at the end of the water supply catch a pass against New England’s He is also survived by a son and from Business I Zone to Residence M chairwoman of the personnel and Patriot followers like Russ Francis, H. Miner of Farmington; a daughter, another brother. was approved last June. which comes from Manchester, and secondary,” said Pearson, a free Zone for property at Bidwell Street finance Committee, said. Board Willing to compete with men on big No. 81, as the best tight end in the Mrs. Gordon (Elaine) Small of Ver- The funeral is Wednesday at 9:15 and Hartford Road. Eugene Sierakowski of 101 there are times when he turns on his agent flanker who has made some of non; two brothers, Everett W. Miner members had requested the earlier equal terms, Mari-ellen Vogt of business and on the West Coast, Dave a.m. from the Richard W. Sheehan After several unsuccessful Strawberry Lane opposed the request faucets and gets no water. the most critical catches in Cowboys’ of Bloomfield and Herbert S. Miner review. There are several new Portland found that she was not in Casper of Oakland has no peers at Funeral Home, 1084 New Britain attempts to establish a commercial on the grounds that, if granted, the Although he is not opposed to the history. of Maderia Beach, Fla.; and six members who have not gone through' the same class in last weekend’s Hip that important blocking-passing post. Ave., Wes) Hartford, with a mass at use for the 1.8-acre parcel owned by PZC would be defeating the purpose proposal, he said he is concerned that “They have a bunch of good grandchildren. the budget process before. St. Mark the Evangelist Church, Roy Franklin, he is now interested in of an M Zone, which permits multi- the water situation could be a safety athletes, but I don’t consider them to The funeral is Thursday at 11 a.m. Most of the budgets in the regular West Hartford, at 10. Burial will be in a zone change which will include use. He referred to a high density of and health hazzard. be a good secondary.” at Watkins Funeral Home, 142 E. learning programs reflected modest Recalls Charter Days Soldiers Field, Fairvlew Cemetery, housing development. apartments (Squire Village) already Attorney Thomas Fitzgerald, Pearson had two passes thrown his Center St:-'Burial will be in East increases, as low as $67 for the art West Hartford. Representing Franklin, Architect in the area. “If there are more representing Marte, said that Town way in the opening quarter of Dallas’ Cemetery. program and up to $78,110 in the There are no calling hours. Lawrence Frazier told the PZC that apartments in the area, you’re Fire Department Chief John Rivosa 17-10 victory, but neither was close Friends may call at the funeral building a density,” he said. said there is sufficient fire protection language arts program. In the latter enough to catch. No passes were The family suggests any memorial businesses including a laundromat, a program, $72,448 is for increases in home Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to credit union, a furniture store, and Frank Lupien of 21 Sunset St. said for the area. He also said that if the thrown to him during the final thre«> 9 p.m. gifts may be made to Trinity College, salaries, which have been set by con- Walter Payton Found hittle Running Room Hartford. two or three smaller type businesses he had no objection to the area.being town voters approve the proposed FootballOfficials quarters. The family suggests any ineniorlal tract. had been approached and although an M Zone if it is u s ^ according to town water system improvements, “I didn’t realize that he had not gifts may be made to South United Board members questioned all Chicago' Bears’ running back Walter from Jerome Dovd4;’ Paytoii was limited to 50 several of them were interested, regulations, but he questioned any the water service will be up to stan- caught a pass until late in the game,” Methodist Church or to the Heart proposed expenditures, such as a Payton was held in check by the San Diego yards in 40-7 loss. (UPI Photo) Frazier said there was feedback that exceptions that may be granted. dard; otherwise it will be below stan- said Coach Tom Landry. “It killed Association of Greater Hartford, 310 dard. But Fitzgerald didn’t feel that $10,360 allotment for replacement 50th Birthday defense last night. Here he tries to get away Teacher Joseph Gordon, Realtor, of 45 me when I realized it. But, we could they would be in a lone commercial equipment for the business education Collins St., Hartford. Crosby Road, told the PZC of Marte “should be penalized” because not risk throwing late in the game. It development. program. That amount is for 20 to 23 Manchester Community College’s in- of water conditions. “Health, public By EARL YOST was a tough situation, and I regret William F. Hartnett A letter signed by three adjoining new typewriters for the high school, Revives property owners objecting to the terest in housing for out-of-town and fire safety will not be jeopar- Sports Eilitur at about $500 each, according to SOUTH WINDSOR - William F. zone change was read by Alan Lam- students. “They would like to see dized,” he said. Fifty years ago - Dec. 7, 1928 - the Central Connecticut Quarterback Roger Staubach said Hartnett, 79, of 43 West Hartford, Assistant Superintendent Gerald son, town planner. The letter was housing for students near the. The commission also heard a Association of Football Officials was organized by Tom Kelley Pearson told him it was more impor- formerly of ^ u th Windsor, died Sun- college,”' he said. request for a subdivision for 17 lots Fitzgibbon. He said that of 105 Chargers Impressive signed by Frank Reichart, Roland tant for the team to win than for him Appeal typewriters at the high school, 23 are of Manchester, Harry Ginsberg of New Britain and Johnny day at his home. Schiller and Shirley Weiss. They did Frazier said although there is no off Butternut Road proposed by to risk having a pass thrown to him Mr. Hartnett was bom in South MANCHESTER - The court final plan on how the proposed M James McCarthy. His attorney, John more than 20 years old. The expected McGrath of East Hartford. late in the game. not give their reasons for objecting. life of a typewriter in the classroom Windsor and had lived in the Hart- appeal of a teacher who was fired by Reichart noted that there are cons- Zone will be used, he and his client Mrosek, said that the developer Thursday night the CCAFO will “That shows you what kind of guv ford area all his life. He had been is seven years. the Board of Elducation more than a tant vacancies in other businesses in would expect the PZC to guide them would agree to put in city water and note its golden anniversary at the an- he is,” Staubach said. employed as a printer at the Aetna year ago has been reactivated. in making final plans. hydrants. Lamson read memos from Kennedy said that a regular equip- nual banquet at the Mosque Hall in On a touchdown pass in the third the area. . ment replacement program in the In Whipping Chicago Fire Insurance Co. for 35 years Mrs. Joan Hoverman, a tenured “I don’t think the situation has During a public hearing on a Walter Senkow, town engineer, Berlin. quarter that tied the game, both before retiring in 1961. He was a teacher at Buckley School, was fired recommending drainage im- high school home economics, Kelley and Ginsburg will be among Pearson and Tony Hill were open. excited and they played well. We Virgil Livers intercepted a pass by communicant of St. Mark the Aug. 8,1977 after a three-member ar- provements, and from Public Works science, business and industrial arts the several hundred current But, Hill was more open than Pear^ SAN DIEGO (UPI) - Coach Evangelist Church, West Hartford. bitration panel upheld an earlier Director Jay Giles recommending departments is “long overdue.” members and guests on hand. Don Coryell was raving on the worked hard in practice and it paid James Harris — who had replaced son and when Staubach first looked off.” He.is survived hy three brothers, decision by the Board of Education. thatstandard grading regulations be The official superintendent’s ’’We (K elley, G insberg and sidelines through most of the Fonts — and returned it 60 yards for Pearson’s way he saw Pearson poin- Chicago Coach Neill Armstrong Chicago’s only score. Edward Hartnett and John Hartnett, Immediately after the board decided Frank’s Supermarket maintained to preserve the natural recommended budget will not be McGrath) were all members of the ting toward the opposite sidelines game, bursting with said his team felt good coming into San Diego opened the scoring with both of South Windsor, and Henry to fire Mrs. Hovarman, she decided terrain. Giles’ recommendation also presented until January when the in- Springfield board and we wanted to where Hill had escaped behind the enthusiasm as his San Diego the game but the Chargers played a 32-yard field goal by Rolf Hartnett of West Hartford; and three to appeal the case in court. However, included installation of underground tensive budget rdview will begin. start a chapter in Connecticut,” Patriots’ secondary. well and gave them “an old fashioned sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Peake of that appeal has been dormant for To Become‘Warehouse’ utility lines, a catch basin, and con- Another preliminary review session Kelley recalled. Chargers impressed a Benirschke early in the first quarter Staubach threw the ball to Hill for whipping.” South Windsor, Mrs. Michael Perret- more than a year. cern about erosion. was scheduled for next Monday night “New Haven was the only Connec- the score. nationwide television audience and the game was soon decid^. The ta of West Hartford and Mis. Ray- The Board of Education’s attorney, MANCHESTER — A major change Wethersfield, already is operating as Hutchinson criticized Giles for at the board rooms. ticut board at the time. New Haven with a 40-7 victory over the “Everything we did was not very Chargers scored again on a 1-yard well coordinated,” Armstrong said. mond Smith of Springfield, N.J. Thomas Sullivan of Hartford, sub- in the concept of Frank’s Super- a "U-Save Food Warehouse," he dating his memo the date of the didn't want to let us do this so we burst up the middle after Fonts had Chicago Bears. “ We had a good feeling coming into connected with rookie receiver John The funeral is Wednesday at 12:15 mitted a brief in response to the market at 725 E. Middle Turnpike said. No changes are planned at this hearing. “ His memo should have formed our own board with 22 Police Stage “It was a great Monday night,” the game but San Diego is an Jefferson on a long pass to the goal p.m. from the Richard W. Sheehan appeal last week according to his of- will take place within a week. time for the other three stores, in- been In the commission’s hands Pipe Repair members,” he added recalling the Coryell said, after the win that kept explosive team. Everything Uiey did line. Funeral Home, 1084 New Britain fice. Sullivan is on vacation and was The name of the supermarket will cluding the one in Glastonbury. They before the date of the hearing,” he chapter's birth. Raid at Game the Chargers’ slim AFC wild-card worked well.” San Diegg then regauied the ball Ave., West Hartford, with a mass at not available to comment on the be changed to “U-Save Food will continue to operate under the said. Today there are 144 members Nearly Done playoff chances alive. San Diego m athem atically when Brian Baschnager coughed up St. Mark the Evangelist Church at 1. case. Warehouse” and, as the name in- Frank’s Supermarket name. Mrosek said that everything Giles listed on the roster including seven OAKLAND, Calif. (UPI) - It had been billed as a battle of the remains in the wild-card picture for the football while returning the en- Burial will be in St. Mary’s Wilson E. Deakin, assistant dicates, some changes will be made The warehouse approach at the suggested was agreeable to his from Manchester — John Andreoli, “Plainclothesmen officers arrested 23 running backs — Chicago’s Walter the AFC with a record of 7-7, but suing kickoff. Fonts wasted little Cemetery, East Hartford. superintendent of schools in charge in the store’s inventory and ap- Manchester store means that all client, but there hadn’t been time to MANCHESTER - Repair of a A1 Boggini, Paul Cosgrove, Don .'persons in a raid on a group of dis- Payton and San Diego’s Lydell would have to win its remaining time, rifling a 16-yard TD pass to Friends may call at the funeral of personnr’ said today he believes proach. vaHeties of items still will be discuss it with Giles. water pipe that broke at a Davis, Dan Morline, Paul Pryor and orderly marijuana and cocaine users Mitchell. But it turned out to be a games to retain even the slimmest of Larry Burton. home tonight from 7 to 9. Mrs. Hoverman’s appeal Is essential- Frank Tornaquindici, president of carried, Tornaquindici said. But, The PZC approved an inland Wadsworth Street apartment Bill Sacherek, four from East Hart- during the Oakland Raiders-Denver one-sided aerial and defensive show hopes. The fourth Charger score was a 42- The family suggests that any ly the same as before. the firm that operates five super- some sizes now available may not be wetland permit on Tolland Turnpike building is expected to be completed ford — Jim Dumais, Sal Licitra, Dan Broncos football game at the with Charger quarterback Dan Fonts Fonts threw two touchdown passes yard pass to Jefferson from Fonts memorial gifts may be made to the The board, in making its decision markets in the area, said this mor- on the store shelves at times. for Union Carbide, and a purchase of today. Lodge and Frank Scelza. Len Hor- Oakland Coliseum, police reported. in command. and accumulated 300 yards passing, with only 52 seconds gone in the se- A m erican C ancer Society, 670 to fire her, claimed that she was in- ning that a change is planned for his The operation concentrates on The pipe broke Monday shortly vath is lifted out of Bolton and five The halftime raid Sunday evening land for housing for the elderly on “Some days everything happens while the tenacious Charger defense cond quarter. In the third quarter, Prospect Ave., Hartford. competent and inefficient in the Manchester operation. purchasing those sizes it can get the before 2 a.m. and caused some water from Rockville — Stan Gill, Ray marked the second week in a row Spencer Street. The land is behind and things go your way,” Coryell contained Bears’ running backs the Chargers scored again on a 42- classroom. Two persons in the three- The store has been a successful best value on, he said. That savings the present Spencer Village housing. damage in the apartments at 67 Ramsdell, Vin Shaheen, Marino police arrested participants in a drug Mrs. Rlizaheth R. Irwin said. “Last week we dropped in- Roland Harper and Payton. yard field goal by Benirschke and a member panel upheld that conten- one, but the changes will be made to then results in lower prices. The Commission member Theodore Brin- Wadsworth St. Silvestri and Ray Zemanek. Jack party under the bleachers at the terceptions (in a 23-0 loss to Kansas The Chargers scored 17 points in 37-yard run by Hank Bauer, who MANCHESTER - Mrs. Elizabeth tion. However, the third panel further cut food costs, tornaquindici closing of the store for two days also damour said he is concerned about The'Town Fire Department and Holik is a member from South Wind- stadium’s north end. On Nov. 26, 26 City) — this week we caught them. the first period and ran their lead to broke several tackles in the middle of I^iney Irwin, 95, of 68 Delmont St. member, Gayle Gordon of the said. reduces costs, Tornaquindici, who congregating too many elderly peo- Manchester Police Department were sor. persons were arrested or cited for Last week we dropped passes — this 23-0 at the end of the first half. The the line before breaking free down died Monday night at an East Hart- Connecticut Education Association Within the next week, the store will long has opposed Sunday openings, ple in one area. “I’m afraid it will called to the scene and reported a "C harter members from drug and disorderly conduct charges. ford convalescent home. She was the week we caught them. lead grew to 33-0 before Chicago’s the sideline. and selected by Mrs. Hoverman, be closed Sunday and Monday and said. isolate them,” he said. large amount of water coming Manchester were Edson Bailey, Jake Police said some persons began "The guys were fired up, they were widow of John Irwin. issu^ a minority report claiming the will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. the He said he has been considering the Hutchinson said he would like to in- through a kitchen ceiling. A light Moske, Earl Wright and myself,” fighting with the 25 plainclothes of- Mrs. Irwin was born Jan. 15,1883 in administration had no cause to fire other five days. change for a long time because of vite Dr. Douglas Smith, a member of /ixture was filling with water, and Kelley said. ficers, and there were charges that Belfast, Northern Ireland, and had the teacher. One other store, the one in continuing increases in food prices. the Greater Manchester Chamber of the power was shut off to permit “Bailey wrote our first con- the officers used unnecessary force lived in Stratford for many years Commerce Beautification Com- repairs to be made. stitution," he added. Tom Kelley in subduing the crowd. 5 before coming to Manchester 17 mittee, to explain his proposed plans ' There was other damage, such as Bailey is a retired principal at Earlier in the day. a $70,000 televi- Winning Football Title years ago. She was a member of for land bordering Salters Pond sagging ceiling panels, in other parts Manchester High, a school that r, -j . . . sion camera belonging to the Prospect Gospel C3iapel, Hartford. Manchester Police Report before the commission decides on the . of the apartments, the department Kelley coached and taught at for President and Christie American Broadcasting Co. was She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. town’s acquisition. The land has ^ e n reported. Some of these appeared to years. He was also a former director McCormick as Honorary Life stolen from a van in the coliseum George (Edith) Hanley of A M a n s fie ld Depot man was and Summit Street about 7:30 Mon- of athletics Secretary, The latter, also a long- arrested in front, oof f th(the Manchester burglary at a Delmont Street home offered, free, by Lydall Inc. and the have been caused by previous parking area. After the game, the Penn State Goal with Alabama Manchester, with whom she made day morning. Court date is Dec. 19. Monday. problems, the report said. The Distinguished Service Honor Manchester resident, joined the Post Office at Main and Center First Hartford Realty, owners of victorious Denver team was delayed her home; a sister. Miss Ann Rainey Lester Jackson, 25, of Hartford A burglary at a Madison Street The town's Health Department Roll of the chapter lists Kelley as ™3rd soon after it was organized and two hours at Oakland airport because streets Monday afternoon in connec- about 15 acres around the pond. •' served as its secretary for more than NEW YORK (UPI) - Penn State has been weekenu. P;[ of Stratford; four grandchildren and was charged with failure to appear in home resulted in the theft of a .already has checked the apartments of a telephoned bomb threat. No tion with a fight with a woman. Representing the Board of Direc- a quarter century. Southern Cal, 11-1, which holds the only victory over five great-grandchildren. court on a warrant Monday. He was camera and some beer. and will do another check today when bomb was found. saying all year long it wants to decide the Police said Delphis M. Bilodeau tors of Northfield Green, a con- "The Honor Roll also includes Chick Alabama this season, again wound up third, close behind The funeral is Thursday at 1 p.m. presented in court Monday. A Hilliard Street residence was dominium development next to the water problem is expected to be national college football championship on the Jr., 21, was reported by witnesses as Toomey, Joe Beilis, Andreoli, the Crimson Tide, after beating Hawaii. If Southern Cal at Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main An East Hartford woman and her entered Sunday and a moving blanket Salters Pond, Philip Harrisor corrected completely. Tour Cancelled field. And that’s just the way it will be. hitting a 28-year-old woman shortly beats Michigan In the Rose ^w l and Alabama upsets St. Burial will be in East Cemetery. three-year-old daughter escaped were stolen. objected to public ownership of the The apartments- ard" owned by Sacherek, and the late Jim Horvath after 2 p.m. When police arrived the HANOVER, N.H. (UPI) - A Penn State, No. 1 in the final UPI Board of Coaches Penn State in the Sugar, the Trojans also will have a Friends may call at the funeral serious injury when their car went A 1969 Dodge was stolen from the land. Referring to the trespassing Eastern Realty. A spokeswoman for among Manchester men. woman had bruises on her neck and Swedish hockey team has cancelled a rankings until after the bowl games, will face No. 2 strong claim to the national championship. home Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to out of control and slid off the slippery the firm said the plumber began Central Connecticut members claimed Bilodeau had caused them. Elks Club parking lot on Bissell and frequent “pot-shots” in the area, tour of the United States which in- Alabama in the Sugar Bowl — and the winner likely will “We can't gripe if we lose,” said Penn State quarter- 9 p.m. road on Love Lane Monday morning Street Monday night. work shortly after the problem was from Manchester who went on to Bilodeau's hand was bloodied and he said his organization opposes the volved six games with Dartmouth, be national champion. back Chuck Fusina. also named a UPI All-America. about .9. Bonnie A. Rival 26, and her About 3800 worth of coins was proposal. , reported. greater heights and assignments swollen. He was taken to Manchester Yale, Army and New Hampshire, “I think we’re very fortunate to be in the postion we’re With the exception of Georgia and Arkansas, the rest of Ill tlciiiorium daughter, Kelly Rival, 3, both of 35 reported stolen from a Green Road with the New York Chapter of the Dartmouth Athletic Director Sea.ver in,” said Penn State defensive tackle Matt Millen, named the top 10 was idle. Oklahoma, 10-1, held on to the No. 4 Memorial Hospital for examination. Plain Drive, were examined at residence Friday. Eastern College Athletic Football Of- He was processed and released on a MBS 1929 Class Peters said Monday. Monday a UPI first-team All-America. “ I think it's a position, Michigan, 10-1, remained No. 5 and Nebraska, 9- Manchester Memorial Hospital and Center Congregational Church, 11 ficials group, working major college Peters said a spokesman for the great matchup. I like to think Penn State has some class a d;»«m lake a .peeiai non-surety bond for court Dec. 18. MANCHESTER - The Manchester 2, stayed at No. 6. released. Center St., reported a burglary Lottery games, were Kelley, Toomey, An- Djurgardens team said the club and I know Alabama does. There is great tradition on I;> iH-iim y „u 1„ ,« ir m in d ., Donnie E. Chapman, 32, of Hart- High School Class of 1929 reunion Georgia. 9-1-1, which rallied from a 20-0 deficit to edge Seven other accidents were Saturday. Office desks and the dreoli and McCormick. canceled the trip when it discovered both sides. It should be a very classy game.” ^ I ' ” "lii* ol vnu. ford was charged with operating un- committee will meet Wednesday at Georgia Tech, 29-28, moved up one place to No. 7, ousting Are very hard i« hnd. reported Monday. kitchen were entered, but it had not Kelley served a two-year term as some of its players would compete Alabama, 10-1, routed Auburn. 34-16, ^turday to clinch der suspension and driving the wrong 10 a.m. at the Manchester Country HARTFORD —The winning Clemson, 10-1, Which dropped to No. 8. Notre Datne. 8-3. been determined if anything was president in 19,33-34, Sacherek was for a Swedish team which would play the Southeastern Conference title and an automatic berth . vidly m iiKd by liiter way on a divided highway. He was Club. Any other interested class number drawn Monday in the held the No. 9 spot and Arkansas, a 49-7 Winner over Anne end .lulia A stereo set, diamond ring, and missing. the prexy in 1952, Toomey in 1958. An- in the Sugar Bowl against Penn State, 11-0. The Nittany arrested at East Middle Turnpike Connecticut daily lottery was 783. against U.S. and Canadian Texas Tech, again finished in the 10th spot. some money were stolen in a members are invited to attend. dreoli in 1961 and Horvath in 1966. professional teams. Lions, diong with the majority of teams, were idle last PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 5. 1978

"1 T^T-” T • rw^ • ■ ^ ^ I . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 5,1978- PAGE THIRTEEN FordNoLonger in Twin Future Anderson Sounded Out for New Job ORLANDO, Fla. (UPI) - didn’tdidn't make make out out too too badly badly in in the the "i“I nredict predict he he will will be be one one of of the the ton top I There is no longer a Ford in the swap. Both Jackson and Goodwin are outfielders in the American League Baseball young players with potential. By MILr KIEHMAN manager. It’s been done hundreds of he’s getting and scotches any possi- Minnesota Twins' future and this year,” said Tigers’ Manager Anderson feels the same way about 'T il be at a game every single return someplace — in 1980, but not ORLANDO, Fla. (U P I)-O n times before. before the winter baseball Before they signed Pete Rose, the Less Moss. Moss said he plans to play ble notion that he might turn around it night,” he said, meaning either a now.” Philadelphia Phillies had expressed Soon after arriving at these and mollify Cincinnati fans by Morales in right field. the beach for less than a week, “You can never go back home,” he Dodgers or Angels game. “I’ll be Anderson is due in Cincinnati meetings are over they may be an interest in obtaining Carew. They baseball meetings, I came upon the “rehiring” Anderson as manager the from his West Covina, Calif., home. Sykes, 23, was 6-6 with Detroit last Sparky Anderson already has said. managing both clubs myself, not to today. He’s going back to Riverfront without their Rolls Royce — were putting together a package information that two clubs already way George Steinbrenner did after “I tried to blot everything out of my year and 4-0 at Evansville of the been invited back in the water. The Reds are paying him for the give my thoughts to any writers, but Stadium to pick up his belongings offer that might have interested the have relayed word to Anderson that firing Billy Martin. superstar Rod Carew. mind last year.” American Association, Cardinals’ 1979 season and when I asked Ander- strictly for myself. Right now, the 26 with the help of his best friend,.Ber- Twins, but now it appears Minnesota To be more specific, he’s been they would like to have him manage “There’s no chance of that,” There’s a good chance Rod won't In another trade, the Detroit Manager Ken Boyer plans to use him son whether he intends staying out clubs all have managers. What right nie Stowe, the Reds’ equipment will offer Carew elsewhere. sounded out about a couple of new them next season. Not in 1980, but in Wagner said. “Johnny McNamara is be back with us next year,” admitted Tigers also took steps to bolster their as a spot starter and long reliever. the whole year, he said no. do I h.nvp to say I’ll return? Yes, I’ll manager, and to say goodbye to The Twins are practically forced to managing jobs for this coming 1979. oii»* n f'v flin t’ s it ” Twins’ Manager Gene Mauch Mon- outfieid by obtaining right-handed Murphy, 21, spent the entire season friends. trade Carew this year or risk losing season and very likely will accept Speaking with him over the phone day only moments after the Twins hitter Jerry Morales from the St. at Evansville and posted a 5-1 record. him to free agency after next season. one when the climate is a little better in a call to his home in Thousand dealt disgruntled Dan Ford to the Louis Cardinals in exchange for In obtaining Lopez, a 30-year-old Detroit has been searching for a — maybe even before the season Oaks, Calif., I asked Anderson about California Angels for third baseman right-handed p itch es Bob Sykes and Mexican, the Tigers have acquired a opens. right-handed power-hitter and thinks it. The silence on the other end was Ron Jackson and infielder Danny Jack Murphy. Detroit also got relief relief specialist who posted a 6-6 it has found the answer in Morales. Fired by Cincinnati only seven deafening. He didn’t say a word, Goodwin in the first trade of the pitcher Aurelio Lopez in the deal. record at Springfield, 111., and a 4-2 Morales, an All-Star with the days ago, the Reds’ hyper, popular either yes or no, and knowing him as Patriots Wasted Opportunities meetings. The Angels are delighted to have record with the Cardinals. Chicago Cubs two years ago, was little ex-pilot is practically in the I do, I automatically realized without Ford and Carew had both Ford. With the Rose situation settled, the IRVING, Texas (UPI) - The New “The pressure of Dallas’ field goal traded to St. Louis at last year’s same boat as his old switch-hitting him even telling me that his silence had the ball under me, and then I felt can say is my head says he didn’t.” expressed a desire to get away from “We have a quality player who can trading activity is expected to in- England Patriots wasted several rush (the Cowboys' blocked two field movement so I grabbed it harder. meetings but hit only .239 with four third baseman, Pete Rose, who will was a form of acquiscence. New England linebacker Sam Hunt Twins’ owner Calvin Griffith, and run and hit with power,” smd Angels' crease from today until the end of the golden scoring opportunities Sunday goal attempts) was a key thing, and homers for the Cardinals. become an overnight m ulti- Dick Wagner, the Reds’ president, The official was saying, ‘Let’s go, was among the most disappointed Ford couldn’t have been happier with Manager Jim Fregosi. ‘;Dan Ford inter-league trading period Friday in their 17-10 loss to the Dallas Cow- that fumble at the end of a good punt However, a return to a park like millionaire any minute now. has been catching all kinds of hell for let’s get up.’ Then, they gave the ball players in the New England locker the deal, has proven himself.” "K night. boys. return by (Mike) Haynes was to Dallas.” Tiger Stadium, which is more suited Anderson has the finest overall his surprisingly sudden firing of room after the game. “I didn’t want to play in Minnesota Although Ford was one of the “First of all, I want to give credit another." to his power, is expected to record of any manager around today. Anderson, who led Cincinnati to two Grogan also was upset about a shot "Maybe not this year," said Hunt, any more,” Ford said by telephone belter players on the Twins, the club to Dallas,” Patriots Head Coach The fumble by Haynes ended New rejuvenate him. He’s a free agent, can pick his spot world championships, four pennants he received on the sidelines from "but we re going to be the best one Chuck Fairbanks said after the England’s last real hope of coming and write his own ticket. and five division titles and has the linebacker Thomas Henderson day. All I want to do is get in the game. “They deserved to win. up with a tying touchdown and What puts him in such prime posi- best won-lost percentage of any during the second half. Super Bowl and win that thing. When * 7' “But, several things happened that throwing the game into overtime. tion is that any number of clubs are manager in history outside of Joe “You bet he g'ot m e,” said Grogan. two good teams play — like today — were important in the outcome of the New England's Dick Conn said he ac- t j&i>t " drooling over the idea of having him McCarthy. “If two of our players had done that the one who gets the breaks is the one Indian Skaters game. The call-back of (quarterback tually recovered the ball Haynes manage for them and although all Wagner, who has a great deaf of against (Dallas quarterback Roger) who wins. There wasn’t enough Steve) Grogan’s touchdown run at fumbled. have their managers signed for the personal regard and affection for Staubach, they would have been scoring for there to be any turning the end of the first half was a big “You bet I was on it," Conn said. upcoming season, there’s no rule that Anderson, isn’t flinching a bit in the thrown out of the game. The referee points.” thing. "(Benny) Barnes was on top of me. I Open Wednesday says a ball club can’t pay off a face of the avalanche of criticism said he (Henderson) missed me. All I By LEN AUSTER Herald SporlHwriter [Basketballj Jai Alai Entries M U i u m w ii Looking to improve on last year’s 2-16 mark, Manchester High Player(s) All Arms mSNYEVDM 3r4 Saw Doublet SOi Ca«e Daabiet 7th Cane Sai|les 9th Cane Doubles Iltli Came 0oublr$ ice hockey team skates into its 1978-79 season Wednesday night BUSINESSMKN hICMtBMUn 7 faiob 7 hailt 7 Points 7 Poinls 7 Poailt Harvard’s Glenn Fine looks like a player with four arms as he 7fM t I. Hantla-Mnv I 1. CairieH-lIrnaci t. Carea 1. Gerostol a' Scr^ t. OrctuiArffche tadw/hael Dan Moore and Rick against Hall High at the Bolton Ice Palace at 8:15. l.H u u K m I Maoa l-2 a p I I Mtm 2. Sercio 2. Frandsco-Zarria 2. Arriata l-Zarria tried to block shot by South Carolina’s Mike Doyle at Carolina The Indian pucksters play all home Kearney each pumped in 24 3. CMrien-Ripa 3. 3. rrancitca 3. bi^-Larrea 3. haAi-Pimr IR M iirv I 4. Zepii-Arriau 4. Pele-lMci 4. biaU 4. Arriap l-lri(o 1. Artana-lrita Coliseum. SC won 85-71. (UPI Photo) games at the Ice Palace. Pronovost Fired points and Ben Grzyb and 4. I 5. U-hM 5. VraJrazabil 5. Inrea 5. MberdhOUre 5. Jaanl-bpa with Bidwell his back-up. Seniors i Itpi-im Manchester has a compliment of 16 Jack Aylward added 20 and (. Mudd 6. Raa»Xtia 6. 4rtm 6. Aaca-Carea (. Al^di-S^ Paul Carpenter, Dave Miner and i. T«&bpi I 7. ArT»4atrM 7. KaJiteu 7. d m 7. htao l-Sebastian 7. canjf-Urrea players including nine returning 18 respectively as Telso 7. UmMU-lmn t. Rete-Jaa t. I I. Rone I. Ariano-Pieae 8. Aica-Seba$(ian Mike Rossillo and sophomores Kurt I U-IvtWM Sibt Tda-Jamrt Sabs Haatia Jai lettermen. Clyde Miller, team trimmed Farr’s, 101-82, Sabirra Si^s Orecui-Artcche Sobs Carislila-Carea Wagner and Mike McNiff are By NFL Sabres MCMMpMWet hone 643-0618 or 646-9155 “The House of Sports Since 1944” Dsnvsr ovar Kansas City 7 .. ... □ □ LIMIT» 2 COUPONS PER PERSON « PFaaUvalOfFaHh @ ABC News Cloaeup STALLONE I Sounding Board ® Billy Qraham Crusade Ssattls ovar San Olsgo 8 .. ... □ □ oi living Faith Tampa Bay ovsr San Francisco Nam*...... , 8 .. ... □ □ REGATS903 Main 8L ira^C avatt 10:30 PARADISE Los Angolas ovsr Cincinnati 10 .. Address...... Tri-CKyPlau I Nawlywad Qama 821 We Interrupt Thia Weak MoiL-Tues. Bdrgain lights ... □ □ I Tha Odd Coupla NASSIFFARMS Phone...... ^MANCHESTER VERNON 10:46 Ml Seats $ 1 C A ALLEYS wi 7:2S 9 Bnilns Wrap-Up I at ( II Miami 8 DaHy Numbara BolhCines i a W oai n Manchosler 11:00 /^RICHARD OREYFU88 W1 m n ______Ptwn* 647-9126 7:30 ® ® 9 9 9 News )PMMagazlna ® Tha Qong Show Paiemouni PwtiHn PrrwnK i Caipl Bumatt And Frianda ® Untixichablaa 7uin&MH CNy at (I) oSmT i $100,000 Nama That Tune 9 Dick Van Dyke lUpin l No Down P aym e nt. 3 Nawlywad Qama 9S(xindttaga IShaNaNa 9 Hogan's Heroat PO THIS YEAITS SUPERBOWLHERO E 82) MacNaO / Lahrar Raport 82) DIdi: Cavatt Ewild Kingdom COULD BE YOU! I CMco And Tha Man 11:30 uuiv««r.' NO PAYMENT 'TIL FEB. ® B a m ab y Jonas ITIcTac Dough 10. (A) SL ® Hogan's Haroaa ANMAL Pdnavisiun* Enter HBOS Football Hero 8K)0 39ABC Movie "Part 2. II Sweepstakes and win OP Tha Papar Chaaa Walking Tall" (1975) Bo Sven- SCroaa-Wna son, Luke Askew. a free trip for two to XfflHappyDaya 9 Voice Of Faith No. FR021M-S225.00. No.YH012M-$290.00. ® Movla "Men In War" (1957) 9 9 9 Tonight THE BOYS Seiko LC Digital Thin Day/Date. Ladies' LC Digital Quartz. .CAimrs Sup e rb ow l Xllll of these six NFL (inies and you may Robert Ryan. Aldo Ray. An 9 Irontido Stainless steel, white dial Month, date and seconds -11. (A) Isaias at m San nsge American Infantry platoon In FROM BRAZIL frame. Day and date at the at the piush of a button. become an HBO Superbowl Hero. You can get (wo free nips to the Sup ^ w l in Korea Is surrounded by the ene­ 12:00 il the> survive-..will we? ® Adam-12 push of a button. Also available Yellow top/stainless steel Miani Or you might win one of 20 second prises — a custom designed lucite supei my and must light their way in yellow— $275.00. NEW 1979 CHEVROLET through snipers to their objec- ® Movie "The Wolf Man" back, brown dial frame. bowl Sweepstakes winners wiD be chosen (or each of the 16 weeksofihe legularNFL Also available in leasoa For more details, watch your newspaper or contact us. Better yet. watch |R ^ M stainless— $225.00. 'Inside the NFL" on Home Box Office. First prize winners wiD be announced every LAURENCE weekon-InsidelheNFL" 1 . (ft) Bg|t|inors It (I) PlttSbwgh O LM E R OFFICIAL AULES-NQPUHCHASEOnCABlETV an t i l corra« Via NFL Foorcu. s*,iM n In ania< any ona o> Iria winning laama Alt p rm a swH baawardad and aiinnars amaapMakas riancXairaonapiainViS'tMtaolp^ar yow neiiliad bp mail Only pna p tiia to • larrwip or Routa- nama addrais irmfuinaof inaucaaIVcompany Ftoid No aw biiiliriion ec auhartgoa o( priM t. LiaMWr rALNCO AflOUr a<)ra>«k)ca>aiopi>anai| anOlt* nam« pi f a team you Itvf* ter laiaaia lharatponaiM iiif o( lhawinnori Winnata Mum'licslcr Cffll. 741 RS.’ THE SEIKO LC DIGITAL QUARTZ COLLEaiON. Cunii mmk * s •a, mm aacn o> ttia S'a (jamas announcao on ina p>asxius map ba aahad lo tsK w ia an atltdani o i atigibiiiip Top scorers in Ttimftlen Racortfw, ■waatstvM iwn^ri rou can aha warn aDoutOycaamgina M«d«l c m taWa ?V company in your kxaal a A'msOarasotirwUS airak^owiDp-sixoa’a eii thManchester Senior Citizens A NEW STANDARD OF SUPERB ACCURACY i Eraar as ohan as you irsn uut aacn ana y muv ba maiiM rmetoyon Jivl iria- 'jm *as ol paiKW'-ng cariw ton Mpaiaiatyio HomaB(MORo5«afpvakrs n«s Time in( ami4s lawaocrm^inwi itiiw .idvrihiing Pinochle Group game Nov. 30 P O Bor2?IO WasItMy Ha*Y»k MS9> EiW'WSmuVM .igmcws a>s oHar at the Armx and Nky Club ace AND CONVENIENCE FOR MEN. FOR WOMEN. pPttmarkadOy m io n ^ Sa'urpay anaracn'ror4' Mataa'd>ocn"aa> i'»oufMivsowi 5 . Records up to Four-Full Hours! Of M hasoaypraca*nginat>oaac4stoima INSIDE THE .end -nar*ctl)r tdattulitd taami. in random Swaapaiakai Wmnart P 0 9os 2M3 Waaiburp. Haw Colbert. 589, Kitty Byrnes, Will rncord thn progrstn you’rs Playi back tha many pr» StaiaMft conductad Naiiaital Judginf IniiHiiia. York mat Bwingout & side door glass, tinted windshield, tnc.trttndapandantisjdgingofaanrtation.arhetadtci- t Vpreanli|COnslnula>paLEASECAaTHEATRE NEXT TO STOP & SHOP FRI. 9.6 6 4 6-6 4 0 0 FOR SCFTEEN TIMES lA T 9.9 JJil^Minnesota at(l) DalroH PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVKNINO HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 5, 1978 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 5. 1978 — PAGE SEVENTEEN

Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted Vernon Mulls Charge 13 Help Wanted 13 Homaa For Sale 23 Hornet For Sale 23 If you go NURSES AIDES- Full time, RN- 3 p.m. to 11 p.m., and 11 PAINTER’S HELPER- Full all shifts. Experience p.m. to 7 a.m. part time. time, liberal fringe benefits, preferred, but training will be Enjoy working with an on bus route. Apply in person. For Sewage Treatment shopping given. Apply in person: East excellent supporting staff, East Hartford umvalescent, Hartford Convalescent Home, caring for our elderly She Herath patients. Pleasant at- 745 Main Street, East Hart- 745 Man Street, East Hart- ford. By BARBARA RICHMOND without ford. mosphere, good wages and Herald Reporter made with Amerbelle, then American CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING benefits. Plkise call Doris Blain, RN, Director of MODELS - for Advertising VERNON — Federal regulations Dyeing Corp., that the firm be allowed to first SECRETARY - Part time Promotions in Commercials, release sewage without charge so the mornings, Vernon Circle area. Nurses, 646-0129 Manchester require that the entire cost of ruhning a Manor Nursing Home, 385 Conventions, Fashions, Typing, and machine Narrators, Trade Shows. sewage treatment plant must come from plant has no obligation to pay. The agree- reading transcription a must. Send West Center Street, ment was made between the firm and the PHONE 643-2711 Manchester. Interviews this Mon. to Fri. 12 the users, Joseph Belanger, chairman of resume to Box AA c/o to 6pm. Studio 404, 225 West the Sewer Authority, said at a public then government of the City of Rockville. FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUB AD Manchester Herald. 57th Street, New York City, hearing last night. He said the firm has, however, been Site Herald CARPENTER - Experienced - Fourth Floor. paying an assessment for a number of C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G BABYSITTER- MATURE, to work in M anchester / The hearing was on a proposed or- Willimantic area. Call 742- years, under protest, but the amounts Help Wanted 13 Reliable Loving person to HAIR STYLIST- SHARP dinance to set user charge rates to accom- care for 16 month old in our 6062. were relatively modest compared to the ^advert ising' ADVERTISINO MANAGER - ASSISTANT modate the much higher cost of running you re RN, LPN, 7 lo 3 and 3 to 1 Manchester home. Monday HAIR CUTTERS. Rapidly proposed costs. shifts. Good pay, good thru Wednesday, 7:30 to 4. SHEET METAL Mechanics- Help Wanted 13 the town’s new $16 million plant which DEADLINE , RATES Experienced in installation of expanding National chain of He said the problem is if the firm benefits and working con- Call 646-6668, after 6 p.m. precision haircutting shops * EDUCATION was built mostly with federal money. losing 12:00| noon iht day baton Id t y ...... 1 U «nrd par d iy ditions. Apply in person, Ver- References. commercial and industrial POSITION AVAILABLE - refuses to, pay because of the past agree- pubtkMUon. 3d«j« ..... ttaoordparctay heating and air conditioning opening soon in Marshalls Organist, choir director. One •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The plant Isn’t in full operation yet and non Manor, 180 Regan Road, Mall Manchester. We are Belanger said he expects the costs will go ment it would mean the costs would have Dtawint for Saturday and 6 d « ^ I M amrd par day Vernon. SALES- Women / Men if you systems. Top pay and service. Send resume to: Se- Private Inetnictloni IS to be passed on to the other customers. He money Monday la 12:00 Noon Friday. a»6*)t .. aadtya...... benefits. 649-4772. looking for a licensed cond Congregational Church, up. The charges being considered are in- 15 words 12.00 mitllmum have a background in Health manager and stylists who can added that the proposed cost,is so enor- NURSES AIDES wanted for and Physical Fitness. Are 1746 Boston TY)kc, Coventry, REMEDIAL READING and terim ones to the bills can go out in the Happy A d a ...... 12.50 Inch do today’s casual blow dry Ct. 06238. math; individualized work mous that the firm doesn’t have any other •••••••••••••••••••••••••• PLEASE READ full time on all shifts. Apply able to communicate with GENERAL OFFICE CLERK- haircuts. Good salary on com- January tax bills. director of nursing. Salmon- For small office. Diversified program, (lst-8th grade) by course but to study alternatives and “this people and have a strong misions plus paid vacations The average bill now would be about $70 NOTICES brook Convalescent Home, off desire to earn top dollars and interesting position. REAL ESTATE SALES master’s degree teacher. 568- puts us in a dilemma,” Attorney Sorokin iY0.URAII_ and holidays. In-shop training. REPRESENTATIVES- In- 8075. per year as compared to the $21 now being ‘- Realtor, 6436953. applied for a normal' retirement. Real Ettate Wanted 28 and suffered back injuries in 1970 and The matter is important because no place like a Dr. Bernard Sidman Both retirements became effective Superintendent Situation Wanted 15 1973 while lifting items on the job. He the tow n’s pension ordinance 4. Able to work 3 hrs. a f ALL CASH For your property, last Friday. home advertised was injured again in 1974 when he of Schools requires a person to be “permanent- The board agreed to meet again in the Want Ads. 068-11 I RESPONSIBLE Mother will within 24 houcs^-Avoid Rra fell. ly and totally” disabled to obtain a Tuesday, Jan. 2. It’s next normal care for children in my home. Tape, Instant Service. Hay&* Call 646-1076. 5 to 8 p.m. only. Corpoation, 646-0131. The issue of a disability pension is disability pension. meeting date would be the fourth clouded, however, because Dr. Alice Fred Geyer, chairman of the Pen- ter school Monday in December, which is INVITATION TO BID SELLING your house? Call us Turek, the town’s director of health, sion Board, agreed the proposal that Christmas Day. PART-TIME first and we'll make you a has said other factors have con- Miller take a desk job is a “smoke The Manchester Board of Education solicits bids for Light TEACHERS cash offer! T.J. Crockett, tributed to Miller’s present physical screen.” Fixtures and Typewriters. Sealed bids will be received as Manchettor Community CoHogo Realtor, 643-1577. status. follows: it acctptlng appllcatlont for His concern is that he has not seen Northeast AARP poatible part-time teaching IMMEDIATE Cash for your Another doctor has ruled that conclusive proof that the back injury Ambitious boys & girls potitlont for 1979, Including the MANCHESTER — Connecticut Light Fixtures December 14, 1978 n;00 A.M. property. Let us explain our Miller is incapable of doing labor is the primary reason for Miller's Typewrilers December 14, 1978 11:00 A M, summer lettlon. Part-time uir proposal. Call Mr. Northeast Chapter, American O'03 teaching positloni may become 5 work but he could handle a desk job disability. Other factors may have Belfiore. 647-1413. Association of Retired Persons, will At the time listed the bids will be publicly opened. The right available in these general areas; or some type of clerical work. At- contributed. meet Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Z • is reserved to reject any and all bids. Specifications and bid business and secretarial sub­ MAY WE BUY your home? torney Paul Sullivan, who represents can earn over jects; natural sciences. Including The board agreed with a suggestion KofC Home. The Sunshine Singers forms may be secured at the Business Office, 45 N. Sch'>-’ Send Season’s Greelings To Your Friends and Quick, fair, all cash and no Miller, said the proposal that his by Sullivan that it await a medical mathematics; humanities, In­ will present a musical program. Street, Manchester, Connecticut. Raymond E. Demers l,ove Ones With a “ Herald Happy Ad” For As lallle cluding media and com­ roblem. CNALL Warren E. client do desk work is not a fair one report being prepared for a social 065-11 munications; and social sciences, Howland, Realtors, 643-1106. because Miller has had no training security application for Miller. It As $2,50. Including public and social ser­ ^30.00 per week. vices. MS Minimum qualifications for a part- mg NOTICE time appointment Include a Housshold Goods 40 CHRISTMAS HAPPY ADS master's degree and two^ears of PUBLIC HEARING full-time teaching experience. 30” ELECTRIC Council Will Pay Dues ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION WILL APPEAR DECEMBER 23rd. Appropriate equivalencies will be FRIGIDAIRE STOVE- BOARD OF DIRECTORS accepted. Part-time ap­ Immaculate. $100. Color: (Daatlllna la Noon DoeomborlUt) pointments are made for one White. Call 643-9317 after 5 SOUTH WINDSOR - The Town Cushman said that the council “was the assessment, according to Ritten- TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT semester only without assurance p.m. Council unanimously voted Monday not reversing its decision." band. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of of re-appoIntments. Compensa­ night to pay its annual dues to the “The town attorney says we have Democratic Town Councilman Manchester, Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing in the CALL tion for nrst-llme appointed, part- time Instructors Is I27S per CONTEMPORARY Furniture Capitol Region Council of to pay the bill," said Mrs. Cushman, Arthur Champagne, who had Hearing Room at the Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, . semester hour. • Excellent condition. Oval Manchester, Connecticut, Tuesday, December 12, 1978, at Governments, reversing its earlier "and that’s what we’re doing.” previously voted in favor of the dues, Persons Interested In part-time dinette yable with chrome Ask for Margie or Joe, teaching positions should submit decision. 8:00 P.M. to consider and act on the following: base and 4 cane chairs. Large Town Attorney Richard Rittenband was critical of the council’s tactics resumes and copies of Proposed additional appropriation to Special Grants, Fund oval mirror, and lamps. Although the nine-member council issued a legal opinion to Mayor Nan- regarding CRCOG. transcripts, by December 29, to: Rosewood armoire and chest cy Caffyn last week saying that ac- 61, CETA Tille VI — $34,246.00 to be financed from Grant, to 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 Call Th e Herald Q a ssifie d D e p t Dean of Academic Affairs. has agreed to pay the $4,550 set for "If the council had done its Manchester Community College. of drawers. 742-7594. South Windsor as its assessment to cording to the legal bylaws of the cover the period of December 1, 1978 Ihrough December 30, homework," said Champagne 1978, P.O. Box 1049. Manchester, CT regional council, the town must 09040. FOUR-PIECE PINE the regional council, the vote does referring to CRCOG’s bylaws, “ the Elizabeth J. Intagliata not necessarily mean that the five notify CRCOG 30 days before the town could have saved much em- K 6 4 3 -1 7 1 1 Manchester Community College Bedroom Set. Excellent con- Secretary, Board of Directors Is an equal opportunity employer dition. Queen-size bed, triple GOP council members are now in start of the fiscal year if it considers barrassment.” Manchester, Connecticut Ask for Mike and adheres to the principles of dresser, dresser with shelv^ favor of the organization. withdrawing from the organization. Mrs. Cushman said that she was Dated at Manche.ster, Connecticut this 30th day of affirmative action. mirror, night stand. 4 years Republican Councilwoman Joan Since South Windsor did not follow not embarrassed, but felt proud that November. 1978 old. $800. 568-0935. proper procedure, it is obliged to pay the town was willing to question. 066-11 PAGE EIGH TEEN " MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Tues., Dec. 5. 1978 BUSINESS & SERVICE t Magnetic metal X UIKC T o THINIC 5 Shrewd 6 Irritete* 1 infirmities op MY5BLP A5 TH& 12 Italian resort 2 W ild disorder 13 Oebtor'i note 3 Fragrance 6HO$r Op CHClSTMns4 I 14 Of that kind 4 Mark down 15 Stolen 5 Fiber plant property 6 Hawaiian DIRECTORY - Y E T -T b - c o m e . 16 Bend volcano, DEAR ABBY: Now I've heard everything. Our lawyer son downward Mauna____ _ 7 Belgrade SarvteM OHtnd Services OHered Painting-Paparing Building Contracting 33 plans to marry a young woman lawyer. But instead of her 17 Peratites 18 Layers inhabitant siPDSinJk *°” i' HIS name to 8 Elba and HEAVY OR LIGHT QUALITY PAINTING and 20. Unsealed YES. VIRGINIA, YOU FIRST CLASS Carpentry - ” j m *** “P * together as “Blank 22 Sesame plant Wight TRUCKING. Cellars, attics Paper Hanging by Willis Remodeling and Additions. and B la^ , (The blank being her maiden name.) Pritcllla’g Pop — Ed Sullivan 29 Abstract Douce" CAN STILL ORDER I™’ pi» ix-t 23 Wireless 9 Damage being and yards cleaned, also stone, Schultz. Fully insured Kitchens and Rec Rooms. 35 a=» * J p t asked them what name their children would have, and 44 Egg (Fr.) CHRISTMAS CAROS signal 10 Behold (Lat) 30 Christ’s loam or sand delivered. 644- references, 649-4343. they said they d deal with that if and when it came upl 11 Outbuilding years experience! For Free I'M GETTING SICK OF 24 Cloaks birthday 46 Poop WITH YOUR NAME 1775 or 644-9532. Estim ates, call 646-4239. 27 Oil (suffix) 19 It is (contr.) My question: What alraut perpetuating our family name? THIS h o u s e ; BERNARP/ 32 Spectacle 47 Phrase of IMPRINTED! J.P . LEWIS & SON Interior Articles lor Sale 41 Musical Instruments 44 Olllces-Stores lor Rent 26 Gendar 21 Writer of 55 -uiA *'® doesn’t pats our name on to hit I ’M STUCK IN HERE • type (2 wde.) dismay (2 This week, came and select HOUSEWORK got you down? and Exterior painting, paper GENERAL CARPENTRY. 31 Haggard verse General cleaning, steam children that will be the end of the line. Do you blame ua for T ALL PAV LONG.' 35 Celtic peasant wdt.) your Christmas cards, in our hanging, remixteling. carpen- Repairs. Remodeling, TWO 300 AMP Rectifiers - 1/2 PRICE ON GUITARS and ROCKVILLE - 9x39 loot store feehng hurt and upset? novel 24 Invitation re­ 36 Ruddy 48 Part of the spacious showroom, from one of extraction carpet cleaning, try. Fully insured. 649-9658. Garages. Additions. Porches, Good condition. Good for etc. Save on thousands of on busy street. Large display 32 Real estate sponse (abbr.) BURNING IN SAN DIEOt) 40 Burning our many beautiful catalogs. floor waxing & stripping, win- Rec Rooms, Roofing. Gutters. plating, or welding. Call 649- brand name instruments. windws, $125 monhly. Lease map 25 Buckeye Sute day 41 To love (Fr.) Mon,.Fri, 8-5. dow cleaning, carpet & up- SILKTOWN PA IN TERS- Call Mr. Moran 643-2629. 3439 from noon til 6:00 p.m. Rivers Music, 7 Main Street, required. Lee Si Lamont 33 Doctrine 26 Good (Let) 49 A sip of BURNING: Appeal hit decision to lot hor wear tho 34 Wine (Fr.) 27 Brevos (Sp.) We ll phone in your order, for holstry shampooing. Professional work at no extra New Britian, 225-1977. Christ- Realt, 875-4690. 42 Located 52 Hawaiian Professional Insured. Free cost. Call 646-5424. MOLDED FORMICA top and mas Lay away invited. Open a U ^ in the hmOy.Uy. Priead l e a d ------your coie igi ------______35 Rusiian city 28 III 43 " _____La shipment, in lime for your Christ­ FARRAND REMODELING - initrument m as mailing. Estimates. Call Cabinets dhd Formica Tops, paneled bar with two shelves til 9 p.m. daily. ATTRACTIVE 3 room office. 36 Confederate eluS^liiheEk!^' ^ States Army 1 2 3 4 5 DOMESTICARE at 643-1945. A&W PAINTING Contracors Roofing, Gutters. Room Ad- and four stools. $175. 646-6028. Ideal location. $300 including 6 7 1 9 10 11 COMMUNITY PRESS (abbr.) Quality painting and paper ditions. Decks, All types of BUNDI B flat Clarinet $90. utilities. Don Horrigan, 6S Woodland Street 37 Author of 12 13 14 MarYchester A-1 LIGHT TRUCKING- Rub- hanging at reasonable rates Remodeling and Repairs. DARK LOAM Delivered - 5 Call 649-1535. Barrows Company. 647-1000. DEAR ABBY: I would appreciate a published reply to my bish removed. Appliances etc. Fully insured. Free yards, $34. plus tax. Also sand, "The Raven" 15 16 Plenty of free parkingl Phone 643-6017. problem so that others who share it will benefit. 38 Ensign (abbr.) 17 moved. For all your Light Estim ates. Call Wayne 649- gravel and more stone 643- Boats-Accessorles 45 Our .tSrti vvnr in hu$inr$* SHOP SPACE FOR RENT- I recently, underwent surgery for the removal of a tumor IS IS Trucking needs at Very 7696. QUALITY CARPENTRY By 9504. Approximately 2300 square which proved to be malignant. 1 have every reason to 39 Sweeps yard 20 21 41 Segment of a 1 Reasonaole Prices. Call Harp Construction. Garages. 1974 FURY - 16'/i-foot feet. Call 9 to 5, 646-6836. believe that the surgeon removed every trace of the tumor 22 anytime. 875-7059. TOM FLANNAGAN- Pain- 14-FOOT HILLTOP Trailer fiberglass, lilt trailer, with curve Fram ing, Additions, and that there will ^ no recurrence, ^cause most people 42 Dry,as wine 1 ting, Interior, Exterior. Paper $150. Outboard motor 40 horse 1975 55-horsepowcr outboard 24 25 2S CiM TREE SERVICE - Free Remodeling. Roofing. & MANCHESTER- Main Street think every cancer victim is “terminal," I choose not to men- 43 Antiseptic liq­ 29 30 SNOW-PLOWING- Residen- Hanging. General Repairs. Evenrude $250. Mobilehome Chevy engine. 2 tanks, $2,500, 1 1 estimates, discount senior Siding. Call 643-5001. modern office available. 400 uid 31 tial and commercial. Porter Fully Insured. Call 643-1949. 45x10 with furniture in cam - tion it in connection with my surgery. I don't want to worry 33 citizens. Company Also 50 horse Johnson out- sq. ft. Heat, AC included. Call 46 Figures of Street area and South East ping ground $4,000. Call 525- board. $300. 228-0475 or 228- my frte;ids and family, nor could I tolerate their constant in- 34 1 1 J Manchester-owned and RoolIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 646-2469 or 646-2755. quiries about my condition. speech operated. Call 646-1327. area of Manchester. Free TRIM SPECIALIST- Pain- 7100. 9550. 1 ■ Estimates. Reasonable. 646- My problem is what to tell those well-intentioned friends 50 Enlarge a hole 37 ting. Papering. General npri MANCHESTER- Retail, 51 Almond 39 40 5489. Repairs. Call Paul evenings, SEA.SONED FIREWOOD- who ask. Was it malignant?" 1 “ _ ■ B&M T R E E SERV IC E. ment Co. Expert installation Garden Products 47 storage, and/or manufac- 53 Arabian ship 41 Complete tree care Free es- 643-8303. of aluminum siding gutters Cut. split and delivered. $50 a turing space. 2,000 sq. ft. to I ^on!t want to lie. But if I tell the truth. I know they’ll 54 Muffle SNOW-PLOWING- Commer- truck load. Call Marlborough. worry even though I try to reassure them. 43 44 45 1 timates. Senior Citizen and trims. Roofing installa- BOTTI FRUIT FARM - Fresh 100.000 sq. ft. Very 55 Supplement 47 41 49 cial and Residential. Free es- 295-0034, or 295-0250. I feel that I have the right to keep the details of my per- 56 Cross, Discount. Call 643-7285. tion and reairs 649-6495. 871- Sweet Apple Cider, Apples, Si reasonable. Brokers so 1 tirhates. Reliable, plus Best 2323. inscription SI 52 53 pears, 260 Bush Hill Road, protected. Call Heyman sonal life private. Bear in mind, these people mean well, so I REWEAVING burns, holes. Prices Around! Please call CHRISTMAS TREES- Blue & Properties, 1-226-1206. wouldn t want to hurt them with a snappish or rude reply. 57 From a 54 528-3678. Manchester. 55 5S Zippers, umbrellas repaired. Building Contracting 33 SPECIALIZING cleaning and White Spruce. Tag, and or cut. But what should I say? distance Wreaths. FREE Boughs! 56 Last letter 57 Window shades, Venetian repairing chimneys, roof, new Antiques $8 59 SNOW-PLOWING- Available Stanley Tree Farm , Long Hill 40 Looking lor kitchen MRS.X. 59 Viet_____ blinds. Keys. TV FOR RENT. WES ROBBINS carpentry roofs. Free F ree estiirestim ates. 30 8 all winter, night or day. San- Road, off Route 6 at Andover appliances? See the Marlow's, 867 Main St. 649- remodeling «pecialist.ist. Ad- years Experience. Howley, DEAR MRS. X.: Say, “Time wUI tell.” That’s the truth. (Nf WUAFIR INTIMHISC ASIN) ding available loo. Don't wait Church. 742-6438. ROSEWOOD SQUARE great buys In today's rnMHiM,W iii,n n$illiiJH WMu a m giioiB i gw,iiw /' Mini...... 5221. ditions. rec rooms, dormers, 643-5361. til it snows! Call 6464)743, GRAND PIANO - Good condi- Classified columns. built-ins, bathrooms, tion. Large square Oak table, DEAR ABBY: I am a 33-year-old legal secretary and I ODD JO BS Done - Cellars, at- after 3:30 p.m. ROOFER WILL Install roof, SKIIS- K2 255 soft. 727 bin- kitchens. 649-3446. with 4 chairs, 742-7594, don t mind telling you 1 feel plenty foolish writing to Dear tics. garages, yards cleaned, siding or gutter for low dis- dings. Scott polls with Avanti Win at bridge ] 5 WATERPROOFING- Founda- boots, (Hansom. $514.646-3074 Abby, but here goes: moving, trucking. Loam for CUSTOM Carpentry - homes. count price. Call Ken at 647- tion cracks, tile lines, walls, after 7 pm. Ask for Andre. Wanted to Buy 49 AUTOMOTIVE I still live with my mother. Mum is 54, divorced, in good sale. Lawn service. No job too Additions. Repairs, Cabinets. 1566. big or small. 568-8522. sump pumps, hatchways, win- health and does part-time work when she feels like it. She dow wells. Fireplaces and Call Gary Cushing 345-2009. WANTED- 3 bedroom Ranch MfNERAL SPECfMENS St Autos For Sale 61 drives her own car and has no money worries. Mum makes C eram ic T ile rep airs. 30 REAL STONE JEWELRY. with garage. Manchester or dummy. You should COMPLETE CARPET & Tile TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY no effort to make-friends of her own, but expects me to in- years' experience. 643-4953, Heating-Plumbing 35 vicinity. No agents. Call 649- ave made the slam.” installation and repairs. Free Carpentry and general con- Make good Christmas 1974 MUSTANG GHIA - 4- clude her in everything I do. NORTH u.s-a 242-5915. presents! Call The Rock Shop, 4067 anytime. North was r i ^ . South had estimates. Call 646-3745. after tracting. Residential and specd, 6 cylinder, 4 new If I make plans without her she pouts and won’t speak to a A42 SEWERLINES, sink lines, 646-1970, 10 tricks outside the dub 5 p.m. commercial. Whether it be a radials, (2 snows), excellent me for days. She also finds something wrong with every man T K74 WILL HAUL AWAY F R E E of cleaned with electric cutters, WANTED- Used portable suit If he could score two small repair job, a custom black and white or colored condition 228-0475 or 228-9550. A reversible coat. . . one who shows an interest in me. ♦ K92 BRICK. Block, Stone. charge old scrap metal. Will by professionals. McKinney MAN'S %-LENGTH Leather club tricks his total would- built home or anything in TV. 643-4020. aide for sunshine; the I would like to move into a place of my own, but my « Q J 10 9 Fireplaces.concrete. Chimney also clean cellars, and attics Bros. Sewage Disposal Com- Coat. Size 40 regular. Worn other for rain . . . to sew have become 12 and South FREE of charge! Call 644- between, call 646-1379. CHRYSLER NEWPORT- 2 mother does a guilt number on me every time I bring it up. EAST repairs. No job too small. pany, 643-5308. only once. Dark brown. Also: door hardtop. $2500. 434 for your pet. could score those two dub 3234. She accuses me of being ungrateful and selfish. (She raised * 8 Save! Call 644-8356 for es- NEWTON SMITH - R E - Persian Si Siamese Cat. No Rooms lor Rent 52 Foster Street, South Windsor, _No. 2049 has pattern tricks provided West did not NO JO B TOO Small - To let me alone, having divorced Dad when I was 5.) SP 963 hold both club honors. timates. MODELING, Repairs, and papers. Grey-silver neutered call after 6 p.m., 644-0268. pieces c‘ I full directions, DICK'S SNOW-PLOWING- repairs, plugged drains, male. $50. 646-8552. THOMPSON HOUSE MEN - TO OIDEC 11.00 lor lacb I do love her and I am grateful, but I’ve got to start living ♦ J 10 7 3 South started r i ^ t when Serving Manchester for 10 Rec-Rooms. No job to small. QUALITY CARPENTRY By kitchen faucet replaced, Birch House Women. Centrally Eudito/'"* ^ Pditait and my own life! ♦ K7532 he won the first brart in his years. Parking lots, 649-3144. 1972 CAPRI V-6, 4-spced, 8- Harp Construction Additions. repaired, rec rooms, batroom Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 located . Downtown track stereo, $1100. Call 646- What do you suggest? own hand and should play driveways, sidewalks. San- remodeling, heat moderniza- ANNE C A IOT roofing^, siding decks and gar CARPENTRY & Masonry - Manchester. Kitchen 2227, after 6 pm. Manctwotar Harold SMOTHERED IN CLEVELAND three rounds of trumps, ding also available. 646-50^. tion. etc. Free Estimate glad- ages. Call anytime, 643-5001. Additions and remodeling. DOG-CAT boarding bathing / privileges. Call 649-2358. 1100 Avo. ol Amorlcao iping In dummy. Then he ly given. M & N Plumbing & grooming. Obedience, protec- 1966 CHEVY WAGON- Run- Now York, N.Y. 10OM ud lead a club. East COMPLETE JANITORAL Free estimates. Call Anthony DEAR SMOTHERED: For openers, find so apartment CARPET INSTALLATION - Heating 649-2871. tion cla sses. Com plete FURNISHED SLEEPING PnnI Hind. Addriii altk ZIP would play low and South SERVICES- Scbeduals Squillacote 649-0811. ning but needs work. $75. Call COOE add Slyld NddiOir. ^ teD your mother you’re moving. Then move. You wUI he Stair bifts. Repairs. Carpets. modern facilites. Canine room for mature gentleman. anytime, 875-7059. shouldc1 discard a heart. West to meet your needs every day, 1979ALBUM with a 32-page doing yourself and your mother a favor. When she realises Steam Cleaning. Free es- MANCHESTER PLUMBING Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon Central location. Call 646-4701 would be in and lead a red week or month. Professional CARPENTRY - Repairs, "Gift Section" with full she must cultivate a social life of her own, shell make the ef- timates. Call 649-6265. & HEATING - Repairs. road. Manchester. For reser- after 6 pm. card. South would win in results and reasonable rates. remodeling, additions, gar- ATTENTION! Come see our directions. Price ... $2.00 fort • hut not until. Remodeling. Pumps repaired vations please call 646-5971. dummy and lead a second 649-2178 after 6 pm. ages, roofing. Call David Great Selection of Quality •ISO THESE BOOKS AT $1.25 EdCH. EXPERT PAINTING and , replaced. Free estimates. FURNISHED ROOM- club. If East ducked South Patria, 644-1796. Preowned Autos. Completely Hd. O-IIO-BIUE HIBBOH OUILTS. If you need help in writing letters of sympathy, con- LANDSCAPING- Specialize. E le ctric drain-snaking. 24- FREE TO GOOD HOME- Gcntlemen only. Kitchen would diuck a diamond. If reconditioned at Manchester Cdotdloi llKitH loritl Oltltd. gratulations or thank-you U tters, get Abby’s bookUt “How Exterior House Pinting. 'Tree Painting-Papering 32 hour service. 646-0237 Beautiful long-haired white privileges, central location. Honda, Connecticut’s largest He. e-117-a U IL T I ON PdUDE. East played his king South LEON CIESZYNSKI Builder - Dlraclleoi llr ililido onllU. to Write Letters for all Occatioas.'’ Send II and a long, pruning, spraying, mowing, New homes custom built eye: Security and references and most com plete Honda would ruff, get back to No. a-lll-OHKNDMOTHErt FlOW. stamped (28 cental, self-addressed envelope to Abby: 132 weeding. Call 742-7947. PAINTING - Interior and remodeled, additions, rec tiger and kittens- black, black required. 643-2693 for appoint- D ealer! 24 Adam S treet, EH QUILTS. 16 IllcldlUdf ddlitt. dummy svitb whichever red Lasky Dr., Beverly HiUi. Calif. 90212 exterior, paperhanging, rooms, garage, kitchens and white and tabbies. Call ment. Manchester. No. 0-110 - dMERICK'S FdVOOITE king was left there and dis- SNOW-PLOWING- Residen- 633-6581, or 1-342-0571. ••••••••••••••••••••••a AFGHANS. A beAutilul filicllon. excellent work References. remodeled, bath tile, cement PLUM BING- 25 Years card his losing diamonds. tial and Commercial. Depen- Apartments For Rent 53 1974 VEGA GT- Good running No. 0-120-M A KS A BIFT. Hiol Free estimates. Fully in- work, steps, dormers, Experience! Call Tom IIIU lor Irlendi sod I aoiIIt , dable. Resonable. Call 649- sured. Martin Matson, 649- residential or comercial. Call Dawkins at 649-7630. "D if- ADORABLE COLLIE condition. $550. Call 649-8994. 2098. or 646-3824. PU PPY- To a good home. LOOKING for anything in real 4431. 649-4291. ficult Jobs Taken In Stride." after 6 p.m. G reat with children, AKC estate rental - apartments, You bold: Registered. Asking $75. Call homes, multiple dwellii^s, no 1971 AMC H ORN ET- Autos For Sale 51 1S«.B Household Goods 40 Household Goods 40 Household Goods 40 649-3847. fees. Call J.D. Real Estate Automatic, power steering. ♦ iQ jm i MISC. FOR SALE Associates, Inc. 646-1980. Good running condition. Astrograph South let the heart lead SP K x REFRIGERATORS KENMORE WASHER- 7 MUST SELL! 15-16 Needs body work and muffler. j-cwsirssarxaia*. come around to his ace. ♦ Q Jx BEAUTIFUL DRAPERIES in FOUR ROOM APARTMENT Washers / ranges, used, years old. Excellent running Registered Half Arabian Phil- Best reasonable offer. 649- Then he ran off five rounds ♦ Jx excellent condition! Floor Articles lor Sale 41 - 426 Broad St. $155. Security guaranteed and clean. New condition. 16 lbs. capacity ly. 14.3 Hands. 2 years old. 7609, after 5 p.m. F R E E TV! Buy this beautiful wary today of soeaking without length, light green. Please deposit. No appliances. of trumps while disrarding a Your partner open.* —.e E Grey. Asking $600. 872-6078. shipment damaged, G.E & Heavy duty. 646-8412. 1974 CAMARO and receive a thinking. There is a danger you heart and a diamond fiYnn call 649-1546. ALUMINUM Sheets used as Married couple. No pets. - ”d rebids one notrump Fngidaire. Low prices. B.D. CADILLAC, 1967 Convertible. F R E E 12” Portable TV! Auto may say something you'll re­ dummy. He hoped for some printing plates. .007 thick Telephone 643-4751. after you respond one spade. Pearl & Son, 649 Main Street, LOVE SEAT - Like new condi- THREE STALLS Green, Almost mint, $1450. has 8 cylinder, automatic gret and then have difficulty in sort of a pseudo-squeeze, but SNOW T IR ES (2) Goodyear 23x32", 25 cents ach or 5 nor AVAILABLE FOR Must sell, 568-2373, A Texas reader asks what 643-2171. tion. orange background with transmission, power steering, retracting your statement. Suburbanite, C78-13. Used one $1. Phone 643-2711. Must be VERNON- Well maintained it did not matenalize and we would bid next. white floral print. Call after 4 BOARDING- $45 per month. white walls. A je t black beau- TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Sev­ since East hung on to all his season. $40. for both. Call 644- picked up before 11 a m. You furnish bedding and feed. garden apartments. Frank We recommend a raise to p.m., 646-1168. CADILLAC 1977 COUPE ty with red bucket seat in- eral people are overly curious diamonds South wound up 1659. ONLY. 872-6078. Smith Assoc. Inc. 246-6831 or DEVILLE- Air conditioning, terior. $3495. Bank Term s December 6,1978 three notrump. Our second about situations that are private going dosm two. choice is a ]»mp to four Resident Manager 871-9188. tape, leather, full power. Arranged. Suburban Motor This coming year you may be to you. Don’t tell them anything subjected to some unantici­ “Sorry partner, I bid too mdes, since in modern Excellent condition! 528- Car Inc., Route 83 that they could twist around much,” apologized South. RESPO N SIBLE FEM ALE to 7057/289-1001. pated changes. Don't (el them standard American a jump (Manchester/'Talcottville when they repeat It. “Not exactly,” replied share apartment with same. Town Line). Open 9 to 9. upset you. Much will be gained G E M IN I (M a y 21-June 20) Inde­ to three spades is not com- North. "People sdxi bid Large bedroom. 647-9988. 1969 FIR E B IR D - $500 or best from what appears to be noth­ cision is your most dastardly pletely forcing. ing. wuiuBslams shouldsnolua learnleam hownow toso (NEWSPAPER incwa: EN1ERPRISE ASSN.) offer. Automatic, good run- enemy today. Do something Meatncim — u*org* uat*iy NO MORE WAITING... BOLTON- Large 3 room ning condition. Calf 649-9468, SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Oec. positive rather than dwell on all FORM apartment. Heat and hot keep trying. 21) As long as others are willing the things that could go wrong. water. Quiet neighborhood. F R E E TV! Buy this smart lit to do things your way. you’ll be C A N C E R (June 21-July 22) Per­ YOU CAN PLACE YOUR No pets. References required. tie 1974 COMET 2 door, and a cheery person to get along sons you usually work with with today. However, the oppo­ $230 monthly. 646-2311, KEEP HAPPY we will give you a 12 Por- cordially side-by-side could Call 643-2718 table G.E.li TV! Car has thrifty site will be true if your methods cause you some problems are questioned. Find out the heral d & DOLLM SAVER HEBRON CENT^IR- Four 6 cylinders, automatic today. Treat coworkers with FOR AFTER HOURS HERALD secrets of gelling along with rooms and bath. $230 monthly. 1974 FORD LTD- power transmission, power steering. extreme consideration. and DOLLAR SAVER ADS You save all ways with this others in your 1979 Astro-Graph L E O (July 23-Aug. 22) Try not to Heat and hot water included. steering, brakes, good running Letter. Mail 50 cents for each No pets. Call 1-646-6776. condition. Best offer. Call little doll! $2291 Suburban be too demanding of your Motors, Route 83, and a long, self-addressed, friends today. They love you, WRITE YOUR FAST AD ON THIS FORM after 5 pm. 643-7354. stamped envelope to Astro- HARTFORD- Furnished 3 Manchester. but this is not the time to put Graph, P.O. Box 489, Radio City their loyalty to the test. room. $230, unfurnished $190. 1969 PONTIAC FIREBIRD- BEFORE CALLING IN. Statlon*N.Y. 10019. Be sure to V IR G O (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) This Carpeted, heat. B l, 121 Allen automatic, power steering. 1972 FORD TORINO WAGON- specify birth sign. Excellent running condition. is one of those days when Phono ada (or Tha Horaid wiii not bo accaptad it nama and ad- Place, 589-8309, 232-6682. Needs timing chain. Best CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) domestic harmony could be droaa aro not givon. offer 646-5130. Thursday after Original owner. $750. Call 643- Today you’ll have a chance to 9478 after 5 p.m. disrupted by voicing a volatile at any h o u r .. 15 WORD MINIMUM ON ALL ADS 6 ROOM DUPLEX- Private 6 pm. get a few licks in about one Issue on which you and your drive, full basement and attic who has caused you problems mate disagree. Keep mum. Baiad on coniacullva days ad run. Trucks lor Sale 62 RATES; it space. Close to school, shop- 1971 DODGE CORONET Sta- recently. You'll later regret it if L IB R A (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) You’re ($2.00 MIN. CHARGE) ping, bus line, churches. 2 tion Wagon. V-8. Automatic. you voice any untruths. good at issuing orders today, children accepted. $295 Power brakes, power 1966 CHEVY CIO Pick-Up AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) but you're likely to get uptight monthly. No utilities. Securi- steering, $300. Please call Truck. 6 cylinder. Good run- Don't try to match doltar-for- if someone attempts to boss 1 to 2 D a y s ...... 12‘ per word per day ty, lease. 646-8883. after 5:30 p.m., 646-8447, ning condition. 644-8109 dollar with a free-spending you. What’s sauce for the 3 to 5 Days...... per word per day between 10 am to 1:30. friend today. Your budget may goose is sauce for the gander. 3 ROO M A P A R T M E N T . DATSUN 1973- 240Z, 70,006 not be as elastic as his or hers. S C O R P IO (O ct. 24-Nov. 22) In 6 Days to 25 Days ...... 10‘ per word per day Appliances, utilities fur- miles, Green, 4 speed, Konis. FORD VAN 1978- 6 cylinder P IS C E S (Feb. 20-March 20) Im­ your haste to hurry your shop­ Short Riba - Frank Hill nished, No children or ets. Excellent condition. Original standard with overdrive, air portant goals are achievable ping today you could make 26 Days...... 9^ per word per day Security, $200 month. 643-0917. owner. $3500. After 6 p.m. call conditioning, custom seals. today, but they won't be at­ some bad purchases. Before TH IS AINT N O T H I N ' OKAY, DU/V\ DU/ VL W KIP S LIP P E D H IS 643-7257. Excellent condition. 528- tained easily. Be prepared to paying out hard-earned money, P E R S O N A L. T H E R E S L E T HIM H A V E IT. C O R K O U N INTO M V IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - 7057/289-1001. face opposition and put forth examine all merchandise care­ A C O N T R A C T O U T VIOLIN C A S E . B O S S . your best efforts. fully. O N Y O U - 4 room apartment, includes 1969 GAVELIN automatic, Ad running In The Herald A R IE S (M arch 21-April 19) Be (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) heat, appliances washing air, new exhaust, brakes, $550. CHEVY VAN 1973 - Excellent EXTRA can run In Dollar Saver for machine and carpeting. $290. Negotiable. 643-4366. condition. 350 V-8. Automatic. plus security, 649-4500, 2 sets of tires with Mag Barry** World — Jim B*rry *2.00 for 15 words, 10* Wheels. $2995. 649-4005. *eA RN EyS HAP A u m a ib o M u c N ib n u N K / '' BONUS each additional word. ONE BEDROOM - First floor Buga Bunny — rialmdahl A &:oifai at the Teresa Apartments, 1 1972 FORD E 200 VAN- 48,000 Main Street. Available now. FREE TV! Buy this gorgeous original miles. Excellent con- Pioaae compioto Inlormatlon block at given bolow, than road It In Ideal for older person or cou- 1973 C H E V R O L E T dition. Call 742-7676. ita ontiraty over phona, or aand thia torm along with proper ple. Located on bus line and KINGSWOOD ESTATE WAGON and take home a 12" Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 amount to Manchoatar Evening Harald, Bralnard Placa. within walking distance of shopping and banks. $230 G.E. Portable TV! Sharp Our Boarding Hous* ThIa Funny World monlnly, includes carpeting, beige with saddle tan vinyl in- TRIUMPH 1976 Bonneville STAET READING HERE 750, 8.000 miles, oil cooler and 5 appliances, air conditioner, terior. 8 cylinder, automatic AFTER I PRES5EP THE TURKEY eisfs rack. $1,750. 289-4042. . PURE

iV O W O P E N



MANCHESi m. 510 Parker Street

We do not play the supermarket “up 205 Spencer Sl*K-Mart Plaza Open Tuesday thru Saturday

Open Tuesday thruSaturday 9a.m.to9p.m. and down” game with food prices. The 9a.m.to9p.m. Closed Sunday and Mondayj costly proc^ure of price changes is

Closed Sunday and Monday! held to a minimum.

All groceries, meats & produce are at

warehouse prices any day you shop.

No waiting for specials.


Do a little of the work yourself and save

what we would pay someone to do it

for you.





We re the purchasing agent for consumers! 1)0 YOlIK OWN BAGGL\(

For exarrple, we nray

It is said that supennarkets of Tide delergerrl, or one

aaents" fcx farmers and manufacturers. They uD That size will be your best price pe sell as many brands and sizes as poss- ounce, based on current wholesale costs an BOX ITEMS FIRST 1. ible, regardless of the price. 3. manufacturer allowance.

Open bag by reaching inside

to spread comers. Piace Edwards Food Warehouse is You may not always find the size you _re box items at bottom are the “ purchasing agents for the con accustom^ to buying, but you ^ around the watts of the sumer. We buy and stock only those brands find the brand you want...at a Warehouse and sizes which offer you the best value in bag. 4. price. 2,

price per ounce.

on USDA Famll/ Economic Revlm* from March, HEAVY ITEMS

1978, Mtimata of $67.90 par weak spent for food by the

average family of four. ON THE


No games, stamps or other gimmicks, Fill In the center with heavy cans or

bottles to create support for lighter items. Bottles will not stack well, and should be we’ve cut the frills to cut your bills!

bagged separately if you’re buying several.

Buy a single can or box, or buy in full


case lots. Either way you save! ON TOP

Items such as eggs,

bread, soft fruits and

Bring bags and boxes for use in packing vegetables go in next

Extremely fragile items

your own order. Our bags cost 2* each like potato chips, light

bulbs, etc. go at the very top.


^ rrjm"------



EDW ARD’S W nX 1j 111111111; I Plastic bags designed

specifically for wet items such

as meat, ice cream and CASH YOm i aiECK! frozen vegetables, are provided Complete this form and present it to our courtesy desk

free of charge in the on your first visit. We will honor valid Finast check «! 1 1 1 I 1 M I PHONE concourses where these purch- cashing cards. All other supermarket check-cashing ases are made. Use these bags cards are honored first purchase only! SIGNATURE

so the rest of your groceries TOBE COMFLEtEDBV FOOD WAREHOUSE TO BE COM PIETEO BV OFFICE remain dry. SToatNO. 1 1 1 BANK Lj J

DRIV Lie NO apM ovfo S"*------SOC.SEC MO 1 1 1 1 < 1 1 1 1 1 □ NO INT