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------------------------ ·-~- -------------. Trial still pending on discrimination suits by Michael Lewis that his wife sue the University. News Editor Ross denied that she offered Frese· The legal advice but acknowledged the The status of two sex discrimin conversation. ation suits filed against Notre The Frese and Ford cases were Dame will undergo little change consolidated this summer by Fed during the semester break, eral Judge Allen Shatp because of although the University's lawyers the similar charges and because have withdrawn from one of the both were originally filed as "class cases. action" cases. However, the Observer Josephine Ford, associate pro University's attorney tnotioned to an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's fessor of theology, has filed a sex separate the cases when Ross and Vol. XIII, No. 61 · . · Wednesday, December 6, 1978 discrimination suit against Notre Faccenda withdrew from the Frese Dame, charging that she was case but remained as the Univers denied full professQrship because ity's counsels in the Ford case. of her sex. Dolores Frese, assistant Sharp granted this motion professor of English, claims she HPC discusses proposal which was appealed to the Seventh was denied tenure and a promotion Circuit Court of Appeals in on the same grounds. Following a charge of impropri, Chicago. The Circtit Court uphel$1 etv by Frese's attorney, Sharon .. · Sharp's decision, and the cases are on new room construction now separated. Wildey,Philip Faccenda, University by Dan Letcher that overcrowding would be prefer. A pre-trial hearing in the Ford Chairman. Chuck DelGrande general counsel, and Kathleen Staff Reporter able.'' Dillon president Marcy summed up 'the HPC feeling: Ross of a Chicago firm withdrew case, which was originally filed in Paulson noted, "The HPC accom February, is set for Dec.
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