University of the Pacific Scholarly Commons The aP cifican University of the Pacific ubP lications 5-29-1952 Pacific eekW ly, May 29, 1952 University of the Pacific Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of the Pacific, "Pacific eW ekly, May 29, 1952" (1952). The Pacifican. 566. This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University of the Pacific ubP lications at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aP cifican by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. SENIOR WEEK STARTS THE STRETCH OVER 300 TO RECEIVE DEGREES IN BAXTER STADIUM EXERCISES IT'S ALL OVER BUT THE SHOOTING ATSENIORS SKIP FINALS Approximately 329 persons will receive degrees Sun day, June 8, at seven o'clock in Baxter Stadium to bring to a Vol. 47 C. O. P. - STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA May 29, 1952 - No. 27 •close a week long period of sen- ior activities. Dr. R. Franklin Thompson of the College of the Margie Plumly Announced Omega Phi Girl EDITORIALS Puget Sound will deliver the com mencement address to the assem Al Spring Serenade In Sorority Circle Retrospection, Prospectus bled scholars. Margie Plumly, College of the Pacific sophomore, has During the coming week, mem Editor's Note: It is a tradition in the Weekly that a graduat been selected to be the 1952 Omega Phi Girl, it was an bers of the senior class will un ing senior, or a staff member otherwise leaving Pacific, write the dertake the traditional Senior nounced last week at the annual Omega Phi Sernade.